It may come as a surprise to discover that your teeth may be an indicator of what is happening within your body. But according to Chinese medicine, acupuncture in particular, there is a strong relation between the condition of your teeth and the health of your internal organs.
The upper and lower incisors are linked to the bladder, kidneys and ears, while the canine teeth are associated with the liver and gallbladder. According to experts, premolars reflect the state of the lungs, while the molars are connected with stomach health, pancreas and spleen. But, does this mean that the damage of the teeth is responsible for all internal damages? Thankfully, no.
Discomfort and pain in the areas surrounding a healthy tooth as well as pain occurring in areas where the tooth has been long removed, known as phantom pain, occurs as a result of the message that our affected organs send to the corresponding tooth. It is therefore important to understand the connection between the teeth and the internal organs in order to discover the root of the damaged organ easily.
So, if you've had recent mouth troubles, you may want to check it out. Tooth pain can mean the following:
If you experience pain in the upper and lower incisor it may indicate pyelonephritis (kidney infections), cystitis (inflammation of the bladder) or otitis (a middle ear infection).
Pain in the first incisor may indicate prostatitis (swelling and inflammation of the prostate gland) or tonsillitis.
Chronic pain in the canine teeth may indicate that you are suffering from hepatitis or cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder).
Pain in the premolar teeth can be a sign of allergic reaction, dysbactriosis (microbial imbalance), pneumonia or colitis (inflammation of the inner lining of the colon).
Pain in the fourth teeth (top and bottom) may indicate pain in the elbows, colon disease, shoulder pain, knee pain or an inflammatory-related diseases like arthritis.
Pain in the molars means it's very likely that you are suffering from anemia, gastric ulcer, chronic gastritis, duodenal ulcer, or chronic pancreatitis.
Pain in the sixth lower teeth is a sign of atheroclerosis (a disease in which plaque builds in the arteries), vein-related problems and problems associated with the arteries.
Pain in the sixth upper teeth is linked to inflammation of the ovaries, thyroid gland and spleen, sinusitis and pharynx diseases.
The wisdom teeth are associated with cardiac diseases, congenital defect and coronary heart disease.
Pain in the lower molars indicate varicose veins, polyps in the colon or lung related problems like bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma and bronchial.
So next time you have a toothache, check to see whether the problem lies internally.
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