Nature Puns

Nature puns that will put a tree-mendous smile on your face.

Nature Puns

Water you doing?
What did you call an awesome geologist? A rockstar!
Q: Why did the tornado take a break?
A: Because it ran out of wind!
We all know that rooms are just empty spaces, and no one can even dream of making a delicacy out of them. The only room is the mushroom.
How do rainbows sleep? In forty pinks.
I told my mother moose were falling from the sky.
She said, "It's reindeer."
You have to act quickly during a flood because it's an emergent sea.
How one snowman greets the other one?
Ice to meet you.
How do you make holy water?
By boiling the hell out of it.
Why is it always quiet in the forest? Because all of the trees sleep like a dog.
Why did the frog lose his job on the mushroom farm? He stole the toads-tool.
They consider a million years ago to be Recent.
Why do bananas have to put on sunscreen before they go to the beach?
Because they might peel.
What do you call a rock that never goes to school? A skipping stone!
Where do birch trees keep their jewelry? In the river bank.
A friend of mine asked me to go hunting up in a dangerous mountain range.
I didn't bother because i thought the steaks were too high
If your boat turns upside down in the river, you can wear it on your head because it's capsized.
Next time you’re feeling down, just remember: your plants are rooting for you. Literally!
What happens when you blend sulfur, tungsten and silver together? SWAG.
Q: What do you call a windmill swallowed up by a tornado?
A: A wind meal
Where does seaweed look for a job?
In the kelp-wanted section.
What do you call people who go to space? Icetronauts.
No matter how much she trimmed the particular strand of grass, the unruly grass kept on growing- what a grass-cal!
What is the hardest part about being a tree? You have so many limbs, but you still can’t walk.
What is it called when bigger burgers fall from the sky?
Meatier showers.
How did the wife know her mountaineering husband was cheating on her? She caught Himalayan about it more than once.
Why did the tectonic plates break up?
It wasn’t her fault, but there was just too much friction between them.
What did the sea say to the river? You can run but you can't tide.
What is a mountains favorite type of candy?
Snow caps.
My friend couldn't afford to pay his water bill.
So I sent him a “get well soon” card.
Why is grass so dangerous? Because it is full of blades!
There are more planes in the ocean than there are submarines in the sky
This much is plane to sea
During our journey through the savanna grasslands, we kept track of time with the help of an hour-grass.
Please excuse my resting beach face.
The viking Rudolph the Red looked outside and proclaimed it was going to rain.

His wife asked him, “What makes you say that?”

He replied, “Rudolph the Red knows rain, dear.”
The storm was sad so we called it the sigh-clone.
The police officer went to the crime scene and he saw that there had been a murder in the dense grasslands. Guess, we could call it a grass-assination.
Trying to get to the end of the rainbow is a gold move.
What do you call a human that's now a cactus?
A transplant.
What is the difference between a wet day and a lion with a toothache? A wet day is pouring with rain, the other is roaring with pain.
What did the boy volcano say to the girl volcano? I really lava you!
What did one body of water say to the other?
"Do you sea what I sea?"
I'm going to discuss global warming on Sunday at a debate. It's a very heated topic.
Q: Why did the cloud do drugs and join a gang?
A: Atmospheric pressure.
What can you catch in the winter with your eyes closed?
A cold.
What did the ocean say when asked if he wanted to be friends with the beach?
How do trees get onto the internet? They just log on.
What did the teenage rock say after failing its drive test? I don’t want to talc about it.
What has leaves, is green and a trunk? A houseplant heading on vacation.
What is the favorite Mexican food of snowman?
Brrrr – itos.