Frog Puns

Welcome to the swamp, so hoppy that you're here! Hope you don't croak when you hear these silly frog puns!

Frog Puns

What do frogs do with paper?
What's a frog's favorite flower?
A croakus.
Why did the tadpole feel lonely?
Because he was newt to the area.
What's green, green, green, green, green?
A frog rolling down a hill.
What do you get if cross a science fiction film with a toad?
Star Warts.
What do you get if you cross a frog and a dog?
A croaker spaniel.
What did the bus driver say to the frog?
Hop on.
What's green and dangerous?
A frog with a hand-grenade.
What goes dot-dot-croak, dot-dash-croak?
Morse toad.
Why are frogs so happy?
Because they eat whatever bugs them.
What's green with red spots?
A frog with the chicken pox.
Why are frogs so good at basketball?
Because they always make jump shots.
What's a frog's favorite game?
When is a car like a frog?
When it's being toad.
What do you call a frog spy?
A croak and dagger agent.
Whats green and can jump a mile a minute?
A frog with hiccups.
How do frogs die?
They Kermit suicide.
What do you get if cross a frog with some mist?
Kermit the Fog.
What kind of music do sophisticated frogs listen to?
What do you get if you cross a frog with a ferry?
A hoppercraft.
What do you call a woman with a frog on her head?
What does a bankrupt frog say?
Baroke, baroke, baroke.
Whats the preferred car of frogs?
The Beetle.
What do you get when you cross an alligator and a poison frog?
A croakadile.
Where do you get frog's eggs?
At the spawn shop.