Search Jokes

Funny facts about Google users:
50% of people use Google well as a search engine.
The rest 50% of them use it to check if their internet is connected
Arrrr. Wanna search me for buried treasure?
My friends and I are in search of some fresh vegetables puns.
Please lettuce know if you find any.
The best place to search for information about witches is wicca-pedia.
The Priest, Minister and Rabbi Advice A man wonders if having relations on the Sabbath is a sin because he is not sure if doing so is work or play, so he goes to a priest and asks for his opinion on this question. After consulting the Bible, the priest says, "My son, after an exhaustive research, I am positive that sleeping together is work and is therefore not permitted on Sundays." The man thinks: "What does a priest know about having relations?" So he goes to a minister who, after all, is a married man and experienced in this matter. He queries the minister and receives the same reply. relations is work and therefore not for the Sabbath! Not pleased with the reply, he seeks out a Rabbi, a man of thousands of years of tradition and knowledge. The Rabbi ponders the question, then states, "My son, it is definitely play." The man replies, "Rabbi, how can you be so sure when so many others tell me it's work?" "Because, my son," said the Rabbi drily, "if having relations was work, my wife would have the maid do it."
Which search engine is popular amongst mice? Ask Cheese.
The Supreme Court ruled there cannot be a Nativity Scene on Capitol Hill.
This isn't for any religious reason. They just haven’t been able to find Three Wise Men in DC. A search for a virgin was also fruitless. There was no problem, however, finding enough asses to fill the stable.
I used to search for clams on the beach
But then I pulled a mussel.
Q. What is a popular search engine for ghosts?
A. GHOULgle!
What's the difference between a G-Spot and a golf ball? A guy will actually SEARCH for a golf ball.
What online search engine do spooky monsters use?
As soon as one beaver jumped in the river to search for his key, it got shocked, as the current was too strong.
If you search for pictures of corn on Google you'll only get stalk pictures.
The Watch Search One night, a man on his way home happened upon a drunk, down on his hands and knees searching for something under a streetlight. The man asked the drunk what he was looking for so diligently and the drunk said he had tripped and his Rolex wristwatch had broken loose from his wrist. The man, being a kindhearted soul, got down on his hands and knees and began assisting the drunk looking for his watch. After about ten minutes without any success, the man asked the drunk exactly where he tripped. "About a half a block up the street," the drunk said. "Why, pray tell," the man asked the drunk, "are you looking for your watch here if you lost it a half a block up the street?" The drunk replied, "The light is a lot better here."
Son: does Easter Bunny set out 12 eggs in the field to search for?
Dad: no he dozen’t.
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