It’s so hot even the artificial flowers are dying.
It’s so hot the frozen pizza I bought at the grocery store was ready to eat by the time I got home.
It’s so hot that you can’t make a chili dog.
It's so hot out that my sweat is sweating.
It’s so hot ice pops are melting in the freezer.
It's so hot outside the ice cream man just change the sign on the side of his truck to "cream."
It’s so hot even my wife’s heart is melting.
It’s so hot I saw the Devil in Wal-Mart buying an air conditioner.
It’s so hot that my chocolate milk is now hot cocoa.
It's so hot I saw an Amish guy buy an air conditioner.
It's so hot out that I cleaned my fridge just so I could hang out in my fridge for a while.
It’s so hot the Statue of Liberty was asked to lower her arm.
It’s so hot that the oven got jealous.
It’s so hot all the sand on the beach is now glass.