Funny One-Liners

Smart and funny one liners

Funny One-Liners

There once was a boy named Dan,
who wanted to fry in a pan.
He tried and he tried,
and eventually died,
that weird little boy named Dan.
There was a young lady from Niger,
Who smiled as she rode on a tiger.
They came back from the ride,
With the lady inside,
And the smile on the face of the tiger.
What kind of House does Chuck Norris live in?
A Round House.
What does a man consider a seven-course meal? A hot dog and a six pack of beer.
Why doesn't matter how often a married man changes his job? He still ends up with the same boss.
What type of magazines do cows read?
There was an Old Man of Madras,
Who rode on a cream-coloured ass;
But the length of its ears,
So promoted his fears,
That it killed that Old Man of Madras.
I love you in the mornings.
You hold me tight and ask for five more minutes.
Then when it’s time to go, you don’t let go.
I start to stress and tell you to get dressed.
Dog socks,
Athletic shorts,
Polo shirt.
You are a sight to see.
But I love you most, in the mornings.
Why can't the blonde write the number eleven? She didn't know which "1" came first!
There was an Old Person of Hurst,
Who drank when he was not athirst;
When they said, 'You'll grw fatter,'
He answered, 'What matter?'
That globular Person of Hurst.
How did the blonde try to kill the bird? She threw it off a cliff.
"The Vulture"

The Vulture eats between his meals,
And that’s the reason why
He very, very, rarely feels
As well as you and I.

His eye is dull, his head is bald,
His neck is growing thinner.
Oh! what a lesson for us all
To only eat at dinner!

– Hilaire Belloc
What does anti-humour have in common with a half empty bottle of ketchup?
"Straight ahead for a bit then there's a sharp left, so take it slowly." I said.
"The screen is for MY benefit, Mr. Anderson," said the doctor, "and this isn't my first colonoscopy."
Why did the cow cross the road?
To get to the udder side.
My wife said to me, if you don't get off of the computer and help with the housework, she will bash my head on the keyboard.
What is red, white, and blue? A sad candy cane.
The knack of flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
What song do tornados like?
“The Twist.”
Let me count the ways I love you.
First you bring me flowers, then a mug of tea,
you let me see my favorite shows no need to even plea.
I can tell you love me it is plain to see
just like that pimple just behind your knee.
Why do we put suits in garment bags and garments in a suitcase?
Why do men have a hole in their penis? So their brains can get some oxygen now and then.
Roses are red

Violets are blue


Let me kiss you.

What do you call a camel with 3 humps?
Twinkle twinkle little snitch,
mind your own business,
you nosey b*tch!
What do you call someone who kills a black person?
An Englishman, a Frenchman, a Spaniard, and a Dutchman are all on a zoom call.
The four men are all on a zoom call with their boss. Their boss asks “Can you see me?” and they respond




I just asked my husband if he remembers what today is... Scaring men is easy.
Why shouldn't you even think about dating the blond outfielder who got hit in the head by a baseball?
Because she's a bad catch.
If I had a nickel for every time someone called me young...
I could buy a lollipop.
Why are Me and China alike?
We both like to delete our history.
What was going through the minds of all of Chuck Norris' victims before they died?
His Shoe.
Dear Dog

You cower and hide
As I fill up the tub
Yet when I go outside
And turn on the hose
You follow me gladly
For a spray up the nose
Alright 2020, you’ve had your fun.
Now say ‘April fools’ and let us get back to our lives, yeah?
Someone I know gave a really deep speech to convince me to go for a colonoscopy
What else can I say?
Something touched me deep inside.
A math professor gets back home at 3 AM.
“You’re late!” his wife shouts. “You said you’d be home by 11:45!”
“Actually,” the professor replies calmly, “I said I’d be home by a quarter of 12.”
My girlfriend broke up with me because I quote too many Linkin Park songs.
But "in the end, it doesn't even matter".
Do you carrot all for me?
My heart beets for you,
With your turnip nose
And your radish face,
You are a peach.
If we cantaloupe,
Lettuce marry:
Weed make a swell pear.
Why do Norwegians build their own tables?
No Ikea!
What do you get when you drop a piano down a mine shaft?
A flat minor.
A duck walks into a bar, the bartender says, “What’ll it be?” The duck doesn’t say anything because it’s a duck.
An elephant slept in his bunk,
And in slumber his chest rose and sunk.
But he snored — how he snored!
All the other beasts roared,
So his wife tied a knot in his trunk.
Did you hear about the scientist whose wife had twins?
He baptized one and kept the other as control.
Chuck Norris can divide by zero.
A circus performer named Brian,
Once smiled as he rode on a lion.
They came back from the ride,
But with Brian inside,
And the smile on the face of the lion.
When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.
Everything Mum – by Joanna Fuchs
How did you do it all, Mom
Be a chauffeur, cook, and friend?
Yet find time to be a playmate,
I just can’t comprehend.
I see now it was love, Mum
That made you come whenever I’d call,
Your inexhaustible love, Mum
And I thank you for it all.
When Chuck Norris moved out, his dad became the man of the house.
When do you serve vegan vitarian matcha-tea-flavored turkey-shaped tofu-loaf?

At Pranksgiving.
What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?
Hand of the buyer with a piece of cheese in the store