Are you into science? Because I lab you so much!
I’m no adjective; I would never want to modify you.
"Do I love you? My god, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."
— William Goldman, The Princess Bride
You must be a library book because I can’t stop checking you out.
I want to read you from cover to cover.
Did I just step into an E. M. Forster novel? Because any room with you in it is A Room with a View.
If I supply the voltage and you supply the resistance, imagine the currents we can make together.
Hey I am like a Rubik's cube the more you play with me the harder I get!
If I was a chessboard, I'd be lucky to have a queen like you.
My ex-girlfriend is like the square root of -1,.... she's imaginary.
If you go out with me, I promise I won’t take you for granite.
My favorite element on the periodic table is Uranium, because I am in love with U.
Hey babe, wanna make a zygote?
Why would you Mary Shelley when you could marry me?
You must be a summoner, cause I can feel a powerful creature rising... in my pants!
There are 21 letters in the alphabet right? Oh wait, I forgot u, r, a, q, t.
Baby, if you were words on a page, you’d be fine print.
Damn girl, I must be reading a book because you are FINE print.
You are the object of my preposition.
You're like a dictionary, you add meaning to my life.
You're so amazing that I always use the partitive genitive when I talk about you.
Girl, it makes sense and sensibility for us to go out.
I'm definitely in the range of your hotspot. How about you let me connect and get full access.
Can I call you "whom"? Because you're the object — of my affections.
Are you an overdue book? Because you have fine written all over you!
You feel like that old book tucked away in a corner – one look at it still makes my heart skip a beat.
Your body must be made of oxygen and neon because you are the One.
You're hotter than a Bunsen burner.
I would never precede you with "which," baby, because you are essential to this clause.
I like books, you like books, why don't we start writing the story of us?
"I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees."
― Pablo Neruda, Twenty Love Poems and A Song of Despair
Without you, I feel like a fragment. Incomplete.
Girl, it would be both a Crime and a Punishment if you don't let me take you out.
If you were a sentence, I'd be the punctuation mark because I'd always follow you no matter what.
I know the difference between "less" and "fewer," but don't worry, you won't have to ask me for either of them.
Are you a classic? Because my love for you is timeless.
You’re like a dictionary—you add meaning to my life.
Are you a microprocessor or are you etching to see me.
I was reading the book of numbers yesterday, and I realized I don’t have yours.
Your Bosons are giving me a Hadron.
You're like an exothermic reaction, you spread your hotness everywhere!
My Creeper gets excited when it sees how hot you look.(Minecraft)
It’s a good thing I have my library card because I am totally checking you out.
I could say that I wandered lonely as a cloud before I met you, but what are these Wordsworth if you won't go out with me?
I can turn your software into hardware.
Hey (say their name), I know this is not a chat room but my lips want to chat with yours.
Charles Dickens might have given you Great Expectations, but I can meet them.
Could you tell me the oxidation state of this atom and your phone number?
Do you like the internet? Because I can put you on there if you come back to my place.
Have you seen any linking verbs around here? Because you are my complement and I want to connect.