
Your Body on Alcohol: The Pros & Cons of Drinking

While social drinking can bring about the best of times (and the worst), how it affects your body and health is no different. In fact, alcohol can affect our body's organs both positively and negatively, as you're about to see. Let's take a look at the effects of alcohol on our body in the interactive guide below.

The first image takes a look at the positive effects of alcohol on the body and the second image, takes a look at the negative effects. Just click on the blue pointers to find out more.

5 Ways Alcohol is Beneficial for your Health

Your Body on Alcohol: The Pros & Cons of Drinking

5 Ways Alcohol Can Have Negative Effects on your Body


Your Body on Alcohol: The Pros & Cons of Drinking 

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Related Topics: health , body , alcohol , effects of alcohol
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