Married Jokes

I like you about 1/18 as much as I like a Pumpkin Spice Latte, which is to say โ€œI love you forever, letโ€™s get married.โ€
A Priest and Nun On the Road A priest and a nun are on a trip to a faraway monastery when their car breaks down in the middle of nowhere as a blizzard rages above them. They find a deserted cabin and take shelter. They find a sleeping bag, a bed, and a pile of blankets. The priest, being a gentleman, offers the nun the bed and takes the sleeping bag for himself. As they get tucked in for the night, the nun calls out, "father, father, I'm cold!" so the priest gets up and puts another blanket on the nun. "is that better, sister?" he asks. "yes father, much better," she replies. So he gets back in his sleeping bag and starts to nod off when she again calls out with "father, I'm still cold!" so once again, the priest gets up and puts another blanket on her, ensuring she is tucked into the bed well. "Is that better, sister?" he asks. "Oh yes, father, that's much better," she says. So the priest gets himself back into the sleeping bag, and this time is just starting to dream when he wakes up to her call of "Father, father, I'm just so cold!" The priest thinks long about this and finally says, "Sister, we are in the middle of nowhere in a blizzard. No one but you, myself, and the Lord himself will ever know what happens here this night. How about, just for this night, we act as though we were married?" The nun thinks on this for a minute. She can't help but admit to herself she's been curious, and finally answers with a tentative "OK, father, just for tonight, we will act as though we are married." "Wonderful." The father replies, "Now get up and get your own darn blanket, you great lazy lump!"
The Priest and the Candle Mrs Rosy Jones was going to the market in New York where she happened to meet Father Patrick..... Father: "Hey, you are Rosy right? I got you married in New Jersey, when I was posted there". "Yes Father" Says Rosy. "How is your husband and the little ones ?" "Husband is fine but so far, no children". Father Patrick: "Don't worry, child. I'm going to Rome next week. I will light a candle for you there." "Thank you, Father Patrick." After some years, Father Patrick happens to meet Rosy again. "Hello Rosy, how's everything? Did you have any kids?" "Yes Father. I have three sets of twins and two singles. Total 8 kids". "Wow! Where is your husband?" "Oh, he's gone to Rome all of a sudden... Said something about blowing off some candle."
โ€œThis would be a much better world if more married couples were as deeply in love as they are in debtโ€ โ€“ Earl Wilson
"I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury."
โ€œIโ€™m going to get married again because Iโ€™m more mature now, and I need some kitchen stuff.โ€ - Wendy Liebman
What happened to the cherry that got married to an apple? They are living apple-y ever after.
What do two cherries say when they get married? I promise to cherry-ish you forever.
โ€œItโ€™s tough to stay married. My wife kisses the dog on the lips, yet she wonโ€™t drink from my glass.โ€โ€”Rodney Dangerfield
The Personal Ad A lonely widow, aged 70, decided that it was time to get married again. She put an ad in the local paper that read: HUSBAND WANTED: MUST BE IN MY AGE GROUP (70s), MUST NOT BEAT ME, NOR RUN AROUND ON ME, MUST STILL BE GOOD IN BED!! ALL APPLICANTS PLEASE APPLY IN PERSON. On the second day, she heard the doorbell. Much to her surprise (and dismay), she opened the door to see a grey-haired gentleman sitting in a wheelchair. He had no arms or legs. The old woman said, โ€œYou're not really asking me to consider you, are you? Just look at have no legs!โ€ The old man smiled, โ€œTherefore, I cannot run around on you!โ€ She snorted, โ€œYou don't have any arms either!โ€ Again, the old man smiled, โ€œTherefore, I can never beat you!โ€ She raised an eyebrow and asked intently, โ€œAre you still good in bed???โ€ The old man leaned back, beamed a big smile and said, โ€œRang the doorbell, didn't I?"
His Special Birthday Request There was a man who was very happily married, but, every birthday he would have the same fantasy request for his wife: He wanted a threesome, and every year the wife says no. This continues on for several years, until finally the wife has enough and finally agrees. โ€œFine Sam, yes you can have your darn threesome. Who do you want it to be with?โ€ George quickly responds with... โ€œWell, do you remember Sarah who works in accounting at my office?โ€ โ€œYes, of course.โ€ the wife responds. โ€œWell, with her." Said Sam, "and one of her friends.โ€
The Photo in Her Purse A young couple gets married and go on their honeymoon, the following morning the bride walks out of the shower, naked. The husband says, โ€œStop.โ€ Grabs his camera and takes a quick photo. She asks him why he took a photo when he can see her naked anytime? He says, โ€œSo I can carry it in my wallet, close to my heart.โ€ She smiles. He goes to have his shower, as he comes out and she is waiting with the camera and takes his photo. He says, โ€œis that so you can carry my picture with you always?โ€ โ€œNo, itโ€™s so I can have it enlarged.โ€
When strawberries, blueberries or blackberries meet another berry they like and want to get married who do they go see?
The marionberry
"Grandchildren donโ€™t make a man feel old, itโ€™s the knowledge that heโ€™s married to a grandmother that does." - J. Norman Collie
The Mistress, the Fiancรฉ and the Wife... Three women: one engaged, one married and one a mistress, were chatting about their relationships and decided they needed to spice up their love lives. All three agreed to wear black leather bras, stiletto heels and a mask over their eyes that evening with their respective lovers. After a few days, they met up for lunch and compared notes. The engaged woman: "The other night when my boyfriend came over he found me with a black leather bodice, tall stilettos and, a mask. He saw me and said: 'You are the woman of my life. I love you.' Then we made love all night long." The mistress: "Me too! The other night I met my lover at his office and I was wearing the leather bodice, heels, mask over my eyes and a raincoat. When I opened the raincoat, he didn't say a word, but we had wild fun all night!" The married woman said: "I sent the kids to stay at my mother's house for the night when my husband came home. I was wearing the leather bodice, black stockings, stilettos and a mask over my eyes. As soon as he came in the door and saw me he said: 'What's for dinner, Batman?'"
โ€œIf you step on a purple mushroom, youโ€™ll be forced to marry the ugliest person in the world,โ€ warned the old gnome, so the man continued carefully through the woods.
He didnโ€™t step on any purple mushrooms.
Suddenly a beautiful woman walked up and said: โ€œWe have to get married.โ€
โ€œWhy?โ€ asked the man, smiling.
โ€œI just stepped on one of those pesky purple mushrooms!โ€
The 13 Funniest Things Said During a Colonoscopy 1. 'Take it easy, Doc. You're boldly going where no man has gone before!' 2. 'Find Amelia Earhart yet?' 3. 'Can you hear me NOW?' 4. 'Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?' 5. 'You know, in Turkey, we're now legally married.' 6. 'Any sign of the trapped miners, Chief?' 7. 'You put your left hand in, you take your left hand out...' 8. 'Hey! Now I know how a Muppet feels!' 9. 'If your hand doesn't fit, you must quit!' 10. 'Hey Doc, let me know if you find my dignity.' 11. 'You used to be an executive at Enron, didn't you?' 12. 'God, now I know why I am not gay.' And the best one of all: 13. 'Could you write a note for my wife saying that my head is not up there?'
The Workaholic A married couple wakes up one morning, and while still lying in bed, the wife turns to her husband and says, "Maybe you shouldn't go to work today?" "What do you mean? Why shouldn't I go to work today?" replied the confused husband. "I think you've been working too hard, so maybe instead of going to the office, you should take a few days off, pack a suitcase, and go stay with a friend for a few days away from home." The husband thought for a moment and decided to jump at the suggestion before it disappeared. Within moments, he was up, dressed, and started packing clothes into a bag. "Just out of curiosity," the husband asked while getting ready, "how did you come to the conclusion that I've been working so hard that I need a break?" "You were dreaming about your work all night..." the wife answered. "Really? How do you know I was having dreams about work?" "Because every 2 minutes you were shouting your secretary's name!"
โ€œI married beneath me, all women do.โ€

โ€”Nancy Astor
โ€œAll men make mistakes, but married men find out about them sooner.โ€ โ€” Red Skelton
"Everyone is born equal in life, until they get married." โ€” Anonymous
The Berkowitz Baby There was a man named Ray Berkowitz, and he was at work when his wife called in panic - she was ready to give birth! He hurried to the hospital as quickly as he could, marveling that his son, Charles, is about to be born. One day while Ray was out of town for work, he got a call from his wife that she was going into labor. He rushed back but didn't make it before she gave birth... and she called him to tell him it was a healthy baby boy. He drove all night and all day and finally made it to the hospital. He was so excited he rushed straight to the maternity ward and to the nursery where he found a big glass room with a big sign above the door [BEAUTIFUL BABIES] Excitedly he rushed in, "I want to see my son!" The nurse asked for the name. "Charles Berkowitz" The nurse looked at the list and said, "sorry sir, your kid isn't here, try the next nursery down the hall." Perplexed, Ray walked down the fall to another big glass room with another big sign [Beautiful Babies] Alright, "My son will have a pretty easy life looking handsome." He thought and walked in. "I want to see my son." "Name, please." "Charles Berkowitz" The nurse looks over her list and says, "sorry sir, not here, try the nursery down the hall." So the man walks down the hall to find another room with a big sign [Ugly Babies] "That's alright." He thought. "Looks don't matter." He walked in smiling and said "I want to see my son, Charles Berkowitz" The nurse looks over her list and frowns... "Sorry sir, try the next nursery down the hall." Dejected... the man walks down the hall to a room that wasn't glass, that had a smaller sign over the door - [Very Ugly Babies] "It doesn't matter what he looks like." He thinks to himself. "I'll love him no matter what." He walks in. "Please... I want to see my son... Charles Berkowitz" The nurse looks down at her list and shakes her head. "I'm sorry, he's not here. Try the next nursery down the hall." He was getting really worried now... He walks down another long hallway that ends in a single steel door with a little plaque on it that says... [Charles Berkowitz]
I endured burnt offerings at the table -
A meal โ€˜cookedโ€™ by my mother in law
If I hadnโ€™t been married her lovely son
Iโ€™d have walked straight out of the door!

I heaved at every charred mouthful
Smiled, and said the meal was โ€˜divineโ€™
She told me sheโ€™d had cookery lessons
But her food was only fit to feed swine!

Is my poem just a fairy story
Or is it a clever allegory?

(Laura Loo)
A Mother Explains A mother is in the kitchen making dinner for her family when her daughter walks in. โ€œMother, where do babies come from?" The mother thinks for a few seconds and says, โ€œWell dear, Mommy and Daddy fall in love and get married. One night they go into their bedroom, they kiss and hug, and make love.โ€ The daughter looks puzzled so the mother continues, โ€œThat means the daddy puts his thing in the mommyโ€™s thing. Thatโ€™s how you get a baby, honey.โ€ The child seems to comprehend. โ€œOh, I see, but the other night when I came into your room you had daddyโ€™s thing in your mouth. What do you get when you do that?โ€ โ€œJewelry, dear... Jewelry.โ€
One Last Wish Lying on his deathbed, an elderly man made his final request to his wife: "Honey, I'm almost out of time and there's something I'd like you to do for me when I'm gone." She nodded her head and said, "You can count on me. Anything you ask, I'll make sure it's done." "I want you to wed my buddy, Jacob," he said, his voice filled with emotion. Astonished, his wife replied, "Jacob? But I thought you couldn't stand him!" He smiled and looked into her eyes as he answered, "That's precisely why..."
Mr. and Mrs. Peanut finally got married and tied the nut.
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