Even the Chocolate factory doesn't make candy as sweet as you.
Baby, you remind me of the constitution, because you look like a national treasure.
You be Yankee Doodle, I'll be the pony.
May I ride your broomstick? I lost mine.
I'm arresting you for breaking the 8th amendment because you...are excessively fine!
Forget about pumpkin, you’re the only cutie pie I need.
Are you the 4th of July? 'Cause I'm feeling fireworks between us.
If you think I’m hot now, wait until you see what I turn into at midnight.
You're not just some bunny... you're my bunny.
They can prohibit my alcohol, you intoxicate me enough.
Baby, you're so sweet, you put Hershey's outta business.
I’ve been looking for you, and I hope you’re as sweet as jelly beans.
I checked the meat thermometer, and you’re officially one hot bird.
What's a nice ghoul like you doing in a crypt like this?
Pardon me for drooling, but without my jaw, I can't help myself.
I'm glad there's freedom of religion because I worship you.
I don’t know what the trick is, but you certainly are a treat.
Your smile is brighter than the fireworks on the 4th of July.
You're by far the prettiest girl here. The 'Liberty bell' of the ball.
Tonight I will be exercising my freedom of assembly… outside your bedroom window.
Do you know how to hop? Because your body is in top form.
Easter? I hardly even knew her.
Ooh, you look boo-tilicious!
Hey Cinderella, must be time I took you home. It’s nearly midnight!
Nurse, can I have a little sugar to help the medicine go down?
That’s a nice Witch costume, but you won’t be needing the broom anymore, because you’ve already swept me off my feet.
Wow, You must be the pretty princess the evil queen is trying to get rid of.
I just had to come talk with you. Sweetness is my weakness.
So, what do you turn into at midnight?
I'd start a revolution for your number.
I use homemade pumpkin spice. Would you like to try some?
I don't normally like girls who wear red coats. But, for you I'll make an exception.
Mmm baby! You’re decomposing in ALL the right places!
You might not be America’s Most Wanted, but you’re at the top of my Watch List.
I'm a man without a country. Can I be a citizen of you?
You’re just like how I like my potatoes — sweet.
You're such a treat that I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me.
Hi, I'm the Easter Bunny and I don't care if you are naughty or nice!
You’re the gravy to my turkey.
I'm on a hunt - for your number.
The only thing sweeter than pumpkin pie is you, baby!
I know Benjamin Franklin.
If you can tell me the difference between Flag Day and the 4th of July, I will buy you a drink.
Want to break the wishbone? I’m wishing for a date with you.
I've got some wicked feelings brewing for you.
You’re what I’m most thankful for this year.
I have a great relationship with my mother… land.
I heard there is a vampire on the loose, you better stay with me.
Til death do us part and then some, dear.