Watermelon Puns

You will love these juice watermelon puns.

Watermelon Puns

The watermelon thief was charged with robbery with violence, but the judge later changed that to a minor felony; or melony as he put it.
What do you get when you divide the circumference of a watermelon by it’s diameter? Watermelon PI.
What do you call a melon that commits a crime?
“A water-fellon!”
Why did the cantaloupe jump into the pool?
“It wanted to be a watermelon.”
What’s the only type of melon that changes colours at will? Well, a chamelon.
Did you hear about the fruit who was convicted of armed robbery?
“Now he’s a waterfelon.”
Why does every watermelon want to be in the Guinness book of records? Because there’s a lot of watermelon smashing to be done.
They asked how the watermelon farmer felt after winning the lottery; clever bugger said he felt like a melon bucks.
What do you call a watermelon that spends all day at the beauty spa? Must be a hottermmelon.
What do you call a girl watermelon cop on the beat? A water fe-melon duty.
Why did one melon break up with the other melon?
“He didn’t know water problem was.”
Did you hear about the watermelon who starred in a telanovella?
“It was melondramatic.”
Nobody wants to sit next to the watermelon in the class because it has a strange smelon.
Even though Jake was a heartthrob Casanova, he just had to break up with his long-time watermelon vending girlfriend; said she was always melondramatic about everything.
If Jim has 15 watermelons and throws one at Mary, what does Mary have?
“A really bad headache!”
So, how on earth did the police catch the watermelon thief without a solid description? Don’t really know; guess the bloke was acting seedy.
Why are watermelons, such good entrepreneurs?
“They always have seed money.”
What do you call a girl with no arms, no legs, sitting in a watermelon patch?
“Melanie! (melon-y)”
The watermelon plant didn’t like sharing a garden with passion vines; but they started to grow on him.