100 Jokes

A physics teacher writes a question on a board:

"A 40 kg child that 100 cm tall is holding a parent's arms swinging them 0.5 revolutions a second. If the parent let go of the child after 2 seconds, where will the child end up?"

A few moments later, the teacher then comes over and reads a student's answer:

"In a foster home."
A cowboy thought he had 100 cows but when he counted them there were only 97
So he rounded them up.
What do you call a 100 year old ant?
An ant-ique.
What has 100 teeth and eats wieners? A zipper!
What has 100 teeth and eats wieners? A zipper!
A cowboy thought he had 100 cows but when he counted them there were only 97
So he rounded them up.
What happened when 100 hares got loose on Main Street? The police had to comb the area.
If you have a line of 100 rabbits in a row and 99 of them take 1 step backwards, what do you have? A receding hare line.
What do you call 100 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? A horrible boating accident.
An Native American drank 100 cups of tea.
Next day they found him dead in his tea pee.
Golfer: I’d move heaven and earth to break 100 on this course.
Caddie: Try heaven. You’ve already moved most of the earth.
A cowboy thought he had 100 cows but when he counted them there were only 97
So he rounded them up.