No one really enjoys crying wolf. However, the boy did cry just to get a howling experience.
Each year, lots of wolves go treating in howl-o-ween.
When you come across a lost wolf, the first greeting should be, “how are you where-wolf”.
The poor werewolf was busy chasing his own tail. We were later told that he was trying to make ends meet.
Of all the best pieces of wolf advice, this is my favorite, “stand fur what you believe”
The only things wolves have that no other animal on the face of the earth has are wolf cubs.
The next round the wolf showed up at the butchery, he was arrested. This is because he was being tracked by the police for chop lifting.
When you cross a wolf and Fred Astaire, you get dances with wolves.
All prominent werewolf movies are produced in howl-lywood.
A werewolf that is confused on what to wear is not a dumb one, instead it is a what-to-wear-wolf.
The wolf crossed the road because it was chasing the chicken.
Wolves love taking woofles for breakfast, they are sweet and amazing.
Did you get to hear his new collection of wolf puns? They are howl-arious, absolutely rib cracking.
The farmer cried wolf when all his three pigs were mauled by the jungle wolf.
Wolves love shopping and they can literally die for. However, none of them loves the flea market for obvious reasons!
A week after the werewolf swallowed the farmer’s clock, it had ticks all over.
The favourite day of the week for wolves is moonday.
When you go to the wolf hotel just around the corner, you will meet this huge, moustached wolf who always says, “howl may I help you?” as if he has no other words to us!
When he was chewing the skeleton, the wolf got to a point and laughed. I guess that was the funny bone.
A wolf that uses bad language is known as a swearwolf.
When doing laundry, the mother wolf accidentally fell into the washing machine. It became a wash and wearwolf.
When you cross a sheep and a wolf, you will end up with a new sheep, you can’t make such a costly mistake with wolves.
When the wolf stood on the grape, the latter said nothing but let out a little bit of a wine.
A wolfswagon rabbit is by far the best car you can gift a wolf.
Wolfs are named after lots of things around and about them. For instance, lumberjack wolfs are known as timber wolfs.
Have you watched werewolves taking lunch, you will be amused, they literally wolf it down!
When you come across a werewolf with no legs, how do you call it? Call it anything because it cannot chase you!
Have you noticed that most wolf parties begin at around midnight? Well, it is not by coincidence, it is so that they can have a howling good time.
When someone accidentally stepped on his foot, the wolf screamed, Aoooowwwww!
The wolf really needed to talk with the skeleton because he had a bone to pick with him.
When you cross a wolf and a monkey, you end up with a howler monkey.
An army of werewolves is known as a Fur-eign Legion.
After his teeth were cleaned, the werewolf ate the dentist.
On one bright Sunday morning, one long lost wolf finally met his longtime classmate. “So, Howl’s it goin’!”