We may not like the wrinkled skin we get after a hot bath, but it actually has a good effect on it. The warm water leaves the skin moist for longer and prevents it from drying up and getting those little cracks that often appear when it's dry.
Bathing has been found to exert a positive influence on your oxygen intake and lung capacity. This is because the combination of warm water and water pressure makes your heart beat faster, thereby increasing oxygen uptake. The steam from a hot bath will also help to clear your chest and sinuses.
Taking a hot bath can balance out your serotonin levels, which will lead to you becoming happier and feeling more satisfied with life. Alternatively, if you bathe in cooler water, you'll be able to balance out other hormones, such as cortisol, beta-endorphin, and ACTH, which could help deal with fertility issues or conditions like chronic fatigue syndrome.
Being submerged in water calms your nervous system while reducing inflammation and pain. Stress and anxiety levels also get significantly reduced, which can go a long way towards improving your mood. The water's temperature and pressure will also gently relieve the spine of any discomfort or pain, and has been found to alleviate the symptoms of Parkinson's disease.
Taking a warm bath will work wonders for your joints, muscles, and even bones. In fact, the water's warm temperature helps to relieve the effects of conditions like osteoarthritis, without causing an exacerbation of symptoms or any other adverse effects.
A warm bath is perfect for dealing with the pain caused by anal fissures or hemorrhoids. This is because a bath's warm temperature causes the anal sphincter to relax, which can help heal the wounds left after surgery. Warm baths have also been found to aid digestion and lower blood sugar levels, which is very useful for diabetic people who find it hard to maintain a healthy weight.
There isn't a faster or more enjoyable way to optimize your body temperature than with a relaxing bath. On cold days, a nice hot bath or a trip to the spa is bound to warm you up from the inside and outside, and leave you feeling fabulous!
While bathing regularly may increase the risk of contracting a urinary tract infection (UTI), especially for repeat sufferers, having a warm bath actually helps the internal urethral sphincter to relax. This decreases the pain felt after surgery, and can significantly decrease recovery time.
It is well known that immersing women in a warm bath during the first stages of labor can minimize both pain and stress. This will allow them to better focus on progressing labor and ultimately giving birth. In some cultures, new mothers bathe with their newborns in water mixed with essential oils and herbs to help speed up physical and mental healing.
Despite all the advantages, a regular soak in a hot bath is not recommended for everyone, therefore, make sure that:
* You don't soak for more than 15-20 minutes each time.
* If you have a heart condition, consult with your doctor about taking hot baths.
* You take something cold to drink with you because we tend to sweat in a hot bath and can get dehydrated.
* You're not pregnant! Pregnant women are not advised to take hot baths.
Other than that - HAPPY SOAKING!
Check out how to make your own DIY steamy hot detox bath!
Images courtesy of Depositphotos, pixabay, and pexels
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