Nature Puns

Nature puns that will put a tree-mendous smile on your face.

Nature Puns

How do you find Will Smith in the snow?
You look for Fresh Prints!
The stormy weather affected my ability to remember my alphabets. I remember A, B, C, D, and F but I misty.Someone got hurt from a fistful of grass thrown at them with force. When they pressed charges, the cops charged the culprit with physical grass-ault.
Have you ever heard of mushroom cars? Well, they have an interesting sound which goes line shroom shroom!
I just got my degree in Sky Diving.
I had to drop out to graduate.
How do you describe an acorn in one sentence? In a nutshell, it is an oak tree.
The viking Rudolph the Red looked outside and proclaimed it was going to rain.

His wife asked him, “What makes you say that?”

He replied, “Rudolph the Red knows rain, dear.”
Why was the man using ketchup during the rain?
Someone said it was raining cats and hot dogs.
The ocean made me salty.
My dad works in a steel plant.
He says it's very riveting.
What's a flowing water with living organisms called?
A livestream.
Why is grass so dangerous? Because it is full of blades!
During the pandemic, all the children asked to draw pictures of the different types of grass. The children had to submit their grass-essments online.
What is the color of the wind? Blew!
How do two rival forests get along? They sign a peace tree-ty!
Where did the Adansonia tree go to get a quick trim? To the baobarber.
What is the difference between a wet day and a lion with a toothache? A wet day is pouring with rain, the other is roaring with pain.
I can't believe I can't see the bottom of the ocean.
It's unfathomable.
How was the misbehaving lightning bolt punished?
He was grounded.
Why are coyotes howling in the night?
Because they can only see the cactuses in the day.
Where do American trees like to go for vacations in Canada? Montreeal.
How does a mushroom decorate a home? With toadstools.
Water you doing?
Bill’s house was rocking last night, everyone got stoned.
Too bad Bill didn’t have avalanche insurance.
I really hate rock puns.
My sediments exactly.
What do you call ten Arctic hares hopping backwards through the snow together?
A receding hare line.
What did the tree do when it found that the bank had closed? It starts a new branch.
I live on top of the mountain and i usually have 99 problems
But the beach ain't one
I had a dream the ocean was filled with orange soda
It was a Fanta sea.
You can virtually stay in any room. The only one you can’t is the mush-room because it is reserved for fungi.
Q: How do clouds keep in touch with each other?
A: Using sky-pe.
Why can’t a Christmas tree sew? It keeps dropping its needles.
When can your cup of coffee tell the weather?
When it's muggy.
Me: "Hello? 911? Emergency! The neighbors house is on fire!"
Dispatcher: "Did you discover the fire?"

Me: "No! Prometheus! but what does he have to do with this?"
How did the fire ant feel after the rain storm flooded his home?
Very put out, indeed!
What’s the scariest plant?
What plant do both Spaniards and French agree is the best?
Did you hear about the B I V G R O Y rainbow?
The poor thing has a deviated spectrum.
Green vegetables absolutely love going on camps as a group. Their favorite is the Brussels Scouts.
How would you scare a snowman?
Get a hairdryer!
What do trees drink at their parties? Root beer.
I thought I saw some fog yesterday.

But I guess my memory’s a little cloudy.
What did one cactus say to the other cactus ?
"Lookin sharp !"
Did you hear the joke about the elephant who was stuck in a tree last spring? To get down, she had to sit down on a branch and wait until fall.
What do you call a wet teddy bear?
A drizzly bear.
What do you call the people that you eat grass and produce milk alongside?
What is the hardest part about being a tree? You have so many limbs, but you still can’t walk.
Does all this rain make you want an ark?

I Noah guy.
What do you call a slow skier?
A slopepoke!
Why are seabirds so lucky in love?
Because one good tern always deserves another.
What did the sarcastic otter say?
I think you’ve confused me with someone who builds a dam.