What do you call an onion that is very sick and has a high temperature? It is a boiling onion.
Which venue did all the vegetables choose to open their fighting club in? An onion ring!
What do you call an onion who decides to be very eco-friendly in its approach? You name it a green onion.
The old and wise onion had once told me that life is similar to onions. Whenever we peel off our protective layers, we end up crying.
What is the onion that laughs a lot and is small and white in color? It is a tickled onion.
The late actor Sir Sean Connery was a big fan of the onion because well, he usshed to love them shh-allot.
During the battle between the two onion kings, one of them was on the back foot as it was leek-ing blood.
What is the name of the horse that a knight onion rides? They ride a scallion.
Whats the difference between onions and girls?
I cry when I cut up onions.
How should you bury an onion?
... in a shallot grave!
What do you call a hobbit who has bad breath? He is known as Lord of Onion Rings!