Don't drink too much coffee after breakfast. You might face a latte problems.
When everyone agreed with Hulk at breakfast that they love waffles more, he said, "Not all heroes wear crepes."
The pancake was quiet because it did not like to waffle.
When the bread started crying because it was toast, the loaf told him, "You deserve butter."
Breakfasts with my family always feel like a party because they're always making toasts.
A person who only loves himself and waffles in the entire world is an Eggomaniac.
A cup of coffee is the ideal start to a brew-tiful morning!
I hate it when I run out of bread for breakfast. I am lack-toast intolerant.
I'm not too fond of not finishing my entire bowl of cereal. I think I have irritable bowl syndrome.
"Thanks a brunch for the meal!", said the punny man when he sat to eat.
When the egg saw the pan, it was terri-fried.
What do dogs love to eat for breakfast?
I tried telling a joke while drinking my juice for breakfast, but nobody got my punch line.
The bread actor was sad because he lost a juicy roll.
The local baker keeps punching his doughy friend because he wants to get a rise out of him.
He is a humble husband. Unlike others, he never blows his crumpet after making breakfast for his wife everyday.
"I'd like to make a toast!", said the bread to the bride on her wedding day.
The pancake thought he was the best breakfast food because nobody stacked up to him.
A thesaurus' favorite thing to eat for breakfast is a synonym roll.
My brother gave me whole milk, but I can only have nut milk with my cereal. How dairy!
When you accidentally step on a cheerio, you become a cereal killer.
Don't be too harsh on the bread. All it kneads is love.
A cow usually prefers to eat moo-sli for breakfast.
What is the most sophisticated class of bread?
The upper crust.
There’s muffin I wouldn’t do for breakfast.
Bananas, for breakfast, are such an a-peeling choice.
I keep thinking I'll make breakfast pancakes, but I end up waffling.