What does a basketball player say when he misses?
Who was the fastest runner of all time?
Adam. He was the first in the human race.
Why are football players not allowed in bowling alleys?
After getting a strike, they spike the ball.
What do police officers do when they are on the volleyball court? They serve and protect.
Why can’t I ever win a game returning serve? Give me a break.
I’ve never lost a game of football basketball or volleyball!
Though I’ve never played a game either.
Why do the ladies love baseball?
Because diamonds are a girl's best friend.
How are baseball umpires and angry chickens alike?
Both make fowl calls.
Guy: Have you ever been fishing before? Girl: Why? Boy: I think we should hook up!
Longfellow is the known poet of basketball.
What does a bowler and a Thanksgiving guest have in common?
They both want a Turkey.
Did you hear the terrible rumor about the volleyball player? That’s what she set!
Why was the basketball court so slippery?
Because all the players were dribbling on it.
What's the greatest problem facing Poland?
The four-ten split.
Water you doing on [date]?
Why did the volleyball player get sent to jail? Because he was set up.
Why do volleyball players love to swim? They like diving in the deep and then floating in the shallow.
My friend Elmer’s has gotten really good at tennis ever since he stuck to a healthier diet and went glue-ten free.
Away from their official duties, soccer players love dancing at a soccer ball.
What did one hillbilly say to another? I got a new fly rod and reel for my wife. Best trade I ever made.
What does a hunter do with a basketball?
He shoots it.
Why did the uncouth spud not stop talking during the football game?
Because he was a common-tater.
Why did the fish cross the road? Cause it was hooked!
Why is it annoying to eat next to basketball players?
They dribble all the time.
What did the fish say when it hit a concrete wall "Dam!"
The only way athletes can stay cool even in a charged game is by standing near the fans.
Why did the baseball batter go crazy?
Because the pitcher only threw scewballs.
I quit my job as a scuba diving instructor after my first day at work.
Deep down I realized it wasn’t for me.
[Bundled Up Guy] This is what you call man coverage.
Why can you never use a serve receive pattern against a sniper? They’d all start running for cover.
Why did DPD rush to Coors Field?
They heard somebody stole third base.
Why do referees always hurry to catch their next flight? Because it's "two
minutes 'fore boarding!"
[Drink] That’s a thirst down!
What do you call a Sith Lord who likes to go fishing? Darth Wader.
Football pitches are almost always so wet. This is because soccer players dribble a lot.
Why did the ski instructor's love life always go downhill? The first thing the ladies noticed about him was his giant slalom.
What sport does the Koolaid man play?
Baseball. He's a pitcher.
The bowling team of which I am captain is known lightning. This is because we get countless strikes.
The ref keeps shafting us the offsides; I think he's blue lyin'.
The basic rule in the bowling game is to ensure you leave no pin standing.
What has 18 legs, spits a lot, and catches flies?
A baseball team.
What do you call a fish whith a car? A carfish!
Did you hear about the Owl that could play American football?
It was a superb_owl.
Two racquets started dating. Unfortunately, one was stringing the other along without any intention of tying the knot.
How many golfers does it take to change a lightbulb?
Which football playoff team are Star Trek fans rooting for ?
The Green Bay Picards.
I made a snap decision to watch football today.
Where does a fisherman go to get his hair cut?
The fisherman goes to a bobber shop!
What do you get if you cross a ski instructor and a vampire?
I am disappointed that you are taking such a closed-stance on my footwork advice.