Cookie Puns

These puns are no cookie cutter! They are the real, sugary, funny Cookie Puns everyone can enjoy!

Cookie Puns

What type of keys does the gingerbread man unlock his door with? cook-keys!
The cookie monster couldn’t make his bed, why? Because he couldn’t find his cookie sheets.
What cookie makes you rich? A fortune cookie!
How do you make Ohio State University cookies? Put them in a big Bowl and beat for 3 hours.
What kind of cookies do poor people want during Halloween? Fortune cookies.
How does a cookie wish his friends for Christmas? I whisk you a merry Christmas.
The only type of cookies a cookie monster loves to eat during Halloween is Ghoul Scout Cookies.
What is a monkey's favorite cookie? Chocolate chimp!
Why do wookies love chocolate chip cookies? Because they are chewy.
Vampires love cookies too, they love No-stake cookies.