Funny One-Liners

Smart and funny one liners

Funny One-Liners

Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
God made me pretty.
What happened to you?
Have you ever noticed that when geese fly in a ‘V’ formation, one line is always longer than the other? That's because there are more geese in that line.
“I got a compliment on my driving today,” said a blonde to her friend.
There was a note left on my windshield it said “parking fine”.
I've been taking Viagra for my sunburn.
It doesn't cure it but it keeps the bed sheets off my legs at night.
What do you call 10 blondes at the bottom of a pool? Air Pockets What has 12 feet and an IQ of 40? A Blonde-tourage.
As the birds fly south
I make reservations to
Go to Florida.
What did the turkey say to the man who tried to shoot it? Liberty, Equality and Bad aim for all!
Take me down to Hai-
ku City where the grass is
green, and the dammit.
I've had bad luck with European women:
Ginger Vitis -- such bad breath
Anna Phalaxis -- kept fainting
Anne Gina -- broken heart (her brother-in-law Arthur Itis was such a pain)
Di Abetes -- too sugary sweet
Pam Creatis -- made me sick to my stomach
Lauren Gitis -- too quiet
Rose Acea -- A bit rash for me
What has forty feet and sings?
The school choir.
What does DNA stand for? National Dyslexia Association.
A doctor tells a woman she can no longer touch anything alcoholic. So she gets a divorce...
My drug test came back negative. My dealer sure has some explaining to do.
Relationship status - table for one but drinks for two.
When I got home last night my wife demanded that I 'take her somewhere expensive'...
So I took her to a petrol station.
The doctor told me I had to start walking three miles a day to get fit
It's been two weeks and I don't know how to get home.
I'm so good at being interrogated.
I can do it blindfolded with my hands tied behind my back.
A man visits a televangelist and asks him to help him with his hearing. The televangelist grabs his heads and violently shakes it back and forth for several minutes, screaming and shouting. After the violent gesture ends the televangelist looks at him and says, “How is your hearing?”

The man replies, “I don’t know yet. It’s not until next Monday at 12:00.”
How do you find a blind man in a nudist colony? It's not hard.
My Grandad always said, “As one door closes, another one opens.”
Lovely man, terrible cabinet maker.
A sign at a music shop: “Gone Chopin. Bach in a minuet.”
Death once had a near-Chuck-Norris experience.
It’s so cold the aquarium didn’t need to use glass. On the downside, the fish were motionless.
How are husbands like lawn mowers? They're hard to get started, they emit noxious fumes, and half the time they don't work.
What did the farmer say after he lost his tractor?
“Where’s my tractor?”

Through every nook and every cranny
The wind blew in on poor old Granny
Around her knees, into each ear
(And up her nose as well, I fear)

All through the night, the wind grew worse
It nearly made the vicar curse
The top had fallen off the steeple
Just missing him (and other people)

It blew on man, it blew on beast
It blew on nun, it blew on priest
It blew the wig off Auntie Fanny-
But most of all, it blew on Granny!

– Spike Milligan
What’s green and has wheels?
Grass, I lied about the wheels.
There was an Old Man of Bohemia,
Whose daughter was christened Euphemia,
Till one day, to his grief,
She married a thief,
Which grieved that Old Man of Bohemia.
A circus performer named Brian,
Once smiled as he rode on a lion.
They came back from the ride,
But with Brian inside,
And the smile on the face of the lion.
A man went to the Police Station wishing to speak with the burglar who had broken into his house the night before.
“You’ll get your chance in court.” said the Desk Sergeant.
“No, no no!” said the man. “I want to know how he got into the house without waking my wife.
I’ve been trying to do that for years!”
Breaking a leg during an audition...
Ensures that you end up in the cast.
There was an Old Man who said, 'How
Shall I flee from that horribke cow?
I will sit on this stile,
And continue to smile,
Which may soften the heart of that cow.'
Whenever I see your eyes
There is something that I feel
You look so sleepy
As a bear after a meal.

Girl sat on a swing.
Trying to sing a song for god.
Missing him, not me.
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Look at me again,
It will be the end of you
Why is bra singular and panties plural?
Remember when nearly sixteen,
On your very first date as a teen.
At the movies? If yes,
Then I bet you can't guess,
What was shown on the cinema screen.
"Have You Ever Seen"

Have you ever seen a sheet on a river bed?
Or a single hair from a hammer’s head?
Has the foot of a mountain any toes?
And is there a pair of garden hose?

Does the needle ever wink its eye?
Why doesn’t the wing of a building fly?
Can you tickle the ribs of a parasol?
Or open the trunk of a tree at all?

Are the teeth of a rake ever going to bite?
Have the hands of a clock any left or right?
Can the garden plot be deep and dark?
And what is the sound of the birch’s bark?
It’s here again
That day we all dread
When once more
We fear the rise of the dead

But fear not
Our salvation is at hand
We shall be saved
By an unlikely Band

So be assured
When the time is near
Ghosts and ghouls
Will all quake in fear

When night falls
All the undead will cower
Trembling in awe
Come the witching hour

As armed with sacks
Our great costumed army
Will roam the streets
To drive the evil spirits barmy

So to protect yourselves
Keep a proper payment handy
When the costumed army
Come knocking for some candy

- Paul Curtis
For my birthday, my friends gave me a bunch of dirt and sand.
I appreciated the sediment.
My ex husband went to a colonoscopy the other day.
Good news: They found his head!
If you jumped off the bridge in Paris, you’d be in Seine.
What do you call the soft tissue between a shark's teeth?
A slow swimmer.
How do you kill a blonde? Give her a gun and say it's a hair drier.
"When the Teacher Isn’t Looking"

When the teacher’s back is turned,
we never scream and shout.
Never do we drop our books
and try to freak her out.

No one throws a pencil
at the ceiling of the class.
No one tries to hit the fire alarm
and break the glass.

We don’t cough in unison
and loudly clear our throats.
No one’s shooting paper wads
or passing little notes.

She must think we’re so polite.
We never make a peep.
Really, though, it’s just because
we all go right to sleep.

– Kenn Nesbitt
"A Parent’s Prayer"

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray my sanity to keep.
For if some peace I do not find,
I’m pretty sure I’ll lose my mind.

I pray I find a little quiet,
Far from the daily family riot.
May I lie back and not have to think
About what they’re stuffing down the sink,

Or who they’re with, or where they’re at
And what they’re doing to the cat.
I pray for time all to myself
(did something just fall off a shelf?)

To cuddle in my nice, soft bed
(Oh no, another goldfish–dead!)
Some silent moments for goodness sake
(Did I just hear a window break?)

And that I need not cook or clean
(well heck, I’ve got the right to dream)
Yes, now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray my wits about me keep,

But as I look around I know,
I must have lost them long ago!

– David Axton
Another candle on your cake?
Well, that's no cause to pout.
Be glad that you have strength enough
To blow the d*** thing out.
The Irish didn't invent vodka because they were slow and not Russian.
A dog and his bone was on the roam,
Where can I find this bone a home?
Will I bury it next to the tree?
No, too easy for others to see.

What about next to the garden shed?
Maybe in the middle of the garden bed,
Behind the sty where the pigs all are,
What about somewhere right away far.

I think I know what I will do,
I'll just sit down and have a chew,
Tomorrow will be another new day,
I'll find a spot then for the bone to stay.

(John Williams)
My editor told me he didn’t like my citation formatting
He didn’t like id., et al.