Knock Knock.
Who’s there? Donut. Donut who? Donut ask, it’s a secret!
What do you call a pastry that is a priest? A Holy Donut!
What’s a donut’s favorite lullaby?
“Sprinkle, Sprinkle Little Star.”
What do you see when the Pillsbury Doughboy bends over? Doughnuts!
What’s the National Donut Day theme song?
“Donut Stop Believing.”
Why do donuts make terrible teachers?
They’re always glazing over the important stuff.
What is a donut’s favorite day of the week?
How can you spot a fashionista donut?
They’re into all the latest glazes.
What did Yoda say when he turned a patron away for ordering a pie?
“Dough. Or doughnut. There is no pie.”
What’s the healthiest part of a donut?
The middle.
Knock Knock
Who’s there Justin Justin who? Justin time to make the donuts!
Why did the donut go to a therapist?
He felt empty inside.
What’s the best thing to put in a donut?
Your teeth.
Why do donuts hate puns so much?
They donut like to joke around!
Why did the clock in the donut shop run slow?
It always went back four seconds
What do you call it when you order the same donut every day?
A do-rut!
Where’s a donut’s favorite vacation spot?
The Sahara dessert!
Which nut is the worst for your diet?
Why couldn’t the donut reach enlightenment? Because it was already holy.
I allow myself only one donut per year.
This morning I had 433 B.C., 1731, and 1952.
How does Bob Marley like his donuts?
Wi’ jam in.
What do you get when you cross Frosty with a baker?
Frosty the Dough-Man!
What did the pastry chef say to his unsupportive father?
“Donut hole me back.”
What do you call a Boston creme donut that’s a straight-A student?
The creme of the crop.
What is the only thing that can cure a sick do-nut?
An antidought!
How busy was the donuts day? It was jam packed!