Peach Puns

These funny peach puns will leave you s-peach-less.

Peach Puns

I met him yesterday, he was on his way to meet the counselor for a peach therapy session.
Q: What is a peach’s favorite book?
A: War and Peach
After I helped a peach with some work, she said, "I really ap-peach-iate your help!"
When the peach lost her mother, it left a deep pit in her heart.
The fruit teacher taught figures of peach in today's class.
What would a potato say to a peach? – “You have a nice pit!”
The United Nations gave its members a basket of peaches on 21 September - the International Peach Day.
Q: What’s a nectarine?
A: A peach with balding problems.
What did the nectarine boxer say to his opponent? "You want a peach of me?"
Q: What video games do fruits play?
A: Peach ball.
A sad peach can be really pit-iful, sometimes.
A peach biologist was looking for a peach-tree-dish for his upcoming experiment.
What do peach soldiers say to each other before they are sent into combat? – “Good luck and make sure you come back in one peach!”
Q: Why did the fruit go to the salon?
A: To peach her hair blonde.
What’s the best time to eat a peach while watching a NASCAR race? During the pit stop!
If you are wondering about a peach's favorite video game, well it's definitely 'Super Princess Peach'.
If you are wondering about the fuzziest character in the gaming world, well it is definitely Princess Peach.
The only fruit that makes me feel fuzzy and warm is a peach.
It is a great idea to ask peaches to make your shoes. After all, they make excellent cobblers.
An artist painted a wonderful fruit painting. It was a beautiful peach of work.
What song was the peach listening to? 'Stronger with Peach Tear'.
In North Korea, you can not throw fruits in the snow as they don't have the right to freeze peach
The peach started acting all funny because it was really fuzzy.
Did you hear about the scientist that studied nectarines? He won the Nobel Peach Prize.
One should always practice what they peach.
The fruit stutters because it suffers from a peach impediment.
Americans were preparing peach gelatos, to demonstrate it's right to freeze peach!
Whenever the peach father gets mad at his son, he just screams loudly: “You are the son of a peach!”
Q: Who is Peach’s favorite actor?
A: Brad Pit.
My mother told me to leave the peach cobbler alone on the table. But I couldn't help but watch the cobbler make the beautiful peach shoes.
Whenever the peach gets angry, it looks at my face and screams: “You are just a peach of sh*t!”
The fruit started to stutter as it was suffering from peach deterioration.
Why does it take a while before a peach leaves a fruit basket? They have to give a goodbye peach first.
What was the Peach's favorite surf band from the 60's? The Peach Boys.
What do we call a beautiful picture drawn by a peach artist? – It is a great peach of work.
If you are wondering about the most important constitutional right of a peach citizen, well, it's none other than freedom of peach.
Mom: Why did you shave the peaches!
Dad: The recipe asked for nectarines.
An inspirational speaker came to speak at the fruit stand today. He told us to peach for the stars.
I went to watch a play and there were so many peach errors in the dialogues.
Unlike peaches, nectarines don't have any fuzz, because they suffer from Alo-peach-ea.
At a get-together, one fruit asked another "I was wondering how have you been". The other replied "Just peachy, isn't that grape?"
Q: What happened to the peach who went to meet the knife?
A: He came back in many peaches.
Recently in a meeting at the greengrocer I work at, I asked my manager how he was doing. "Just peachy", he replied.
Q: Why did the fruit stop for some time while driving?
A: It wanted to make a quick pit-stop
How many peaches can you fit inside two cans? It depends how big the Toucans are and if they eat peaches.
What do we call the period in between eating a peach? – It is called a pit stop.
A fruit was madly in love, it was peachy–keen.
Why didn’t the peach do well on its ACT? Because when it comes to education, it only gets a little STEM.
I am a peach, and when my husband accompanies me, we are a pear.
Peaches tend to be really mean. After all, they have hearts of stone.