Here, look at this blank piece of paper for a second… I wrote every reason why we should stick together on it.
Are you a thief? Because you stole a year of my life.
Girl: Want to see a magic trick?
Boyfriend: Sure.
Girl: Poof you're single.
Honey if I could rearrange the alphabet I'd put the letters "DON'T LOVE" in between I and U
Hey baby are you American cheese because you come as a single now.
"Sorry I stopped contacting you. I had to go back to rehab."
If you take the "L" out of LOVER. Its OVER.
"You're perfect in every way, just not for me."
Hey, let's hold a costume party. You can be a bank, and I can be alone!
Damn girl, are you a magician’s assistant? Because I want you to disappear from my life.
"Really, our time together has just become more effort than you're worth."
Roses are red
And you gotta go
Because I found out
That you is a ho.
"I wish I could say you were the most special person in the world, but you're not."
Baby are you an angel? Because I'm a atheist.
"You deserve better and so do I."
Hey baby, I think I'm going blind. Because I can't see you anymore.
"Do you believe in love at first sight? How about misery after three years?"
I expected some baggage with our relationship but I didn’t expect the cargo of the Titanic to come floating to the surface.
Hey babe do you need crutches? Cause I can’t stand you anymore.
"I just can't live with the pathetic tickles that you call thrusts anymore."
Dinosaurs represent our relationship, because they both don’t exist anymore.”
You looked better when I was drunk.
Whoa, Heaven must be missing an angel! Because you’re dead to me.
Do you believe in love at first sight? How about misery after three years?
Hey, baby. I'm calling myself Han because you need to be Solo.
"Hey babe, you heard of the movie 'Other people?'"
"Yeah, why?"
"I think we should see it."
Hey girl, are you a newspaper?
Because there's a new issue with you every f**king day.
Are you a New Years resolution? Because we stopped working out after the first two weeks
Hey babe, how about I plan a romantic weekend get away, and while I’m gone you can pack your shit and GTFO?
Hey baby, remember how you said that you can’t live without me? Well, it’s time to get your affairs in order….
You look like my future ex wife.
We must be a cast on a spiral fracture, girl. Because we’re on a serious break.
I really like you. So does my wife.
"There's something I've been wanting to say since the day we met - goodbye."
The Best Break Up Lines
Want to know a joke? Our relationship.
"It's not because I don't like you, it's because I hate you."
Girl, have we both been rendered sightless? Because we ain’t seeing each other anymore.
Do you happen to know sign language? Because this is the last time you’ll hear from me.
Girl you're looking like a snack and I'm going on a diet.
"I just can't take the bad lovemaking anymore".
We should make like your parents and split.
Wanna see a magic trick? Abrakadabra, you're single now.
"Our relationship is like a fat guy."
"It's not working out."
Girl, If you were a fruit you'd be a can't-elope.
Is it hot in here or is this relationship suffocating me?
You’re the girl that everybody wants. Today is their lucky day.
Roses are red violets are blue sugar is sweet and so were you... but now the roses are wilted the violets are dead the sugar bowls empty and so is your head.
"The longer we are together, the less serious I am about you."