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Health Articles Archive
Health Articles published on June of 2022
Health Articles published on June of 2022
All the health articles published on June of 2022
General Health
Forget Showers. Hot Baths Are Too Healthy to Avoid
Few pleasures compare to a nice, steamy hot bath. But did you know that bathing also provides a number of important health benefits?
Forget Showers. Hot Baths Are Too Healthy to Avoid
Find Out What You Should and Shouldn’t Eat In the Morning
The foods that we eat on an empty stomach can have a positive or negative impact on our digestive system. Find out which foods are good and which aren't here!
Find Out What You Should and Shouldn’t Eat In the Morning
If You Crave Salt, You Should Enjoy These Healthy Snacks
Just because you enjoy salty tastes, that doesn't mean that you have to shun your favorite taste for a diet. Here are 13 healthy alternatives.
If You Crave Salt, You Should Enjoy These Healthy Snacks
Mental Health
This is How Exercise Can Improve Your Mental Health!
We all know exercise is good for your body, but what exactly does it do for your mind?
This is How Exercise Can Improve Your Mental Health!
Heart Conditions
This Non-Invasive Heart Surgery Could Save Thousands
This new heart surgery technique is non-invasive and could end up saving a lot of lives. Read on to find out more.
This Non-Invasive Heart Surgery Could Save Thousands
General Health
Why Using Bleach Sparingly May Still Endanger Your Health
As everyone knows, using gloves while handling bleach is a must, but it may not be enough to protect you from the harmful effects of bleach...
Why Using Bleach Sparingly May Still Endanger Your Health
Skin Cancer
Could This Nano-Vaccine Be a Miracle Cure for Melanoma?
Scientists of an Israeli University have determined that nano-vaccines may be an effective way to prevent and treat melanoma.
Could This Nano-Vaccine Be a Miracle Cure for Melanoma?
Sleep Problems
Sleeping in At the Weekend Could Prevent an Early Death
According to some recent research, getting yourself more sleep at the weekend might help to reduce the risk of an early death. Find out more here!
Sleeping in At the Weekend Could Prevent an Early Death
Autoimmune Diseases
These Pressure Points Will Help Alleviate Allergy Symptoms
If you have overwhelming allergy symptoms, you can naturally eliminate them with the following pressure points.
These Pressure Points Will Help Alleviate Allergy Symptoms
Mouth & Teeth
Dentists Stay Clear of These Foods and You Should Too!
Here are the foods that top dentists steer well clear of, and some of them are pretty surprising to say the least!
Dentists Stay Clear of These Foods and You Should Too!
Pain Management
Use Ear Reflexology Can Help Relieve Aches and Pains!
If you suffer from aches and pains in any part of your body, then why not give ear reflexology a try?
Use Ear Reflexology Can Help Relieve Aches and Pains!
Immune Health
You Won’t Believe How Many Health Benefits Peppers Have
Bell pepper is one of the most common ingredients in any kitchen, is used in a variety of dishes and has an array of health benefits.
You Won’t Believe How Many Health Benefits Peppers Have
Mouth & Teeth
Keep Your Teeth Clean and White with These 9 Foods
People spend a fortune on dental surgeries nowadays, but there is always some food close by that can easily solve your teeth problems. Here are nine of them!
Keep Your Teeth Clean and White with These 9 Foods
Mental Health
Cleanse Your Body With This Relaxing DIY Detox Bath
Detoxing every now and then is great for your body, so why don't you give this detox bath a go?
Cleanse Your Body With This Relaxing DIY Detox Bath
Pain Management
Suffer From Headaches? Apply Pressure to These Points
Your body parts are all connected to each other. Here's how applying pressure to certain points in one area can help you clear that headache.
Suffer From Headaches? Apply Pressure to These Points
General Health
This Great Exercise Guide Will Improve Your Balance
Practicing these exercises will help maintain your balance and keep you from falling over.
This Great Exercise Guide Will Improve Your Balance
Pain Management
Sick of Painful Leg Cramps? Here's What You Need to Do...
Leg cramps cause shocking pain, right when you least expect it. Here's our simple guide to prevent them from occuring and alleviating them when they do occur.
Sick of Painful Leg Cramps? Here's What You Need to Do...
16 Foods to Get Rid of Hangovers and Flu
Rather than referring to your medicine cabinet as soon as you feel a little ill, you can try any of these 16 foods to make yourself feel better.
16 Foods to Get Rid of Hangovers and Flu
Don't Ignore the Most Common Early Signs of Cancer
Ask a cancer victim and most will tell you that the symptoms were there, they just never realized it. These 10 potential cancer symptoms may save your life one day.
Don't Ignore the Most Common Early Signs of Cancer
Regular or Diet: Which is More Harmful to Your Health?
Both regular and diet sodas are known for being unhealthy, but which type is the better of the two?
Regular or Diet: Which is More Harmful to Your Health?
5 Breakfast Smoothies that Can Help You Lose Weight
These great smoothie recipes are not only delicious, but also help you lose weight!
5 Breakfast Smoothies that Can Help You Lose Weight
12 Foods that Will Fight to Keep You Young!
12 foods that will help you fight the symptoms of ageing.
12 Foods that Will Fight to Keep You Young!
The Humble Pomegranate Is A Fierce Weapon Against Illness
Heart disease continues to be a huge worldwide health problem, but recent studies suggest one particular super fruit can help fight it.
The Humble Pomegranate Is A Fierce Weapon Against Illness
General Health
8 Common Health Myths You've Been Misled With All Your Life
Get yourself informed about the REAL facts on health and diets. You're very likely to have been believing one of these outrageous myths.
8 Common Health Myths You've Been Misled With All Your Life
A Simple Desk Can Be Used for Many Healthy Exercises...
17 healthy stretches you can do while at your desk.
A Simple Desk Can Be Used for Many Healthy Exercises...
Mental Health
10 Great Ways of Beating the Winter Blues This Season
Do you suffer from winter blues or depression? You're not alone! Listen up on our tips to help yourself get over them.
10 Great Ways of Beating the Winter Blues This Season
7 Crucial Signs of Breast Cancer You Should Check For
7 signs to look for when you perform a self-test for breast cancer.
7 Crucial Signs of Breast Cancer You Should Check For
General Health
If You Take Medication, You Need to Read This...
Taking wrong medication dosages or mixing certain medications with others can have serious, if not, fatal consequences. Avoid these medication mistakes.
If You Take Medication, You Need to Read This...
Boost Your Memory By Adding These Herbs to Your Diet...
Whether you are looking to prevent or treat memory loss, these natural herbs have served as timeless aids. Let's take a look.
Boost Your Memory By Adding These Herbs to Your Diet...
Brain Disorders
Can a 'Brain Diet' Prevent the Onset of Alzheimer's?
The food you eat may affect the health of your brain. Researchers have developed a delicious diet that can help fight Alzheimer’s and brain shrinkage.
Can a 'Brain Diet' Prevent the Onset of Alzheimer's?
Licorice Root Is More Amazing Than I Ever Imagined...
Licorice root is one of the most overlooked herbs in the entire world. It can be used to treat a whole range of things. Read 9 amazing licorice root benefits.
Licorice Root Is More Amazing Than I Ever Imagined...
Pain Management
A Quick Guide To Relieving Your Back Pain
Back pain is the most prevalent health complaint among people aged 45 and over. This quick guide will help you deal with some of that pesky back pain you're probably sick of.
A Quick Guide To Relieving Your Back Pain
Mental Health
Are They Depressed or Just Sad? A Guide to Help a Friend...
This guide explains how to deal with a loved one who is going through depression.
Are They Depressed or Just Sad? A Guide to Help a Friend...
General Health
Balance Your Hormones Naturally With These 10 Useful Tips
A hormonal imbalance can wreak havoc on your health. Here are 10 natural ways to heal your hormones.
Balance Your Hormones Naturally With These 10 Useful Tips
General Health
What Causes Our Memory to Breakdown & Can We Prevent it?
If you start feeling like you don't remember as well as you used to, maybe your memory loss is caused by one of these issues.
What Causes Our Memory to Breakdown & Can We Prevent it?
Bacteria & Viruses
Cure Your Child's Cough With These 7 Natural Remedies
7 natural remedies to cure a cough in kids that your pediatrician won't tell you.
Cure Your Child's Cough With These 7 Natural Remedies
Pain Management
These 7 Types of Pain Should NEVER Be Ignored
The human body has inbuilt warning mechanisms, with certain types of pain in particular requiring our utmost attention. Here are 7 of the most significant.
These 7 Types of Pain Should NEVER Be Ignored
Lungs & Breathing
Cleansing Your Lungs Has Never Been Easier!
Our lungs are a very important part of our bodies. Here are ten simple ways that you can keep them clean and healthy.
Cleansing Your Lungs Has Never Been Easier!
A Few Simple Diet Changes That Can Prevent Inflammation
Explore the 20 foods that can make a difference to the fight against inflammation. 10 that cause it, and 10 than prevent it.
A Few Simple Diet Changes That Can Prevent Inflammation
BEETS: I Can't Wait to Start Reaping the Health Benefits!
Don't neglect the humble beet. This tasty veg has a whole range of health benefits you can't afford to ignore.
BEETS: I Can't Wait to Start Reaping the Health Benefits!
General Health
9 Defense Mechanisms That Protect Your Body From Harm
These fascinating mechanisms protect your body from harm 24/7.
9 Defense Mechanisms That Protect Your Body From Harm
The Art of Mudras: How Your Fingers Can Heal Your Body
According to ancient eastern medicine, your fingers are the key to your health. Read on for this amazingly comprehensive Mudras guide.
The Art of Mudras: How Your Fingers Can Heal Your Body
Here is Why you Shouldn't Throw Away Your Watermelon Rind
Many people eat only the fleshy part of a watermelon and throw away the rind. However, consuming the rind as well has many benefits. Read some of them here!
Here is Why you Shouldn't Throw Away Your Watermelon Rind
General Health
This Amazing Breakthrough Has Given Hope to Quadriplegics
Quadriplegia greatly affects one's ability to function normally, so this amazing medical breakthrough provides a lot of hope for a lot of people.
This Amazing Breakthrough Has Given Hope to Quadriplegics
General Health
27 Tips to Ensure You Look & Feel Great for Years to Come
These tips are things you never thought of, but we guarantee that you will look and feel great if you follow them. Read the 27 tips now.
27 Tips to Ensure You Look & Feel Great for Years to Come
General Health
Does Complaining Ruin Your Health? Science Has the Answer
Is it circumstance that's forcing you to complain? According to the latest science, when it comes to happiness, we are our own worst enemies...
Does Complaining Ruin Your Health? Science Has the Answer
Cinnamon Is One of the Healthiest Spices to Add to a Diet
Cinnamon is a fantastically healthy spice that you should consider adding to your diet today. Here are the top 10 health benefits of consuming cinnamon.
Cinnamon Is One of the Healthiest Spices to Add to a Diet
Warning! Drinks That Are Too Hot May Trigger Cancer Cells
The list of cancer-causing agents in our lives is growing by the day, and now hot drinks might cause cancer too. Read more here!
Warning! Drinks That Are Too Hot May Trigger Cancer Cells
General Health
Smell These 6 Scents for Incredible Health Benefits
Discover these six scents which are incredibly beneficial to your body.
Smell These 6 Scents for Incredible Health Benefits
Weight Loss
How to Trick Your Body into Permanently Burning Off Fat
Check out this brilliant collection tips that will help you reach your fat loss goals as quickly as possible.
How to Trick Your Body into Permanently Burning Off Fat
Heart Conditions
Stop Heart Disease in Its Tracks! Eat These 7 Foods
These foods will prevent and treat clogged arteries, leading to better living and quality of life.
Stop Heart Disease in Its Tracks! Eat These 7 Foods
Pain Management
If You Suffer From Foot Pain, Try Out These Insoles
If you suffer from foot, back, or knee pain then you might need to look into purchasing a shoe insole. Here are 6 of the best on the market at the moment.
If You Suffer From Foot Pain, Try Out These Insoles
8 Great Reasons Why You Need to Include Chard In Your Diet
Swiss chard has many health benefits. Discover what they are here.
8 Great Reasons Why You Need to Include Chard In Your Diet
First Aid & Injuries
If You Have a Small Cut, Treat it with These Home Remedies
Here are 6 relatively unknown natural home remedies that are great for healing small wounds.
If You Have a Small Cut, Treat it with These Home Remedies
General Health
Are You 1 of the Few People with These Unique Body Traits?
Here are 10 unusual features of the human body that we rarely notice. Do you possess any of these unique features?
Are You 1 of the Few People with These Unique Body Traits?
General Health
This Fascinating Chemical Will Keep You Happy and Healthy
If there's one chemical in our bodies that we should be thankful for, then it's undoubtedly oxytocin. Find out why here!
This Fascinating Chemical Will Keep You Happy and Healthy
Prostate Cancer
8 Prostate Cancer Risk Factors All Men Should Know
There are several key factors that can raise and lower the risk of prostate cancer. Here are 8 of them:
8 Prostate Cancer Risk Factors All Men Should Know
5 Extremely Healthy Food Combos You Should All Know About...
When paired together, certain foods can be a lot healthier than if they are eaten on their own. Here are 5 extremely healthy food combinations.
5 Extremely Healthy Food Combos You Should All Know About...
Skin Cancer
Are You Aware of These Lesser-Known Causes of Skin Cancer?
What are the factors that contribute to the disease? Take a look at the common causes of skin cancer here.
Are You Aware of These Lesser-Known Causes of Skin Cancer?
Titanium Dioxide Pigment Has Been Linked to T2 Diabetes
The very thing that colors many products white can be behind the increase in incidences of Type 2 diabetes all around the world. Find out about this new study.
Titanium Dioxide Pigment Has Been Linked to T2 Diabetes
Stomach & Digestion
Suffer From Gas? These 6 Infusions Can Help!
Do you suffer from embarrassing and annoying gas? Try one of the following 6y infusions for quick relief
Suffer From Gas? These 6 Infusions Can Help!
Taking These Drugs Increases Your Chances Of Stroke!
Antacid drugs have been used for many years, but new research has found a link between taking them and an increased risk of stroke.
Taking These Drugs Increases Your Chances Of Stroke!
Lungs & Breathing
These 8 Breathing Exercises Will Help You Lose Weight!
Learn the 8 pranayama exercises that will help you control your breathing while also speeding up weight loss effortlessly.
These 8 Breathing Exercises Will Help You Lose Weight!
12 Supplement Facts That Will Surely Horrify You!
The supplement industry isn’t what it seems. In fact, peeling back the curtain just a tiny bit reveals an insidious underbelly. Find out more here!
12 Supplement Facts That Will Surely Horrify You!
10 Collagen-Boosting Foods That'll Keep Your Skin Young
If you want to maintain healthy and younger-looking skin, then you really need to eat these collagen-boosting foods.
10 Collagen-Boosting Foods That'll Keep Your Skin Young
First Aid & Injuries
Caught in an Emergency? 10 Items That Will Save Your Life
Caught in an emergency situation? These everyday things will help save your life.
Caught in an Emergency? 10 Items That Will Save Your Life
General Health
Turmeric is as Effective as 14 Other Drugs Combined
Discover the health benefits of turmeric which are equal to 14 other drugs combined.
Turmeric is as Effective as 14 Other Drugs Combined
This Is What Your Brain Looks Like on Both Beer & Coffee
Find out all about how beer and coffee can both help and hinder our mental capacities with this awesome video.
This Is What Your Brain Looks Like on Both Beer & Coffee
Weight Loss
Should You Follow Bloggers’ Weight Loss Advice?
With the rise of social media, many people rely on food bloggers to get quality weight loss advice, but are they getting it?
Should You Follow Bloggers’ Weight Loss Advice?
General Health
Found a Snake? Don’t Panic: This Is What You Should Do
Surviving an encounter with a snake without getting bitten
Found a Snake? Don’t Panic: This Is What You Should Do
Lung Cancer
The Surprising Link Between Basements and Lung Cancer
One in five lung cancer patients in the US have never smoked. But what are the environmental risk factors of developing lung cancer?
The Surprising Link Between Basements and Lung Cancer
Brain Disorders
8 Symptoms Of the Most Common Brain Tumor
Did you know that the most common brain tumor is benign in over 95% of cases?
8 Symptoms Of the Most Common Brain Tumor
Stomach & Digestion
Warning! Heartburn Medication Increases the Risk of Death
Common over-the-counter and prescription drugs used to treat heartburn, acid reflux, and ulcers can do more harm than good.
Warning! Heartburn Medication Increases the Risk of Death
General Health
The Surprising Link Between White Skin and Deafness
Blue eyed and white-coated mammals, such as dogs and cats, are at a significant risk of deafness, but is the same true of humans?
The Surprising Link Between White Skin and Deafness
Immune Health
Tea Tree Oil: a Pantry Essential You Didn’t Know You Need
Tea tree oil is one of the most powerful antiseptics and a topical application of this oil is beneficial for you hair, skin and nail health
Tea Tree Oil: a Pantry Essential You Didn’t Know You Need
Liver Conditions
Even Non Drinkers Can Suffer from Liver Damage, Here’s Why
Our gut bacteria may effect our health even more than we expected, with a specific bacterium being recently linked to fatty liver disease...
Even Non Drinkers Can Suffer from Liver Damage, Here’s Why
First Aid & Injuries
The Soothing Aromatic Remedy Everyone Needs in Their Home
Rose water is one of those pantry essential that you can use to do anything from making your skin glow to treating digestive issues...
The Soothing Aromatic Remedy Everyone Needs in Their Home
Pain Management
Suffering from Lower Back Pain? These 7 Remedies Work FAST
The 7 remedies in this article take very little time, can be easily done at home and work together to prevent and decrease lower back pain
Suffering from Lower Back Pain? These 7 Remedies Work FAST
15 Acupressure Guides to Acupressure Points Massage
Before you is a collection of some of our best accupressure guides to teach you about the important pressure points in your body, how to massage them and how to help others.
15 Acupressure Guides to Acupressure Points Massage
Weird Food Facts That’ll Make You Revise Your Food Choices
These food facts are surprising, often puzzling, and may just urge you to reconsider your food choices. Here are 15 surprising food facts.
Weird Food Facts That’ll Make You Revise Your Food Choices
General Health
These 11 Health Myths Were Finally Cleared By Science
To make a fresh and healthier start in the new decade, let's discuss and leave 11 of the greatest health myths of the 2010's in this article
These 11 Health Myths Were Finally Cleared By Science
Lungs & Breathing
This Doctor Showed Us Masks Are Safe to Wear While Running
With many people raising concerns regarding breathing difficulty caused by masks, these doctors prove that masks are perfectly safe.
This Doctor Showed Us Masks Are Safe to Wear While Running
This New Blood Thinner Medication Has NO Risk of Bleeding!
Swiss scientists made a medical breakthrough, creating a new blood-thinning drug that's more effective than current medication and doesn't cause bleeding!
This New Blood Thinner Medication Has NO Risk of Bleeding!
These Myths Surrounding Dementia Need to be Cleared
In this article, we try and shatter some of the common myths surrounding dementia.
These Myths Surrounding Dementia Need to be Cleared
10 Foods That Make Cellulite Worse!
Certain foods are known to amplify the appearance of cellulite. Here are 10 such foods.
10 Foods That Make Cellulite Worse!
10 Foods That Alleviate Dry and Flaky Skin
Tired of dry winter skin? The list below includes a variety of plant and animal foods that have been proven to increase skin health and improve skin dryness
10 Foods That Alleviate Dry and Flaky Skin
General Health
Chest Pain - 7 Symptoms You Should Never Ignore
In this article, we will walk you through 7 alarming types of chest discomfort and to which condition each type of pain is related.
Chest Pain - 7 Symptoms You Should Never Ignore
Skin & Hair
Should You Worry About the White Spots on Your Nails?
Leukonychia refers to those white spots on your nails. They are very common and have a variety of causes. These are the most common ones.
Should You Worry About the White Spots on Your Nails?
Never Buy These 10 Items From a Health Food Store...
There could be many products in such stores labeled as “natural” and “organic,” but in reality, they can be hazardous to your health. Here are 10 such products!
Never Buy These 10 Items From a Health Food Store...
8 Foods Not Worth Saving As Leftovers For Health Reasons
If you’re not a fan of leftovers, you may be onto something. You probably shouldn't reheat these leftover foods for health reasons.
8 Foods Not Worth Saving As Leftovers For Health Reasons
Full-Fat Yogurt Versus Low-Fat Yogurt: Which Is Healthier?
For decades, we have been told that full-fat dairy increases our risk of cardiovascular disease, but is it even true?
Full-Fat Yogurt Versus Low-Fat Yogurt: Which Is Healthier?
Alzheimer's Disease
A Vaccine for Alzheimer's?
A groundbreaking first-of-its-kind vaccine for Alzheimer’s disease has shown promise.
A Vaccine for Alzheimer's?
General Health
9 Effective Tips to Stay Awake While You Meditate
Are you frequently falling asleep during meditation? Try some of these effective tips.
9 Effective Tips to Stay Awake While You Meditate
Eye Health
How People With Vision Limitations See the World
These 19 images demonstrate the way people with various vision-altering health conditions see the world.
How People With Vision Limitations See the World
Stomach & Digestion
Why You’re Nauseous After Eating: 9 Causes You Should Know
Feeling a bit queasy after a large and heavy meal is normal, but regularly experiencing nausea after eating can point to an underlying medical condition.
Why You’re Nauseous After Eating: 9 Causes You Should Know
8 SIMPLE Hamstring Workouts You Can Do At Home
Keep your hamstrings strong with these easy home exercises.
8 SIMPLE Hamstring Workouts You Can Do At Home
Bacteria & Viruses
10 Smart Ways to Treat Fungal Infections At Home
If you suffer from some of these symptoms, there are a number of home remedies that can easily treat fungal infections.
10 Smart Ways to Treat Fungal Infections At Home
Skin & Hair
This Natural Drink Will Keep Your Skin Young & Healthy!
The health benefits of turmeric and cinnamon chai are undeniable. Learn how to make this delicious and healthy beverage at home.
This Natural Drink Will Keep Your Skin Young & Healthy!
Why Sitting Down is Slowly Putting Your Health at Risk
Some facts everyone should know about sitting.
Why Sitting Down is Slowly Putting Your Health at Risk
Mental Health
How to Beat and Prevent the Winter Blues
Learn natural ways to beat the winter blues, or their medically diagnosed version, SAD.
How to Beat and Prevent the Winter Blues
Add Flaxseeds to Your Diet and Thank Me Later!
10 great reasons to have some flaxseed, every day. The powerful little seeds also help prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer.
Add Flaxseeds to Your Diet and Thank Me Later!
6 Stretches That'll Improve Your Flexibility and Motion
If you're over the age of 40, you should do these stretches often. They will improve your flexibility and range of motion!
6 Stretches That'll Improve Your Flexibility and Motion
Bacteria & Viruses
This is How You Protect Children from Waterborne Diseases
Waterborne infections are on the increase, so this is how you can prevent your grandchildren from picking one up.
This is How You Protect Children from Waterborne Diseases
Weight Loss Diets
This Tasty Drink Will Help You Shed Those Extra Pounds
If you struggle to lose weight, this healthy and tasty drink could be the answer to your prayers!
This Tasty Drink Will Help You Shed Those Extra Pounds
Weight Loss Diets
Shrink Belly Fat in Just a Few Weeks with this Guide
This Japanese technique will help you lose belly fat in just a couple of weeks.
Shrink Belly Fat in Just a Few Weeks with this Guide
This is What You Need to Eat According to Your Age!
Learning how to feed your body properly as you age can help prevent diseases and other unnecessary complications from arising. Find out more here!
This is What You Need to Eat According to Your Age!
Skin Conditions
Thighs Chafing? Prevent and Soothe Using These Methods
If thigh chafing is an issue, here's how you can prevent chafing in the first place, as well as soothe and protect chafed skin after it has occurred.
Thighs Chafing? Prevent and Soothe Using These Methods
Heart Conditions
Do You Have a Healthy Heart Rate? It's Time to Find Out...
Is your heart beating as it should be, or is it too fast or too slow? If you're unsure, then make sure that you read this article and find out for yourself.
Do You Have a Healthy Heart Rate? It's Time to Find Out...
Sleep Problems
Breathing Exercises that Help You Sleep
Having trouble falling asleep? Try these breathing exercises.
Breathing Exercises that Help You Sleep
General Health
How Your Immune System Will Benefit from Spring Cleaning
This article explains how deep cleaning your home benefits your health and how to clean properly with each of these benefits in mind
How Your Immune System Will Benefit from Spring Cleaning
Bacteria & Viruses
Why Alcohol Can Raise Your Risk of Getting the Coronavirus
Excessive drinking, even occasionally, is the major culprit that can make a dent in your immune protection and raise your risk of becoming sick.
Why Alcohol Can Raise Your Risk of Getting the Coronavirus
Pink Himalayan Salt is Going to Truly Change Your Diet
Discover the health benefits of Pink Himalayan salt, and why you should be choosing it over regular table salt.
Pink Himalayan Salt is Going to Truly Change Your Diet
Bacteria & Viruses
These Are 8 of the Germiest Spots in Your Bathroom!
There’s no getting away from the fact that your bathroom is riddled with germs.These are the 8 germiest spots in your bathroom!
These Are 8 of the Germiest Spots in Your Bathroom!
Here Are 10 Essential Vitamins for Optimum Brain Health!
The brain is the most high-powered organ that we have and it requires the right amount and type of fuel to work properly. Here's what you need!
Here Are 10 Essential Vitamins for Optimum Brain Health!
Brain Disorders
Does Spending Time Alone Improve Your Health?
Many people are scared of spending time alone, but research actually shows that it is really good for your health. Here's why...
Does Spending Time Alone Improve Your Health?
These Pre-Packaged Foods Are Unhealthier Than You Imagined
Convenience food have made everything quicker, but some of them are super-unhealthy. Here are 15 convenience foods your really should avoid.
These Pre-Packaged Foods Are Unhealthier Than You Imagined
Eye Health
No More Irritated Eyes: Read Our Full Guide!
Dry eye syndrome occurs when tear glands don't secrete enough tears and fatty substances to the eye - Learn how to treat it with this guide!
No More Irritated Eyes: Read Our Full Guide!
General Health
8 Body Parts We All Forget to Wash Often Enough
Most people miss these body parts when having a wash, but doing so could be harming your health...
8 Body Parts We All Forget to Wash Often Enough
General Health
Improve Your Health with These 11 Simple and Quick Hacks
To get healthy quick, all we need to do is follow these instant health upgrades. Take a look!
Improve Your Health with These 11 Simple and Quick Hacks
Mental Health
7 Common Medications that Could Be Making You Depressed
As part of the study, researchers found that more than 200 commonly used drugs have depression or suicide listed as potential side effects. If you're taking any of these pills and are suffering from depression, this may be why.
7 Common Medications that Could Be Making You Depressed
Six Sitting Positions You NEED to Stop Using!
Sitting is supposed to make things easier for us, but in practice, many positions are ineffective and even cause damage - here are 6 you should avoid!
Six Sitting Positions You NEED to Stop Using!
Muscles & Bones
Older Than 50? Here's How You Can Keep Your Bones Healthy!
As we get older we will start to lose bone density, which can lead to osteoporosis. Thankfully, there are a number of ways to slow this down.
Older Than 50? Here's How You Can Keep Your Bones Healthy!
Dementia Can Be Well-Managed With These 10 Tips
Dementia is a tough thing for anyone to have to deal with, but if you take heed of these 10 pieces of advice, I guarantee that life will be much better.
Dementia Can Be Well-Managed With These 10 Tips
Skin & Hair
6 Great Tips That'll Help You Get Rid of Smelly Feet!
If you happen to suffer from extreme foot odor, these 6 great pieces of advice might work wonders for you!
6 Great Tips That'll Help You Get Rid of Smelly Feet!
This Root Tea Will Start Your Journey to a Healthier Life
This popular herbal tea is made by steeping the dried root of the burdock plant. Here are 8 health benefits of this delicious brew.
This Root Tea Will Start Your Journey to a Healthier Life
Brain Disorders
Do These Exercises to Maintain a Sound Mind & Clear Memory
Here are 4 simple exercises that will help to preserve your memory and other cognitive functions, well into old age.
Do These Exercises to Maintain a Sound Mind & Clear Memory
8 Fantastic Reasons Why You Should Start Eating Olives
Olives are not only tasty, but they're also extremely healthy. Here are 8 health benefits of the humble olive.
8 Fantastic Reasons Why You Should Start Eating Olives
First Aid & Injuries
The Biggest Mistakes You Are Making During Emergencies
Knowing the basic first aid would go a long way. Here are the biggest mistakes we are making in everyday emergencies.
The Biggest Mistakes You Are Making During Emergencies
General Health
WATCH: Heed These Signs to Know If You're Iron-Deficient
Iron is mineral that is vital to human health. If the body does not get enough, then this could have consequences. Learn the tell-tale signs of iron deficiency.
WATCH: Heed These Signs to Know If You're Iron-Deficient
Eye Health
Improve Your Eyesight with These Straightforward Exercises
While it may seem unnecessary at first, exercising your eyes helps maintain great vision. Here are 10 exercises that you should do on a daily basis.
Improve Your Eyesight with These Straightforward Exercises
This Is Why You Should Add Rhubarb to Your Diet Right Now
Rhubarb is incredibly healthy and can offer you numerous health benefits, so there's no reason why you shouldn't add it to your diet today.
This Is Why You Should Add Rhubarb to Your Diet Right Now
Hair Loss
Banish Hair Loss with this Complete Natural Guide
Suffering from hair loss? These natural remedies will help.
Banish Hair Loss with this Complete Natural Guide
General Health
Some Folk Don't Know They're Sick: Don't Be One of Them!
You can be very ill without realizing it. The following 6 symptoms could indicate you have a problem.
Some Folk Don't Know They're Sick: Don't Be One of Them!
Prostate Cancer
Protect the Men in Your Life with 4 Prostate Cancer Facts
Prostate cancer is not a woman's disease, but, there is a chance that it will affect a man close to you at some point. Know the facts.
Protect the Men in Your Life with 4 Prostate Cancer Facts
General Health
Banish Vertigo From Your Life with This Simple Exercise
Do you suffer from vertigo? If so, this easy exercise can help you banish it for good!
Banish Vertigo From Your Life with This Simple Exercise
General Health
This 1 Minute Exercise Is All You Need to Do Each Day
If there's one form of exercise you should practice each day, the plank is it. Discover its benefits and alignment cues here.
This 1 Minute Exercise Is All You Need to Do Each Day
Alzheimer's Disease
These Are 10 Tell-Tale Signs of Alzheimer's Disease
In addition to its debilitating effects, Alzheimer's disease has a lot of stigma, therefore a sufferer might find it hard to admit to. Here are the signs.
These Are 10 Tell-Tale Signs of Alzheimer's Disease
General Health
WARNING: Ibuprofen Should Be Avoided by +40s, Say Doctors
The FDA are now saying that Ibuprofen is dangerous. We break down this warning, and show you some great natural alternatives.
WARNING: Ibuprofen Should Be Avoided by +40s, Say Doctors
General Health
6 Simple Steps to Detoxification Turned My Health Around
What are the effects of toxins on our health, and how can we do anything about it? Read on for the answers.
6 Simple Steps to Detoxification Turned My Health Around
Dive into the Many Health Benefits Sea Water Offers Us
Discover the many health benefits the oceans offer us with every swim. So, what are you waiting for?
Dive into the Many Health Benefits Sea Water Offers Us
General Health
Your Adrenal Gland May Be the Reason Why You're So Tired
Adrenal fatigue syndrome affects a lot more people than most can imagine. This guide will help you alleviate its symptoms and make you feel perky and fresh.
Your Adrenal Gland May Be the Reason Why You're So Tired
The BIGGEST Cancer Myths Explained
In this article, we dispel 8 big misconceptions about cancer.
The BIGGEST Cancer Myths Explained
General Health
House Cleaners You Should NEVER Mix to Avoid Toxic Fumes
Mixing certain common household chemicals is never a good idea, as it can be dangerous and damaging to both your home and your health.
House Cleaners You Should NEVER Mix to Avoid Toxic Fumes
Eye Health
Warning! These Eye Health Myths Are Ruining Your Eyesight
If you want to educate yourself about eye health, and 12 popular and often harmful myths about eyes to avoid, continue reading.
Warning! These Eye Health Myths Are Ruining Your Eyesight
7 Daily Ingredients That Are Killing Us
These foods are really great to eat, but you wouldn't want to overdo it, because they can turn deadly!
7 Daily Ingredients That Are Killing Us
Prostate Cancer
Learn How You Can Make Your Prostate Cancer-Proof
Learn how you can prevent and cure prostate cancer by following the instructions in this guide.
Learn How You Can Make Your Prostate Cancer-Proof
6 Reasons Why Sumac is Your New Best Friend
With a sweet-sour taste and a red-purple hue, sumac is an important ingredient found in most kitchens around the world.
6 Reasons Why Sumac is Your New Best Friend
Stomach & Digestion
This is What Your Poop Can Tell You About Your Health!
You can find out a lot of information about your health simply by taking a closer look at your stool. Learn more here!
This is What Your Poop Can Tell You About Your Health!
Mental Health
Study Shows: Calling Your Parents is Making Them Healthier
If you don't call your elderly parents on a regular basis it could be having a negative opinion on their health. find out why here!
Study Shows: Calling Your Parents is Making Them Healthier
12 Cancer Facts You Need to Pay Attention To
Inform yourself of these important cancer facts with this helpful guide.
12 Cancer Facts You Need to Pay Attention To
General Health
Allergic to Gluten? Here are 10 Top Alternatives to Wheat
Wheat has been a part of our diet for many years. However, many people are allergic or intolerant to it. Here are 10 alternatives to wheat and wheat flour.
Allergic to Gluten? Here are 10 Top Alternatives to Wheat
Mouth & Teeth
Keep Your Teeth & Gums Free of Tartar with These Remedies
Tartar build-up in the oral cavity can wreak havoc if left unattended to. Luckily, these 14 home remedies are great for maintaining healthy teeth and gums.
Keep Your Teeth & Gums Free of Tartar with These Remedies
After Reading This, You'll Stop Eating Cereal for Good!
The majority of cereals are promoted as “health foods” by the giant food corporations, but they're lying. Here's the truth!
After Reading This, You'll Stop Eating Cereal for Good!
Pain Management
Muscle Degeneration Starts with these 8 Early Symptoms
Are you familiar with muscular dystrophy? Spot the early signs of this disease by being aware of these tips.
Muscle Degeneration Starts with these 8 Early Symptoms
This Guide Will Show You How to Minimize Pesky Large Pores
Large pores are the bane of many a woman's existence, but that doesn't need to be the case. Read this guide to minimizing large facial pores.
This Guide Will Show You How to Minimize Pesky Large Pores
Studies Prove: Drinking Green Tea Can Prevent Diabetes
Many of us know the health benefits of green tea and drink it on a regular basis, so you'll be happy to hear about its connection to diabetes prevention.
Studies Prove: Drinking Green Tea Can Prevent Diabetes
Weight Loss Diets
Want to Lose Weight While You Sleep? Here's How.
Want to lose weight while sleeping? You should read the following article carefully and start burning fat starting tonight!
Want to Lose Weight While You Sleep? Here's How.
Alzheimer's Disease
New Study: This Virus May Be Causing Alzheimer's Disease
About 30 million people worldwide have Alzheimer's disease, and now it turns out that one of the most common viruses may be a precursor to the disease ...
New Study: This Virus May Be Causing Alzheimer's Disease
This Sweet Fruit is Both Tasty and Incredibly Healthy!
With seven such wonderful health benefits, it's no wonder that Annona a favorite of many around the world...
This Sweet Fruit is Both Tasty and Incredibly Healthy!
Endocrine Health
9 Bad Habits that Can Affect Your Thyroid
Do you have a hormonal imbalance? It may be because of a thyroid imbalance.
9 Bad Habits that Can Affect Your Thyroid
Skin Conditions
Prevent Blisters on Your Feet By Following This Advice
Don’t let blisters bother you. Here are 9 things you can do to prevent them.
Prevent Blisters on Your Feet By Following This Advice
Have You Heard of Dermarolling Before? Find Out More Here
Dermarolling is a cosmetic procedure that involves putting tiny little pricks in the skin in order to allow the penetration of cosmetic products. Take a look.
Have You Heard of Dermarolling Before? Find Out More Here
General Health
It's Official: Gene-Edited Babies Are Now a Reality
A Chinese scientist claims to have created the world's first gene-edited babies. Let's take a closer look at the implications of this news, and what it means.
It's Official: Gene-Edited Babies Are Now a Reality
Weight Loss Diets
10 Reasons to Have a Daily Spoonful of Balsamic Vinegar
Balsamic vinegar has been found to be very good for human health. Discover the benefits here.
10 Reasons to Have a Daily Spoonful of Balsamic Vinegar
Stomach & Digestion
Science Has Just Revealed Another Reason to Love Broccoli!
Researchers have just discovered yet another way that broccoli can help boost your health. Read all about it here.
Science Has Just Revealed Another Reason to Love Broccoli!
General Health
If Your Nails are Weak and Brittle, Here's How to Fix Them
Got weak or brittle nails? Here are 10 natural remedies to make them stronger.
If Your Nails are Weak and Brittle, Here's How to Fix Them
Inner Organs
Here's How to Prevent and Treat Intestinal Parasites
Although many people seem to think of intestinal parasites as ailments that occur only in countries that are underdeveloped, that isn't true. Take a look.
Here's How to Prevent and Treat Intestinal Parasites
General Health
Learn What Your Complete Blood Count Results Mean
This article explains all you need to know about your complete blood count (CBC) test results.
Learn What Your Complete Blood Count Results Mean
Which Form of Sugar Is The Most Harmful? Find Out Here
Glucose, fructose and sucrose are 3 types of sugar that contain wildly different properties. Find out exactly what makes these three sugars so different, and why these differences actually matter.
Which Form of Sugar Is The Most Harmful? Find Out Here
General Health
Do You Know What Your Body Gets Up to Over 24 Hours?
Even when at rest, or sick, our body doesn't stop working for a minute. If you think you know your body, the following facts will have you thinking twice...
Do You Know What Your Body Gets Up to Over 24 Hours?
Weight Loss
9 Proven Tips to Help You Lose Weight Without Loose Skin
Want to lose weight and avoid loose skin? Meet the 9 most effective ways to help you achieve your goal with long-lasting results.
9 Proven Tips to Help You Lose Weight Without Loose Skin
The Persimmon: 9 Terrific Health Benefits!
It turns out that persimmon - the orange and shiny fruit reminiscent of a tomato - contains a large number of vitamins and minerals. With so many health benefits that help our body, it's no wonder that persimmon a favorite fruit of many...
The Persimmon: 9 Terrific Health Benefits!
Inner Organs
Remove Toxins From Your Liver, Kidneys & Bladder Naturally
Keep you liver, bladder and kidneys healthy by following these crucial tips.
Remove Toxins From Your Liver, Kidneys & Bladder Naturally
Weight Loss
Treating the REAL Cause of Obesity Nobody’s Talking About
Doctors find an integrated treatment for depression and obesity more effective
Treating the REAL Cause of Obesity Nobody’s Talking About
Have You Tried These Exotic Fruit? Find Out Why You Should
Exotic fruits aren't simply interesting to taste or to look at, they are full of nutrients and can provide a lot of health benefits.
Have You Tried These Exotic Fruit? Find Out Why You Should
Mouth & Teeth
Are You Guilty Of These Tooth-Damaging Habits? Most Are...
Become more mindful of your oral health after reading this article about the harmful yet common habits that cause tooth problems.
Are You Guilty Of These Tooth-Damaging Habits? Most Are...
Skin & Hair
Natural Hair and Skin Remedy Everyone Should Have At Home
Jojoba oil has been known as one of the most powerful natural hair, skin and nail treatments in existence. Find out how to use it here.
Natural Hair and Skin Remedy Everyone Should Have At Home
Stomach & Digestion
Don’t Let Irritable Bowel Syndrome Get in the Way of Life
What is IBS, and how can you manage its symptoms?
Don’t Let Irritable Bowel Syndrome Get in the Way of Life
Vitamin C Cannot Prevent Colds, But It Can Do So Much More
Although vitamin C may not protect you from the flu, it can do wonders for your immune system, heart, skin and the nervous system, and more...
Vitamin C Cannot Prevent Colds, But It Can Do So Much More
Prevent Cancer By Avoiding These 5 Diet Mistakes
More and more large new studies confirm the relationship between a poor diet and the risk of developing certain cancers. Americans frequently make these 5 main bad food habits, and they can potentially cause cancer.
Prevent Cancer By Avoiding These 5 Diet Mistakes
Another One Bites the Dust: 100% Juice Linked to Cancer
Are all sweet beverages, 100% natural juices and dairy drinks included, bad for our health? Well, the answer to that question is complicated.
Another One Bites the Dust: 100% Juice Linked to Cancer
Lungs & Breathing
Studies Have Shown That Asthma Can Be Treated with Yoga
Many institutions are delving into studies to determine how yogic breathing exercises can improve the quality of life for asthmatic patients
Studies Have Shown That Asthma Can Be Treated with Yoga
General Health
WARNING: Toxicity Levels of Fish Rise Rapidly
Certain fish varieties may be unsafe to eat during rising levels of mercury found in their tissues, here's all you need to know
WARNING: Toxicity Levels of Fish Rise Rapidly
Fat Burning Exercises
There’s No Age Limit to Start Strength Building Exercises
There’s a misconception that muscle building is dangerous or ineffective for older adults, but this new recent study busts that myth
There’s No Age Limit to Start Strength Building Exercises
Heart Conditions
This Miniature Heart is Real and Made With a 3-D Printer
Scientists in Tel Aviv University, Israel, have used a 3-D printer to create a small heart using human tissue .
This Miniature Heart is Real and Made With a 3-D Printer
General Health
The Weirdest Habits That Can Actually Benefit Your Health
A list of 14 habits that you might think are bad or weird that actually turn out to be very beneficial for your physical and mental health
The Weirdest Habits That Can Actually Benefit Your Health
Stomach & Digestion
Struggling With Incomplete Bowel Movements? We Can Help
Anyone that suffers from stomach irregularities is likely familiar with incomplete bowel movements, and these tips can help you manage them.
Struggling With Incomplete Bowel Movements? We Can Help
General Health
10 Odd Things You Would Be Surprised to Know You Can Eat
There are so many food items that you are unlikely to have tried yet. Here we look at some odd things that are surprisingly edible.
10 Odd Things You Would Be Surprised to Know You Can Eat
Skin & Hair
Why Your Body Will Thank You for Using Argan Oil
A list of 8 health benefits in using cosmetic or edible argan oil
Why Your Body Will Thank You for Using Argan Oil
General Health
The Dangers of Aluminum Exposure and 9 Ways To Prevent It
Aluminum exposure can be dangerous to the human body, but it turns out that it's more difficult to avoid this metal that one would think...
The Dangers of Aluminum Exposure and 9 Ways To Prevent It
Bacteria & Viruses
This Virus is a Cousin of SARS and is Spreading Too Fast!
A new coronavirus, cousin of the SARS virus, which has resulted in the death of 9 people is spreading across the world from Wuhan, China,
This Virus is a Cousin of SARS and is Spreading Too Fast!
Did You Know These Foods Contain MSG?
It is little known these everyday food products contain MSG
Did You Know These Foods Contain MSG?
Just a Dash of This Common Herb Can Benefit Your Wellbeing
Learn what health issues peppermint is most beneficial for and how to use this herb to improve your wellbeing right here.
Just a Dash of This Common Herb Can Benefit Your Wellbeing
Lungs & Breathing
6 Coronavirus Indicators That You May Not Have Heard Of
Here, we list some of the more unusual and lesser-known COVID-19 symptoms you might not be aware of yet.
6 Coronavirus Indicators That You May Not Have Heard Of
Skin Conditions
Sun Poisoning vs. Sunburn - The Important Differences
Now that the hot months are almost here, it's important to know how to tell sun poisoning from an ordinary sunburn.
Sun Poisoning vs. Sunburn - The Important Differences
Is Olive Oil Really BETTER Than Vegetable Oil?
Olive oil is touted as a superfood capable of increasing longevity and aiding in weight loss, but is it really that much better than vegetable oil?
Is Olive Oil Really BETTER Than Vegetable Oil?
General Health
9 ‘Contagious’ Conditions That Are Not Truly Contagious
These 9 conditions cannot be transmitted from person to person, though many people believe them to be highly contagious
9 ‘Contagious’ Conditions That Are Not Truly Contagious
6 Essential Oils Scientifically Proven to Help Arthritis
All 6 of these essential oils have been scientifically proven to be effective and safe for treating arthritis symptoms.
6 Essential Oils Scientifically Proven to Help Arthritis
Bacteria & Viruses
New Coronavirus Strain In Britain: What’s Currently Known
A new Covid-19 strain is spreading through the UK, causing parts of the country, including London, to shut down. This is what is currently known about the strain.
New Coronavirus Strain In Britain: What’s Currently Known
This Well-Known Supplement Was Found to Boost Memory
Scientists finally found a supplement that can actually help protect the memory, and it turns out that it was hiding in plain sight all along.
This Well-Known Supplement Was Found to Boost Memory
Keep Blood Sugar In Check with This Simple Practice
What are net carbs? How can you calculate them and what are the benefits of doing so? Find out here.
Keep Blood Sugar In Check with This Simple Practice
General Health
13 Medical Phrases Every Patient Must Know
We guarantee that you will learn some useful medical lingo from this article and gain a deeper understanding of your own health.
13 Medical Phrases Every Patient Must Know
Pain Management
Have Sciatica Pain in Your Rear? 3 Stretches to Help
In this article, we explain what causes deep pain in the buttock area. We then show you 3 simple stretches that will help release the muscle and alleviate the pain.
Have Sciatica Pain in Your Rear? 3 Stretches to Help
Flax Milk: The Plant-Based Milk That Is Rich with Benefits
Ever heard of flax milk? It's an amazing plant-based milk which is a great substitute for diary. Learn everything about it here.
Flax Milk: The Plant-Based Milk That Is Rich with Benefits
Need an Energy Boost? Here’s What to Eat and What to Avoid
If you need extra energy in your life, we have a few excellent nutritionist-approved foods, along with a list of misleading foods that can deprive you of energy.
Need an Energy Boost? Here’s What to Eat and What to Avoid
How Much Fiber Is TOO Much? Signs of Excess Fiber Intake
It turns out that you can have too much of a good thing. Here’s what you need to know about the signs and treatment of excessive fiber intake.
How Much Fiber Is TOO Much? Signs of Excess Fiber Intake
Heart Conditions
Study Finds Breakfast to Be More Important Than We Knew
New study further solidifies the importance of eating breakfast by revealing a clear connection between skipping breakfast and higher risk of heart disease.
Study Finds Breakfast to Be More Important Than We Knew
General Health
10 Effective Ways to Cope With a Scorching Heat Wave
The summer heatwave is upon us. Keep yourself cool and safe with these 10 useful tips.
10 Effective Ways to Cope With a Scorching Heat Wave
Mouth & Teeth
The Risks of Over Brushing Your Teeth
Have you been brushing your teeth too hard? Watch out for these signs…
The Risks of Over Brushing Your Teeth
Mental Health
Science Alert: A Vaccine Against Depression?
Research suggests that the anesthetic drug ketamine could be used to treat various mental conditions.
Science Alert: A Vaccine Against Depression?
Stomach & Digestion
Have Digestive Problems? Try These 14 Natural Tips...
Many people suffer from digestion problems, and although annoying they are fortunately treatable. Here are 14 natural tips to improve your digestion.
Have Digestive Problems? Try These 14 Natural Tips...
Suffering From Swollen hand? Find Out What's Wrong Here
Are you worried about your swollen hands? Here is everything you need to know and everything you can do to beat your affliction.
Suffering From Swollen hand? Find Out What's Wrong Here
Stomach & Digestion
11 Signs You May Have a Food Intolerance
If you are suffering from any of these 11 symptoms, you might have a hidden food intolerance. Read on to find out more.
11 Signs You May Have a Food Intolerance
Heart Conditions
8 Signs That Your Heart isn't Working Properly
They are a number signs that warn us about heart trouble that we should all be more aware of. Here are 8 of them.
8 Signs That Your Heart isn't Working Properly
Autoimmune Diseases
5 Early Signs That You Might Develop Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis is a debilitating disease, but you can spot it early if you know how to. Learn 5 tell-tale signs of the onset of Multiple Sclerosis.
5 Early Signs That You Might Develop Multiple Sclerosis
5 Bad Drinking Habits to Ditch In Your 50s and Onward
As we age, it’s crucial to let go of the unhealthy drinking habits we’ve developed over decades - here are 5 of the worst offenders.
5 Bad Drinking Habits to Ditch In Your 50s and Onward
Bacteria & Viruses
Candida Infection: What is it and How Can We Treat it?
Candida is a fungal infection that causes a whole list of symptoms. You could be suffering from it without noticing. Here's where to get better informed about it.
Candida Infection: What is it and How Can We Treat it?
General Health
A Hot Shower or a Cold One?
What are the benefits of having a hot or a cold shower? Discover the benefits here.
A Hot Shower or a Cold One?
Brain Disorders
Sitting All Day Can Lead to Muscle Atrophy - Prevent It!
Muscle atrophy is a dangerous health condition that can develop in just a few weeks of inactivity or a sedentary lifestyle. Here's what you should know about it.
Sitting All Day Can Lead to Muscle Atrophy - Prevent It!
General Health
This Underrated Oil Has Many Terrific Uses for Your Health
Moringa oil is a wonderful tree oil that can have unlimited benefits for the skin and overall health.
This Underrated Oil Has Many Terrific Uses for Your Health
This Wonderful Oil Fights Inflammation and Aids Metabolism
Find out why flaxseed oil deserves a place in your home and learn several ways to use it.
This Wonderful Oil Fights Inflammation and Aids Metabolism
Sleep Problems
Do You Wake at Night? This Guide May Explain Why
Wake up regularly at night? This may surprise you ... These are the things your body is trying to tell you according to Chinese medicine.
Do You Wake at Night? This Guide May Explain Why
General Health
Healthy Ways to Gain Weight if You Are Underweight
Looking to gain weight but not sure how to do it in a healthy way? Here are 5 tips you can use to build some mass.
Healthy Ways to Gain Weight if You Are Underweight
Epilepsy and Seizures
This Classical Sonata Can Alleviate Symptoms of Epilepsy
Brain researchers discovered that this specific musical piece by Mozart can lower the number of seizures in epilepsy patients.
This Classical Sonata Can Alleviate Symptoms of Epilepsy
Sitting Cross Legged? Here are 5 Reasons Why You Should Stop
Did you know sitting cross legged can have serious consequences on your health? Read more about how and why!
Sitting Cross Legged? Here are 5 Reasons Why You Should Stop
Enrich Your Blood: 10 Natural Remedies for Iron Deficiency
Amazingly, more than 2 billion people suffer from iron deficiency, but most of us don't know how to improve our iron levels. Here are 10 natural ways you can.
Enrich Your Blood: 10 Natural Remedies for Iron Deficiency
General Health
10 Common Items in Your Kitchen Damaging Your Health
There are a number of items in the kitchen that we often take for granted. But, did you know that many of these items can pose a threat to our health?
10 Common Items in Your Kitchen Damaging Your Health
General Health
How to Use Vitamin Supplements Correctly For Better Health
Learn how vitamin pills can affect your health, what each one does and when it's best to take them.
How to Use Vitamin Supplements Correctly For Better Health
General Health
11 Traditional Home Remedies from All Over the World
These home remedies have sprung up over many centuries from all corners of the globe, and now you can try them out yourself.
11 Traditional Home Remedies from All Over the World
Pain Management
Deal With Pain Using These 8 Simple Flexibility Exercises
Increasing your flexibility can help you reduce or completely diminish pain. Here are 8 exercises that will help you achieve both.
Deal With Pain Using These 8 Simple Flexibility Exercises
General Health
Got High Blood Pressure? Massage These 3 Points
While high blood pressure is caused by a variety of things, its most common cause is hypertension. Reduce your high blood pressure by using the ancient technique of acupressure.
Got High Blood Pressure? Massage These 3 Points
Guide: Reap the Health Benefits of These Common Fruits
Are you aware of the health benefits of these common fruits?
Guide: Reap the Health Benefits of These Common Fruits
General Health
10 Healthy Potted Plants for Improving the Air at Home
Having plants in the house is of course a great idea. But which ones should you choose? Here are 10 of the very best freshness inspiring potted plants.
10 Healthy Potted Plants for Improving the Air at Home
General Health
Get Started on a Cardio Workout with These Beginner Tips
This step-by-step guide will help you take the leap and get back into cardio.
Get Started on a Cardio Workout with These Beginner Tips
Ear, Nose and Throat
How to Know If a Child You Love Has Thyroid Problems
Thyroid problems are not a rarity in kids, but they're not as common as some like to think. Here's what to look for if you think your kid has a thyroid issue.
How to Know If a Child You Love Has Thyroid Problems
Skin & Hair
Say Goodbye to Dry, Flaky Skin with These Natural Remedies
These home remedies and herbs can help treat the itchiness and dryness that is caused by Psoriasis.
Say Goodbye to Dry, Flaky Skin with These Natural Remedies
This Guide Is All You Need to Relieve Your Joint Pain
If you're one of those unlucky individuals who suffers regularly from joint pain, make sure you refer to this guide to find out how to relieve it.
This Guide Is All You Need to Relieve Your Joint Pain
What to Eat in a Day to Reduce Your Risk of Cancer
So, what would a day of healthy eating (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and drinks) look like if someone were to follow a cancer defense diet?
What to Eat in a Day to Reduce Your Risk of Cancer
Skin & Hair
When is Sweating a Sign of a Serious Health Issue? A Guide.
If you seem to be sweating to excess, your body might be trying to tell you something about the state of your health. Learn these 8 signs now.
When is Sweating a Sign of a Serious Health Issue? A Guide.
Bacteria & Viruses
Be Aware of These Foods as They Can Cause Food Poisoning
Each year around 76 million people contract food poisoning. Many different foods can cause it, but some foods are more high-risk. Here's 10 of them.
Be Aware of These Foods as They Can Cause Food Poisoning
Skin & Hair
Treat Your Dry Skin with These Excellent Sea Salt Scrubs
If you have dry and sensitive skin and want to get rid of it you should check out these fantastic sea salt scrubs.
Treat Your Dry Skin with These Excellent Sea Salt Scrubs
General Health
5 Simple Tests That Can Help Evaluate Your Health
The following five simple tests will enable you to easily keep track of what type of shape your body is in.
5 Simple Tests That Can Help Evaluate Your Health
Skin Conditions
The 6 Best Treatments to Hide a Hypertrophic Scar
This type of scar is extremely visible. Here are 6 treatments to help reduce its appearance.
The 6 Best Treatments to Hide a Hypertrophic Scar
Mental Health
8 Psychological Techniques to Feel Happy Quickly
According to neuroscientists this is when and why your brain can give you the feeling of total satisfaction. Read the article to learn more.
8 Psychological Techniques to Feel Happy Quickly
Are Your Ankles Weak? These 5 Easy Exercises Will Help
Is your ankle pain limiting you from going about your daily life?
Are Your Ankles Weak? These 5 Easy Exercises Will Help
Ear, Nose and Throat
Wow! These 5 Nutrients Could Save Your Hearing!
As we age, our hearing is one of the first things to go. However, thankfully there are some natural ways to boost your hearing. Here are five of them.
Wow! These 5 Nutrients Could Save Your Hearing!
General Health
The Enemy Within: 8 Common Human Parasites
60% of the world's population are infected by parasites. Here are 8 common ones that could be a lot closer to you than you could ever imagine.
The Enemy Within: 8 Common Human Parasites
Is Manuka Honey Really a Superfood? All is Revealed Here!
Manuka honey is often touted as a superfood, but is it? Find out more here!
Is Manuka Honey Really a Superfood? All is Revealed Here!
Stomach & Digestion
It May Not Be the Gluten Giving You Bowel Problems...
If you're having bowel problems that are attributed to gluten, then you should know that what you've been told is likely all wrong. Read on to know more.
It May Not Be the Gluten Giving You Bowel Problems...
General Health
You Won’t Believe the Health Benefits of This Tiny Fruit!
Guarana can provide you with a stock of energy, vitality, and alertness. Read more about this wonder-fruit here and learn of its benefits.
You Won’t Believe the Health Benefits of This Tiny Fruit!
Ear, Nose and Throat
Grandma's Remedies for Treating Colds and Nasal Congestion
Nasal congestion and a runny nose are the most distressing symptoms associated with being sick, but the following remedies and tips will ease these symptoms.
Grandma's Remedies for Treating Colds and Nasal Congestion
General Health
Take a Daily Nap and Reap These Healthy Benefits
Had a rough night? Here are 16 reasons to take a nap.
Take a Daily Nap and Reap These Healthy Benefits
Why You Need Calcium And How To Get More Of It!
Most know the contribution of calcium to normal growth and is aware of its importance in bone health, but its benefits don't end there ...
Why You Need Calcium And How To Get More Of It!
First Aid & Injuries
Healthcare: 10 Services You Can Get For Free Across the US
Depending on what type of care you need, there are a lot of treatments that you can get for free or at reduced costs. Learn more here!
Healthcare: 10 Services You Can Get For Free Across the US
Are You Giving Your Body Enough Nutrition? Find Out Here
In order to live a long and healthy life, you'll need to take care of your body and mind by paying attention to your eating and drinking habits...
Are You Giving Your Body Enough Nutrition? Find Out Here
These New Diabetes Treatments Show a Lot of Promise!
Over the last few years, these remarkable diabetes treatments have shown a lot of promise. Take a look!
These New Diabetes Treatments Show a Lot of Promise!
Female Health
Women Over the Age of 40 Should Get These Health Tests!
Are you a woman and over the age of 40? If so, here are ten health tests that you should really consider getting!
Women Over the Age of 40 Should Get These Health Tests!
Men's Health
It Looks Like Men Might Soon Get Their Own Birth Control
Despite research being conducted for the past 40 or 50 years, no definitive contraception for men in pill form has emerged. Until now that is...
It Looks Like Men Might Soon Get Their Own Birth Control
Bacteria & Viruses
The Horrible, Dirty Truth About Hand Dryers
If you happen to be a germophobe who wants to use a public restroom ever again, you might just want to stop reading this.
The Horrible, Dirty Truth About Hand Dryers
Fat Burning Exercises
What's the Best Form of Exercise You Can Do? Find Out!
Why you should be doing resistance training and what it entails.
What's the Best Form of Exercise You Can Do? Find Out!
Lungs & Breathing
Here's What Everyone Really Must Know About COPD!
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, also known as COPD, is a group of progressive lung diseases. Here is everything you need to know!
Here's What Everyone Really Must Know About COPD!
Breast Cancer
Doctors Use Woman's Own Immune System to Cure Her Cancer
A woman has been cured of breast cancer after doctors tweaked her immune system, enabling it to destroy the tumors in her body. Find out more here!
Doctors Use Woman's Own Immune System to Cure Her Cancer
Here Are 8 Foods That You'd Be Better Off Not Consuming!
When it comes to causing illnesses, some foods are worse than others. Here are 8 foods that food poisoning experts avoid. You should too.
Here Are 8 Foods That You'd Be Better Off Not Consuming!
Emotional Stress May Be the Cause of Your Back Pain
There may be more to your back pain than you think. Take a look at how emotional stress may be the cause of your back pain.
Emotional Stress May Be the Cause of Your Back Pain
Doctors Are Using the Polio Virus to Treat Brain Tumors!
A genetically modified polio virus has been used to improve the longer-term survival of patients with a lethal type of brain cancer. Find out more here!
Doctors Are Using the Polio Virus to Treat Brain Tumors!
Skin Cancer
Learn the Skin Cancer Symptoms That You Really Should Know
Most skin cancers are usually rather benign, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't keep an eye out for symptoms. Here are 9 subtle signs of skin cancer.
Learn the Skin Cancer Symptoms That You Really Should Know
Should You Eliminate All Sugar From Your Diet? Maybe Not!
Trying to lose weight? You don't need to eliminate sugar from your diet completely.
Should You Eliminate All Sugar From Your Diet? Maybe Not!
Pain Management
Fight Inflammation and Pain the New, Natural Way!
The Luminas patch represents a new generation and attitude in fighting off inflammation and treating chronic and other kinds of pain. It can be put on the area of pain directly such as the lower back or neck.
Fight Inflammation and Pain the New, Natural Way!
Fat Burning Exercises
5 Exercises That'll Help Keep Your Back Muscles Strong
A healthy and flexible back is an indication of a young body. Here you’ll find some tips on detecting and preventing the first signs of this kind of aging.
5 Exercises That'll Help Keep Your Back Muscles Strong
Sleep Problems
A Guide to Sleep Deprivation and Better Napping
A guide for optimal sleep and a brief explanation of sleep deprivation.
A Guide to Sleep Deprivation and Better Napping
Skin & Hair
Alleviate Menopausal Symptoms with these 8 Natural Remedies
Include these dietary changes and supplements in your regime to alleviate the symptoms of menopause.
Alleviate Menopausal Symptoms with these 8 Natural Remedies
General Health
This New Technique is a Revolution in the Medical World
A new technology called "Revolution CT" may be a game-changer in the world of medicine, and it's easy to see why.
This New Technique is a Revolution in the Medical World
This is What Happens When You Drink Just Water for 30 Days
If you don’t drink water for 3-5 days you’ll die, but what happens when you only drink water as your primary beverage? These great benefits happen, that's what!
This is What Happens When You Drink Just Water for 30 Days
Do You Have Arthritis? These Tips Can Help Ease the Pain
Though you can’t always prevent arthritis, there are some things that you can do to help reduce your symptoms if you have it. Here are 8 of them!
Do You Have Arthritis? These Tips Can Help Ease the Pain
General Health
7 Medicinal Uses of Lavender Backed by Science
This fragrant herb has many scientifically-proven medicinal properties for both your body and mind.
7 Medicinal Uses of Lavender Backed by Science
Brain Disorders
The Signs of a Ministroke (TIA) and Ways to Prevent It
Let’s investigate how a ministroke differs from a full-blown stroke, learn about the signs of TIA, and what you can do to prevent it.
The Signs of a Ministroke (TIA) and Ways to Prevent It
8 Persuasive Reasons You Should Drink Cabbage Juice...
Cabbage juice is full of nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants. Here are 8 amazing health benefits of this drink.
8 Persuasive Reasons You Should Drink Cabbage Juice...
If You See This On Your Food, This is What it Means...
What is the white stuff on salmon? Learn if it's harmful and how to prevent it.
If You See This On Your Food, This is What it Means...
Mouth & Teeth
Your Master Guide to Mouth and Tongue Sores
Learn all about tongue ailments and mouth ulcers - the causes, symptoms, and prescribed and DIY remedies.
Your Master Guide to Mouth and Tongue Sores
Feeling Down? These 10 Foods Can Help Improve Your Mood
The food that we eat can help increase our moods and get rid of depression. Find out more here!
Feeling Down? These 10 Foods Can Help Improve Your Mood
Stomach & Digestion
Relieve Intestinal Gas Pain Instantly With These Remedies
The home remedies listed in this article can effectively relieve trapped intestinal gas discomfort and pain.
Relieve Intestinal Gas Pain Instantly With These Remedies
Skin Conditions
The Most Effective Home Remedies For Poison Ivy
Got a poison ivy rash? Banana peels, baking soda, aloe, and other home remedies listed here can alleviate uncomfortable symptoms and speed up the healing process.
The Most Effective Home Remedies For Poison Ivy
General Health
This Simple Herb Is Much Healthier Than You Think!
Have you ever heard of milk thistle? It's a herbal remedy that has many benefits and uses...
This Simple Herb Is Much Healthier Than You Think!
Ear, Nose and Throat
Suffer from Dust Allergies? Try 8 Natural Treatments!
Do you suffer from dust allergies at home? If so, here are 8 natural remedies that you should definitely try!
Suffer from Dust Allergies? Try 8 Natural Treatments!
Brain Disorders
8 Remedies For Restless Leg Syndrome
Restless leg can be extremely annoying, but thankfully there are some home remedies that can be used to treat it. Here are 8 of them.
8 Remedies For Restless Leg Syndrome
One Blood Test Will Detect 50 Cancers With 93% Accuracy
This novel blood test is capable of detecting over 50 cancer types even before the first symptoms develop with astonishing accuracy.
One Blood Test Will Detect 50 Cancers With 93% Accuracy
These Elastic Bands Are the Best Workout Tool for Seniors
Resistance bands are a great tool for strength training in older adults.
These Elastic Bands Are the Best Workout Tool for Seniors
General Health
This is What You Should Know About Candida Infections
Candida is a fungal infection that causes a whole list of symptoms. You could be suffering from it without noticing. Here's where to get better informed about it.
This is What You Should Know About Candida Infections
Skin & Hair
10 of Grandma’s Home Remedies for Mature and Loose Skin
Although most of us experience changes in our skin's appearance, some of them can be prevented and improved with The following 10 grandma's remedies!
10 of Grandma’s Home Remedies for Mature and Loose Skin
Mental Health
7 Deep Breathing Techniques That Fight Stress and Anxiety
Here are the 7 best breathing exercises to relieve stress and anxiety and promote calmness and mental wellness.
7 Deep Breathing Techniques That Fight Stress and Anxiety
Brain Disorders
The Biggest Migraine Myths You Should Be Aware Of
Migraines are not just headaches. They’re a complex, poorly understood & debilitating neurological condition. Here’s what we all get wrong about migraines.
The Biggest Migraine Myths You Should Be Aware Of
Liver Conditions
Scientists Discover a New Benefit of Drinking Coffee
Your coffee drinking habit is healthier than you think. Scientists have recently discovered one more reason to enjoy a daily cup of coffee or two.
Scientists Discover a New Benefit of Drinking Coffee
Parkinson's Disease
The Progression of Parkinson’s - 5 Stages of the Disease
Understanding how Parkinson's unfolds is crucial for patients and their families. This article goes through the 5 stages of the disease & associated symptoms.
The Progression of Parkinson’s - 5 Stages of the Disease
General Health
5 World-Changing Medical Advances From the Past Decade
Perhaps the most important technological advancements are those related to healthcare. Here are 5 such incredible medical breakthroughs from the past decade.
5 World-Changing Medical Advances From the Past Decade
Mental Health
6 Expert Tips to Manage Post Pandemic Anxiety
If you're feeling anxious rather than excited about the world opening back up, you're not alone. Here are 6 expert tips to help you cope with those feelings.
6 Expert Tips to Manage Post Pandemic Anxiety
5 Simple Exercises to Alleviate Arthritic Back Pain
In this article, we list 5 helpful and simple exercises that work towards relieving arthritic back pain.
5 Simple Exercises to Alleviate Arthritic Back Pain
Staying Heart-Healthy Can Reduce Cancer Risk
New research reveals that following a heart-healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of getting cancer. Find out more.
Staying Heart-Healthy Can Reduce Cancer Risk
Vitamin K: A Full Guide
This underrated vitamin plays a crucial role in bone health, heart health, and wound healing.
Vitamin K: A Full Guide
Sleep Problems
These Tricks For Waking Up Early Are Super Effective!
Here's a look at a few simple tips that will help you wake up early every day.
These Tricks For Waking Up Early Are Super Effective!
Cacao Nibs Are the Healthiest Option for Chocolate Lovers
Have you heard of cocoa nibs? These little delights are packed with amazing health benefits and are a healthy alternative to chocolate.
Cacao Nibs Are the Healthiest Option for Chocolate Lovers
Fat Burning Exercises
Try These Stability Ball Exercises at Home to Get in Shape
Ever used an exercise ball? Learn how can use this ball at home to remain in shape.
Try These Stability Ball Exercises at Home to Get in Shape
General Health
Is Your Muscle Pain a Sign of Something MORE Serious?
When should you start being concerned about muscle pain, and what serious health conditions could it be a symptom of?
Is Your Muscle Pain a Sign of Something MORE Serious?
These Plant-Based Foods Have the Best Protein Content
The right plant-based foods can be great sources of protein and several other nutrients. Here is a look at a few of them.
These Plant-Based Foods Have the Best Protein Content
If You Need an Evening Snack, Here Are 9 Healthy Ones
Everyone gets midnight cravings, but not everything is good to eat at night. These 10 foods are healthy options for a late-night snack.
If You Need an Evening Snack, Here Are 9 Healthy Ones
Sleep Problems
A Complete Visual Guide to Sleep Apnea
Are you always waking up exhausted and grumpy without understanding why? This can be one of the symptoms of sleep apnea. Learn more about the condition here.
A Complete Visual Guide to Sleep Apnea
Mental Health
Debunking Some of the Main Myths Surrounding Mental Health
Let’s take a look at the real facts behind mental health problems, from addictions to ailments like depression and anxiety
Debunking Some of the Main Myths Surrounding Mental Health
Stomach & Digestion
All the Questions You Were Too Shy To Ask About Body Waste
This infographic provides answers to all the body waste questions you were too embarrassed to ask including consistency, smell and color.
All the Questions You Were Too Shy To Ask About Body Waste
Bacteria & Viruses
Country Fresh Fruit Packets at Walmart Recalled By the FDA
Equipment found contaminated with bacteria has prompted a voluntary recall of Country Fresh fruit products from Walmart outlets.
Country Fresh Fruit Packets at Walmart Recalled By the FDA
General Health
A Social Media Challenge Has Kids Taking Too Much Benadryl
One particular challenge on social media has parents terrified as children as consuming dangerous amounts of pharmaceuticals.
A Social Media Challenge Has Kids Taking Too Much Benadryl
These Habits Seem Minor But They’re Sabotaging Your MEMORY
All 8 of the things we mention in this article can manifest themselves through memory loss, but are far from dementia and Alzheimer's.
These Habits Seem Minor But They’re Sabotaging Your MEMORY
Alzheimer's Disease
Flu Shots and Alzheimer’s: Is There a Connection?
Flu shots cannot cause Alzheimer's disease. To the contrary, studies show that they may actually cut down one's risk of the disease by 30%!
Flu Shots and Alzheimer’s: Is There a Connection?
Weight Loss Diets
These Yummy Snacks Will Help Your Weight Loss Journey!
Here are 10 yummy and easy-to-make snack ideas that will help you lose weight and stay happy and healthy while doing so.
These Yummy Snacks Will Help Your Weight Loss Journey!
Eye Health
4 Simple Tips to Get Rid of Pink Eye at Home
Pink eye is a condition you can treat at home with over-the-counter products and things you already have at home, here are a few helpful tips
4 Simple Tips to Get Rid of Pink Eye at Home
Mental Health
This Breathing Technique Will Help You Stop a Panic Attack
Practical breathing is an extremely useful tool to overcome panic attacks and is even used by military personnel in high pressure situations.
This Breathing Technique Will Help You Stop a Panic Attack
Sleep Problems
How Blue Light Really Affects Your Sleep and Health
You have probably heard that blue light coming from screens is 'bad for us'. But how does it work and what are the exact health risks? Find out
How Blue Light Really Affects Your Sleep and Health
Which Yoga Style Suits You Best? 11 Popular Types of Yoga
Here we review 11 popular types of yoga and explain for whom each of these styles is best suited, and which ones you should maybe avoid
Which Yoga Style Suits You Best? 11 Popular Types of Yoga
Meet the Fish That Can Help Hold Back Aging in Humans
A recent study has revealed that African turquoise killifish are able to arrest the growth of their embryos for a long time.
Meet the Fish That Can Help Hold Back Aging in Humans
Friendship Might Be One of the Secrets to Healthy Aging
A recent study finds that senior individuals with exceptionally good memory and cognitive function are the ones with strong relationships.
Friendship Might Be One of the Secrets to Healthy Aging
Find Out Why Your Face Breaks Out and What to Do About it
This interactive face map breaks down the key areas where breakouts occur on your face and explains the causes and treatments in each area.
Find Out Why Your Face Breaks Out and What to Do About it
Skin & Hair
Bring Your Skin to Life With Manuka Honey Creams
in this article we will examine Manuka honey and the best way to use it to restore your skin.
Bring Your Skin to Life With Manuka Honey Creams
Eye Health
These 15 Terrible Habits Are Damaging to the Eyes
Our eyes are pretty fragile, and even the slightest misstep on your behalf is bound to affect their health and eyesight. Learn to preserve sharp vision for decades by avoiding these 15 bad habits capable of ruining your eye health
These 15 Terrible Habits Are Damaging to the Eyes
Stomach & Digestion
Why You Feel Bloated While Traveling and How to Fix It
In this article, we'll list 5 harmful, yet very common habits that are to blame for traveler's bloating and what to do instead
Why You Feel Bloated While Traveling and How to Fix It
Looking Into Diabetes: 10 Guides to Prevent and Fight
Enjoy 10 of our best guides for preventing, fighting and recovering from type II diabetes.
Looking Into Diabetes: 10 Guides to Prevent and Fight
New Blood Test Screens for 20 Cancers With 99.4% Accuracy
Cancer detection may soon become much easier, as a new blood test has been developed that can accurately detect cancer 99.4% of the time
New Blood Test Screens for 20 Cancers With 99.4% Accuracy
Sit at a Desk All Day? This Stretch Will Help You Sleep
This quick stretch will counteract the harmful effects of sedentary lifestyle on your sleep and will help you feel more refreshed every morning
Sit at a Desk All Day? This Stretch Will Help You Sleep
Collection: 19 Fruits and Their Health Benefits!
Before you is one of the best guides for the health benefits of fruit, with 19 different fruits and their health benefits.
Collection: 19 Fruits and Their Health Benefits!
Pain Management
The Relationship Between Migraines and Weather Explained
Various weather conditions may trigger migraines in some people. Learn what weather triggers of migraines exist and how to always be prepared
The Relationship Between Migraines and Weather Explained
Immune Health
Could Cats Be Capable of Being Man’s New Best Friend?
This study conducted by a Human-Animal Interaction Lab in Oregon State University confirms that cats emotionally bond with their caregivers
Could Cats Be Capable of Being Man’s New Best Friend?
Having Leg Cramps at Night? Then You Need to Know This
Night leg cramps beyond annoying: they can interfere with sleep and life quality. Here's everything you need to know about night leg cramps.
Having Leg Cramps at Night? Then You Need to Know This
Immune Health
Is Taking a Daily Aspirin a Good Idea?
According to recent changes in aspirin regulations, the majority of people, with some rare exceptions, shouldn’t take aspirin daily.
Is Taking a Daily Aspirin a Good Idea?
Pain Management
Reduce Joint Pain and Inflammation With This Home Brew
Turmeric is a wonderful addition to any kitchen that has many health benefits and can taste great in this golden milk recipe.
Reduce Joint Pain and Inflammation With This Home Brew
Kidney & Bladder Health
Prevent Kidney Stones by Following These 9 Simple Tips
Kidney stones are preventable, even if you had them before. Just a few simple lifestyle changes can protect you from this debilitating disease
Prevent Kidney Stones by Following These 9 Simple Tips
General Health
Which Bug Bites and Are Dangerous and Which Are Harmless?
A list of bug bites and stings which are potentially dangerous and how to avoid them
Which Bug Bites and Are Dangerous and Which Are Harmless?
Skin & Hair
Why You Need to Keep a Teaspoon in the Bathroom
We will teach you how much sunscreen to apply to each body part and which areas are the most overlooked when applying sunscreen
Why You Need to Keep a Teaspoon in the Bathroom
General Health
Be Careful Outdoors If You’re Taking These Medications
Some medications can make you more sensitive to the sun and hot temperatures, learn which ones can and how to stay safe and healthy this summer.
Be Careful Outdoors If You’re Taking These Medications
Study Reveals Direct Link Between Deli Meat and Gut Cancer
What harm could an extra strip of bacon do to your health? British scientists decided to measure that and reached a striking conclusion
Study Reveals Direct Link Between Deli Meat and Gut Cancer
Is Raw Honey Better For You Than the Regular Variety?
Raw honey is said to be better for you than the regular kind, but is it true, and if so, why?
Is Raw Honey Better For You Than the Regular Variety?
What Are These Sharp Pains You’re Feeling in Your Chest?
PCS is a frightening but ultimately harmless chest pain, how can you identify it?
What Are These Sharp Pains You’re Feeling in Your Chest?
Eat Blue! Why the Color of Your Veggies Matters a Lot
The pigment that tints fruit and veggies blue may actually benefit our health in a variety of ways.
Eat Blue! Why the Color of Your Veggies Matters a Lot
Sleep Problems
It’s Time to Rethink Your Weekly Schedule, Here’s Why
What sleep deprivation does to the body, and why people sleep less than recommended
It’s Time to Rethink Your Weekly Schedule, Here’s Why
General Health
10 Well-Known Remedies That Have Incredible Health Benefits
These well-known home remedies, can be used for some other surprising health benefits.
10 Well-Known Remedies That Have Incredible Health Benefits
Skin & Hair
What You Should Know Before Getting a Botox Injection
Botox has become a popular cosmetic treatment. Here's all you need to know about it.
What You Should Know Before Getting a Botox Injection
Parkinson's Disease
Scientists Warning of a Future Parkinson's Pandemic
Scientists warn that Parkinson's is on the rise and the statistics are shocking.
Scientists Warning of a Future Parkinson's Pandemic
General Health
Catch a Glimpse of the Medicine of the Future
Learn about the scientific innovations that may soon enable the cure of several terrible illnesses, such as Alzheimer's, cancer and blood diseases.
Catch a Glimpse of the Medicine of the Future
Could Immuno-therapies Treat Head & Neck Cancers?
Be informed about neck and head cancer and the treatments available.
Could Immuno-therapies Treat Head & Neck Cancers?
Bacteria & Viruses
Here's What You Need to Do to Prevent Illness This Winter
Want to avoid catching the flu this winter? Follow this advice.
Here's What You Need to Do to Prevent Illness This Winter
Stomach & Digestion
9 Things You Should Never Do on an Empty Stomach
There are some things you shouldn't do on an empty stomach. Here you will discover nine of them.
9 Things You Should Never Do on an Empty Stomach
Heart Conditions
A Symptom of Heart Failure May Be Coughing
If you have a persistent cough, it is essential that you check it out, ensuring that it is not heart failure.
A Symptom of Heart Failure May Be Coughing
Pain Management
This Belly Pain Map Reveals What Causes Your Pain
Pain in the abdomen could point to a variety of health conditions. Find out why your belly hurts with this comprehensive map.
This Belly Pain Map Reveals What Causes Your Pain
Mouth & Teeth
You Only Need 3 Ingredients to Make a Natural Mouthwash!
If you want to keep your mouth clean and healthy, you need only 3 simple ingredients to make your refreshing mouthwash...
You Only Need 3 Ingredients to Make a Natural Mouthwash!
General Health
This Substance Is Highly Important For Humans!
Blood is vital to the functioning of many creatures on this Earth, not least humans. Here are 30 fascinating facts about blood.
This Substance Is Highly Important For Humans!
Skin Conditions
Suffer From Psoriatic Arthritis? Try These Natural Remedies
Suffer from psoriatic arthritis? Here are 7 natural remedies to try.
Suffer From Psoriatic Arthritis? Try These Natural Remedies
General Health
Discover Why Passion Flowers Are Good For Your Health
The passion flower can provide us with many splendid benefits. Click here to learn all about them!
Discover Why Passion Flowers Are Good For Your Health
General Health
Discover 8 Powerful Health Benefits of the Kava Plant
The kava plant can offer you a whole range of health benefits. Learn all about it here.
Discover 8 Powerful Health Benefits of the Kava Plant
General Health
Connecting Eastern Medicine With Its Western Counterpart
Learn all about the whole body approach to health with this brilliant infographic.
Connecting Eastern Medicine With Its Western Counterpart
Mental Health
8 Mental Disorders That Hide Behind Ordinary Behaviors
Often we tend to interpret a person's behavior as a reflection of their character, but before judging, let's make sure there isn't something hidden.
8 Mental Disorders That Hide Behind Ordinary Behaviors
General Health
Here's a New Way to Save Money on Your Prescription Drugs
Saving money on your prescription drugs couldn't be easier, thanks to a couple of new bills that were just passed by Congress.
Here's a New Way to Save Money on Your Prescription Drugs
Weight Loss Diets
The Surprising Effects of Too Much Sugar on the Body
Besides diabetes, what other effects of sugar will you notice on the body?
The Surprising Effects of Too Much Sugar on the Body
Stomach & Digestion
These 6 Signs Will Determine Whether You Have Acid Reflux
Do you suffer from acid reflux? Spot the signs.
These 6 Signs Will Determine Whether You Have Acid Reflux
Suffer From Headaches & Fatigue? Do These 8 Things
This guide will help you prevent headaches, fatigues and strokes.
Suffer From Headaches & Fatigue? Do These 8 Things
Mouth & Teeth
These Foods and Drinks Are Terrible For Your Pearly Whites
Sadly for us, there are many of our favorite foods and drinks that are simply no good for our teeth. Here are 10 of the worst foods and drinks for tooth stains
These Foods and Drinks Are Terrible For Your Pearly Whites
Pay Attention to How Your Microwave Could Be Harming You
Your microwave may not be as safe as you think. Click here to find out why.
Pay Attention to How Your Microwave Could Be Harming You
Pain Management
Relieve Neck Pain Instantly with These Acupressure Points
If your neck is hurting you apply pressure to these points.
Relieve Neck Pain Instantly with These Acupressure Points
Bacteria & Viruses
WARNING: Learn About a US FDA-issued Ham & Beef Recall
The US Food and Drug Administration has issued two separate recalls for different kinds of meat products. Find out more to stay safe here.
WARNING: Learn About a US FDA-issued Ham & Beef Recall
These Yoga Exercises Are Just What Kids Today Need
If your kids are feeling stressed, or have low self esteem, here are 14 yoga poses they should try.
These Yoga Exercises Are Just What Kids Today Need
General Health
When Modern Medicine Fails, These Remedies Will Work
These effective and natural remedies will work when modern medicine fails.
When Modern Medicine Fails, These Remedies Will Work
Inner Organs
How Do You Know It's Appendicitis? Use This Guide!
Unsure about the signs and symptoms of appendicitis? Read this!
How Do You Know It's Appendicitis? Use This Guide!
Sleep Problems
These Doctor-Approved Secrets Will Help You Fall Asleep
Discover how you can fall asleep quickly with these essential tips.
These Doctor-Approved Secrets Will Help You Fall Asleep
Learn 9 Surprising Health Benefits of Jerusalem Artichokes
The Jerusalem artichoke is not only delicious, it is also rich in health benefits which will have you running to the grocery to pick it up!
Learn 9 Surprising Health Benefits of Jerusalem Artichokes
Ear, Nose and Throat
7 Ear Problems and 7 Solutions by Dr. Hill!
Many ear problems can be relived in the comfort of your own home thanks to the professional advice of Dr. David Hill.
7 Ear Problems and 7 Solutions by Dr. Hill!
Mouth & Teeth
Got a Painful Cavity? These Home Remedies Will Help!
Suffering from a painful cavity? These 10 great home remedies will help relieve the pain!
Got a Painful Cavity? These Home Remedies Will Help!
8 Nutrient Dense Foods You Should Add To Your Diet!
We've grown used to thinking that the fruits and vegetables we eat are healthy and good for us, but it turns not all of them are...
8 Nutrient Dense Foods You Should Add To Your Diet!
Un-Hunch Your Shoulders Easily With These 7 Exercises
Got hunched shoulders? This guide will help you improve your posture.
Un-Hunch Your Shoulders Easily With These 7 Exercises
Alzheimer's Disease
An Alzheimer's Cure Might Just Be Around the Corner!
Impressive new research has discovered the earliest point in a neurodegenerative process that is thought to lead to dementia. Find out more here.
An Alzheimer's Cure Might Just Be Around the Corner!
Stomach & Digestion
Can't Stop Overeating? Watch Out For These Sneaky Triggers
Overeating is a problem that affects millions of people around the world, so here's a list of the most common overeating triggers you should avoid.
Can't Stop Overeating? Watch Out For These Sneaky Triggers
Weight Loss Diets
These Methods Will Help Trick Your Hormones to Lose Weight
Science discovered that hormones and chemicals may be the cause of your weight gain. We will teach you to trick your hormones into making your body lose weight.
These Methods Will Help Trick Your Hormones to Lose Weight
General Health
Here Are the Many Health Benefits of Blackberries
Get ready to learn about 8 of the most important health benefits that blackberries have to offer us.
Here Are the Many Health Benefits of Blackberries
General Health
Sticking to One Doctor Could Help Prolong Your Life!
Keeping the same doctor rather than switching between different ones has a noticeable effect on mortality rates. Find out more here.
Sticking to One Doctor Could Help Prolong Your Life!
If You Thaw Fish Like This, Stop It Now!
When it comes to defrosting any type of meat, it’s extremely important to do it the correct way. This is how you should defrost vacuum-sealed fish.
If You Thaw Fish Like This, Stop It Now!
Pain Management
Got Pain All Over Your Body? Don't Ignore These Symptoms
Do you suffer from fibromyalgia? This is what you need to know.
Got Pain All Over Your Body? Don't Ignore These Symptoms
Mental Health
Here's How Marriage Changes You Physically and Mentally!
Every summer, thousands of couples tie the knot in the US. This decision is one that has lasting effects on their health over time. Find out more here!
Here's How Marriage Changes You Physically and Mentally!
Pain Management
Learn the Towel Exercise That Helps Relieve Neck Pain!
Neck pain is uncomfortable, and now we no longer have to suffer through it! The following exercise will help you relieve it quickly, all you need is a tea towel!
Learn the Towel Exercise That Helps Relieve Neck Pain!
Immune Health
These 10 Deadly Diseases Can Kill Without Warning!
There are a number of diseases that you might not even be aware of that can slowly start to kill you before you even realize they’re there. Here are 10 of them!
These 10 Deadly Diseases Can Kill Without Warning!
According to a New Study, Vitamin Supplements Are Useless!
A new study has found that many vitamin supplements have no real health benefits. Find out more here!
According to a New Study, Vitamin Supplements Are Useless!
Inner Organs
Forget Apples! It's an Egg a Day That Keeps the Doc Away!
According to new research, it could actually be an egg a day that keeps the doctor away.Find out more here!
Forget Apples! It's an Egg a Day That Keeps the Doc Away!
Do You Have Arthritis? These Tips Can Help Ease the Pain!
Though you can’t always prevent arthritis, there are some things that you can do to help reduce your symptoms if you have it. Here are 8 of them!
Do You Have Arthritis? These Tips Can Help Ease the Pain!
What Lovemaking Positions Are Best For Your Age? Find Out!
Just because you've reached a certain age or suffer from a certain ailment, it doesn't mean that you have to stop making love. Learn about these positions.
What Lovemaking Positions Are Best For Your Age? Find Out!
Learn 10 Excellent and Simple Exercises for Proper Posture
It turns out that good posture strengthens the back and maintains the blood flow in our bodies. Learn how to protect your body and health with these exercises!
Learn 10 Excellent and Simple Exercises for Proper Posture
Weight Loss Diets
This Unique Diet Can Help Eliminate Fat and Stomach Issues
Following this astronaut diet can help us increase our metabolism and slim down.Here's what you need to do!
This Unique Diet Can Help Eliminate Fat and Stomach Issues
Immune Health
These Drug Discoveries Changed the World Forever
Drugs have elongated human longevity and made us healthier overall in the event of suffering some form of ailment. Here are 6 key drug advances.
These Drug Discoveries Changed the World Forever
Alzheimer's Disease
Worried About Alzheimer's? This Guide Is All That You Need
Learn about the signs, symptoms, and treatment options for Alzheimer's disease in our detailed guidebook.Please visit us here again to check for updates.
Worried About Alzheimer's? This Guide Is All That You Need
Fat Burning Exercises
5 Plank Exercises that’ll Strengthen and Tone Your Abs
Planks are the safest and healthiest way to tone your abs. Here are 5 plank exercises to add to your workout arsenal. Enjoy!
5 Plank Exercises that’ll Strengthen and Tone Your Abs
Heart Conditions
6 Weird Signs That Could Indicate an Upcoming Heart Attack
Although you cannot see your heart beating in your chest, there are visible, external signs that can indicate if something is wrong with your heart. Here are 6!
6 Weird Signs That Could Indicate an Upcoming Heart Attack
Mouth & Teeth
If You Have a White Tongue, Here's How to Get Rid of It!
If you have a white tongue, here are some tips on how you can get rid of it!
If You Have a White Tongue, Here's How to Get Rid of It!
Mental Health
Can a Lack of Sun Cause Mental Health Issues?
Find out how sunlight can impact your mental health and what to do about it here.
Can a Lack of Sun Cause Mental Health Issues?
First Aid & Injuries
Suffer From an Edema? These are the Causes and Treatments
Edema, the accumulation of fluids and the swelling of various organs, stems from a number of reasons. Here are six ways to treat them naturally.
Suffer From an Edema? These are the Causes and Treatments
Fat Burning Exercises
Get In Shape for Summer with This Simple Exercise
Get in shape in time for summer by doing this simple, yet highly effective exercise.
Get In Shape for Summer with This Simple Exercise
Autoimmune Diseases
Suffer from Dust Allergies? Try These 8 Natural Treatments
Do you suffer from dust allergies at home? If so, here are 8 natural remedies that you should definitely try!
Suffer from Dust Allergies? Try These 8 Natural Treatments
Weight Loss Diets
10 Ways to Get the Metabolism of a 20-Year-Old
Here are 10 excellent tips that'll boost your metabolism, helping you shed plenty of pounds, and keep them off for good!
10 Ways to Get the Metabolism of a 20-Year-Old
General Health
What is Brown Fat and How Can You Get More of It?
What is brown fat and how can you get more of it? All is revealed in this article!
What is Brown Fat and How Can You Get More of It?
Heart Conditions
This is All You Need to Know About Deadly Aortic Aneurysms
Aortic aneurysms can be extremely deadly. Here's what you need to know about this potentially deadly condition.
This is All You Need to Know About Deadly Aortic Aneurysms
Pain Management
What is Fibromyalgia? Could it be Causing You Pain?
This guide will tell you all that you need to know about fibromyalgia.
What is Fibromyalgia? Could it be Causing You Pain?
8 Sneaky Signs That You Need to Start a Yoga Class
How do you know if yoga is right for you? Well, your body knows, and it’s trying to tell you to start practicing yoga with these signs.
8 Sneaky Signs That You Need to Start a Yoga Class
Knowing these Blood Clot Symptoms Could Save Your Life!
Blood clots can cause serious consequences if they're not treated quickly. Here are 10 warning signs that you certainly should not ignore!
Knowing these Blood Clot Symptoms Could Save Your Life!
General Health
8 Things You Use Everyday That Can Damage Your Health
Many everyday products are ingrained with chemicals that are dangerous to our health. Here are eight of them!
8 Things You Use Everyday That Can Damage Your Health
Stomach & Digestion
Always Feeling Bloated? Try These Natural Diuretics!
If you have a bloated stomach, you should try some of these doctor-recommended natural diuretics.
Always Feeling Bloated? Try These Natural Diuretics!
Mental Health
Experiencing These Signs? You May Need to Stop Eating Meat
Are you experiencing these symptoms upon eating meat? Your body may be telling you to reduce your intake.
Experiencing These Signs? You May Need to Stop Eating Meat
Lung Cancer
Vaping Is Taking Over. This Is What You Should Know
Vaping is becoming a big thing around the world, so this meteoric rise definitely warrants a closer look. Read this complete guide to vaping to inform yourself.
Vaping Is Taking Over. This Is What You Should Know
Stomach & Digestion
Cleanse Your Intestines With 4 Ingredients
Using 5 simple ingredients everyone has in their home, you can make a special and powerful cleansing juice that will remove all your intestinal toxins!
Cleanse Your Intestines With 4 Ingredients
Sleep Problems
Learn About This Wondrous Sleep-Inducing Pressure Point!
There are a great number of pressure points all over the body, but this point is one of the most effective, especially if you have trouble sleeping at night!
Learn About This Wondrous Sleep-Inducing Pressure Point!
Tasty and Healthy: 15 Herbs That Improve Brain Function
What's common among all the following plants is that each can improve the function of the most important organ in your body - the brain.
Tasty and Healthy: 15 Herbs That Improve Brain Function
Mental Health
These Interesting Psychological Facts Are Handy to Know
The human mind is one of the biggest mysteries in science, but that doesn't mean to say scientific progress hasn't been made. Learn these interesting facts.
These Interesting Psychological Facts Are Handy to Know
Stomach & Digestion
Have Digestive Problems? Try These 14 Natural Tips!
Many people suffer from digestion problems, and although annoying they are fortunately treatable. Here are 14 natural tips to improve your digestion.
Have Digestive Problems? Try These 14 Natural Tips!
Sleep Problems
Frequently Wake Up At Night? These Might Be the Reasons!
If you find yourself waking up several times in the middle of the night, one of the following reasons may be the's how to fix it...
Frequently Wake Up At Night? These Might Be the Reasons!
A Link Found Between Cesarean And Child Obesity...
Having a cesarean section could increase the risk of the child becoming obese in later life. Read on to find out more.
A Link Found Between Cesarean And Child Obesity...
8 Health Reasons Why You Need to Eat More Turnips
Like many other cruciferous vegetables, turnips are extremely rich in nutrients and low in calories. Here are 8 health benefits of the humble turnip.
8 Health Reasons Why You Need to Eat More Turnips
General Health
Red or White Wine: Which Is the Better Pick?
Wine is one of the most popular drinks in the world, but which wine is better - red or white?
Red or White Wine: Which Is the Better Pick?
Ear, Nose and Throat
Sore Throat? Treat it Naturally With These 8 Solutions
These healthy and nourishing foods will ease your sore throat, strengthen your immune system and provide your body essential vitamins and nutrients.
Sore Throat? Treat it Naturally With These 8 Solutions
Mental Health
8 Silent Signs of Stress Everyone Should Know About!
If you have any of the following symptoms, then it might be because you are stressed out!
8 Silent Signs of Stress Everyone Should Know About!
General Health
Never Buy These 10 Items From a Health Food Store!
There could be many products in such stores labeled as “natural” and “organic,” but in reality, they can be hazardous to your health. Here are 10 such products!
Never Buy These 10 Items From a Health Food Store!
Kidney & Bladder Health
Fear Urinary Incontinence? You Should Read This
17-40% of American women suffer from urinary incontinence. If you're one of these women, here's how you might be able to fit your weak bladder.
Fear Urinary Incontinence? You Should Read This
The Five Tibetans: The Secret to Youth
"The Five Tibetans" are a series of special yoga exercises that have an amazing effects on the body, and now you can learn how to do them.
The Five Tibetans: The Secret to Youth
Bacteria & Viruses
Sepsis: What is it and What are its Symptoms?
It is very important to recognize sepsis as quickly as possible, but how do you do this? Here are the 5 common symptoms of sepsis:
Sepsis: What is it and What are its Symptoms?
Are Vitamins Harmful? 9 Toxic Ingredients to Beware of
Vitamins and supplements are supposed to benefit our bodies, but unfortunately, ingredients that are harmful to our health are added to them ...
Are Vitamins Harmful? 9 Toxic Ingredients to Beware of
General Health
5 Things We Do That Are Deadlier Than Smoking
Did you know that these daily habits can shorten your life? Scientific studies have found that some of them are as deadly as smoking. Read on to know more.
5 Things We Do That Are Deadlier Than Smoking
Weight Loss
7 Diet and Fitness Tips That Work an Absolute Treat
In this video, we provide you with 7 diet and workout tips that work an absolute treat.
7 Diet and Fitness Tips That Work an Absolute Treat
Brain Disorders
Moving Your Body Will Help Save Your Memory
New studies show that dancing may be what you need to reverse aging.
Moving Your Body Will Help Save Your Memory
Mental Health
Can Depression Be Cured By Anti-Inflammation Pills?
New study shows that the cause of depression may be due to inflammation in the body.
Can Depression Be Cured By Anti-Inflammation Pills?
Stomach & Digestion
When on an Empty Stomach, You Must Avoid These 8 Things!
Doing the following 8 things on an empty stomach can have a huge impact on your health!
When on an Empty Stomach, You Must Avoid These 8 Things!
Mouth & Teeth
Do Your Gums Bleed? This is What Might be Causing It!
Gum disease can wreak havoc on your mouth and in the rest of your body. Below are 6 reasons your gums are bleeding.
Do Your Gums Bleed? This is What Might be Causing It!
Skin & Hair
Can You Believe It? This Gun Actually Saves People's Lives
Discover the brand new technique that is allowing burn victims to regrow a new layer of skin in as little as four days!
Can You Believe It? This Gun Actually Saves People's Lives
Nutmeg Really is the King of All Spices!
Nutmeg is a spice that has many health benefits. Learn all about ten of the most important ones here.
Nutmeg Really is the King of All Spices!
Skin Cancer
5 Unusual But Effective Ways to Prevent Skin Cancer
We all know that sunscreen and protective clothing can help prevent skin cancer, but so can these other strategies. Check them out here.
5 Unusual But Effective Ways to Prevent Skin Cancer
Don't Be Fooled! These Meals Aren't Healthy At All!
Trying to diet or maintain a healthy lifestyle isn't always a walk in the park, especially when supposedly healthy foods are actually pretty bad for you.
Don't Be Fooled! These Meals Aren't Healthy At All!
13 Reasons Why Cabbage Truly Is Nature's Miracle Worker
Cabbage is one of the healthiest things you can eat, and is perfect for preventing and curing a whole range of conditions.
13 Reasons Why Cabbage Truly Is Nature's Miracle Worker
General Health
Balance Your Body's pH Level with These Great Tips
If your body is too acidic, it can increase your chances of contracting a dangerous disease. Here are some tips on how to balance your body's pH levels.
Balance Your Body's pH Level with These Great Tips
Strawberries Are THIS Good For Our Health!? Who Knew...
There is more to strawberries than their incredible taste. They are packed with nutritional goodness. Take a look at the health benefits of strawberries.
Strawberries Are THIS Good For Our Health!? Who Knew...
Sleep Problems
These 4 Delicious Juices Will Remedy Your Sleep Problems
If you struggle to get a good night's rest, these 4 juices will help!
These 4 Delicious Juices Will Remedy Your Sleep Problems
Not Eating Lentils? This Will Change Your Mind
Are lentils included in your diet? This guide will convince you to start eating them regularly.
Not Eating Lentils? This Will Change Your Mind
Bacteria & Viruses
Watch Out! The Following 11 Places Are Full of Germs!
We come into contact with harmful bacteria every single day, even in places we'd expect it the least. Here are 11 places that are actually full of germs.
Watch Out! The Following 11 Places Are Full of Germs!
General Health
7 Home Remedies To Cure the Most Common of Ailments
Want to get rid of stiff muscles? Treat infected toenail? Cure a sore throat? Here's how to without having to visit the pharmacy!
7 Home Remedies To Cure the Most Common of Ailments
Stomach & Digestion
6 Great Natural Ways to Cure That Annoying Bloating
If you suffer from bloating, here are 6 fantastic ways to get rid of it.
6 Great Natural Ways to Cure That Annoying Bloating
These 7 Hip and Back Methods Will Totally Relax Your Body
If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, chances are that your weight will reach unhealthy levels in future. Use sitting down to your advantage with these methods.
These 7 Hip and Back Methods Will Totally Relax Your Body
Alleviate Knee Pain with These 7 Exercises
Whatever the cause of your knee pain, exercise and keeping a healthy weight can reduce symptoms. These exercises will help ease pain & prevent future problems.
Alleviate Knee Pain with These 7 Exercises
Brain Disorders
Safinamide: First New Parkinson's Disease Drug in 10 Years
This is the first known drug to treat Parkinson's in more than 10 years.
Safinamide: First New Parkinson's Disease Drug in 10 Years
General Health
Do We Really Need to Be Drinking So Much Water? YES!
If you still need convincing that plain old water really is necessary - and in copious amounts - this short video will give you all the evidence you need.
Do We Really Need to Be Drinking So Much Water? YES!
Weight Loss
Delicious Sassy Water Will Give You a Nice Flat Stomach
Sassy water is no ordinary lemon drink. Using some beneficial natural ingredients you can make a drink that will help you lose loads of weight. It's tasty too!
Delicious Sassy Water Will Give You a Nice Flat Stomach
General Health
8 Healthy Food Substitutions We Should All Start Making
You don't need to make massive changes to the way you eat to drastically alter the quality of your diet. You just need the right replacements...
8 Healthy Food Substitutions We Should All Start Making
General Health
11 Vital Health Reasons You Must Avoid Dehydration
Here are some common ailments that usually result from dehydration.
11 Vital Health Reasons You Must Avoid Dehydration
Eye Health
Your Eye Color Can Reveal a lot About Your Health
Your eye color can indicate your risk of contracting certain diseases as well as predict how well your body can handle pain or alcohol.
Your Eye Color Can Reveal a lot About Your Health
General Health
Are You Low on Nutrients? Let Your Face Be Your Guide
Discover whether you lack nutrients by looking out for these signs on your face.
Are You Low on Nutrients? Let Your Face Be Your Guide
Mouth & Teeth
Relieve That Painful Burnt Tongue with These 10 Cool Tips
Who doesn't accidentally burn their tongue with hot food and drink on occasion? We could all use these 10 cool, natural remedies for instant, lasting relief.
Relieve That Painful Burnt Tongue with These 10 Cool Tips
Soaking Almonds in Water Makes Them Even Healthier!
Apart from being delicious, here are 8 other reasons why you should eat almonds. However, remember to soak them in water first.
Soaking Almonds in Water Makes Them Even Healthier!
Study Reveals a Link Between Air Pollutants and Dementia
A recent study has found a worrying link between air pollution and dementia in the older population, especially women.
Study Reveals a Link Between Air Pollutants and Dementia
These 15 Foods Keep Your Hair Strong, Healthy, & Luscious
You might know that a poor diet can ruin your hair, but did you realize that you can also improve it by eating a good diet?
These 15 Foods Keep Your Hair Strong, Healthy, & Luscious
Ear, Nose and Throat
Fly in Comfort With These 7 Important Sinusitis Tips
Consider these tips and avoid sinusitis next time you catch a plane.
Fly in Comfort With These 7 Important Sinusitis Tips
General Health
These 25 Health Tips Are All You Need to Live Well
Your health is the most important thing to you and your loved ones. These 25 tips will help you give your body the very best.
These 25 Health Tips Are All You Need to Live Well
Fat Burning Exercises
Say Goodbye to Your Double Chin with These 5 Exercises
These 5 exercises will help give your chin a tighter, younger, and healthier look, and eventually to help you get rid of a double chin all together.
Say Goodbye to Your Double Chin with These 5 Exercises
Loosen Tight Neck Muscles in a Special, One-Minute Massage
With this quick routine you can knead the cramp away yourself in just four easy steps.
Loosen Tight Neck Muscles in a Special, One-Minute Massage
Men's Health
WARNING TO MEN: Here's Another Reason to Cut out Red Meat
It's becoming an increasingly well-known fact that high red meat consumption is bad for our health, and this new study only adds to that knowledge.
WARNING TO MEN: Here's Another Reason to Cut out Red Meat
No One Told You That Oregano Tea Was This Good for You
Oregano is one of nature's miraculous medicinal herbs. Yet, most people don't realize one of the best ways to take it is by brewing oregano tea.
No One Told You That Oregano Tea Was This Good for You
Eating Cheese Every Day Helps Your Heart, Says New Study
Good news for you cheese lovers out there. A new study has found that a single ounce of Grana Padano cheese per day can help reduce blood pressure. Read on!
Eating Cheese Every Day Helps Your Heart, Says New Study
Important to Know: Is Sparkling Water Good or Bad for You?
It is well know that still water is beneficial to us, but can the same be said of sparkling water?
Important to Know: Is Sparkling Water Good or Bad for You?
These Spices Will Naturally Lower Your Blood Pressure
Did you know that you can naturally lower high blood pressure with these common herbs and spices?
These Spices Will Naturally Lower Your Blood Pressure
General Health
Freshen Your Rooms Scientifically with the Perfect Plants
NASA have produced the definitive study of which plants are best for the air in your home. This is one to keep!
Freshen Your Rooms Scientifically with the Perfect Plants
The Health Benefits of Waking Up to Lemon Water
Lemon water is nutritious, here is why you should drink water with lemon every day.
The Health Benefits of Waking Up to Lemon Water
General Health
WARNING: How to Avoid Harmful Cell Phone Radiation
No one knows how damaging cell phone radiation actually is, but to be on the safe side, here are 14 ways you can reduce your exposure to radiation.
WARNING: How to Avoid Harmful Cell Phone Radiation
Ear, Nose and Throat
Clear Your Nasal Passage with This Amazing Home Remedy
You don't have to suffer that stuffed up nose all winter, eliminate any congestion with this simple home made smoothie.
Clear Your Nasal Passage with This Amazing Home Remedy
Mental Health
7 Natural Remedies That'll Banish Anxiety
Relieve your anxiety naturally with these 7 non-drug remedies.
7 Natural Remedies That'll Banish Anxiety
These 8 Surprising Factors Can Increase Your Blood Sugar!
Many factors can increase our blood sugar levels. Read this article to find out what to avoid and how to keep your blood sugar in check.
These 8 Surprising Factors Can Increase Your Blood Sugar!
General Health
17 Body Tricks that Will Make You Feel Much Better
Your body has a lot of secret ways you can use to make yourself feel immediately better. This list will teach you how to treat all of these issues with relative ease.
17 Body Tricks that Will Make You Feel Much Better
General Health
Cleanse Your Body With 1 of 10 Great Detox Bath Recipes
These detox bath ideas will leave you feeling energized, relaxed and peaceful as well as ridding your body of harmful toxins.
Cleanse Your Body With 1 of 10 Great Detox Bath Recipes
Weight Loss
Achieve the Perfect Flat Stomach with 5 Easy Exercises
It's never too late to start toning your belly. Here are 5 exercises guaranteed to help slip into those old jeans again.
Achieve the Perfect Flat Stomach with 5 Easy Exercises
Weight Loss
Trim Your Belly Fat With This Helpful Guide
Your ultimate guide to trimming your belly fat.
Trim Your Belly Fat With This Helpful Guide
General Health
10 Tried and Tested Home Remedies You'll Love Knowing!
Are you aware of the strange home remedies that actually work?
10 Tried and Tested Home Remedies You'll Love Knowing!
Sleep Problems
Do You Know How Your Sleep Posture is Affecting You?
So, for those of us who enjoy sleeping on our stomach, but tend to suffer from low back pain, what could we do?
Do You Know How Your Sleep Posture is Affecting You?
General Health
What Soda Does to the Body Is Rather Alarming...
This infographic will clear up any confusion with regard to what soda does to the human body.
What Soda Does to the Body Is Rather Alarming...
General Health
Are Your Aware of the Health Risks of Packaged Foods?
Most of the packaging you get in your takeaway food contains harmful chemicals. Here's what you need to know!
Are Your Aware of the Health Risks of Packaged Foods?
Heart Conditions
How to React to a Heart Attack
A heart attack isn't usually as dramatic as you imagine. That's why you need to watch this video to inform yourself what to do if you or someone else has one.
How to React to a Heart Attack
Have You Heard of the Healing Powers of Bay Leaves?
Bay leaves are not only useful for virtually every Mediterranean dish, they also contain several important health benefits.
Have You Heard of the Healing Powers of Bay Leaves?
Osteoporosis Can Be Prevented by The Right Exercises...
Here are 8 easy-to-do exercises you can start doing right away. Your bones are counting on you!
Osteoporosis Can Be Prevented by The Right Exercises...
Heart Conditions
An Interview With One of the World's Top Cardiologists
Dr. Devi Shetty is one of the most renowned heart surgeons in the world today. By reading this interview transcript, you will learn a lot about the heart.
An Interview With One of the World's Top Cardiologists
Heart Conditions
Read This Guide To Know When Chest Pain Is a Real Concern
This is a guide to know whether you have cause for concern when feeling chest pain, or not. It also lists risks factors and what to look out for.
Read This Guide To Know When Chest Pain Is a Real Concern
Pain Management
These 10 Herbs Will Help Your Arthritis & Reduce the Pain
While arthritis can be painful, these 10 herbs will help alleviate the pain.
These 10 Herbs Will Help Your Arthritis & Reduce the Pain
General Health
10 Hidden Diseases Doctors Find Hard to Diagnose
Even modern medicine has a hard time with these ones...
10 Hidden Diseases Doctors Find Hard to Diagnose
Add This Ingredient to Your Household Right Away!
Aloe vera is a versatile plant that offers a plethora of health benefits!
Add This Ingredient to Your Household Right Away!
Weight Loss
Learn the Weight Loss Secret That Everyone's Kept From You
This is the secret that everyone's been keeping from you. You can train your brain to lose weight and ensure it stays off. Read about this fascinating approach.
Learn the Weight Loss Secret That Everyone's Kept From You
10 Important Benefits of Yogurt You May Not Know of...
You should know just how many things yogurt can actually do for you...
10 Important Benefits of Yogurt You May Not Know of...
Brain Disorders
Is it True? Can Alzheimer's Really Be Caused By a Fungus?
Dementia is a debilitating neurological disorder. A recent study has found that it may actually be caused by something completely unexpected...
Is it True? Can Alzheimer's Really Be Caused By a Fungus?
General Health
The More You Know, the Healthier You Are - Health Tips!
Some of the best and most important health tips you can read or print out!
The More You Know, the Healthier You Are - Health Tips!
Heart Conditions
This Easy Tea Recipe Will Help Lower Your Blood Pressure
This simple recipe will not only satisfy your heart, but your taste buds too.
This Easy Tea Recipe Will Help Lower Your Blood Pressure
General Health
Stay Healthy With this Great Information!
Stay ahead of the curve with some important information about good nutrition, good habits and bad ones!
Stay Healthy With this Great Information!
Unless You Want to Get Sick and Over-weight, Drink More
Don't let dehydration get the better of you!
Unless You Want to Get Sick and Over-weight, Drink More
Lungs & Breathing
WARNING: Mold in Your Home Can Cause Serious Health Problems
Mold can cause chronic and life-threatening diseases like these. Get better informed about the issue now.
WARNING: Mold in Your Home Can Cause Serious Health Problems
Weight Loss
Lose Weight by Cleverly Pairing the Correct Foods!
Did you ever think that even if you're eating healthy foods, you might be eating them incorrectly?
Lose Weight by Cleverly Pairing the Correct Foods!
Stomach & Digestion
Why We Need to Keep a Balanced pH Level!
I never think about my body's pH levels - Turns out it pays to know the foods and causes of unbalanced pH levels!
Why We Need to Keep a Balanced pH Level!
If You Want Healthy Eyes, Look at What Nature Can Offer
The sense of sight needs protection. Keep your eyes in top shape with nature’s offerings. Read about the 6 herbs that can help your eyes stay healthy.
If You Want Healthy Eyes, Look at What Nature Can Offer
Weight Loss
These 8 Exercises Will Help You Get Rid of Back Fat
Discover fantastic ways to sculpt and tone your back with these 8 different exercises, aimed to help you rid that last spot of body fat.
These 8 Exercises Will Help You Get Rid of Back Fat
10 Super Foods That Will Protect and Boost Your Brain Power
These 10 super foods can help fight off mental illnesses, increase memory skills and keep your brain healthy for the rest of your life.
10 Super Foods That Will Protect and Boost Your Brain Power
Tiny Magical Balls – 6 Health Benefits of Tapioca
Some people love them, some find them odd, but these tiny pearls are actually quite good for you and packs a nutritional punch that can boost your overall health considerably.
Tiny Magical Balls – 6 Health Benefits of Tapioca
General Health
This Week in Health Tips!
When it comes to your health, it's always important to keep up to date. Here are this week's best tips for keeping your health in tip-top condition.
This Week in Health Tips!
WARNING: Staring at Your Phone Can Lead to Spinal Injury!
As we spend more times looking down at our phone, we may actually be doing our necks some serious damage.
WARNING: Staring at Your Phone Can Lead to Spinal Injury!
General Health
Feeling Hot? Discover The 6 Reasons For Hot Flashes!
Hot flashes are often attributed to menopause, but they have other causes that may affect you at any age, no matter what your sex. Discover them in the next article.
Feeling Hot? Discover The 6 Reasons For Hot Flashes!
Weight Loss Diets
What Is Better for Weight Loss, Cardio or Weight Training?
What are the benefits of cardio and resistance training? Find out here.
What Is Better for Weight Loss, Cardio or Weight Training?
Weight Loss Diets
What is the Military Diet? Here's All You Need to Know!
This diet can supposedly help you lose 10 pounds in just three days. Is this really true? Here's the low down!
What is the Military Diet? Here's All You Need to Know!
Weight Loss Diets
These 3 Effective Diets Will Bring You Weight Loss in 2019
Looking to lose weight? The recommended diets for 2019 are the Mediterranean diet, the DASH diet, and the MIND diet. Here's what you need to know about each one.
These 3 Effective Diets Will Bring You Weight Loss in 2019
Stomach & Digestion
11 Foods to Alleviate Heartburn and Acid Reflux
In this post, we review 11 foods and drinks that will help you keep heartburn and acid reflux at bay.
11 Foods to Alleviate Heartburn and Acid Reflux
Liver Conditions
9 Ways Your Feet Can Reveal Liver Problems
Your feet may be giving you signs that your liver’s in trouble. Find out how.
9 Ways Your Feet Can Reveal Liver Problems
Walking Backward is Beneficial For Both the Body & Mind!
Incorporating backward-walking into your fitness routine can be highly beneficial for both your body and mind. Here's why you should give it a try.
Walking Backward is Beneficial For Both the Body & Mind!
How to Eradicate Your Knee Pain - Without Surgery!
Here are some of the vital acupressure points located in the knees. Working on specific points, can speed up your recovery.
How to Eradicate Your Knee Pain - Without Surgery!
Drink a Glass of Banana Juice Everyday for These Benefits
Banana juice is one of the healthiest juices around. Here are 8 health benefits of this delicious drink.
Drink a Glass of Banana Juice Everyday for These Benefits
Do You Know the Basic Facts of Rheumatoid Arthritis?
If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis here are all the facts you need to know about this disease.
Do You Know the Basic Facts of Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Pain Management
5 Great Exercises You Can Do Even With Knee Pain
Is your knee pain stopping you from exercising? If so, then you need to learn these 5 exercises that won't strain your knees!
5 Great Exercises You Can Do Even With Knee Pain
Lungs & Breathing
Are Cigars and Pipes Any Healthier Than Cigarettes?
Pipe and cigar smokers like to claim that they're healthier than those who smoke cigarettes. However, this is not the case! Find out more here!
Are Cigars and Pipes Any Healthier Than Cigarettes?
Include Olive Oil in Your Diet and Reap These Benefits
We are only beginning to understand the countless ways olive oil can boost our health and quality of life. What is it that makes olive oil so beneficial to our health?
Include Olive Oil in Your Diet and Reap These Benefits
The Health Benefits and Uses of Potato Skins
The humble potato peel can be beneficial for your health and beauty. Find out how…
The Health Benefits and Uses of Potato Skins
General Health
Is the 5-SECOND RULE Real or Fake?
When you accidentally drop a sandwich on the floor, do you throw it away or pick up and eat it?
Is the 5-SECOND RULE Real or Fake?
General Health
Minute Clinic: Healthy Habits That Take Under 60 Seconds
These healthy habits all take less than a minute to perform, yet have significant benefits for your well being.
Minute Clinic: Healthy Habits That Take Under 60 Seconds
Mouth & Teeth
Can Chewing Gum Truly Be Healthy?
Learn about the scientifically-proven health benefits of chewing gum.
Can Chewing Gum Truly Be Healthy?
General Health
Is Muscle Weakness a Symptom of Something More Serious?
Have you skipped a few workouts or is your body trying to tell you something? An article about 14 things that cause muscle weakness
Is Muscle Weakness a Symptom of Something More Serious?
Brain Disorders
Our Brain and Body Are Interconnected in Surprising Ways
Discoveries that illustrate how our brain, body and experiences are all interconnected and have a strong effect on our health and well-being
Our Brain and Body Are Interconnected in Surprising Ways
Be Practical! List of Foods You DON’T Need to Buy Organic
Organic foods can be really expensive, so we thought you should know that these fruits and vegetables don't have to be bought organic at all
Be Practical! List of Foods You DON’T Need to Buy Organic
Why Can’t You Put the Snacks Down? Science Has the Answer
Researchers found that salt does not make us thirsty, but hungry
Why Can’t You Put the Snacks Down? Science Has the Answer
Heart Conditions
4 Unexpected Habits That Affect Your Blood Pressure
Selected foods, the supplements you take and how calm you are around your doctor can all potentially affect your blood pressure...
4 Unexpected Habits That Affect Your Blood Pressure
General Health
7 Things Your Feet Might Be Trying To Tell You
When we feel ill, the first thing we do is check our face for signs, however, we should really be looking further down, at our feet!
7 Things Your Feet Might Be Trying To Tell You
Heart Conditions
12 Things You Need to Do If You've Just Had a Heart Attack
What should you do when recovering from a heart attack? Find out here.
12 Things You Need to Do If You've Just Had a Heart Attack
Mouth & Teeth
Did You Know Tooth Pain Can Indicate Problems in Organs?
It may come as a surprise to discover that your teeth may be an indicator of what is happening within your body.
Did You Know Tooth Pain Can Indicate Problems in Organs?
These Simple Exercises Will Ease Achy Shoulders
The key to remedying shoulder discomfort is to put the time into your treatment. Consequently, these exercises will improve the aches you feel.
These Simple Exercises Will Ease Achy Shoulders
General Health
Take Care of Urinary Incontinence Naturally with This Guide
Urinary incontinence can be an embarrassing problem, but there are ways of helping the situation. This guide will show you how.
Take Care of Urinary Incontinence Naturally with This Guide
Fat Burning Exercises
5 Exercises to Flex Away Those Annoying 'Muffin Tops'
Whether we call them 'love handles' or 'muffin tops' they are still unwanted, so here are the 5 exercises guaranteed to slim your figure again.
5 Exercises to Flex Away Those Annoying 'Muffin Tops'
Relieve Your Back Pain With These 4 Simple Exercises
Back pain can be made to go away using just four simple exercises. Learn how to perform them thanks to this handy guide.
Relieve Your Back Pain With These 4 Simple Exercises
Don’t Mistake Plantain Leaves for Weeds. They’re Healing.
Plantain leaves aren’t weeds: They have healing powers. Learn how you can use this common garden plant to treat many everyday ailments and diseases.
Don’t Mistake Plantain Leaves for Weeds. They’re Healing.
The Ultimate Guide to a Perfect Posture!
Good posture is extremely important for your well being. This guide will take you through the essential steps to a perfect posture.
The Ultimate Guide to a Perfect Posture!
General Health
These Health Tips Cover a Range of Useful Topics!
Broaden your health knowledge with these helpful tips and reminders.
These Health Tips Cover a Range of Useful Topics!
A Comprehensive Guide for Essential Health Foods!
Through this comprehensive guide, you'll be able to access full length descriptions of the benefits of 12 super-healthy foods. This is an amazing index to essential health foods!
A Comprehensive Guide for Essential Health Foods!
General Health
These 8 Diseases Have Fatigue As the Main Symptom
Fatigue is more complicated than you think, but there are still 8 diseases commonly associated with it. If you are fatigued you may have one of these problems.
These 8 Diseases Have Fatigue As the Main Symptom
These 10 Foods Resemble the Organs They Actually Help
Nature is amazing. These 10 foods give an astonishing clue as to which body organs of ours they actually help. Do you see the resemblance?
These 10 Foods Resemble the Organs They Actually Help
Wow! Who Knew Pomegranates Are So Good For You?
Pomegranate is not a fruit most people eat or drink every day. This is a shame as this fruit has so many health benefits.
Wow! Who Knew Pomegranates Are So Good For You?
Ear, Nose and Throat
Make Your Dry Cough Disappear With These Handy Tips
A dry cough can be incredibly unpleasant and annoying, but you don't have to suffer for days on end until it clears. Here are 5 tips for getting rid of one.
Make Your Dry Cough Disappear With These Handy Tips
Breast Cancer
Here's Why You Shouldn't Panic if you Find a Breast Lump
Breast cancer awareness has reached a point where we are devastated if we discover something lumpy. But there are 5 non-cancerous things it could be instead.
Here's Why You Shouldn't Panic if you Find a Breast Lump
9 Reasons Why You Should Add Honey Water to Your Diet
Honey water is so simple to make and it has many different health benefits - check some of them out here!
9 Reasons Why You Should Add Honey Water to Your Diet
Eye Health
5 Nutrients You Need to Help Your Eyes Stay Young
Having the right diet can go a long way to helping your eyes cope with age-related deterioration. Here are 5 vital vitamins you need, and where to find them.
5 Nutrients You Need to Help Your Eyes Stay Young
Pain Management
Use These 10 Remedies To Soothe Swollen Ankles and Legs
It's never a pleasant sensation to have when your legs, ankles and feet are swollen. Luckily, you can use these 10 natural ways to remedy the swelling.
Use These 10 Remedies To Soothe Swollen Ankles and Legs
General Health
Get Rid of Annoying Winter Phlegm With These 5 Tips
When winter sets in, annoying phlegm builds up in our airways, making breathing and sleeping more difficult. Learn these 5 tips to get rid of it quickly.
Get Rid of Annoying Winter Phlegm With These 5 Tips
Pain Management
These 7 Exercises Will Strengthen Your Hands & Reduce Pain
Improve the range of motion in your wrists and hands, and ease aches and pains with these 7 simple exercises.
These 7 Exercises Will Strengthen Your Hands & Reduce Pain
Ear, Nose and Throat
Ditch the Q-Tips: How to Clean Your Ears Properly
Ear wax is a vital part of our ENT system, however having too much of it in our ears can do more harm than good. Here's how to clean your ears properly at home.
Ditch the Q-Tips: How to Clean Your Ears Properly
Stomach & Digestion
IMPORTANT: 7 Stomach Germs You Need to Avoid and How
Guide: Understand what these common germs do and how to avoid them.
IMPORTANT: 7 Stomach Germs You Need to Avoid and How
General Health
Here's Why You Should Limit Your Usage of Hand Sanitizers
Hand sanitizers have become very popular, but overusing them does have its drawback. Here are 8 of them!
Here's Why You Should Limit Your Usage of Hand Sanitizers
What Is Your Back Pain Trying to Tell You?
If you're unsure about the cause of your back pain, these 7 possible causes may be it.
What Is Your Back Pain Trying to Tell You?
The Early Signs of Dementia You Should Know About
Dementia symptoms can surface from as early as the 30s. So it's very important to know the early signs so that you can help yourself and others.
The Early Signs of Dementia You Should Know About
8 Exotic Wonderful Spices to Help Boost Your Health
Spices are some of the healthiest things you can have in your diet. This video teaches you all about the 8 healthiest spices in the world.
8 Exotic Wonderful Spices to Help Boost Your Health
Mental Health
More than Just Butterflies: Coping with Social Anxiety
Learn how to spot social anxiety in others and what to do about it with these guides.
More than Just Butterflies: Coping with Social Anxiety
Weight Loss
If You Have This Tummy Type, It's NOT Due to Excess Weight
This guide explains what causes unwanted growth around the waist:
If You Have This Tummy Type, It's NOT Due to Excess Weight
Cranberries Have Many Amazing Health Benefits Just For You
It's no surprise that cranberries are considered a superfood thanks to their wonderful health benefits. Watch this video to learn about this amazing fruit.
Cranberries Have Many Amazing Health Benefits Just For You
Brain Disorders
WATCH: These Bad Habits Might Lead to Brain Damage
It's incredible to think that habits such as smoking and not getting enough sleep can actually damage your brain, but it's true - they can. View this video.
WATCH: These Bad Habits Might Lead to Brain Damage
These 20 Foods Have Extraordinary Beauty Benefits
Discover how these different superfoods can help rejuvenate your skin, hair, nails, and teeth!
These 20 Foods Have Extraordinary Beauty Benefits
Heart Conditions
This is All You'll Ever Need to Know About Tachycardia
A comprehensive guide for the heart defect known as tachycardia.
This is All You'll Ever Need to Know About Tachycardia
General Health
Wow! Your Fingernails Can Tell You a Lot About Your Health
The state of your fingernails can reveal a lot about your health. These 7 changes in your nails' appearance can help you understand your body better.
Wow! Your Fingernails Can Tell You a Lot About Your Health
These 8 Symptoms May Indicate a Gluten Intolerance
These are the 10 classic telltale signs of gluten sensitivity.
These 8 Symptoms May Indicate a Gluten Intolerance
Weight Loss Diets
5 Effective Strategies to Cut Down On Emotional Eating
If you're an emotional overeater, you should know that you can overcome it. All you need to do is follow these 5 strategies to gain mastery over your emotions.
5 Effective Strategies to Cut Down On Emotional Eating
General Health
If You Suffer From This Symptom, Don't Ignore It
Reduce your swelling symptoms naturally with this guide.
If You Suffer From This Symptom, Don't Ignore It
Wow! Who Knew That Potatoes Have So Many Health Benefits?
Check out these 7 different health benefits of potatoes. Just remember to go easy on the butter and cheese!
Wow! Who Knew That Potatoes Have So Many Health Benefits?
Men's Health
8 Self-Health Exams Every Man Should Learn To Perform
Men tend to avoid going to the doctor., and because of this it's important they know how to check themselves!
8 Self-Health Exams Every Man Should Learn To Perform
7 For Men and 7 For Women: Know the Best Recommended Foods
The most recommended foods for women are not necessarily the ones most recommended for men and vice versa. Learn which foods are best for your gender!
7 For Men and 7 For Women: Know the Best Recommended Foods
Mental Health
Guide to ADHD: Symptoms, Signs, Diagnosis and Treatment
ADHS is a serious problem that makes concentration difficult. Learn how this affects the lives of those who suffer from it, and how it can be easily identified.
Guide to ADHD: Symptoms, Signs, Diagnosis and Treatment
Female Health
9 Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms That Women Shouldn't Ignore!
MS affects women more than men, so here are 9 symptoms that women may experience if they have it. Take a look!
9 Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms That Women Shouldn't Ignore!
Weight Loss Diets
Can Coconut Oil Be Used to Help Promote Weight Loss?
Need to lose weight? Taking coconut oil will help.
Can Coconut Oil Be Used to Help Promote Weight Loss?
8 Useful Stretches to Perform When Going to Bed
If you want to sleep better, add some of the following eight stretches to your evening routine, and see how much your sleep improves.
8 Useful Stretches to Perform When Going to Bed
General Health
12 Things You Should Never Lie To Your Doctor About
White lies are not so harmless when your health is at stake, and even the most unimportant detail you decided to skip can affect your health
12 Things You Should Never Lie To Your Doctor About
Heart Conditions
Hypertension Kills Millions Yearly, This Seed is the Cure
How flaxseed helps combat hypertension, a coronary disease which kills about a million people every year.
Hypertension Kills Millions Yearly, This Seed is the Cure
Sleep Problems
Sleeping in the Cold Isn’t Just Cozier, It’s Healthier
Sleeping in a cold room has a lot of benefits both for your sleep quality and health. It's beneficial for your metabolism and weight loss, may help lower chronic inflammation and pain and promotes hormonal regulation.
Sleeping in the Cold Isn’t Just Cozier, It’s Healthier
Ear, Nose and Throat
Flu Season Is Here: 8 Vital Points You Should Remember
The flu season is upon us. It is time to be guarded and take preventive measures to avoid the flu. Here are some vital points to consider.
Flu Season Is Here: 8 Vital Points You Should Remember
Sleep Problems
Should You Blame Your Dinner for the Sleepless Night?
It turns out that science behind insomnia is even more nuanced than we initially thought, as even certain foods may increase insomnia risks
Should You Blame Your Dinner for the Sleepless Night?
Mouth & Teeth
Do You Clench and Grind Your Teeth? This Is What To Do
Clenhing and grinding your teeth is often associated with mental stress, and dentists note cases are on the rise. This is how to handle this problem correctly.
Do You Clench and Grind Your Teeth? This Is What To Do
Vitamin D Deficient? Make Sure to Stock Up on These Foods!
These food items are filled with Vitamin D, an important nutrient that promotes immunity and bone strength, and should be added to your diet
Vitamin D Deficient? Make Sure to Stock Up on These Foods!
10 Healing Foods That Can Help Your Body Mend Faster
These few foods and beverages can really help your body recover much faster.
10 Healing Foods That Can Help Your Body Mend Faster
General Health
Be Careful When Shoveling Snow This Year
Shoveling snow is more dangerous than you think and could cause a heart attack and back injuries. Follow these tips in order to stay safe while shoveling snow.
Be Careful When Shoveling Snow This Year
General Health
Is Using Your Phone in the Bathroom As Bad As It Sounds?
When it comes to bathroom hygiene, even the smallest mistakes can have dire consequences. Is using your phone while you're in the bathroom as bad as you think?
Is Using Your Phone in the Bathroom As Bad As It Sounds?
Immune Health
10 Things We All Get Wrong About Allergies
Don’t let misinformation prevent you from living a healthy life. Stop trusting these 10 widespread allergy myths.
10 Things We All Get Wrong About Allergies
Drink This Plant-Based Milk and Lead a Healthy Life
Hemp milk is a plant-based beverage that has many health benefits.
Drink This Plant-Based Milk and Lead a Healthy Life
Brain Disorders
NOT Smelling These 3 Foods Can Be a Symptom of Parkinson’s
If you can't smell these 3 specific foods, you should get yourself checked for Parkinson's.
NOT Smelling These 3 Foods Can Be a Symptom of Parkinson’s
I Used These 6 Natural Ways to Heal My Swollen Limbs...
Swollen limbs are painful and hard to deal with. But here are 6 natural methods that can both assuage and fight swellings in your feet, ankles or legs.
I Used These 6 Natural Ways to Heal My Swollen Limbs...
Stomach & Digestion
Suffer From Stomach Gas & Bloating? This Guide Will Help
A helpful guide on how to treat gas and bloating.
Suffer From Stomach Gas & Bloating? This Guide Will Help
General Health
13 Things in Your House You Should Definitely Dump!
If you have any of these 13 unhealthy things in your house, you should dump them right away! They could be having a detrimental effect on your health.
13 Things in Your House You Should Definitely Dump!
The Full List of Herbs That Protect You From Diabetes
Diabetes is dangerous, therefore it's important to be mindful of our food intake and include these 15 diabetic herbs and spices in our diet!
The Full List of Herbs That Protect You From Diabetes
General Health
Eating This Superfood Can Change Your Life For the Better!
Wondering why kale is considered to be the king of all superfoods? This guide has got you covered!
Eating This Superfood Can Change Your Life For the Better!
First Aid & Injuries
What Should You Do When Emergency Strikes? Read This!
What should you do when emergency strikes? Learn these first aid basics to be fully prepared for anything!
What Should You Do When Emergency Strikes? Read This!
Stomach & Digestion
How Long Does it These Foods to Digest in the Body?
Digestive times of various foods can affect our body throughout the day, which is why it's important to know them well...
How Long Does it These Foods to Digest in the Body?
General Health
Can Bleach Really Protect Us From Germs?
The CDC confirmed that bleach is effective at killing viruses like the Coronavirus. Here's how to do it safely.
Can Bleach Really Protect Us From Germs?
General Health
10 Warning Signs You Have Too Much Sugar in Your Body!
How can you determine if you are eating too much sugar? These warning signs may be telling you to reduce your intake or better yet, quit while you're ahead.
10 Warning Signs You Have Too Much Sugar in Your Body!
Weight Loss
The 5 Types of Belly Fat Not Caused By Overeating
Your type of belly fat and how it affects your weight loss.
The 5 Types of Belly Fat Not Caused By Overeating
General Health
Get Rid of Annoying Hiccups in a Minute With These Tricks
Here are 6 scientifically-proven methods to help you get rid of hiccups in an instant.
Get Rid of Annoying Hiccups in a Minute With These Tricks
The Sugar-Free Diet Drink that Causes Obesity and Diabetes
Scientific studies about the harmful impacts of drinking diet soda
The Sugar-Free Diet Drink that Causes Obesity and Diabetes
Stomach & Digestion
Here's What Happens If You Drink Just Water for 30 Days
If you don’t drink water for 3-5 days you’ll die, but what happens when you only drink water as your primary beverage? These great benefits happen, that's what!
Here's What Happens If You Drink Just Water for 30 Days
Mental Health
There's No Dysfunctional Family That's Beyond Fixing...
If you think that your family's too dysfunctional to save, you really need to read this guide. Discover what needs to be done to fix a dysfunctional family.
There's No Dysfunctional Family That's Beyond Fixing...
General Health
Stop Believing These 8 Common Fitness Myths! Right Now!
Make sure you don't fall for these 8 common fitness myths, and you'll reach your fitness goals in no time at all!
Stop Believing These 8 Common Fitness Myths! Right Now!
Watercress Is a Cancer Stopping, Skin Enhancing Superfood
When it comes to superfoods, we are stumped why hardly anyone is talking about watercress. With all these 8 health benefits it should be everyone's menu.
Watercress Is a Cancer Stopping, Skin Enhancing Superfood
Brain Disorders
Warning: Learn How to Identify a Stroke and Save a Life
These four simple steps can help you learn how to identify a stroke and save someone's life.
Warning: Learn How to Identify a Stroke and Save a Life
What is the Most Relaxing Herb in the World?
The benefits of the melissa, the most relaxing herb.
What is the Most Relaxing Herb in the World?
Learn to Exercise Safely With Arthritis and Joint Pain
Exercise promotes joint flexibility and offers pain relief for arthritis. This article explains how to exercise safely if you have arthritis.
Learn to Exercise Safely With Arthritis and Joint Pain
7 Invaluable Secrets to Ensure Your Longevity
There's a whole range of lifestyle books, and arguably even more so-called lifestyle gurus, but these 7 longevity tips backed up by science are all you need.
7 Invaluable Secrets to Ensure Your Longevity
Weight Loss Diets
Stop Torturing Yourself With Restrictive Diets & Try This
Forget about self-torture, hungry evenings and food guilt, and see just how easy it is to lose weight by eating plenty of the right things in this article...
Stop Torturing Yourself With Restrictive Diets & Try This
Skin Conditions
This New Jade Roller May Be Just What Your Face Needs!
This ancient Beuty tool is making a on to learn more about it!
This New Jade Roller May Be Just What Your Face Needs!
Mental Health
Did You Know Different Kinds of Light Affect Our Emotions?
We consider many things in terms of how they affect our health and emotions, but we don't often think about how light does. Here are six ways it has an impact.
Did You Know Different Kinds of Light Affect Our Emotions?
Discover An Awesome Alternative To Stinky Fish Oil!
We all know how essential omega-3 fatty acids are, bow there's a new way to get a dose that is more effective for the body, according to recent studies.
Discover An Awesome Alternative To Stinky Fish Oil!
General Health
I Never Knew That Sweating Is So Crucially Important...
Sweat is our own, free-of-charge air conditioning unit built right inside our skin, and here are 8 reasons why it's so good for our bodies.
I Never Knew That Sweating Is So Crucially Important...
Pain Management
Banish Cramps and Muscle Spasms with These Effective Tips
If you suffer from muscle spasms, give these remedies a try.
Banish Cramps and Muscle Spasms with These Effective Tips
Mental Health
Wow! Who Knew Exercising Was so Good for Mental Health?
We all know exercise is good for your body, but what exactly does it do for your mind?
Wow! Who Knew Exercising Was so Good for Mental Health?
General Health
Been Bitten? Here's How You Can Identify Which Bug Bit You!
There are many biting insects and they all transmit diseases, so it's important to be able to identify what bit you. Here's how:
Been Bitten? Here's How You Can Identify Which Bug Bit You!
Fat Burning Exercises
Sculpt Your Upper Body with These Easy-To-Do Exercises
These four fantastic exercises that are done on all fours will help improve your upper body strength.
Sculpt Your Upper Body with These Easy-To-Do Exercises
General Health
Follow these Tips and You'll Enjoy a Much Healthier Life!
I abide by these health tips every single day. Read through them and see if you can make some of them work for you.
Follow these Tips and You'll Enjoy a Much Healthier Life!
WATCH: It's Essential to Ingest These Nutrients Daily
There are certain nutrients that you absolutely must absorb each day to ensure optimum body and brain function. Find out about these 6 nutrients in this video.
WATCH: It's Essential to Ingest These Nutrients Daily
Ear, Nose and Throat
You Can Heal or Prevent Thyroid Problems With These Herbs
The thyroid gland is vital for regulating metabolic processes within the human body. These 10 herbs can help you prevent and heal thyroid problems naturally.
You Can Heal or Prevent Thyroid Problems With These Herbs
General Health
This Guide Holds the Secrets to Reducing Your Drinking!
If you have decided that it's time you cut down on your alcohol consumption than this guide is exactly what you are looking for.
This Guide Holds the Secrets to Reducing Your Drinking!
General Health
Beware: This Is What Just 1 Glass of Coke Does to You
In a mere hour you wouldn't believe the amount of effects a world famous can of coke has on your body. So, before you reach for your next can of cola, remember that one moment of refreshing taste has a long list of consequences that can have serious
Beware: This Is What Just 1 Glass of Coke Does to You
General Health
If You're Making These Hygiene Mistakes, You Must Stop Now
When it comes to personal hygiene, many of us are making mistakes and don't even realize it. Here are 10 common hygiene mistakes you need to stop making.
If You're Making These Hygiene Mistakes, You Must Stop Now
Female Health
This Is What Early Menopause Means for Your Health
All women go through menopause. However, some go through it earlier than others. Here are 7 things that early menopause could mean for your health.
This Is What Early Menopause Means for Your Health
Does What You Drink Affect How Many Calories You Consume?
A study has found that one particular type of drink can do a lot of damage to your calorie intake.
Does What You Drink Affect How Many Calories You Consume?
Brain Aneurysm
Do You Know How to Spot a Brain Aneurysm?
90% of American's aren't sure what a brain aneurysm is, yet this is a very common affliction. So here's what you need to know and how to spot it coming.
Do You Know How to Spot a Brain Aneurysm?
Fish Don't Just Swim, They Also Make Us Stronger!
There are so many reasons to eat fish, and when you learn about the research-proven benefits of fish, you'll see why fish are such irreplaceable treats to add to your weekly diet.
Fish Don't Just Swim, They Also Make Us Stronger!
Got Diabetes? Here's a List of 10 Ingredients You Should Eat
If you happen to be diabetic, here's a list of foods you should be eating. What makes these foods exceptionally great is that they are packed with four healthy nutrients: fiber, omega-3, calcium and vitamin D, all of which are essential to a diabetic
Got Diabetes? Here's a List of 10 Ingredients You Should Eat
General Health
I've Started Using Flower Essences to Improve My Wellbeing
Let's take a look at 6 flowers and their healing properties
I've Started Using Flower Essences to Improve My Wellbeing
Pain Management
Treat Knee Pain Yourself with These Effective Home Remedies
Sometimes pain and injuries don’t require a visit to the doctor’s office. Here are some natural treatments and alternative therapies for treating chronic knee aches and pains.
Treat Knee Pain Yourself with These Effective Home Remedies
Feeling Down? These 10 Foods Can Help Improve Your Mood
The food that we eat can help increase our moods and get rid of depression. Find out more here!
Feeling Down? These 10 Foods Can Help Improve Your Mood
Immune Health
8 Immune-Boosting Myths That Must Be Busted
Here is a look at some of the myths about boosting the immune system that you shouldn’t believe.
8 Immune-Boosting Myths That Must Be Busted
Bacteria & Viruses
Scientists Now Afraid That Coronavirus May Become Seasonal
Researchers now allow the possibility that the Novel Coronavirus may become a new seasonal illness like the flu and other seasonal viruses.
Scientists Now Afraid That Coronavirus May Become Seasonal
Mental Health
Is It Shyness or Social Anxiety Disorder? Find Out Here
Shyness and social anxiety disorder (SAD) have a lot more in common than many people realize. Learn how to tell the difference here.
Is It Shyness or Social Anxiety Disorder? Find Out Here
Immune Health
This New Diet System is Conquering the World
Instead of blaming yourself for failing to lose weight or having poor digestion, get to know the Ayurvedic diet, a diet based on unique principles.
This New Diet System is Conquering the World
You'll Look Years Younger with These Facial Exercises
Look three years younger with these simple exercises.
You'll Look Years Younger with These Facial Exercises
Bet You Never Knew a Tree Could be So Beneficial to You
Slippery elm, thanks to its mucilage, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties has so many health benefits it's unreal. Check out 10 of these benefits!
Bet You Never Knew a Tree Could be So Beneficial to You
I Never Knew That Plums Were So Good For Me...
Did you know that plums are full of health-boosting properties? Click here to find out more...
I Never Knew That Plums Were So Good For Me...
Mental Health
Can You Die of a Broken Heart? Find Out Here
If you've ever been dumped by somebody who you loved intensely, you should know the feeling of heartbreak well. But can it kill you? Find out here...
Can You Die of a Broken Heart? Find Out Here
Does Sugar Intake Really Increase Our Risk Of Diabetes?
Is sugar intake the only risk factor of diabetes? Is fruit sugar also dangerous? What about artificial sweeteners? The answers lie in this article ...
Does Sugar Intake Really Increase Our Risk Of Diabetes?
Female Health
Every Woman Needs to Know THIS About Birth Control Pills
Did you know that 9% of women of reproductive age take the pill worldwide? If you are taking the birth control pill, this is what you need to know.
Every Woman Needs to Know THIS About Birth Control Pills
General Health
How to Load Your Morning Coffee With Healthy Antioxidants
Since most of us are encouraged to place limits on our daily caffeine consumption, it makes sense to make the most out of each and every cup...
How to Load Your Morning Coffee With Healthy Antioxidants
Pain Management
Discover How You Can Breathe New Life Into Aging Muscles
If you think you're too old to work out, you'd better think again!
Discover How You Can Breathe New Life Into Aging Muscles
Sleep Problems
If You Like to Sleep in, We Have Some Bad News For You...
A new study shows that there's a link between sleeping too much and getting dementia (or even dying early). Read all about it here.
If You Like to Sleep in, We Have Some Bad News For You...
Pain Management
9 Medical Problems That Can Be Treated with Acupuncture
Most of us wouldn't choose to be stabbed by needles, however, it seems that doing just that can be an effective method of treating various medical problems....
9 Medical Problems That Can Be Treated with Acupuncture
The Skin on Your Neck May Be Giving Away Your Age
If you want to look younger care for the skin around your neck by following these seven essential steps.
The Skin on Your Neck May Be Giving Away Your Age
How to Choose the Right Sneakers for Your Foot Type!
Many of us buy sneakers based on their color or on how comfortable they are when trying them on, but this is a mistake! Learn how to pick the right sneakers.
How to Choose the Right Sneakers for Your Foot Type!
Warning! Avoid These Exercises If You're Over 50
Once you're in your fifties, choosing to work out in the same way you did in your twenties is quite simply a recipe for disaster! Learn more here.
Warning! Avoid These Exercises If You're Over 50
Mental Health
Here Are 7 Very Clear Signs of Hoarding to Look Out For
Hoarding is a difficult psychological problem, but it can be spotted quite easily. Here are 7 clear signs of hoarding.
Here Are 7 Very Clear Signs of Hoarding to Look Out For
Eye Health
Not Just Carrots: These Foods Will Protect Your Eyes!
With age, vision often begins to deteriorate, and many suffer from infections and dry eyes. To minimize the damage, you should eat these foods!
Not Just Carrots: These Foods Will Protect Your Eyes!
Mental Health
Depression Can Be Eased By Taking a Hot Bath, Study Finds
A small study conducted at the University of Freiburg has found that taking a daily bath might be good for depression. Read more about the study here.
Depression Can Be Eased By Taking a Hot Bath, Study Finds
General Health
10 Small Goals That Will Lead You to Wellness in 2024!
Looking to get healthier in 2019? Follow these 10 simple yet effective rules.
10 Small Goals That Will Lead You to Wellness in 2024!
Pain Management
When Shoulder Pain Requires Immediate Attention
Suffer from shoulder pain? Check if it is one of these medical conditions.
When Shoulder Pain Requires Immediate Attention
General Health
5 Symptoms That You Should Definitely Keep an Eye Out For
These symptoms have a sneaky way about them. They can be harmless or signs of something worse. So if you find you're suffering from these symptoms, consult your doctor.
5 Symptoms That You Should Definitely Keep an Eye Out For
Is Cow’s Milk Bad for You? Here's What Science Has to Say
Could this pantry staple be harmful to some people? In this article, we present to you the health benefits and dangers of drinking cow's milk.
Is Cow’s Milk Bad for You? Here's What Science Has to Say
General Health
This Doctor Debunks Major Health Myths & Gives REAL Advice
Dr. Mike is a doctor & famous media personality, known for his informative & entertaining health videos. Watch a playlist of the best ones...
This Doctor Debunks Major Health Myths & Gives REAL Advice
Immune Health
Detoxify Your Body by Keeping Your Lymphatic System Healthy
Your body is designed to heal and find balance, and one of the ways it clears waste and maintains healthy circulation is through the lymphatic system. Stay healthy by decongesting your lymphatic system using these six methods.
Detoxify Your Body by Keeping Your Lymphatic System Healthy
Skin & Hair
Common Skincare Mistakes That Accentuate Your Skin Concern
Are you investing a lot of time and money into your skincare, but still can’t see any results? You may be making one of these 7 mistakes...
Common Skincare Mistakes That Accentuate Your Skin Concern
How To Sneak Essential Fruit and Vegs Into Your Diet Easy
This is how to incorporate more fruit and vegetables into your diet on a daily basis, easy and hassle-free...
How To Sneak Essential Fruit and Vegs Into Your Diet Easy
Brain Disorders
How Does Your Brain Work And How Can You Make It Stronger
Many of our emotional bursts are often caused by the secretion of hormones by the brain. High or low levels of these chemicals can be injurious to health, so use these tips to stay healthy
How Does Your Brain Work And How Can You Make It Stronger
General Health
These Common Diseases Have Some Very Unusual Symptoms
These 8 symptoms, that may go unrecognized, could be signs of extremely wide-spread ailments, like heart diseases and sinus infections.
These Common Diseases Have Some Very Unusual Symptoms
Bacteria & Viruses
Measles Emergency: Why Should This Scare You?
Why measles is on the rise and why vaccination is important
Measles Emergency: Why Should This Scare You?
LIFESAVING: What Should You Do if You’re Having a Stroke?
What is a stroke, who's at the greatest risk of having it, and what can you do if you have one.
LIFESAVING: What Should You Do if You’re Having a Stroke?
Immune Health
Silent Signs Of Allergies You Should Look Out For
Stop mistaking an allergy symptom for age-related changes, the flu or other health conditions with this guide.
Silent Signs Of Allergies You Should Look Out For
Do You Know How to Avoid Numbness of the Hands?
Recent studies have shown that a frequent sensation of numbness in the hands can be dangerous. Here are a few ways to prevent the problem.
Do You Know How to Avoid Numbness of the Hands?
7 or More Reasons to Add Chili Peppers To Your Diet
Learn everything you ever wanted to know about chili peppers and their influence on your health and wellbeing in this informative guide.
7 or More Reasons to Add Chili Peppers To Your Diet
Bacteria & Viruses
If You’re Doing These Things, You May Be at Risk of Lyme
Tips on how to avoid contact with ticks which may transmit Lyme disease
If You’re Doing These Things, You May Be at Risk of Lyme
BEWARE of White Stripes on Chicken Breasts
Cutting costs in poultry farming dramatically alters the composition of the meat, rendering it less protein-rich and significantly fattier...
BEWARE of White Stripes on Chicken Breasts
Sleep Problems
Late to Bed, Early to the Grave: Why Night Owls Are Sickly
Night people are likelier to suffer from a variety of health problems, from obesity and diabetes to psychological ailments and death
Late to Bed, Early to the Grave: Why Night Owls Are Sickly
Alzheimer's Disease
Could This Drug For High Blood Pressure Treat Alzheimer's?
Many studies have been conducted in the last few years to see if Nilvadipine, a blood pressure drug, can also treat symptoms of Alzheimer's
Could This Drug For High Blood Pressure Treat Alzheimer's?
Endocrine Health
8 Thyroid Gland Disorders that Commonly Affect Women
The thyroid is an important part of our hormonal system that regulates metabolism. Disorders in the thyroid could cause weight gain or loss.
8 Thyroid Gland Disorders that Commonly Affect Women
Bacteria & Viruses
Is It Safe to Use Olive Oil to Clean Your Ears?
Warm olive oil treatments are considered safe to remove excess earwax, but is it beneficial or even necessary? Check out for yourself in the article below.
Is It Safe to Use Olive Oil to Clean Your Ears?
The 10 Healthiest Nuts: Which Ones Are the Best For You?
In this article, we list the top 10 healthiest nuts out there and explore the nutrients and health benefits of all these nut varieties
The 10 Healthiest Nuts: Which Ones Are the Best For You?
Skin & Hair
Are Sulfates in Shampoo and Skincare Products Dangerous?
You may have heard that shampoos containing sulfates are dangerous, but is it actually true? And what are sulfates anyway?
Are Sulfates in Shampoo and Skincare Products Dangerous?
This Skin Disease Isn't As Rare as We Once Believed It Was
Hidradenitis Suppurativa was once believed to be a rare skin condition but now affects many, and has a few simple treatment methods.
This Skin Disease Isn't As Rare as We Once Believed It Was
Woman Narrowly Escaped Death: Doctors Blame Energy Drinks
Energy drinks are advertised to improve your concentration, energy, and physical performance, but in reality, they might be doing the opposite
Woman Narrowly Escaped Death: Doctors Blame Energy Drinks
Alzheimer's Disease
Foods That Increase the Risk of Alzheimer’s and Dementia
This article explains which food types and food combinations one ought to avoid to reduce the risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer's.
Foods That Increase the Risk of Alzheimer’s and Dementia
Mental Health
A Stress Rash Is a Real Thing, Here’s Why It’s Important!
It’s true, a stressful day can truly make some people break out in hives!
A Stress Rash Is a Real Thing, Here’s Why It’s Important!
10 Subtle Signs That You Need To Change Your Diet
Any of the 10 easy-to-miss signs we're listing below could point to an unhealthy diet or some nutrient deficiency...
10 Subtle Signs That You Need To Change Your Diet
Cancer Breakthrough: Blood Test That Detects Five Cancers
A new blood test has been developed by a team of scientists that can help detect common types of cancer four years before symptoms appear.
Cancer Breakthrough: Blood Test That Detects Five Cancers
General Health
7 Subtle Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency to Be Aware Of
Here's a look at some of the most important signs and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency that you should be aware of.
7 Subtle Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency to Be Aware Of
Lungs & Breathing
5 Delicious Teas for Asthma Relief and Respiratory Health
These are the 5 best tea varieties shown scientifically to bring relief to respiratory issues, and asthma symptoms specifically.
5 Delicious Teas for Asthma Relief and Respiratory Health
7 Surprising Health Benefits of Eating Popcorn
Can eating popcorn be healthy for our body? In this article, we explore the little-known benefits of eating popcorn.
7 Surprising Health Benefits of Eating Popcorn
8 Harmful Side Effects of Not Getting Adequate Protein
Here are some clear signs and symptoms that will help you spot a protein deficiency.
8 Harmful Side Effects of Not Getting Adequate Protein
Some Foods Can Make You Smell - 10 of the Worst Offenders
Have you ever noticed that drinking coffee affects your breath and makes you sweat more? You’re not imagining it! Certain foods do cause body odor...
Some Foods Can Make You Smell - 10 of the Worst Offenders
7 Foods We Should Remove From Our Diet in Winter
Want to stay healthy this winter season? Avoiding these few food items can help!
7 Foods We Should Remove From Our Diet in Winter
Eye Health
Should You Worry If Your Pupils Look Larger Than Usual?
There are many reasons (both alarming and benign) why you may notice that your pupils look bigger all of a sudden.
Should You Worry If Your Pupils Look Larger Than Usual?
Heart Conditions
Warning! This New Smartphone Can Meddle With Pacemakers
Cardiologists are alarmed that the new iPhone 12 could disrupt the work of pacemakers and cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs). Are these concerns warranted?
Warning! This New Smartphone Can Meddle With Pacemakers
Bacteria & Viruses
The Johnson & Johnson Vaccine’s Important Advantage
Johnson & Johnson's Covid-19 vaccine has been recently authorized by the FDA. The vaccine is suitable for those who had an allergic reaction to other vaccines.
The Johnson & Johnson Vaccine’s Important Advantage
Looking To Cut Back On Sodium? Try These 5 Handy Tips
If you’re looking for ways to cut back on your sodium intake, these tips will help.
Looking To Cut Back On Sodium? Try These 5 Handy Tips
Mental Health
Mental Health Tips: The Power of Setting Intentions
Setting intentions, not resolutions, can have a great impact on your mental well-being.
Mental Health Tips: The Power of Setting Intentions
The Healthiest Part Of The Avocado Is Deep Inside It...
Are you used to slicing an avocado in half and throwing out the out? After reading this article, we're sure you'll stop doing that!
The Healthiest Part Of The Avocado Is Deep Inside It...
7 Recovery Exercises For Stroke Survivors
The exercises we listed below are a great way to regain strength and mobility at home for those having recovered after a stroke.
7 Recovery Exercises For Stroke Survivors
These 7 Hip and Back Methods Will Totally Relax Your Body
If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, chances are that your weight will reach unhealthy levels in future. Use sitting down to your advantage with these methods.
These 7 Hip and Back Methods Will Totally Relax Your Body
Pain Management
Learn the Towel Exercise That Helps Relieve Neck Pain!
Neck pain is uncomfortable, and now we no longer have to suffer through it! The following exercise will help you relieve it quickly, all you need is a tea towel!
Learn the Towel Exercise That Helps Relieve Neck Pain!
7 Things We All Get Wrong About a Diabetes-Friendly Diet
This article features 7 misconceptions about the foods and drinks diabetics should and shouldn't eat.
7 Things We All Get Wrong About a Diabetes-Friendly Diet
Stomach & Digestion
7 Stomach Germs You Need to Avoid and How to Do So.
Guide: Understand what these common germs do and how to avoid them.
7 Stomach Germs You Need to Avoid and How to Do So.
This Anti-Aging Workout Will Make You Look & Feel Young
Science has discovered that a relaxing practice like tai chi will not only improve your balance and flexibility, it will keep you looking young as well.
This Anti-Aging Workout Will Make You Look & Feel Young
How to Make Your Home Dementia-Friendly
Learn how to make your home more accommodating for the early stages of dementia.
How to Make Your Home Dementia-Friendly
Eye Health
When Is an Eye Infection a Cause for Concern?
While some eye infections can heal on their own, others can inflict serious damage and need urgent medical care...
When Is an Eye Infection a Cause for Concern?
Weight Loss
Trim Your Thighs with these 10 Easy-to-Perform Exercises
These exercises will sculpt your legs in the right way, helping you to create curves, slim down or cut fat.
Trim Your Thighs with these 10 Easy-to-Perform Exercises
Mental Health
Taking Time for Ourselves Can Do Wonders for Our Well-Being...
If you ever felt like you're selfish for wanting some time for yourself, this chart will tell you why you're actually doing right by you.
Taking Time for Ourselves Can Do Wonders for Our Well-Being...
Eye Health
A Simple Guide to Treating Your Vision Problems at Home
How to tell if your eyesight is getting worse, and how to treat it at home!
A Simple Guide to Treating Your Vision Problems at Home
General Health
10 Things Your Feet Can Tell You About Your Overall Health
Your feet can tell you a lot more about your health than you ever imagined. Here are 10 signs your feet can give you about your health.
10 Things Your Feet Can Tell You About Your Overall Health
Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's FAQ: The 10 Most Asked Questions Answered
These FAQs seek to provide a well-rounded foundation on Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer's FAQ: The 10 Most Asked Questions Answered
10 Foods You Must Avoid if You Have Joint Pain
Diet plays a key role in managing your joint pain. Here are 10 foods that you should avoid.
10 Foods You Must Avoid if You Have Joint Pain
Skin & Hair
6 Surprising Ways Ice Rejuvenates Your Skin
All you need are a few ice cubes to gain these 6 wonderful health benefits for your skin.
6 Surprising Ways Ice Rejuvenates Your Skin
Ear, Nose and Throat
Combat Strep Throat with These 10 Natural Home Remedies
What are the symptoms of strep throat and which natural home remedies can I use to fight it? Here is your strep throat guide.
Combat Strep Throat with These 10 Natural Home Remedies
Mental Health
Science Says Listening to These Songs Will Reduce Stress
If you're feeling stressed, science says that these songs will help reduce your anxiety levels.
Science Says Listening to These Songs Will Reduce Stress
This Tasty Carrot Juice Recipe Did Wonders For My Health
Carrot juice is a great way of adding vitamins and minerals to your daily diet. Discover a great recipe and 7 convincing reasons for you to try it in this post.
This Tasty Carrot Juice Recipe Did Wonders For My Health
General Health
Ease Hot Flashes with These Simple Breathing Techniques
Reduce your hot flashes and relieve menopausal symptoms in 3 simple breaths.
Ease Hot Flashes with These Simple Breathing Techniques
7 Stretches To Relieve Pain and Strengthen Your Lower Back
If you're suffering from lower back pains, or just want to strengthen your back muscles, these 7 yoga stretches are perfect for you.
7 Stretches To Relieve Pain and Strengthen Your Lower Back
10 Reasons You Should Add More Carrots to Your Diet
Carrots are one of my favorite vegetables. Whether cooked or raw, they taste great. To add to that, they are extremely healthy.
10 Reasons You Should Add More Carrots to Your Diet
Brain Disorders
This Simple Test Can Assess Your Risk of Alzheimer's
Research has shown that if you cannot spot the odd one out in this picture then you might be at risk of contracting Alzheimer's in the future.
This Simple Test Can Assess Your Risk of Alzheimer's
Great Alternatives to Sugar
we all know that sugar is bad for us, but many of us don't know that there are some great alternatives to this sugary treat. Here are ten of them.
Great Alternatives to Sugar
Sleep Problems
If You've Slept 8 Hours But Still Feel Tired, Here's Why!
Here are 8 things that are preventing you from having a good night's sleep:
If You've Slept 8 Hours But Still Feel Tired, Here's Why!
Mental Health
How to Train Your Brain to Be More Optimistic
The easy thing you need to do to become more optimistic.
How to Train Your Brain to Be More Optimistic
Wow! Who Knew That Blueberries Were So Good For You?
If you love the delicious and tangy taste of blueberries, then you're going to love them a whole lot more after reading about all of their incredibly potent health benefits. Here are 8 reasons why blueberries truly deserve to be known as superfood.
Wow! Who Knew That Blueberries Were So Good For You?
Heart Conditions
A Mouthful of This Drink Will Do Wonders for Your Heart!
Our cardiovascular system is one of the most important systems in our bodies - Take care of it with this wonderous drink!
A Mouthful of This Drink Will Do Wonders for Your Heart!
Hair Loss
The Complete Cure for Baldness is on the Horizon!
There’s a whole range of treatments for balding on the market. But what if you had the option of re-growing your hair simply by applying some ointment?
The Complete Cure for Baldness is on the Horizon!
Mental Health
Suffer From Anxiety? Here's How to Avoid Panic Attacks
Learn all about panic attacks, including what causes them, and how you can effectively prevent them and deal with them when they occur.
Suffer From Anxiety? Here's How to Avoid Panic Attacks
These Seeds Have 10 Health Benefits Worth Knowing!
The fenugreek can be found in many a cultures cuisine, and beyond its taste and texture, it also has many health benefits that you should know about!
These Seeds Have 10 Health Benefits Worth Knowing!
Here Are 7 Reasons Why You Should Eat More Arugula
Arugula is a lot healthier than many people give it credit for. Here are seven reasons why you should seriously consider adding it to your diet.
Here Are 7 Reasons Why You Should Eat More Arugula
If You're Lonely, Your Risk of Diabetes Could Increase!
A recent study has discovered a surprising relationship between loneliness and the development of type 2 diabetes. Find out more here.
If You're Lonely, Your Risk of Diabetes Could Increase!
Lungs & Breathing
Wow! I Never Knew Camphor Had So Many Great Benefits!
Camphor is one of the main ingredients that gives Vicks VapoRub its strong smell and decongestant abilities. It has many other benefits and here are 10 of them!
Wow! I Never Knew Camphor Had So Many Great Benefits!
General Health
This Natural Plant Powder Will Do Wonders For Your Body!
New discoveries in the field of health allow us to improve our lives, and the latest discovery - Arrowroot powder - will do wonders for your body!
This Natural Plant Powder Will Do Wonders For Your Body!
Alzheimer's Disease
Deep Brain Stimulation Could Help Keep Alzheimer's at Bay!
Deep brain stimulation could be used to help keep Alzheimer's at bay. Find out more here!
Deep Brain Stimulation Could Help Keep Alzheimer's at Bay!
Pain Management
Train Your Hands with These 8 Pain Relieving Exercises
We rely on grip every day but rarely bother strengthening the muscles of the hand. Now there are no more excuses - here are eight simple home hand exercises!
Train Your Hands with These 8 Pain Relieving Exercises
This Guide Will Teach You Everything About Good Posture
Someone with great posture stands out, but in a very good way. Not only do they exude confidence, but they're also healthy. Here's how to have good posture.
This Guide Will Teach You Everything About Good Posture
Improve Your Posture With These 6 Easy Exercises!
As the years go by, our bodies undergo many changes, one of which is the formation of a hunchback. These exercises will help you to improve your hunchback!
Improve Your Posture With These 6 Easy Exercises!
These Studies Prove How Dangerous Hot dogs are for Kids!
Hot dogs are a favorite, but they aren't the least bit healthy as we all know, they are even severely damaging to kids. Find out why and how to avoid hot dogs!
These Studies Prove How Dangerous Hot dogs are for Kids!
Mental Health
This is One of the Easiest Ways to Reduce Your Stress!
If you find yourself experiencing stress, try out this mindful breathing technique!
This is One of the Easiest Ways to Reduce Your Stress!
Men's Health
These Are the Health Tests All Men Over 40 Should Undergo
Every man over the age of 40 should make sure to undergo these tests every once in a while.
These Are the Health Tests All Men Over 40 Should Undergo
Weight Loss Diets
Improve Your Health and Lose Weight With the Rainbow Diet
Everyone wants to be slim, but what’s more important is to be healthy. To achieve this, you don’t have to follow complicated diets, just follow the rainbow diet for losing weight!
Improve Your Health and Lose Weight With the Rainbow Diet
General Health
Here Are Clear Signs You're Taking Too Many Medications!
Are you on multiple medications? If so, here are 8 signs that you're taking too many prescription drugs.
Here Are Clear Signs You're Taking Too Many Medications!
10 Foods You Should Stop Eating Once You Hit 40!
As we age, we need to start paying more attention to the food that we eat. Here are 10 foods that you shouldn't eat once you hit 40.
10 Foods You Should Stop Eating Once You Hit 40!
Female Health
The Cause of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Has Been Discovered
Polycystic ovary syndrome is the most common cause of female infertility in women. Discover its effects and possible cure here.
The Cause of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Has Been Discovered
Sleep Problems
It's a Good Idea to Rid Yourself of These Bedtime Habits..
Our bedtime routines and habits might actually be interfering with our sleep. Here are the things you shouldn't do before bed.
It's a Good Idea to Rid Yourself of These Bedtime Habits..
General Health
8 Tips That'll Help You Choose the Best Doctor For You!
Are you looking for a new doctor? These 8 tips will help you find the best doctor for you. Take a look!
8 Tips That'll Help You Choose the Best Doctor For You!
A Guide to Boosting Your Brain Power Naturally
Find new ways to ensure your brain remains active and at its peak with these 8 tips.
A Guide to Boosting Your Brain Power Naturally
This Natural Drink Will Keep Your Skin Young & Healthy
The health benefits of turmeric and cinnamon chai are undeniable. Learn how to make this delicious and healthy beverage at home.
This Natural Drink Will Keep Your Skin Young & Healthy
Over 40? This 10-Minute Core Workout Will Help Build Strength
Get the most from your core workout in just 10 minutes with these 4 moves for people over 40.
Over 40? This 10-Minute Core Workout Will Help Build Strength
Replace Your Unhealthy Foods With Their Healthy Alternative
These healthy food alternatives are just as yummy and much better for you!
Replace Your Unhealthy Foods With Their Healthy Alternative
General Health
This Week in Health Tips
Your weekly dose of health tips, straight to your mailbox!
This Week in Health Tips
Heart Conditions
How Does Walking Pneumonia Differ From Other Types?
Pneumonia can show up in many alarming and often subtle forms. Learn to detect the signs of the 6 most common types of pneumonia early on.
How Does Walking Pneumonia Differ From Other Types?
Start Eating Tempeh While We Explain Why You Should...
Tempeh, a fermented soy product with essential nutrients, can make a real difference to your health because of its abundance of health benefits!
Start Eating Tempeh While We Explain Why You Should...
5 Exercises That'll Help Keep Your Back Muscles Strong...
A healthy and flexible back is an indication of a young body. Here you’ll find some tips on detecting and preventing the first signs of this kind of aging.
5 Exercises That'll Help Keep Your Back Muscles Strong...
Sleep Problems
A San Yin Jiao Massage Can Help You Get Better Sleep...
Learn to apply pressure to your San Yin Jiao points, which can help to ease quite a number of different ailments.
A San Yin Jiao Massage Can Help You Get Better Sleep...
Low on Estrogen? Add These 8 Foods to Your Diet...
If you have been told that you need to boost your estrogen levels, here are 8 foods that you should consider adding to your diet.
Low on Estrogen? Add These 8 Foods to Your Diet...
Heart Conditions
Forget Apples! It's an Egg a Day That Keeps the Doc Away...
According to new research, it could actually be an egg a day that keeps the doctor away.Find out more here!
Forget Apples! It's an Egg a Day That Keeps the Doc Away...
Sleep Problems
Weighted Blankets: What You Need to Know
Learn what are weighted blankets, what are their benefits and how to care for them,
Weighted Blankets: What You Need to Know
12 Scientific Hints That You Could Use to Live To Be 100
Have you ever wondered what your odds are to live to be 100, scientifically speaking? These 12 signs mean that you’ll likely live a very long life.
12 Scientific Hints That You Could Use to Live To Be 100
Can Compression Socks Cure Varicose Veins?
Learn about compression socks, their benefits and risks and what conditions they can prevent.
Can Compression Socks Cure Varicose Veins?
Sleep Problems
4 Proven Benefits of Sleeping With Your Legs Elevated
An often overlooked sleep position that has tremendous benefits for folks suffering from certain underlying conditions is sleeping with your legs elevated.
4 Proven Benefits of Sleeping With Your Legs Elevated
Pass on the Salt! FDA Issues New Guidelines On Salt Intake
Did you know that many foods have too much salt even before you pick up the salt shaker?
Pass on the Salt! FDA Issues New Guidelines On Salt Intake
WARNING! Taking Aspirin to Prevent Stroke Is Dangerous
Everyone who’s older than 40 should know about these new recommendations regarding the daily use of aspirin.
WARNING! Taking Aspirin to Prevent Stroke Is Dangerous
Brain Disorders
Can Sniffing Rosemary Improve Your Memory?
For hundreds of years, Rosemary has been thought to improve memory. A study carried out by researchers from Northumbria University has shown that it does.
Can Sniffing Rosemary Improve Your Memory?
Weight Loss
Walking Is One of the Best Things You Can Do! Here's Why
Can walking help you lose weight? Find out in this guide.
Walking Is One of the Best Things You Can Do! Here's Why
Lungs & Breathing
Dangers of Inhaling Hydrogen Peroxide
Social media's latest health trend is inhaling hydrogen peroxide for protection against Covid-19. Here's why you should NEVER do it.
Dangers of Inhaling Hydrogen Peroxide
Mouth & Teeth
Health Explained: Why Am I Suddenly Thirsty All the Time?
Excessive thirst may be a sign of these underlying health issues.
Health Explained: Why Am I Suddenly Thirsty All the Time?
Paprika is Great For Your Health!
Vibrant paprika powder makes for a wonderful addition to every dish. But did you know that this spice also has numerous health benefits?
Paprika is Great For Your Health!
Fat Burning Exercises
This Simple Exercise Will Get You Off the Couch in No Time!
Most workouts require several sets to achieve desired results, but the Burpee will work out your entire body and takes only 10 minutes!
This Simple Exercise Will Get You Off the Couch in No Time!
Lungs & Breathing
Cleansing Your Lungs Has Never Been Easier
Our lungs are a very important part of our bodies. Here are ten simple ways that you can keep them clean and healthy.
Cleansing Your Lungs Has Never Been Easier
Bacteria & Viruses
What Was the Risky Corona Strategy Considered by the UK?
The UK suggested they want to achieve herd immunity against covid-19 naturally. What are the dangers and why did they get so much backlash?
What Was the Risky Corona Strategy Considered by the UK?
Keep Your Pancreas Healthy With These 10 Tasty Foods!
Although the pancreas is a relatively small organ, its function in the body is important & essential to maintain its health, we recommend eating these 10 foods.
Keep Your Pancreas Healthy With These 10 Tasty Foods!
Alcohol Linked To More Cancer Types Than Previously Known
A new study found a clear correlation between alcohol consumption and more types of cancer than previously known.
Alcohol Linked To More Cancer Types Than Previously Known
Heart Conditions
How to Reduce Blood Triglycerides? 8 Expert Backed Tips
High levels of blood triglycerides raise the risk of heart disease. These simple lifestyle changes could help you manage your triglyceride levels much better.
How to Reduce Blood Triglycerides? 8 Expert Backed Tips
8 Food Ingredients That Are BANNED Outside of the US
Some harmful chemical flavorings, additives & other ingredients are still commonly used in the US. These 8 ingredients are actually banned in other countries.
8 Food Ingredients That Are BANNED Outside of the US
WARNING! Drinking Too Much Coffee Can Damage Your Brain
Drinking coffee in excess increases the risk of dementia, stroke, and even reduces brain volume.
WARNING! Drinking Too Much Coffee Can Damage Your Brain
This Underrated Food Is Great For Your Heart & Weight Loss
Bulgur is a low-glycemic whole food that can become a useful staple in your kitchen. Here's everything you need to know about the benefits and uses of bulgur.
This Underrated Food Is Great For Your Heart & Weight Loss
Bacteria & Viruses
These Creepy Diseases from History Are Still Around TODAY
Measles, scurvy, typhoid fever, the plague - we think of these diseases as a thing of the past. Alas, these ailments continue tormenting people to this day...
These Creepy Diseases from History Are Still Around TODAY
Why Are Sulfur Rich Foods SO Important for Our Health?
Incorporating enough sulfur-rich foods is vital for your health. Why is it so important and which foods are high in sulfur? Find out here.
Why Are Sulfur Rich Foods SO Important for Our Health?
Craving a Healthy Snack? Try One of These Delicious Combos
These surprising food pairings are not just delicious, but they are actually healthier when combined!
Craving a Healthy Snack? Try One of These Delicious Combos
Common Anti-Diarrhea Drug Found to Kill Brain Cancer Cells
A common and widely-accessible diarrhea medication, loperamide, is capable of killing the cells of glioblastoma tumors, the most aggressive type of brain cancer.
Common Anti-Diarrhea Drug Found to Kill Brain Cancer Cells
Muscles & Bones
The Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Bone Broth
Learn about the health benefits of bone broth, how to prepare it at home, and use it in the foods you make.
The Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Bone Broth
General Health
The Real Reason We Are Attached to the Music of Our Youth
Everyone thinks the music of their youth was the best in history, but hearing new music is vital for our brain. Here is the fascinating scientific reason.
The Real Reason We Are Attached to the Music of Our Youth
Dark Chocolate Can Be Beneficial for Heart Health
Here’s how dark chocolate can help your heart, and a review of the research to back these claims.
Dark Chocolate Can Be Beneficial for Heart Health
Sleep Problems
This Sleeping Position is the WORST - Health Experts Claim
If you're used to sleeping on your stomach, it may be time to switch. Health experts claim this position is the worst one for your health.
This Sleeping Position is the WORST - Health Experts Claim
All About GOOD Starch and Where to Find It
Did you know that resistant starch has some very important health benefits? Find out what resistant starch is and why you want to incorporate it in your diet
All About GOOD Starch and Where to Find It
Mental Health
This Study May One Day Help Treat Chronic Stress And PTSD
A recently discovered protein in the brain (p11) can be linked to both depression and stress and has the potential to help future treatments
This Study May One Day Help Treat Chronic Stress And PTSD
Skin & Hair
Skipping Showers? It May Be the Healthier Choice
If you don't don't shower on a daily basis, there's no reason to be embarrassed. It might actually be the healthier choice...
Skipping Showers? It May Be the Healthier Choice
Heart Conditions
10 Common Foods That Are BAD for the Heart
Can you eat pizza, orange juice, or bacon if you are at risk of developing heart disease or worsen an already existing heart condition? Find out here...
10 Common Foods That Are BAD for the Heart
A Visual Guide to Osteoporosis
Many people suffering from osteoporosis have no idea they have the condition. Find valuable information on this underdiagnosed disease here.
A Visual Guide to Osteoporosis
Eating These 9 Common Foods Raw Is Extremely Dangerous
These 9 common foods are fine and even nutritious when cooked, but eating them raw can be toxic or otherwise dangerous for your wellbeing
Eating These 9 Common Foods Raw Is Extremely Dangerous
Fat Burning Exercises
Jumping Jacks Are Extremely Easy AND Good For Your Health!
Jumping jacks in adulthood are extremely beneficial for your health! These are the benefits and th correct way to perform jumping jacks.
Jumping Jacks Are Extremely Easy AND Good For Your Health!
Immune Health
7 Signs of Toxin Overload in Your Body You've Ignored
This article looks at some of the common signs that can tell you if your body is suffering from a toxin overload.
7 Signs of Toxin Overload in Your Body You've Ignored
General Health
Feel Tired AFTER Drinking Coffee? Here’s Why That Happens
It turns out that the effect of coffee on our energy levels is more complex than we thought. Sometimes, drinking coffee can actually make you more tired...
Feel Tired AFTER Drinking Coffee? Here’s Why That Happens
Bacteria & Viruses
What To Avoid When Using Hand Sanitizer
Hand sanitizer is a critical component in protection against the spread of the coronavirus, but these 3 common mistakes can render it ineffective.
What To Avoid When Using Hand Sanitizer
Have You Ever Tried Duck Eggs? Here’s Why You Should
Duck eggs are becoming increasingly popular, and it turns out they are also highly nutritious even more so than chicken eggs.
Have You Ever Tried Duck Eggs? Here’s Why You Should
General Health
Are Facial Cues Enough to Recognize Sickness in Others?
A recent study tried to find out if humans can pick out sick individuals correctly based on appearance only.
Are Facial Cues Enough to Recognize Sickness in Others?
Sleep Problems
The Sleep Benefits of Saffron are Now Backed by Science
A new study found that saffron has one more health benefit that is now confirmed - improving sleep.
The Sleep Benefits of Saffron are Now Backed by Science
Bacteria & Viruses
The Worst Epidemics in US History
This list contains the 9 worst epidemics the US has faced, and showcases the advancement in treatment over the years.
The Worst Epidemics in US History
Alzheimer's Disease
11 Guides on Alzheimer's Disease: How to Protect Yourself
We've pooled our knowledge here for you to browse, it includes ways to protect yourself, ways to reduce your risk of the disease, ways to eat right to slow it down and some interesting studies you may find interesting.
11 Guides on Alzheimer's Disease: How to Protect Yourself
5 Serious MISTAKES That Can Lead to Dehydration in Seniors
Dehydration in seniors is a serious and widespread problem. Here we delve deeper into this issue and list 5 common mistakes that can cause it
5 Serious MISTAKES That Can Lead to Dehydration in Seniors
General Health
All You Need to Know About Medication and How to Use It
12 guides on medication, from improper and dangerous use to lowering your medical bills. A lot of great information is here for you to browse at your leisure.
All You Need to Know About Medication and How to Use It
Alzheimer's Disease
Air Pollution May Increase the Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease
We know air pollution is bad for lungs, but a study shows it may also be bad for our brains and increase risk of dementia and Alzheimer's.
Air Pollution May Increase the Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease
What You Really Ought to Know About Sugar
Sugar may be sweet and delicious, but the way it affects our health is less appealing, as you will soon find out...
What You Really Ought to Know About Sugar
These 10 Beans Have the MOST Remarkable Health Benefits!
Let’s take a close look at 10 of the healthiest and accessible beans and other legumes and find out which ones are best suited for you
These 10 Beans Have the MOST Remarkable Health Benefits!
Female Health
Women’s Cardiovascular Health Compromised by Heavy Dinners
Do heavy, high-calorie evening meals increase women's risk of heart disease? New research says "YES".
Women’s Cardiovascular Health Compromised by Heavy Dinners
Collection: The Health Benefits of Vegetables and Greens
Similarly to our post about the health benefits of fruit, we'd like to show the other side of the coin by discussing the healthiest vegetables
Collection: The Health Benefits of Vegetables and Greens
Stomach & Digestion
These Foods Are the BEST at Really Reducing Nausea
Nausea is as annoying as it is uncomfortable and debilitating, but eating certain foods can really help you recover and forget about nausea
These Foods Are the BEST at Really Reducing Nausea
Immune Health
Adaptogens: Herbs Whose Job It Is to Fight the Fall Blues
Add a new term to your wellness dictionary. Adaptogens are powerful herbs that help cope with stressors, be it bad weather or a stressful day
Adaptogens: Herbs Whose Job It Is to Fight the Fall Blues
Immune Health
Just a Teaspoon of This Herb a Day Will Make You Healthier
Do you love adding cardamon to foods and drinks? If so, you're in luck, as this aromatic spice is just as healthy as it is tasty
Just a Teaspoon of This Herb a Day Will Make You Healthier
General Health
A Few Medical Mysteries That May Never Be Solved
Here are 7 real stories that are legendary in their strangeness, and remain a mystery to doctors and researchers everywhere.
A Few Medical Mysteries That May Never Be Solved
Weight Loss
Stair Climbing May Be One of the Most Beneficial Exercises
These tips will show you how climbing stairs can be the best way for you to strengthen your legs and get a solid workout.
Stair Climbing May Be One of the Most Beneficial Exercises
Stomach & Digestion
This Popular Supplement Has Several Known Side Effects
Fish oil supplements are very popular, but they can cause some side effects and this article lists the most common ones of those
This Popular Supplement Has Several Known Side Effects
No Need to Gulp Gallons of Water, Eat These Foods Instead
No need to gulp down glasses and glasses of water every day, add a bit of variety and eat your way to your hydration goals with these foods
No Need to Gulp Gallons of Water, Eat These Foods Instead
General Health
Don’t Believe These Lies: 12 Popular Egg Myths Busted
For the sake of french toast and sunny side up eggs for breakfast, we decided to bust 12 harmful and simply untrue beliefs about eggs
Don’t Believe These Lies: 12 Popular Egg Myths Busted
General Health
7 Health Complications that Are Far More Common in Summer
While catching a flu in summer is very rare, there are plenty of diseases that benefit from the heat and humidity of summer.
7 Health Complications that Are Far More Common in Summer
Stomach & Digestion
Disease Lurking in Swimming Pools Can Ruin Your Vacation
Cryptosporidium is a tiny yet very dangerous parasite lurking in public swimming pools, learn how you can protect yourself from it
Disease Lurking in Swimming Pools Can Ruin Your Vacation
General Health
8 Rare Diseases That You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
These are some of the strangest and rarest diseases on the planet
8 Rare Diseases That You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
Sleep Problems
This Is Why You Might Feel Tired, But Not Sleepy
Systematically feeling tired and sleepy all day, but not before bed can be a sign that something has gone awry with your health or lifestyle
This Is Why You Might Feel Tired, But Not Sleepy
General Health
Being Lonely Equals Smoking 15 Cigarettes a Day
Having friends is fun, but is it more than that? Does friendship influence our body and mental health as well? Find out in this article...
Being Lonely Equals Smoking 15 Cigarettes a Day
Has the Cure to Child Depression Been Found? Possibly
Study finds intriguing correlation between depression in boys and this activity
Has the Cure to Child Depression Been Found? Possibly
The Health Effects Of This Tea Are Tremendously Underrated
This unsung hero is mostly purchased for its pleasant aroma and delicious taste, while its impressive health benefits usually go unnoticed.
The Health Effects Of This Tea Are Tremendously Underrated
10 Questions Every Nutritionist Hears and Their Answers
Here are some of the most common questions people have about nutrition and what expert nutritionists have to say about them.
10 Questions Every Nutritionist Hears and Their Answers
General Health
Expert Advice: What Should You Do if Bitten by a Tick?
Finding and treating tick bites to prevent Lyme disease
Expert Advice: What Should You Do if Bitten by a Tick?
11 Surprising Causes for Heart Complications and Stroke
A list of 11 unexpected factors and indicators of heart disease and stroke
11 Surprising Causes for Heart Complications and Stroke
Mouth & Teeth
A Study Shows Whitening Strips May Damage Your Teeth
The habit to use teeth-whitening products too often may harm your teeth in the long run.
A Study Shows Whitening Strips May Damage Your Teeth
Female Health
Everything You Need To Know About Excessive Hair In Women
What is excess hair growth in women and when should it be a reason for concern
Everything You Need To Know About Excessive Hair In Women
Immune Health
Got a Case of Spring Allergies? Here’s What You Need to Do
How to best prepare and deal with spring allergies, and with a pollen allergy in particular.
Got a Case of Spring Allergies? Here’s What You Need to Do
General Health
Do You Recall These Remedies as a Kid? They're True!
These surprising health myths we knew as kids, are actually true!
Do You Recall These Remedies as a Kid? They're True!
Liver Conditions
Don’t Postpone a Doctor’s Visit If You Have These Symptoms
Many people suffer from some form of chronic liver disease, often unknowingly. Pay close attention to these 9 warning signs of liver disease.
Don’t Postpone a Doctor’s Visit If You Have These Symptoms
Hair Conditions
10 Treatments You Must Try to Heal Your Damaged Hair
Split ends and constant hair fall bothering you? And all spa treatments aren't helping? Well, you aren't alone.
10 Treatments You Must Try to Heal Your Damaged Hair
New Study Sheds Light on Cancer & Link to Inflammation
Is there a connection between chronic inflammation and cancer.
New Study Sheds Light on Cancer & Link to Inflammation
Hair Loss
Use These 6 Pressure Points to Battle Hair Loss
Hair loss is a phenomenon that many people struggle with and with the following 6 pressure points you can prevent it and maintain strong healthy hair.
Use These 6 Pressure Points to Battle Hair Loss
Skin & Hair
An Easy and Effective Method To Make Every Skin Type Glow
Do you think you deserve to have a healthy and glowing complexion? Of course you do! Then check out our ultimate guide to skin exfoliation.
An Easy and Effective Method To Make Every Skin Type Glow
Pain Management
If You Get Migraines Your Doctor Will Want to Know This
If you suffer from migraines often, this is what you need to let your doctor know.
If You Get Migraines Your Doctor Will Want to Know This
Skin Conditions
Find Out If A Doctor Should Check These 7 Skin Spots…
A new red, brown, or pink spot pops up and you're already stressed, but you might not need to be. Find out of you need to get these 7 skin spots checked.
Find Out If A Doctor Should Check These 7 Skin Spots…
Sleep Problems
10 Mistakes to Prevent If You Want to Sleep Better at Night!
if you're having trouble falling or staying asleep at night, you might be culpable of 1 or more of the 10 mistakes. Learn how to prevent making them now!
10 Mistakes to Prevent If You Want to Sleep Better at Night!
Sleep Problems
Learn to Synchronize Your Body Clock to Your Schedule
Your biological clock has a lot more impact on your daily routine than you ever imagined. Here's how to sync your body clock to your daily routine.
Learn to Synchronize Your Body Clock to Your Schedule
Sleep Problems
This Awesome Technique Can Improve Your Sleep Quality
Like other types of meditation, this kind involves shifting your focus from your mind to your bodily sensations. If you want to improve the quality of your sleep, then why not give guided sleep meditation a try?
This Awesome Technique Can Improve Your Sleep Quality
Weight Loss Diets
Learn Why Black Tea Is So Beneficial For Weight Loss
Struggling to lose weight? Read this article and find out why you should be drinking more black tea!
Learn Why Black Tea Is So Beneficial For Weight Loss
If Your Joints Are Bothering You, You Need to Read This
Rheumatology is the study and treatment of ailments that affect the joints, such as arthritis. Find out more about this type of medicine in this guide.
If Your Joints Are Bothering You, You Need to Read This
Bacteria & Viruses
Protect Yourself From the Flu With These New Treatments
To help keep you safe this flu season, click here to learn about all of the latest drugs that have been designed to keep you safe from the flu.
Protect Yourself From the Flu With These New Treatments
How Drinking Too Little Alcohol May Also Cause Dementia
A new study shows that drinking too much or too little alcohol can affect your chances of getting dementia. Read all about it here.
How Drinking Too Little Alcohol May Also Cause Dementia
Weight Loss
How to Naturally Tighten Your Skin After Weight Loss
Just lost weight? 8 natural remedies you can try to help fight loose skin.
How to Naturally Tighten Your Skin After Weight Loss
Mouth & Teeth
Here Are 9 Natural Remedies for Herpes Sores on the Lips
There is nothing more distressing, painful, and embarrassing than waking up with a sore on your lips, however, these 9 treatments will get rid of it in no time!
Here Are 9 Natural Remedies for Herpes Sores on the Lips
Immune Health
Learn About the Subtle Signs of Chronic Inflammation
Chronic inflammation can lead to a whole host of undesirable health problems if left untreated, which is why it's important to know its symptoms.
Learn About the Subtle Signs of Chronic Inflammation
Bacteria & Viruses
Avoid These Habits if You Don't Want the Flu
Now that flu season is here, it's important to do all that you can to make sure that you're not one of its unlucky victims.
Avoid These Habits if You Don't Want the Flu
Immune Health
Did You Know: Eating Dates Helps the Body in So Many Ways!
Sometimes the best things come in a small package, and if you're looking for a particularly sweet example of this, read about dates' 9 health benefits!
Did You Know: Eating Dates Helps the Body in So Many Ways!
Inner Organs
Your Hands May Warn You of These Health Problems
What can your hands reveal about your health? You'd be surprised.
Your Hands May Warn You of These Health Problems
Mental Health
8 Kinds of Pain That Can Be Caused By Strong Emotions
These kinds of emotional states could cause you pain.
8 Kinds of Pain That Can Be Caused By Strong Emotions
No More Inflammation With these 10 Food Combos
If you suffer from chronic pain and inflammation, you'll be happy to know that there are natural ways to prevent them, like these 10 food combos....
No More Inflammation With these 10 Food Combos
Heart Conditions
Scientists Create a Human Heart in a Lab
After a new breakthrough in the United States, it looks like scientists will be able to grow synthetic hearts in the coming years. Take a look.
Scientists Create a Human Heart in a Lab
Your Cholesterol May Be Rising While You're Sleeping...
New research shows a link between obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and high levels of bad cholesterol. Find out more here.
Your Cholesterol May Be Rising While You're Sleeping...
General Health
Discover the Link Between Temperature & Blood Pressure
A recent UCL study has found a link between low indoor temperatures and hypertension. Read all about it here.
Discover the Link Between Temperature & Blood Pressure
Kidney & Bladder Health
Relieve Common Urinary Symptoms Without Medication
If you've been suffering with troublesome urinary issues, then here is what you can do about them.
Relieve Common Urinary Symptoms Without Medication
Learn How Strong Muscles Can Extend Your Life Expectancy
According to a recent study, people with more muscle strength tend to live longer lives. Read all about it here.
Learn How Strong Muscles Can Extend Your Life Expectancy
Sleep Problems
Can't Sleep? Don't Let Stress Get to You!
Waking up at night? This could be the cause...
Can't Sleep? Don't Let Stress Get to You!
Hair Loss
These Two Simple Ingredients Can Help Simulate Hair Growth!
Proven, natural and effective: these 2 ingredients with support hair growth and prevent thinning and shedding!
These Two Simple Ingredients Can Help Simulate Hair Growth!
This Is How to Make Your Eczema Settle Down Once & For All
The truth about eczema is that it can be helped greatly simply with a change of diet. Learn all about the functional medicine approach to eczema.
This Is How to Make Your Eczema Settle Down Once & For All
Got Wrinkles? You May Be Guilty of These Bad Habits!
Wrinkles may be caused by daily habits and behaviors. Find out how!
Got Wrinkles? You May Be Guilty of These Bad Habits!
Liver Conditions
The Hidden Symptoms and Warning Signs of Hepatitis C
Millions of people in the US are unaware that they have hepatitis C. These are the hidden symptoms of this debilitating virus.
The Hidden Symptoms and Warning Signs of Hepatitis C
Sleep Problems
This is How Much Sleep We Need Depending on Our Age!
This article will tell you how much sleep you should be getting, depending on what age you are.
This is How Much Sleep We Need Depending on Our Age!
General Health
If You Have This Cereal at Home, Throw it Out Now!
Recently, there was a recall of Kellogg’s Honey Smacks sweetened puffed wheat cereal by the Food and Drug Administration. Learn more here!
If You Have This Cereal at Home, Throw it Out Now!
Heart Conditions
10 Foods That Cardiologists Warn Against Eating!
Cardiologists know which foods are good for the heart and which foods are not. Here are 10 foods that they never consume!
10 Foods That Cardiologists Warn Against Eating!
General Health
These Medical Terms Are Often Confused With One Another...
There are many medical terms that are similar to each other, and often refer to the same illness or disease. Here are 18 groups of terms not to confuse.
These Medical Terms Are Often Confused With One Another...
Ticks Are Horrible Little Things, Aren't They?
Ticks are horrible little things, but there are key facts about them that you should know to protect yourself from them. Here are 10 things to know about ticks.
Ticks Are Horrible Little Things, Aren't They?
Endocrine Health
Discover Which Hormone Imbalances Can Lead to Weight Gain
The body produces a number of different hormones to function optimally, but the 9 you're about to read about are among the most important of all. r
Discover Which Hormone Imbalances Can Lead to Weight Gain
Learn About Rhodiola Extracts and Their 8 Amazing Benefits
Constant stress often affects our physical and mental health, find out how Rhodiola root extracts can help fight off stress and its symptoms!
Learn About Rhodiola Extracts and Their 8 Amazing Benefits
Bacteria & Viruses
This Experimental Drug Could Stop the Flu in Just 24 Hours
A Japanese drugmaker has claimed that they have developed a pill that is capable of killing the flu virus in just one day. Find out more here!
This Experimental Drug Could Stop the Flu in Just 24 Hours
Stomach & Digestion
11 Foods that Will Aid Your Digestion!
Our digestive system is much more complex than most think, with enzymes playing an important role. Make sure you have plenty with the following 11 foods!
11 Foods that Will Aid Your Digestion!
Mental Health
These Are Major Signs of Mental and Emotional Exhaustion
It's very important to recognize the warning signs of mental and physical exhaustion. Here are 7 of them!
These Are Major Signs of Mental and Emotional Exhaustion
First Aid & Injuries
Finding Bruises On Your Body? 7 Reasons Why It's Happening!
If you frequently bruise, you probably have very thin or weak blood vessels, but that's not why you should be worried...
Finding Bruises On Your Body? 7 Reasons Why It's Happening!
Stomach & Digestion
The Low-FODMAP Diet That Effectively Handles GI Problems
Have irritable bowel syndrome or bloating after meals? The FODMAP Diet may be the one that will help you get rid of the unpleasantness once and for all!
The Low-FODMAP Diet That Effectively Handles GI Problems
General Health
If You Have This Cookware at Home, Throw it Away Right Now
Most people nowadays are aware of the importance of eating healthy, but not everyone knows that the cookware you use to make the food is just as important!
If You Have This Cookware at Home, Throw it Away Right Now
Warning: This Common Painkiller Can Endanger Fetal Health!
A recent study at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem showed that prolonged consumption of acetaminophen during pregnancy may harm the fetus....
Warning: This Common Painkiller Can Endanger Fetal Health!
Health Guide: Fix Your Posture and Reduce Back Pain!
Proper posture is very important to our external appearance and surprisingly, our health as well. Learn how to improve posture to keep yourself healthy!
Health Guide: Fix Your Posture and Reduce Back Pain!
Immune Health
This Healthy Vegetable Protects and Strengthens Your Body!
A brief introduction to the wonderful health benefits of Fennel may make it a favorite ingredient in your cooking!
This Healthy Vegetable Protects and Strengthens Your Body!
Bacteria & Viruses
This is Why It's Important to Check Your Eggs Right Now!
Over 200 million eggs have been recalled due to major concerns over salmonella poisoning. Find out more here!
This is Why It's Important to Check Your Eggs Right Now!
Learn About Tempeh and Its 9 Amazing Health Benefits
Tempeh, a fermented soy product with essential nutrients, can make a real difference to your health because of its abundance of health benefits!
Learn About Tempeh and Its 9 Amazing Health Benefits
Weight Loss Diets
Most Don't Know the Shocking Truth About the Atkins Diet!
The UK government has claimed that the Atkins diet can be deadly. Click here to find out why...
Most Don't Know the Shocking Truth About the Atkins Diet!
Bacteria & Viruses
Should You Be Drinking Water That's Been Sitting Overnight?
Should you be sipping from the glass you left on the nightstand throughout the night? Find out here.
Should You Be Drinking Water That's Been Sitting Overnight?
Weight Loss
This is Where Fat Really Goes When You Lose Weight
Ever wondered where fat goes once you've burnt it off? Well wonder no more as all is revealed here!
This is Where Fat Really Goes When You Lose Weight
Sleep Problems
Time to Sleep: This Health Shake Will Put You Down!
Do you find yourself struggling to fall asleep at night? Drink this delicious shake and start enjoying a deep sleep and waking up invigorated!
Time to Sleep: This Health Shake Will Put You Down!
Here's How to Effectively Deal With Diabetic Neuropathy
Diabetic neuropathy is a condition which causes burning and shooting pain in the hands, legs, feet and arms. This guide will help you ease its pain.
Here's How to Effectively Deal With Diabetic Neuropathy
Craving Something Sweet or Salty? Try These Snacks
Craving something sweet or salty, grab one of these healthy snacks instead.
Craving Something Sweet or Salty? Try These Snacks
Heart Conditions
A Drug Used For Gout Could Help Heart Failure Patients
A drug that is used to treat gout could also be used to help to treat heart failure. Find out more here.
A Drug Used For Gout Could Help Heart Failure Patients
General Health
You'll Start Drinking Green Tea After Reading This!
Green tea has been linked to a wide range of health benefits. Here are 8 of them:
You'll Start Drinking Green Tea After Reading This!
Mouth & Teeth
Got a Toothache? Try These 7 Acupressure Points!
If you have toothache, try these acupressure points instead of antibiotics and painkillers, this method costs no money and it can help reduce your pain with no side-effects.
Got a Toothache? Try These 7 Acupressure Points!
Find Out How to Remain Cellulite-Free With An Easy Massage
Cellulite is a cosmetic annoyance for many women, but there's a simple way to keep it at bay. Here are two simple massages to remain cellulite-free.
Find Out How to Remain Cellulite-Free With An Easy Massage
5 Subtle Signs of Hearing Loss You Should Be Aware Of
Learn about 5 subtle signs of hearing loss that many people often overlook or misdiagnose.
5 Subtle Signs of Hearing Loss You Should Be Aware Of
Did You Know That Many Domestic Things Are Carcinogenic?
Did you know that carcinogens are lurking in the most unexpected places in your home? Find out where they can be and find out what to do about them.
Did You Know That Many Domestic Things Are Carcinogenic?
General Health
14 Sneaky Ways You Can Increase Your Physical Activity
There are a number of things we can do to increase the amount of exercise that we do. Here are 14 of them:
14 Sneaky Ways You Can Increase Your Physical Activity
Change Your Eating Habits For the Better With This Guide
When we fail at dieting or cutting out certain foods, it can lead us to becoming disheartened, but you can make changes. Here are 10 healthy eating habits.
Change Your Eating Habits For the Better With This Guide
These 10 Vital Nutrients Will Help Boost Your Mood!
Here are some of the most important supplements for those dealing with the symptoms of anxiety, depression, stress, or other mood-sabotaging conditions.
These 10 Vital Nutrients Will Help Boost Your Mood!
Never Eaten Artichoke Leaves? Here’s Why You Should!
Some people go a lifetime without having tasted artichoke, except for hearts, but its seven health benefits will make you start eating the leaves too.
Never Eaten Artichoke Leaves? Here’s Why You Should!
Skin Conditions
Here Are the Underlying Causes of 10 Facial Skin Issues
Read this article to find out about the possible underlying causes of ten different skin issues.
Here Are the Underlying Causes of 10 Facial Skin Issues
Lungs & Breathing
These Reasons Will Convince You to Buy a Humidifier
Having a humidifier offers numerous health benefits and will improve the environment in your home. Here are 12 reasons why you need to by a humidifier.
These Reasons Will Convince You to Buy a Humidifier
If You Want to Live Longer... Bend Over More Often!
Add more years to your life by doing this one, simple exercise every day.
If You Want to Live Longer... Bend Over More Often!
General Health
Some Medical Cases Are So Bizarre That They Beggar Belief
Many unusual medical cases occur around the world each year, but some are undoubtedly stranger than others. Take a look at the strangest of 2017.
Some Medical Cases Are So Bizarre That They Beggar Belief
General Health
You Know About Camphor, Right? It's So Good...
Camphor: Its smell is strong, its strength is tremendous, and its medical abilities will help you effectively and deal with a variety of health problems.
You Know About Camphor, Right? It's So Good...
Skin Conditions
Got Tiny Red Spots on Your Arms? You Need to Read This...
Learn how to identify and treat Keratosis Pilaris, also known as chicken skin.
Got Tiny Red Spots on Your Arms? You Need to Read This...
The Sugar Industry Has Spent Years Hiding This Secret...
New evidence has shown that the sugar industry suppressed scientific research that linked sugar to heart disease and bladder cancer in rats.
The Sugar Industry Has Spent Years Hiding This Secret...
Heart Conditions
12 Daily Habits that are Slowly Hurting Your Heart
Some of our most common habits may be harming our heart quite a bit. These are the 12 habits to avoid.
12 Daily Habits that are Slowly Hurting Your Heart
Female Health
Going Through Menopause? Take These 10 Supplements!
If you are going through menopause or have just finished, here are 10 supplements that you really should consider taking.
Going Through Menopause? Take These 10 Supplements!
This Natural Cream Will Soothe Your Eczema in No Time!
Here we’ll show you how to make a simple and natural cream that will help soothe your eczema.
This Natural Cream Will Soothe Your Eczema in No Time!
Stomach & Digestion
WARNING: This Common Heartburn Drug May be Deadly!
Omeprazole is one of the most common heartburn drugs, but according to a recent study it may be harmful..... ...
WARNING: This Common Heartburn Drug May be Deadly!
Bacteria & Viruses
Add These Foods to Your Diet and Say Goodbye to Infections
Infections in our bodies cause pain and discomfort, but we don't always have to reach for the medicine cabinet to treat them...
Add These Foods to Your Diet and Say Goodbye to Infections
6 Serious Instances Your Body Needs More Salt
Here are six times adding more salt to your diet may be appropriate:
6 Serious Instances Your Body Needs More Salt
Wow! I Never Knew Figs Were So Good For You!
Not only are figs extremely tasty, but they also have many health benefits too. Here are 8 of them.
Wow! I Never Knew Figs Were So Good For You!
Ear, Nose and Throat
If You Have Gingivitis, Take a Look at These Remedies
This common gum disease is easily fixed with natural ingredients that you probably have in your home. Find a no-fuss solution with one of these 5 remedies.
If You Have Gingivitis, Take a Look at These Remedies
Pain Management
Banish Tension Headaches for Good with This Detailed Guide
Learn all about how to detect, treat, and prevent tension headaches with this detailed guide.
Banish Tension Headaches for Good with This Detailed Guide
Kidney & Bladder Health
Coffee Is Good for the Kidneys? What the Studies Show.
Studies have discovered the connection between coffee and the kidneys.
Coffee Is Good for the Kidneys? What the Studies Show.
Weight Loss Diets
Say Goodbye to Fat with These 6 Great Fat-Burning Foods
If you're looking to lose some weight, you should add these 6 fat-burning foods to your diet.
Say Goodbye to Fat with These 6 Great Fat-Burning Foods
General Health
Check Your Health in 1 Minute with This Easy Tip
Whether you fear going to the doctor, or fear you have a serious health issue, this easy, little trick will help you notice if you have a serious health issue.
Check Your Health in 1 Minute with This Easy Tip
When it Comes to Grains, Amaranth is the Healthiest of All
Amaranth is an extremely healthy grain that has been around for thousands of years. Here are 8 health benefits of it:
When it Comes to Grains, Amaranth is the Healthiest of All
10 Reasons You Should Eat More Apricots
Not only are apricots delicious, but they're also extremely healthy too. Here are 10 great health benefits of the humble apricot.
10 Reasons You Should Eat More Apricots
Pain in the Knee? Exercise Your IT Bands to Banish the Pain
If you suffer from pain in your hips or your knees it could be stemming from your IT band.
Pain in the Knee? Exercise Your IT Bands to Banish the Pain
This Essential Vitamin May Be The Cure to Several Diseases
This powerful nutrient plays an essential role in many aspects of health.
This Essential Vitamin May Be The Cure to Several Diseases
Mental Health
Fill Your Home with These 8 Plants to Reduce Stress
Change the plants you eat and surround yourself with, to help feel better and reduce stress.
Fill Your Home with These 8 Plants to Reduce Stress
General Health
8 Health Benefits of Stinging Nettles That'll Amaze you
Stinging nettles can be annoying, but they have numerous health benefits. Here are 8 of them.
8 Health Benefits of Stinging Nettles That'll Amaze you
Heart Conditions
WARNING: Painkillers May Increase the Risk Of Heart Attack
New research has revealed that certain painkillers could increase the risk of having a heart attack.
WARNING: Painkillers May Increase the Risk Of Heart Attack
Ear, Nose and Throat
Try These Effective Home Remedies to Unclog Your Ears
If clogged ears are bothering you, try any of these effective home remedies.
Try These Effective Home Remedies to Unclog Your Ears
Mental Health
7 Behaviors We All Have that Make Us Tense...
Anxiety is hard to shake off and creates challenges to every situation. Here are 7 behaviors that create anxiety and how to avoid having them.
7 Behaviors We All Have that Make Us Tense...
Pain Management
3 Juices to Get Rid of Pesky Migraines
These three juices will provide you with all the magnesium, calcium, and potassium that you need to keep migraines at bay.
3 Juices to Get Rid of Pesky Migraines
The Simple Danger of Not Moving Isn't Simple At All...
Many of us lead quite sedentary lives - it's quite pleasant to sit down after all. But this can cause health problems. Here's what you should do instead...
The Simple Danger of Not Moving Isn't Simple At All...
Need More Iron? Here's How to Get More the Natural Way
Iron is something we all need in our diet. However, supplements are never as good as the real thing. Here are 9 great natural sources of iron.
Need More Iron? Here's How to Get More the Natural Way
Lungs & Breathing
Are Your Breathing Problems Caused by Asthma?
It's never easy to know whether your breathing problems are due to asthma or some other respiratory condition. However, there are a few different ways to tell.
Are Your Breathing Problems Caused by Asthma?
Weight Loss
These 20 Weight Loss Tips Have Been Backed by Science
Struggling to lose weight or keep weight off? If so, these 20 surprising weight loss tips are just what you have been looking for.
These 20 Weight Loss Tips Have Been Backed by Science
To Eat Healthily, You Have to Cook These Foods Together
We all know that certain foods contain healthy properties. But do you know which foods combine to bring out the best in each other? Let's find out!
To Eat Healthily, You Have to Cook These Foods Together
Living Happily into Your 90s is Not as Hard as You Thought
Life expectancy has increased and living into your 90s is commonplace, however living well requires some attention. Here are tips for fulfilling golden years.
Living Happily into Your 90s is Not as Hard as You Thought
General Health
The Causes of Swollen Hands and Ways to Treat Them
Are you worried about your swollen hands? Here is everything you need to know and everything you can do to beat your affliction.
The Causes of Swollen Hands and Ways to Treat Them
Pain Management
Do You Suffer From Pain? 12 Surprising Explanations
What is your body telling you? Read through this guide to find out.
Do You Suffer From Pain? 12 Surprising Explanations
General Health
10 Signs That Your Body Is Telling You Something Serious
The human body is amazing, but it does go wrong sometimes. However, there are some subtle signs that many people miss. Knowing these could save you.
10 Signs That Your Body Is Telling You Something Serious
Guide: Fix Your Hips with These 10 Splendid Yoga Poses
Yoga can do wonder for your hips, so why not add these 10 poses to your daily routine?
Guide: Fix Your Hips with These 10 Splendid Yoga Poses
Brain Disorders
Lay Off These Foods As They Are Damaging Your Brain!
Did you know that certain foods are, in-fact potentially hazardous to our brain's healthy functions? which foods should you be avoiding in order to keep your mind sharp, and which can you have in moderation?
Lay Off These Foods As They Are Damaging Your Brain!
Pumpkin is Great for Your Health! 11 Reasons That Prove It
Pumpkin can improve your health in a number of ways. Take a look at these 11 reasons.
Pumpkin is Great for Your Health! 11 Reasons That Prove It
Kidney & Bladder Health
KIDNEY HEALTH: The Natural Foods You Need to Stay Healthy
You ignore your kidney health at your own peril. Take these immediate health lifestyle steps to boost your kidney function.
KIDNEY HEALTH: The Natural Foods You Need to Stay Healthy
15 Natural Ways to Stabilize Your Blood Sugar Levels
To remain in good health our blood sugar levels must be kept stable.Luckily, there are home remedies that can help you achieve this. Here are some of them.
15 Natural Ways to Stabilize Your Blood Sugar Levels
First Aid & Injuries
These Baby Tips Could Save Your Child's Life
This chart could end up saving your child's life!
These Baby Tips Could Save Your Child's Life
Mental Health
7 Subtle Signs of Depression You Should Know About
We all know about the common symptoms of depression such as fatigue and sadness, but there are also a lot of subtle symptoms. Here are 7 of them!
7 Subtle Signs of Depression You Should Know About
General Health
WARNING: Scented Candles are Messing with Your Health
Studies link the use of scented candles to these health concerns.
WARNING: Scented Candles are Messing with Your Health
Sleep Problems
Sleeping on Your Left Side Is Beneficial to Your Health
Sleeping on your left side can provide numerous health benefits, namely improved digestion, back pain alleviation and the reduction of heart burn. Read on.
Sleeping on Your Left Side Is Beneficial to Your Health
General Health
Be Careful! These Common Mistakes Are Bad for Your Health
These are the kind of mistakes everyone makes, but just by avoiding them you can help to secure your better health in the future.
Be Careful! These Common Mistakes Are Bad for Your Health
General Health
You Should Avoid These Foods and Drinks When Sick!
Food might be the last thing on your mind when you're ill, but it's important to keep fueled. However, there are some foods and drinks you should avoid.
You Should Avoid These Foods and Drinks When Sick!
Pain Management
Say Goodbye to Migraines with This Simple Natural Remedy
10% of us suffer from migraine, but this super-simple solution can stop them right in their tracks!
Say Goodbye to Migraines with This Simple Natural Remedy
Heart Conditions
How to Recognize a Heart Attack a Month Before it Happens!
Heart attacks cause many early deaths in the US each year. The symptoms in this article are all warning signs of an imminent heart attack.
How to Recognize a Heart Attack a Month Before it Happens!
Crazy About Nuts? Here Is Everything You Need to Know
Let's take the 10 most common nuts, seeds and nut butters and see just what good they do for you!
Crazy About Nuts? Here Is Everything You Need to Know
11 Ailments Guavas Can Cure
Are you aware of the incredible health benefits of guavas? Find out here.
11 Ailments Guavas Can Cure
7 Foods That Will Make You Feel Healthier & Happier
Not all foods will make you feel happy, joyous and healthy - but these 7 will!
7 Foods That Will Make You Feel Healthier & Happier
Keep Your Blood Sugar Levels Down With This Guide
Many artificial and processed foods contribute to blood sugar levels increasing. Read this guide to identify 14 signs of high blood sugar.
Keep Your Blood Sugar Levels Down With This Guide
Eye Health
Use These Tips to Prevent Computer Use Damaging Your Eyes
Our eyes were not created for computer use, so we need to do our best to make sure we are looking after them. Here are 10 handy tips.
Use These Tips to Prevent Computer Use Damaging Your Eyes
General Health
Improve Your Circulation with These 12 Easy Exercises
Blood circulation is so important, and here are 12 easy stretches that can really make a difference.
Improve Your Circulation with These 12 Easy Exercises
Which Bread Is The Healthiest Choice for YOU?
Today there are so many healthy and tasty looking bread choices out there. But which are best for your requirements. Here's the lowdown on 6 popular breads.
Which Bread Is The Healthiest Choice for YOU?
Weight Loss
It Only Takes a Spoonful of These Items to Lose Weight
All you need to make yourself healthier than ever is a single spoonful of each of these 9 fabulous items. They will even help you lose weight too.
It Only Takes a Spoonful of These Items to Lose Weight
Mental Health
8 Natural Ways to Fight Back Against Tooth Plaque
We all suffer from plaque, but we should fight it because it can lead to serious dental problems. Here are 8 natural remedies to help your battles.
8 Natural Ways to Fight Back Against Tooth Plaque
Pain Management
12 Natural Oils You Can Use For Fast Pain Relief
Essential oils are wondrous substances that can be used for a whole myriad of different ailments, not least pain relief. Here are 12 of the best you can try.
12 Natural Oils You Can Use For Fast Pain Relief
Lungs & Breathing
10 of My Favorite Natural Remedies to Quell a Cough
How can you quell a cough without resorting to over-the-counter medicine? Here are some of my favorite natural remedies that have helped relieve nagging coughs.
10 of My Favorite Natural Remedies to Quell a Cough
This Easy Stretch Will Repair Your Bad Posture Problem
Did you know you can remedy bad posture with just a simple little stretch? Here's how. Give it a try: your back will thank you!
This Easy Stretch Will Repair Your Bad Posture Problem
First Aid & Injuries
Food Poisoning?? Treat it Quick and Naturally at Home!
Great home remedies you can use at home to treat food poisoning.
Food Poisoning?? Treat it Quick and Naturally at Home!
The Only 5 Easy Exercises You Need to Do Every Day
Do these 10-minute exercises each day to strengthen and stretch all the main muscles in your body and to help you maintain your balance.
The Only 5 Easy Exercises You Need to Do Every Day
Avocados May Be the Best Thing That's Happened to Me...
Avocados are delicious, but you might not know just how many health benefits they bring to your plate too...
Avocados May Be the Best Thing That's Happened to Me...
Sleep Problems
Do You Sleep TWICE a Night? I Do and It's Enriched My Life
Did you know that humans naturally prefer to sleep twice per night? Not only that, but this method is also incredibly beneficial to your health.
Do You Sleep TWICE a Night? I Do and It's Enriched My Life
5 Easy Tests You Can Take at Home to See How Fit You Are!
Five easy tests you can try in private to find out how fit, or unfit, you really are.
5 Easy Tests You Can Take at Home to See How Fit You Are!
If There's One Fruit to Eat Daily, the Kiwi is IT
Don't be fooled by their size, kiwis contain a host of health benefits. Discover how good kiwis are for you.
If There's One Fruit to Eat Daily, the Kiwi is IT
Drink Baking Soda Water for Outstanding Health Benefits
Drinking baking soda water periodically can boost your heath. Here are 6 healthy reasons why you need to include baking soda water in your diet.
Drink Baking Soda Water for Outstanding Health Benefits
10 Great Things Eating Oranges Will Do For Your Health
You’ll be amazed to know that drinking a glass of its juice is more effective than taking a vitamin C supplement! Take a look!
10 Great Things Eating Oranges Will Do For Your Health
Eliminate Painful Foot Swelling with These 12 Tips
Treat your swollen feet and ankles with these 12 effective remedies.
Eliminate Painful Foot Swelling with These 12 Tips
General Health
A Vital How-to Guide of Neuropathy Treatment & Prevention
Our full guide to one of the worst and most common nerve problems - neuropathy.
A Vital How-to Guide of Neuropathy Treatment & Prevention
Sleep Problems
Difficulty Sleeping? This Banana Tea Recipe Works Wonders
Packed with magnesium and potassium - two essential nutrients that promote better sleep, this banana tea will do wonders for you sleep.
Difficulty Sleeping? This Banana Tea Recipe Works Wonders
Stomach & Digestion
There Are 6 Types of Belly Fat, Which is Yours?
This guide will help you determine what your tummy type is and how best to shrink its size.
There Are 6 Types of Belly Fat, Which is Yours?
Bacteria & Viruses
Candida Infection: What is it and How Can I Treat it?
Candida is a fungal infection that causes a whole list of symptoms. You could be suffering from it without noticing. Here's where to get better informed about it.
Candida Infection: What is it and How Can I Treat it?
Ear, Nose and Throat
Soothe Your Allergies this Spring by Massaging these 6 Points
One ideal way to alleviate symptoms associated with allergies is to apply acupressure to the soles of your feet.
Soothe Your Allergies this Spring by Massaging these 6 Points
A Few Health Tips to Keep You In Good Form!
Tune up and learn to take the best care of yourself!
A Few Health Tips to Keep You In Good Form!
Female Health
The Color of Your Urine Has Much to Say About Your Health!
What is the connection between the color of your urine and your general health?
The Color of Your Urine Has Much to Say About Your Health!
Why Sitting Down is Slowly Putting Our Health at Risk...
Some facts everyone should know about sitting.
Why Sitting Down is Slowly Putting Our Health at Risk...
I Began Eating Mediterranean After Reading This Advice!
The Mediterranean diet is supposed to be the healthiest in the world, offering numerous health benefits. Read about the diet's health benefits.
I Began Eating Mediterranean After Reading This Advice!
Swim Your Way to a Healthier You: The Benefits of Swimming
Why do they keep saying swimming is good for you? This is why.
Swim Your Way to a Healthier You: The Benefits of Swimming
Bacteria & Viruses
Stay Healthy this Winter and Beat the Blues with these Useful Tips
Ward off colds, flu and other winter germs lurking in the room, with these 10 useful tips to help you and your family stay well during the cold, dark months ahead.
Stay Healthy this Winter and Beat the Blues with these Useful Tips
Your Thanksgiving Turkey Has Some Suprising Health Benefits!
While we all love sitting down to our Thanksgiving dinner, there's an argument for eating more turkey all year round. Find out what health benefits you can get from turkey.
Your Thanksgiving Turkey Has Some Suprising Health Benefits!
These Exercises Are What You Need to Be In Great Shape!
This is your great exercising guide that will take you from ill to fit!
These Exercises Are What You Need to Be In Great Shape!
First Aid & Injuries
Learn to Treat the 10 Most Common Household Injuries
Did you know that the majority of accidents occur at home? Then you should also know the 10 most common ones and how to treat them.
Learn to Treat the 10 Most Common Household Injuries
A Simple Walk Can Benefit Your Health in so Many Ways!
Do you realize just how beneficial a brisk walk can be for your health?
A Simple Walk Can Benefit Your Health in so Many Ways!
They Call It Healthy Food, Here Is What it Really is...
Take these 7 supposed 'health foods' as examples and as a warning - check the actual evidence before you buy and consume these products!
They Call It Healthy Food, Here Is What it Really is...
Skin & Hair
5 Home Remedies For Treating Varicose Veins
There are a number of at-home remedies for treating varicose veins that could help you or someone you know with the condition avoid expensive and painful surgical procedures.
5 Home Remedies For Treating Varicose Veins
Pain Management
Soothe Your Sciatic Pain with These 8 Natural Remedies
You don’t need to suffer from pain caused by sciatica. These 8 remedies are natural and effective at reducing unnecessary pain.
Soothe Your Sciatic Pain with These 8 Natural Remedies
General Health
This Week in Health Tips!
Your weekly dose of health tips - stay healthy, stay happy.
This Week in Health Tips!
General Health
3 Fascinating Health Studies You Should Really Know About
These brand new studies have incredible ramifications on our near future, and it's amazing!
3 Fascinating Health Studies You Should Really Know About
Ear, Nose and Throat
The Natural Way of Eliminating an Earache
If you or your child are prone to getting ear infections, you know how painful they can be. Here are 7 effective natural remedies that will relieve and prevent the pain of an earache
The Natural Way of Eliminating an Earache
This Active Ingredient Is One of Nature's Best Gifts
Only recently has the western world discovered the incredible benefits of an ingredient many in the world already knew about.
This Active Ingredient Is One of Nature's Best Gifts
General Health
7 Good Habits That Have a Surprising Effect on Our Health
It's amazing how even the simplest habits can improve our physical and mental condition. You probably do half of these and don't even notice.
7 Good Habits That Have a Surprising Effect on Our Health
General Health
Your Fingers Can Heal Most Physical & Emotional Problems
Did you know that your fingers have the power to heal the rest of your body?
Your Fingers Can Heal Most Physical & Emotional Problems
Wow! Who Knew Pineapples Were THIS Good For You?
Pineapples really are one of Mother Nature's superfoods. Here are 10 great health benefits of this amazing fruit.
Wow! Who Knew Pineapples Were THIS Good For You?
Eye Health
7 Great Tips That'll Help Keep Cataracts at Bay
An untreated cataracts can cause blindness, but thankfully there are ways to avoid developing them. Here are 7 of them.
7 Great Tips That'll Help Keep Cataracts at Bay
Got Back Pain From Posture? These Tips will Help Cure It!
Having bad posture means that your joints and muscles don’t work right all the time, and this can cause serious issues. Here's how to fix it!
Got Back Pain From Posture? These Tips will Help Cure It!
Find Out All About the Very Best Fruits for Human Health
This interactive menu brings you 12 super-fruits that you can click on to find out all the reasons why they're so fantastically good for you!
Find Out All About the Very Best Fruits for Human Health
Fat Burning Exercises
Here Are 12 Easy Ways to Get 10 Minutes of Exercise a Day
Check out these simple, practical ways to fit exercise into your day even when you’re short on time.
Here Are 12 Easy Ways to Get 10 Minutes of Exercise a Day
General Health
You Don't Need a Doctor to Perform These 8 Medical Tests
Find out about some of the most simple and effective medical tests that you can perform from the comfort and privacy of your home.
You Don't Need a Doctor to Perform These 8 Medical Tests
Sleep Problems
Exercise in Bed? 5 Yoga Poses that’ll Help You Sleep!
Here's how to relax, exercise, look good, and sleep better - all while in bed!
Exercise in Bed? 5 Yoga Poses that’ll Help You Sleep!
Men's Health
Got a Low Sperm Count? Here's How to Improve It!
If your doctor has informed you that you have a low sperm count, here's how you can improve it!
Got a Low Sperm Count? Here's How to Improve It!
Consider Adding Asparagus to Your Diet For These Reasons
Asparagus is an extremely healthy plant that you really should consider including in your diet. Here are 10 reasons why you should begin eating more asparagus.
Consider Adding Asparagus to Your Diet For These Reasons
Ear, Nose and Throat
No More Dry Sinuses: Treat it With Home Remedies
Blocked or painful sinuses can have a big effect on how you function daily, but help is at hand...
No More Dry Sinuses: Treat it With Home Remedies
5 of the MOST Common Types of Hernia
Read this guide to learn about this often overlooked medical condition and the 5 most common types of hernia.
5 of the MOST Common Types of Hernia
Skin Conditions
Are Wrinkles Your Body’s Way of Telling You Something?
Here are 6 things your wrinkles can possibly tell about you
Are Wrinkles Your Body’s Way of Telling You Something?
Female Health
LIFE-SAVING: All Women Should be Aware of these Symptoms
Symptoms and diseases that are unique to women
LIFE-SAVING: All Women Should be Aware of these Symptoms
General Health
Which Medical Tests Are Useless? Find Out Here.
An initiative that began in recent years has caused many doctors to abandon treatments and tests that were considered routine, learn about them here!
Which Medical Tests Are Useless? Find Out Here.
Breast Cancer
WARNING: Birth Control increases Risk of Breast Cancer?!
Some new research has added to the increasing pile of evidence that taking hormonal contraceptives increases your chances of developing breast cancer.
WARNING: Birth Control increases Risk of Breast Cancer?!
Immune Health
Metallic Taste in Your Mouth? Here Are 10 Possible Causes
The flavors we experience derive from what we put into the mouth, but sometimes there are factors that distort the sense of taste - here are 10 of them.
Metallic Taste in Your Mouth? Here Are 10 Possible Causes
Heart Conditions
Warning! These Deadly Symptoms Are Hard to Detect
Here are four of the most common signs of clogged arteries that aren't as obvious as you'd expect.
Warning! These Deadly Symptoms Are Hard to Detect
Mental Health
The Results Are Out! Doing Good Does Benefit Your Health!
The results are in! Science has finally proven that there are health benefits associated with carrying out a good deed. Here are seven of them!
The Results Are Out! Doing Good Does Benefit Your Health!
Pain Management
Tennis Balls Are Effective at Relieving Body Pain
You can use Tennis Balls to ease your aches and pains. Here's how!
Tennis Balls Are Effective at Relieving Body Pain
General Health
The Human Clock: How You Should Plan Your Day
Discover the best time to do your everyday activities, according to the Human Body Energy Clock cycle.
The Human Clock: How You Should Plan Your Day
Kidney & Bladder Health
15 Daily Habits That Damage Our Kidneys
Our kidneys work very hard to keep us alive and healthy. You can continue to enjoy them if you avoid this next list of kidney-harming habits.
15 Daily Habits That Damage Our Kidneys
8 Super Healthy and Common Herbs & Spices
This post will show you how 8 very common herbs and spices can greatly benefit your health.
8 Super Healthy and Common Herbs & Spices
First Aid & Injuries
Banish Away Bruises with These 6 Natural Remedies
Bruises are embarrassingly obvious to the whole world, as well as being awfully painful. So, it's about time you knew these natural methods for soothing them.
Banish Away Bruises with These 6 Natural Remedies
General Health
They Sound Crazy, But These 10 Unusual Cures Really Do Work
Sometimes you need to look further than the medicine cabinet to cure pains and aches. Discover which household items can help you feel healthy.
They Sound Crazy, But These 10 Unusual Cures Really Do Work
Female Health
The 7 Most Inspiring, Fit Women (Aged 66-97) You Will Find
These inspiring women teach us that no matter how old you are, it is never too late to get fit and no matter what life throws at you, never, ever give up.
The 7 Most Inspiring, Fit Women (Aged 66-97) You Will Find
Six Reasons You Should Drink More Water Every Day
Drink a few more glasses every day, trust us, it'll do you a world of good.
Six Reasons You Should Drink More Water Every Day
Skin & Hair
Why We Still Get Pimples, And What it Says About Our Health
Blemishes and pimples in adulthood are pretty common. Here's your ultimate guide to examining common breakout spots.
Why We Still Get Pimples, And What it Says About Our Health
Mouth & Teeth
Receding Gums? These Natural Remedies Will Help!
Receding gums is an incredibly common disease. Here are 8 natural remedies to help prevent this type of gum disease.
Receding Gums? These Natural Remedies Will Help!
General Health
These Hormones Have a Huge Impact on Your Weight & Health
While there are over 50 hormones in the human body, we are going to take a look at six most important ones that are crucial for good health.
These Hormones Have a Huge Impact on Your Weight & Health
General Health
Can Taking Multivitamins Do More Harm than Good?
Half of Americans today regularly take vitamin supplements, but could regularly taking multivitamins do more harm than good?
Can Taking Multivitamins Do More Harm than Good?
General Health
24 Health Questions You Were Too Afraid to Ask the Dr.
We all get nervous when we see the doctor, and forget to say what we should. Here are 24 questions you need to ask next time you have an appointment.
24 Health Questions You Were Too Afraid to Ask the Dr.
General Health
Your Body on Alcohol: The Pros & Cons of Drinking
Take a look at the effects of alcohol on our body in the interactive guide below.
Your Body on Alcohol: The Pros & Cons of Drinking
General Health
This Is the Most Important Nutrient For Human Health
Vitamin D comes from the sun, and it's important that we get enough of it for the sake of our health. Here are 15 things you need to know about vitamin D.
This Is the Most Important Nutrient For Human Health
Stop Aging In Its Tracks By Changing These 11 Bad Habits
In life, we continually make mistakes, but it's when we learn from them that makes them count. Here are 11 bad habits we should all modify to prevent aging.
Stop Aging In Its Tracks By Changing These 11 Bad Habits
Pain Management
6 Self-Massage Techniques to Relieve Your Muscle Pain
If you're feeling tense, these 6 self-massaging techniques could be just what you need.
6 Self-Massage Techniques to Relieve Your Muscle Pain
Dark Chocolate Is a Treat You Can Eat MORE Of - Here's Why
Now you have a real excuse for eating more dark chocolate - all you have to do is cite this article and quote the 10 health benefits written inside!
Dark Chocolate Is a Treat You Can Eat MORE Of - Here's Why
Sleep Problems
Difficulty Sleeping? Eat These Foods Before Bed
Have trouble sleeping? These 5 foods will help you get some much needed rest.
Difficulty Sleeping? Eat These Foods Before Bed
Immune Health
This Recipe Will Significantly Boost Your Immune System
Garlic and honey are both superfoods which have many health benefits. Find out how to combine the two to significantly boost your immune system.
This Recipe Will Significantly Boost Your Immune System
General Health
There's a Reason Why You Constantly Need to Urinate...
Constantly having to go to the bathroom is an embarrassing problem that could interfere greatly with your life. Here's why it happens and what to do about it.
There's a Reason Why You Constantly Need to Urinate...
Lemons Have More Health Benefits Than I Ever Realized
I didn't know that lemons had this many healthy advantages!
Lemons Have More Health Benefits Than I Ever Realized
All the Myths About Chronic Back Pain Debunked
A lot of people believe misconceptions about chronic back pain. This post will serve to clear them up once and for all.
All the Myths About Chronic Back Pain Debunked
Ear, Nose and Throat
Colds Can Be Cured In Just 24 Hours - Learn How Here
It's never a pleasant feeling when you feel a cold coming on, but there's actually a way of getting rid of one in just 24 hours. Find out how here.
Colds Can Be Cured In Just 24 Hours - Learn How Here
Stomach & Digestion
14 Natural Solutions for Stomach Ulcers and Heartburn
14 natural remedies which will help prevent and cure those painful heartburns and stomach ulcers.
14 Natural Solutions for Stomach Ulcers and Heartburn
General Health
Sniffing Rosemary Can Help Improve Your Memory
For hundreds of years, Rosemary has been thought to improve memory. A study carried out by researchers from Northumbria University has shown that it does.
Sniffing Rosemary Can Help Improve Your Memory
General Health
No Need to Get Out of Bed to Do These 6 Exercises
Start your day off just right with these 6 easy stretches you can do in the comfort of your own bed.
No Need to Get Out of Bed to Do These 6 Exercises
Weight Loss
Lower Blood Pressure & Lose Weight With These 20 Foods
Read through this list to find out how a few changes to your food can do for your blood pressure
Lower Blood Pressure & Lose Weight With These 20 Foods
Easy Stretches to Release Tension in the Neck & Shoulders
The neck and shoulders are often a place where tension and pain tend to accumulate. Relieve tension in your neck and shoulders with these simple exercises.
Easy Stretches to Release Tension in the Neck & Shoulders
Curcumin Is Just Starting to Catch On In Europe...
While the health benefits of curcumin have long been known in Asia, this incredible herb is only just starting to catch on in Europe. Learn more here.
Curcumin Is Just Starting to Catch On In Europe...
Skin Conditions
Three Simple Home Remedies to Get Rid of Ingrown Toenails
Three easy home remedies that can get rid of your ingrown toenail once and for all!
Three Simple Home Remedies to Get Rid of Ingrown Toenails
Alleviate Knee and Hip Pain with 3 Easy Exercises
Knee and hip pain can be annoying, frustrating, and prevent you from doing what you want to do. All you need is these 3 exercises to get rid of all pain.
Alleviate Knee and Hip Pain with 3 Easy Exercises
Cure Your Health Issues With These Useful Honey Remedies
Counteract 9 common health problems with these simple yet effective honey remedies.
Cure Your Health Issues With These Useful Honey Remedies
General Health
These 11 Intriguing Health Facts Will Surprise You!
We guarantee that you have never heard of these 11 intriguing health facts. These facts can definitely help make your life a lot easier. .
These 11 Intriguing Health Facts Will Surprise You!
Sleep Problems
Suffer From Disturbed Sleep? Rest Easy with These Top Tips
The quality of our sleep is just as important as the amount. How do we stop waking up at night and get back to sleep?
Suffer From Disturbed Sleep? Rest Easy with These Top Tips
Eating Foods Like These Will Do Wonders for Your Waistline
People have different metabolic rates, and there are plenty of things you can do to speed yours up. But one great way is by eating these 5 healthy foods.
Eating Foods Like These Will Do Wonders for Your Waistline
Heart Conditions
Cardiac Arrest Patients Have Renewed Hope Thanks to This
British scientists have managed to turn spinach leaves into working human tissue, in what could be a revolutionary step toward repairing damaged organs.
Cardiac Arrest Patients Have Renewed Hope Thanks to This
Fat Burning Exercises
Our Easy Exercise Guide Will Tone and Flatten Your Tummy
Everyone should make use of these easy exercises to maintain a strong, lean and healthy stomach...
Our Easy Exercise Guide Will Tone and Flatten Your Tummy
Pain Management
12 Natural Essential Oils That Act as Pain Relievers
If you're suffering with muscle pain, migraines, or sciatica, try these essential oils instead of popping back a couple of painkillers.
12 Natural Essential Oils That Act as Pain Relievers
Scientists Make Huge Breakthrough in Cancer Treatment
Scientists might have just found a revolutionary way to fight cancer. Read about it here.
Scientists Make Huge Breakthrough in Cancer Treatment
Skin & Hair
Heal Your Dry and Cracked Lips With These 7 Great Tips
Dry lips are one of those little things that can drive us absolutely, illogically crazy. Here are 10 quick ways to treat the problem.
Heal Your Dry and Cracked Lips With These 7 Great Tips
7 Substances Your Body Needs to Absorb Every Single Day
Get these 7 nutrients daily to ensure your mind and body stay healthy.
7 Substances Your Body Needs to Absorb Every Single Day
These 7 Yoga Exercises Will Give You a Burst of Energy
If you often wake up tired and without energy, these 7 yoga poses will do you wonders!
These 7 Yoga Exercises Will Give You a Burst of Energy
Here's Why You Must Make Sure You Get Enough Vitamin B12!
Getting the proper amount of B vitamins is essential to your overall health, and vitamin B12 is one that benefits your whole body. Here's how!
Here's Why You Must Make Sure You Get Enough Vitamin B12!
Stomach & Digestion
This Gluten-Free Flour Is Taking the World by Storm!
If you’re interested in cooking with this tasty, hearty grain, here are some of the health benefits you might want to know about.
This Gluten-Free Flour Is Taking the World by Storm!
Alzheimer's Disease
10 Differences Between Alzheimer's and Natural Aging
Our memory capacity changes as we get older but there are some differences between the natural processes and signs of Alzheimer's that you should know...
10 Differences Between Alzheimer's and Natural Aging
Ear, Nose and Throat
Decreasing Sense Of Smell Can Be a Warning Sign Of Illness
Underestimating your sense of smell is a mistake, as your sense of smell can tell you a lot about your health and can even predict longevity
Decreasing Sense Of Smell Can Be a Warning Sign Of Illness
Is This the Healthiest Of All Fermented Foods?
Is this the healthiest of all fermented foods? Quite possibly so, just read about it's health and wellness benefits and judge for yourself.
Is This the Healthiest Of All Fermented Foods?
Onions and Garlic: 2 Veggies That Can Help Prevent Cancer
Onions and garlic are among the most common vegetables in the world, and we might want to eat more of them to stay healthy, here's why
Onions and Garlic: 2 Veggies That Can Help Prevent Cancer
Stomach & Digestion
Being Stressed Can Cause Constipation, Here’s How
Digestion is extremely susceptible to stress, one of the most results of stress being constipation. Here is why it happens and what you can do
Being Stressed Can Cause Constipation, Here’s How
Hair Conditions
This New Artificial Neuron Will Help Fight Heart Failure
Read how a team of scientists invented an artificial neuron that could go on to be a major help to cure chronic neurodegenerative diseases.
This New Artificial Neuron Will Help Fight Heart Failure
Mental Health
8 Dangerous Depression Myths You Should Stop Believing
We find it’s very important to discuss depression and know accurate information about the condition, so let's address these 8 depression myths
8 Dangerous Depression Myths You Should Stop Believing
Stomach & Digestion
Why Screening for Stomach Toxins is Really Important
For GI problems, we now have tests that can be taken at home. These tests are called BTOX tests and they give actual clarity about the situation in your gut by screening your existing biochemistry. Learn more about them here.
Why Screening for Stomach Toxins is Really Important
Immune Health
The 4 Major Types of Headaches: What to Look Out For
This guide will help you figure out what type of headache you may be suffering from, and how to treat and prevent it.
The 4 Major Types of Headaches: What to Look Out For
5 Easy Tweaks To Make Your Takeout Food Healthier
There are several creative ways to increase the nutritional value of a takeout meals, and even adjust them to support your weight loss goals! Here are some tips.
5 Easy Tweaks To Make Your Takeout Food Healthier
Immune Health
5 Impressive Health Benefits of Peanuts You Never Knew
In this article, we learn about some lesser-known but important benefits of eating peanuts.
5 Impressive Health Benefits of Peanuts You Never Knew
Mouth & Teeth
The BEST Foods to Eat to Get Rid of Bad Breath
Specific foods, herbs, and drinks, such as the 8 we’ll list in this article, have been known to naturally reduce a smelly breath.
The BEST Foods to Eat to Get Rid of Bad Breath
Just How Much Water Should You Drink Every Day?
Simply drinking eight glasses of water a day may not be enough. Find out the key factors that determine our water needs.
Just How Much Water Should You Drink Every Day?
How Much Canned Tuna Is Safe to Eat?
Learn all about the nutrition and facts, benefits, and potential downsides of eating canned tuna in this article.
How Much Canned Tuna Is Safe to Eat?
These Foods Are the Absolute Best Sources of Vitamin K2
K2 is an important vitamin that can reduce the risk of dental issues, heart disease and cancer, and can be found in these common foods.
These Foods Are the Absolute Best Sources of Vitamin K2
General Health
8 Places Where Asbestos Can Still Linger in Your Home
In this article, we’ll list 9 common household items that may contain asbestos and how it can affect your health.
8 Places Where Asbestos Can Still Linger in Your Home
Stomach & Digestion
7 Effective Home Remedies for Acid Reflux
There are many medically-approved home remedies and tips to consider that will help you manage acid reflux and heartburn - here are 7 of the best!
7 Effective Home Remedies for Acid Reflux
Sleep Problems
6 Nutrition Tips From Experts to Ensure Better Sleep
Making a few tweaks in your eating habits could do wonders for the quality of your sleep, according to experts.
6 Nutrition Tips From Experts to Ensure Better Sleep
2 Billion People Are Deficient in This Nutrient
Iodine deficiency affects one-third of the world population. The condition manifests itself through many uncomfortable and sometimes severe symptoms.
2 Billion People Are Deficient in This Nutrient
Mouth & Teeth
Why Brushing Teeth BEFORE Your Morning Coffee Is Essential
The order in which you drink your morning coffee matters because it could be harming your teeth...
Why Brushing Teeth BEFORE Your Morning Coffee Is Essential
Skin Cancer
Carcinogen Found in US Sunscreens - Should You Be Worried?
A study of hundreds of sunscreens found that over a quarter of the samples they tested were contaminated by benzene, a known human carcinogen.
Carcinogen Found in US Sunscreens - Should You Be Worried?
8 Herbs That Will Help You Cool Down This Summer
Alongside other health benefits, these herbs have natural cooling properties. This makes them the perfect addition to your food and drinks this summer!
8 Herbs That Will Help You Cool Down This Summer
5 Extremely Healthy Food Combos You Should All Know About...
When paired together, certain foods can be a lot healthier than if they are eaten on their own. Here are 5 extremely healthy food combinations.
5 Extremely Healthy Food Combos You Should All Know About...
How a Yogurt Breakfast Can Keep You Full Until Lunch
Learn how to make a full-fat yogurt breakfast that will keep you full till lunch, and how to get omega 3 and 6.
How a Yogurt Breakfast Can Keep You Full Until Lunch
Brain Disorders
7 Tips For How to Remember Everything You Read
This article will provide you with 7 tips on how to remember everything you learn from any source.
7 Tips For How to Remember Everything You Read
General Health
Use This Ancient Technique to Identify Underlying Body Issues
Lines, blemishes and breakouts on your face may indicate an underlying problem in the body. Here's an overview of probable causes and what to do about them.
Use This Ancient Technique to Identify Underlying Body Issues
This is the Healthy Way to Cooking with Oils and Fats
While the flavor an oil imparts on a dish plays an important role in what you opt for, your choice should be based on more than that...
This is the Healthy Way to Cooking with Oils and Fats
9 Things That Will Happen if You Eat 2 to 3 Eggs a Day
Here's what eating two to three eggs a day will do for your health.
9 Things That Will Happen if You Eat 2 to 3 Eggs a Day
Skin Conditions
7 Types of Rashes You Must Be Able to Identify
Take a look at these 7 skin issues which could be warning signs of more serious health problems.
7 Types of Rashes You Must Be Able to Identify
Weight Loss Diets
Obesity Can Scar Fat Tissue, Making Weight Loss Harder!
New research suggests that fat cells can expand to a size that literally suffocates them, triggering inflammation and making it harder to lose weight.
Obesity Can Scar Fat Tissue, Making Weight Loss Harder!
General Health
This Simple Test Will Assess Your Hydration Levels
If you want to make sure that you stay hydrated all year long, then this simple test has got you covered.
This Simple Test Will Assess Your Hydration Levels
Mental Health
Why Guilt Can Be Much More Damaging Than You Think...
There's much about guilt that many of us don't know, and some of the facts relating to it are very surprising. Here are 10 surprising facts about guilt.
Why Guilt Can Be Much More Damaging Than You Think...
Sleep Problems
Signs Your Lack of Sleep Threatens Your Health
We've all experienced trouble falling asleep. And while stress may be the main cause, it might not always be the reason behind your lack of rest, and once you determine it, you will be able to sleep longer and better. Discover seven possible reasons
Signs Your Lack of Sleep Threatens Your Health
Ear, Nose and Throat
Discover 8 Simple Ways to Get Rid of a Sinus Infection
If you've got a sinus infection, then you need to try these 8 effective solutions to help alleviate your symptoms.
Discover 8 Simple Ways to Get Rid of a Sinus Infection
General Health
Here Are the Most Googled Health Questions of 2018
We're always told not to Google questions about or health, but there are millions of people who do so. Here are the 10 most Googled health questions of 2018.
Here Are the Most Googled Health Questions of 2018
Mental Health
14 Silent Signs That You’re Under Too Much Stress
Bad food habits, acne, irritability, and more serious health issues can all be a sign of excessive, health-threatening stress...
14 Silent Signs That You’re Under Too Much Stress
General Health
Reduce Your Drug Prices By Following These Effective Tips
Cutting back on pharmaceutical costs can appear to be a real challenge at times. These few simple tips can really help you in that regard.
Reduce Your Drug Prices By Following These Effective Tips
Bacteria & Viruses
Can Wearing a Mask Protect You From the Coronavirus?
With each new virus outbreak, people start wearing masks as protection from the disease, but are these as effective as we think they are?
Can Wearing a Mask Protect You From the Coronavirus?
Heart Conditions
What You Should Know About Silent Heart Attack
Silent heart attack - how to recognize it on time and how to treat it.
What You Should Know About Silent Heart Attack
Bacteria & Viruses
Global Situation: Which Countries Are On Lockdown?
The spread of the pandemic COVID19, known as the coronavirus, can be prevented with a lockdown like the ones implemented in these countries
Global Situation: Which Countries Are On Lockdown?
General Health
WARNING: Is Your Water Supply Contaminated with Lead?
Lead can have some serious effects on your health. Are you aware of them?
WARNING: Is Your Water Supply Contaminated with Lead?
The Humble Lettuce Is Healthier Than You Might Think...
You'll want to ensure that you're eating lettuce with every meal after reading these 10 amazing health benefits you'll reap by incorporating it into your diet.
The Humble Lettuce Is Healthier Than You Might Think...
General Health
Sunbathing in Winter Comes With Many Health Benefits
Spending a little time basking in the winter sun comes with many health benefits. Let's take a look at some of them.
Sunbathing in Winter Comes With Many Health Benefits
Sprouted Potatoes - Can They Be Safely Used in Cooking?
Should you throw away sprouted potatoes or use them to make dinner? If you decide to do the latter, you should be aware that it isn’t without its dangers.
Sprouted Potatoes - Can They Be Safely Used in Cooking?
Weight Loss
5 Misleading Obesity Myths Debunked by Science
There are a number of pervasive myths surrounding obesity that are just not true and have been debunked by science a long time ago.
5 Misleading Obesity Myths Debunked by Science
Fat Burning Exercises
Regain the Control of Your Appetite in 5 Minutes With This
To combat overeating and to regain control over your own appetite, try one or a few of these yoga postures. They take less than 5 minutes...
Regain the Control of Your Appetite in 5 Minutes With This
Ear, Nose and Throat
Why You Need to Be Cautious When Using Scented Candles
Mom warns about the dangers of leaving scented candles on.
Why You Need to Be Cautious When Using Scented Candles
Heart Conditions
Eating this Vegetable is as Good for Your Heart as Sports
Reducing resting heart rate by eating beans.
Eating this Vegetable is as Good for Your Heart as Sports
The 5 Worst Signs of Aging and How to Treat Them
This informative video will show you the most frustrating signs of aging, as well as what to do to treat them.
The 5 Worst Signs of Aging and How to Treat Them
Cartivia: The Revolutionary Treatment for Toe Arthritis
Arthritis in the toe is a common ailment and treatment used to limit movement. However, a revolutionary treatment known as Cartivia has changed this!
Cartivia: The Revolutionary Treatment for Toe Arthritis
This Drug Might Be About to Make Aging a Thing of the Past
A new drug is about to be tested on humans for the first time, which could conceivably increase the average lifespan to 120 years!
This Drug Might Be About to Make Aging a Thing of the Past
How We Might Slow Down or Even REVERSE Aging Soon
Epigenetics, a new branch of biology, may hide the secret to anti-aging. This series of short interviews explains how this might work...
How We Might Slow Down or Even REVERSE Aging Soon
Even Doctors Can Misinterpret These Weird Allergy Symptoms
Allergies can be caused by anything and can exhibit themselves in a million ways. Here is a list of 8 weird and easy-to-miss symptoms of allergies.
Even Doctors Can Misinterpret These Weird Allergy Symptoms
Skin Cancer
Cancer Hazards: 12 Skin Cancer Mistakes to Avoid
These seemingly harmless things may be putting you at risk for skin cancer.
Cancer Hazards: 12 Skin Cancer Mistakes to Avoid
Learn How to Naturally Cure Your Child's Cough
If your child has a nasty cough and your pediatrician isn't really helping, then why not give these brilliant natural remedies a try?
Learn How to Naturally Cure Your Child's Cough
Mental Health
Discover 7 Ways Cat Purring Is Good For Human Health
Did you know that cats are more than just adorable and loving companions, but can actually bestow healing properties through the power of their purring?
Discover 7 Ways Cat Purring Is Good For Human Health
General Health
The Health Benefits of the Golden Berry
Most of us aren't familiar with golden berries, but after reading this article about all its health benefits, we're sure you're going to run out to buy yourself some!
The Health Benefits of the Golden Berry
5 Exercises That'll Keep Your Face Flexible and Young
The following exercises will show you looking younger doesn't require surgery...
5 Exercises That'll Keep Your Face Flexible and Young
These Cancer-Fighting Nanobots Seek and Destroy Tumors!
This pioneer cancer treatment could turn out to be a powerful weapon in the fight against cancer. Find out more here!
These Cancer-Fighting Nanobots Seek and Destroy Tumors!
Ear, Nose and Throat
Feeling Sick? This is What You Should be Eating!
If you're feeling sick, here's what you should be eating a drinking!
Feeling Sick? This is What You Should be Eating!
Discovery: Use of Blood Thinners May Prevent Dementia
A new study shows how blood-thinning drugs can help to prevent the onset of dementia. Find out how they work here.
Discovery: Use of Blood Thinners May Prevent Dementia
Stomach & Digestion
25 Facts About Dietary Fiber Everyone Should Know
Fiber is an essential nutrient, and here are 25 fascinating facts about it.
25 Facts About Dietary Fiber Everyone Should Know
These Foods Might Seem Healthy, but They're Not!
These 7 foods are often touted as being healthy, but they're actually not! Find out more here!
These Foods Might Seem Healthy, but They're Not!
Here Are Some Novel Ways of Delaying Aging...
Longevity is something we strive for, but we want it without aging to the detriment of our quality of life. Read what 5 longevity researchers have to say.
Here Are Some Novel Ways of Delaying Aging...
Skin & Hair
Here's How You Can Naturally Shrink Your Facial Pores
Find out how to get rid of unsightly large pores, and how to prevent them from ever coming back.
Here's How You Can Naturally Shrink Your Facial Pores
Protect Your Grandchildren By Getting These 5 Vaccines
If you have young grandchildren, you should help protect them by getting the following five vaccinations.
Protect Your Grandchildren By Getting These 5 Vaccines
Pain Management
Suffer From Body Pain? Apply Pressure to These Points
If you're feeling unwell, try apply pressure to one of these points to return the body to a state of well-being.
Suffer From Body Pain? Apply Pressure to These Points
Pain Management
Got Aches & Pains? It Could Be an Issue with Your Organs
Depending on where the ache or pain is, unexplained pain may be associated with an organ.
Got Aches & Pains? It Could Be an Issue with Your Organs
Sleep Problems
WATCH: This Is How to Wake Up Feeling Great Every Day
This guide will teach you what you need to do in order for you to wake up feeling refreshed every single day.
WATCH: This Is How to Wake Up Feeling Great Every Day
Female Health
What Every Woman Should Know About Heart Failure
Scientific studies have found that most aspects of heart failure differ between men and women. Read more about it here!
What Every Woman Should Know About Heart Failure
Eye Health
What Causes Eye Strain, and How Can You to Prevent it?
Eye strain arises from environmental factors or the task that we're undertaking at a given time. Find out what causes eye strain and learn how to prevent it.
What Causes Eye Strain, and How Can You to Prevent it?
Ear, Nose and Throat
These 8 Bad Habits Could Lead to Thyroid Problems
These 8 bad habits could lead to a thyroid problem. Cut them out now!
These 8 Bad Habits Could Lead to Thyroid Problems
Mouth & Teeth
Scientists Have Discovered a Weird Way to Fight Cavities...
Research has discovered that the best defense against cavities might in fact be mucus. Read on to find out more.
Scientists Have Discovered a Weird Way to Fight Cavities...
This Is the Most Powerful Natural Antibiotic Known to Man
Turmeric golden honey is quite simply the strongest antibiotic known to man. Here's the recipe for this most potent of Mother Nature's medicines.
This Is the Most Powerful Natural Antibiotic Known to Man
General Health
13 Reasons Why Your Memory Is Letting You Down
Have you become more forgetful lately? There could be numerous reasons for that happening. Read on to find out 13 possible reasons why you keep forgetting.
13 Reasons Why Your Memory Is Letting You Down
13 Reasons Why Your Brain Craves That Cup of Coffee
Caffeine, recent studies have shown, actually has many health benefits! Here you can find 13 of them!
13 Reasons Why Your Brain Craves That Cup of Coffee
General Health
Is Coca-Cola Life Healthy or Not? The Verdict
Coca-Cola has gone green with its latest calorie reduced offering. But how healthy is it really? We investigate.
Is Coca-Cola Life Healthy or Not? The Verdict
Skin & Hair
Watch Out for These 8 Warning Signs on Your Lips
Turning to the lips as an indicator of ill-health is often overlooked. Here's a look into what you should watch out for:
Watch Out for These 8 Warning Signs on Your Lips
Sleep Problems
Improve Your Sleep by Adding These Plants to Your Bedroom
This list covers 9 fantastic plants that promote better sleep, based on their calming and cleansing effects.
Improve Your Sleep by Adding These Plants to Your Bedroom
General Health
Purify the Air in Your Home with a Himalayan Salt Lamp
Himalayan salt lamps are all the rage, and apparently with good reason - they offer numerous health benefits, as well as purifying the air in your home.
Purify the Air in Your Home with a Himalayan Salt Lamp
Skin Conditions
Use the Power of Nature to Conquer Your Cellulite!
Cellulite makes many women feel self-conscious about their appearance. Luckily, we've put together a guide of 7 ways to banish it forever. Just watch!
Use the Power of Nature to Conquer Your Cellulite!
General Health
9 Remedies That Have Been Passed on Through Generations
These solutions may seem bizarre, however, they do work.
9 Remedies That Have Been Passed on Through Generations
Brain Disorders
Worried About Hungtington's? You Might Want to Read This!
This is an introductory guide for those who are seeking out more information about Huntington Disease.
Worried About Hungtington's? You Might Want to Read This!
Alzheimer's Disease
Have Scientists Just Found a Wonder Cure for Alzheimer's?
In 2015, researchers in Australia made a breakthrough in the treatment of Alzheimer's. Hopefully this year, they will be able to try this treatment on humans.
Have Scientists Just Found a Wonder Cure for Alzheimer's?
12 Commonly Cited Diabetes "Facts" That Are Untrue
There are lots of untruths that surround diabetes, a shame seeing as the disease is so prevalent. Here are 12 far too common myths about diabetes debunked.
12 Commonly Cited Diabetes "Facts" That Are Untrue
Prevent Most Diseases With This Incredible Tea
Have a cup of this delicious tea before bed to reap all of its health benefits.
Prevent Most Diseases With This Incredible Tea
Weight Loss
Could Drinking Wine Before Bed Help You Lose Weight?
You may be surprised to discover the health benefits of consuming an occasional glass of red wine. Backed by research, here are 9 reasons to toast to a glass of red, guilt-free.
Could Drinking Wine Before Bed Help You Lose Weight?
Do These Things and Your Feet Will Thank You!
Give your feet a little love and attention once in a while to keep them healthy.
Do These Things and Your Feet Will Thank You!
Bacteria & Viruses
Can the Coronavirus Bring a Second Great Depression?
What will be the economic consequences of the pandemic? This enlightening infographic examines possible economic and environmental outcomes.
Can the Coronavirus Bring a Second Great Depression?
Pain Management
5 Indulgent Foot Soaks for Sore Feet, Relaxation and Detox
Bring the spa experience into your home with these indulgent foot soaks that address different issues, be it circulation, dryness or soreness
5 Indulgent Foot Soaks for Sore Feet, Relaxation and Detox
These Surprising Things Raise Your Risk of Dementia
If you want to reduce your risk of dementia, here are three things you should be weary of.
These Surprising Things Raise Your Risk of Dementia
Kidney & Bladder Health
These 8 Pressure Points Can Help Your Health Issues
If you have frequent urination, difficulty urinating, kidney infection or kidney failure, these 8 points of pressure will help ease your suffering.
These 8 Pressure Points Can Help Your Health Issues
Pain Management
Follow These Safety Tips For Neck & Back Pain Medication
Understanding how to correctly use drugs is key to successfully recovering from neck and back injuries. Click here to learn more.
Follow These Safety Tips For Neck & Back Pain Medication
Weight Loss Diets
Is a Plant-Based Diet Necessary for Better Health?
Is a plant-based diet healthy? Read up about this type of diet here.
Is a Plant-Based Diet Necessary for Better Health?
Science Says Chocolate & Coffee May Prevent an Early Death
Learn how anti-inflammatory foods, such as chocolate, olive oil, fruits and vegetables can keep you from dying early.
Science Says Chocolate & Coffee May Prevent an Early Death
Pain Management
Lower Back hurts? How to Prevent Lower Back Pain
Pain in the lower back area is common among many adults, but the unnecessary suffering can easily be prevented with the help of these 10 simple exercises ...
Lower Back hurts? How to Prevent Lower Back Pain
Skin Conditions
8 Great Ways to Use Cucumber to Nurture Your Skin and Hair
Cucumbers have many health benefits, but who would've believed that it could also do good for our skin and hair?
8 Great Ways to Use Cucumber to Nurture Your Skin and Hair
Brain Disorders
How Much Do You Know about Alzheimer's? Learn the Signs
The 10 most important early warning signs of Alzheimer's Disease.
How Much Do You Know about Alzheimer's? Learn the Signs
Sleep Problems
Breathe Better at Night with this Anti-Snoring Guide
Snoring is one of the most common and unpleasant problems many people face. These 11 natural remedies, may finally lead to a quiet night for both you and your loved ones.
Breathe Better at Night with this Anti-Snoring Guide
8 Sensational Reasons to Add Pineapple to Your Water
Water may be good for you, but it can still be made even healthier (and tastier!). Watch and learn why you should always add pineapple to your water drink.
8 Sensational Reasons to Add Pineapple to Your Water
General Health
This Study Reveals the True Dangers of Aspartame
There have been many debates whether aspartame is safe to consume. This study has shown that it isn't and can even increase your risk of getting certain cancer.
This Study Reveals the True Dangers of Aspartame
Stomach & Digestion
Yogurt Isn't the Only Probiotic You Can Take...
You can get your probiotics from more than just yogurt. Take a look.
Yogurt Isn't the Only Probiotic You Can Take...
Put Your Legs Up on the Wall Daily to Reap These Benefits
This pose, if practiced for 10 minutes every day will reap you lots of benefits.
Put Your Legs Up on the Wall Daily to Reap These Benefits
Mental Health
Is Your Partner Gaslighting You? Here's How to Tell...
If you suspect that you or someone you know is a victim of gaslighting, here are 10 signs that you should watch out for.
Is Your Partner Gaslighting You? Here's How to Tell...
General Health
If You Have One of These Symptoms You Might Have a Migraine
Although many suffer from migraines, the symptoms of onset and how each person experiences them is different. Learn more about common onset symptoms here...
If You Have One of These Symptoms You Might Have a Migraine
General Health
Did You Know? Your Personality Can Affect Your Health!
Are you calm or hostile? Optimistic or pessimistic? Recent studies have found that our personality determines and affects our health. learn more here...
Did You Know? Your Personality Can Affect Your Health!
These 10 Healthy Foods Can Be Dangerous If Eaten in Excess!
We all want to eat healthily, but even too much of a good thing can be bad. to make sure you're eating the right amounts of these healthy foods, check out this guide.
These 10 Healthy Foods Can Be Dangerous If Eaten in Excess!
Skin & Hair
These Exercises Will Help Reduce Cellulite
Cellulite is the bane of many a woman's existence, but there are numerous effective exercises to help diminish its appearance. Here are 9 of them.
These Exercises Will Help Reduce Cellulite
General Health
What are the Benefits and Uses of CBD Oil?
With more states legalizing marijuana, CBD oil is gaining popularity. But is it safe?
What are the Benefits and Uses of CBD Oil?
Pain Management
A Podiatrist Recommends This Massage to Ease Foot pain
Suffer from foot pain? This 2-minute massage will help ease symptoms.
A Podiatrist Recommends This Massage to Ease Foot pain
Hair Conditions
Is High Blood Pressure Always Bad For Your Health?
It may be the case that hypertension is not as bad as we all thought, and this study sheds light on this controversial topic.
Is High Blood Pressure Always Bad For Your Health?
Exposing Your Kids to Chickenpox Is Bad Idea, Here’s Why
Chickenpox is significantly more dangerous than most people think, and here is why you should never expose your children to this virus.
Exposing Your Kids to Chickenpox Is Bad Idea, Here’s Why
Ear, Nose and Throat
Anosmia: 8 Severe Conditions that May Cause Loss of Smell
Reasons why you might be losing your sense of smell and how to treat it.
Anosmia: 8 Severe Conditions that May Cause Loss of Smell
Lungs & Breathing
Get Rid a Short Breath In 5 Minutes wth These Techniques
These techniques will teach you to get rid of shortness of breath whenever and wherever you might be experiencing it.
Get Rid a Short Breath In 5 Minutes wth These Techniques
This One-Ingredient Juice Can Make a Change To Your Health
Learn about the amazing health and wellness benefits of beetroot juice.
This One-Ingredient Juice Can Make a Change To Your Health
Mouth & Teeth
Bad Breath: How To Best Avoid and Deal With It
Although we all know that garlic or onions can make your breath smell quite unpleasant, plenty of other foods and nutrition-related habits might produce the same unwanted result. Here is a list of common foods, drinks and habits that can potentially
Bad Breath: How To Best Avoid and Deal With It
General Health
Can Dogs Really Detect Illnesses and Save Lives?
Medical detection dogs can identify many diseases, including cancer, with incredible accuracy, and scientists believe we can use this...
Can Dogs Really Detect Illnesses and Save Lives?
Skin Conditions
Should You Get That Pesky Skin Mole Removed? If So, How?
Everything you need to know about skin moles and moles removal methods
Should You Get That Pesky Skin Mole Removed? If So, How?
Stomach & Digestion
How to Maintain Healthy Digestion while Traveling
Prevent common traveler’s gut issues by following the tips we discuss here
How to Maintain Healthy Digestion while Traveling
Reduce Inflammation in the Body by Simply Sipping This Tea
6 tasty teas that will calm the inflammatory processes in the body, be it chronic inflammation or a common cold
Reduce Inflammation in the Body by Simply Sipping This Tea
Stomach & Digestion
4 Foods That Are the Worst Offenders For Your Gut Health
Some foods are worse than other for our digestive and gut health. These 4 types of food are the worst kind for your gut, here's why...
4 Foods That Are the Worst Offenders For Your Gut Health
Neck Cracking Left This Young Woman Partially Paralyzed
Usually, neck cracking is harmless, but it wasn’t in the case of 23-year-old Natalie Kunicki, left paralyzed after casually cracking her neck
Neck Cracking Left This Young Woman Partially Paralyzed
Skin & Hair
Ditch These 12 Bad Habits, They Ruin Your Hair and Skin
Are you unknowingly hurting your skin and hair? We compiled a list of 12 common bad habits, so look through them and see if you're guilty of these
Ditch These 12 Bad Habits, They Ruin Your Hair and Skin
Ear, Nose and Throat
Is It Possible to Sweat Out a Fever or Cold?
Are you making a mistake every time you're trying to sweat out a cold? In fact, you are, and here is the proof...
Is It Possible to Sweat Out a Fever or Cold?
Guide: The Remarkable Health Benefits of Berries
Berries are, more often than not, really healthy, being able to prevent and help with a variety of health concerns. This guide holds the health benefits of 8 different berries.
Guide: The Remarkable Health Benefits of Berries
Heart Conditions
You Can Maintain Heart Health With TEA, New Study Finds
Drinking tea regularly has been found to reduce one’s risk of heart disease and stroke by 20% and increase one’s lifespan, here's more info
You Can Maintain Heart Health With TEA, New Study Finds
General Health
The Liquid of Life: 11 Water Guides From Recipe to Health
Enjoy learning all about the most important liquid in the world.
The Liquid of Life: 11 Water Guides From Recipe to Health
Bacteria & Viruses
8 Little-Known Facts about Coronavirus You Should Know
The spread of the coronavirus has created panic everywhere. Here are interesting facts about the COVID-19 outbreak you should know about.
8 Little-Known Facts about Coronavirus You Should Know
This Side Effect Is Often Confused for Dementia in Seniors
Dementia is often misdiagnosed in seniors because several medications they take on the daily can cause side effects very similar to dementia
This Side Effect Is Often Confused for Dementia in Seniors
Mental Health
6 Emotion-Focused Coping Methods for Dealing With Stress
Here, we list out a few emotion-focused coping techniques that will enable you to deal with stress during this epidemic more effectively.
6 Emotion-Focused Coping Methods for Dealing With Stress
Autoimmune Diseases
8 Surprising Things You Can Be Allergic To
Did you ever dislike something so much you joked you're allergic to it? Turns out some people actually suffer from the strangest allergies...
8 Surprising Things You Can Be Allergic To
Lungs & Breathing
Study Reveals: Some Fireworks Release Dangerous Toxins
New study reveals that not all fireworks are properly tested for toxins. It doesn't mean you can't enjoy them, but be more cautious this 4th of July.
Study Reveals: Some Fireworks Release Dangerous Toxins
Lungs & Breathing
Guide to Face Masks: Which Protect You Best?
Which face masks are the best and the worst at preventing the spread of Covid-19? Click here to find out
Guide to Face Masks: Which Protect You Best?
Sleep Problems
These Bedtime Drinks Will Help Ensure a Good Night’s Sleep
All 7 of these delicious drinks have been proven experimentally to improve sleep. Why not try them if you have trouble sleeping?
These Bedtime Drinks Will Help Ensure a Good Night’s Sleep
The 7 Nutrition Myths That Experts Want You to Forget
These are the most common nutrition and weight loss myths that may be holding you back from attaining your goals ad leading a healthy lifestyle.
The 7 Nutrition Myths That Experts Want You to Forget
5 Signs of Aging That Sound Scary But Are Usually Normal
In this article, we'll focus on 5 perfectly normal symptoms of aging that can sound scary, but are usually a normal side effect of aging
5 Signs of Aging That Sound Scary But Are Usually Normal
Autoimmune Diseases
Winter Allergies: Causes and Efficient Solutions
Seasonal allergies aren't reserved just for the spring. Here's what causes winter allergies and what can be done about them.
Winter Allergies: Causes and Efficient Solutions
Eye Health
Face Masks Make Your Eyes Dry and Red? These Tips Can Help
Dry eye syndrome can become worse or even be caused by face masks. Here's why it happens and how to prevent and treat mask-related dry eyes
Face Masks Make Your Eyes Dry and Red? These Tips Can Help
General Health
Refined vs Unrefined Coconut Oil: Which Is Better For You?
There is an important difference between refined and unrefined (or virgin) coconut oil, and the two are not interchangeable
Refined vs Unrefined Coconut Oil: Which Is Better For You?
Endocrine Health
How to Naturally Get More Dopamine, the Happy Hormone
Dopamine is what makes us feel motivated, energized, and like we're the best version of ourselves. Here's how you can boost dopamine levels the natural way.
How to Naturally Get More Dopamine, the Happy Hormone
Surprising Side Effects of Overdosing on 8 Healthy Foods
Take note of these healthy foods that can turn harmful to our bodies if we overdose on them.
Surprising Side Effects of Overdosing on 8 Healthy Foods
Mental Health
Can Probiotics Improve Mental Health? Research Says YES
Studies repeatedly show that probiotics can be a potentially effective treatment for several mental health issues. This is what is currently known on the topic.
Can Probiotics Improve Mental Health? Research Says YES
This Tea Reduces Hypertension and Aids Weight Loss!
Drinking hibiscus tea comes with several benefits ranging from cardiovascular health to weight loss. Here's how you can make this tea and what it's good for.
This Tea Reduces Hypertension and Aids Weight Loss!
Skin & Hair
8 Ways to Use Witch Hazel for Hair, Skin and Vein Swelling
Witch hazel can alleviate irritation and inflammation caused by many health conditions, such as dandruff, acne, hemorrhoids, and varicose veins. Learn more...
8 Ways to Use Witch Hazel for Hair, Skin and Vein Swelling
General Health
6 Surprising Signs That Indicate You’re Not Moving Enough
If you aren’t physically active, your body will let you know this through these subtle but clear signs.
6 Surprising Signs That Indicate You’re Not Moving Enough
Skin & Hair
Think Twice Before Going the ‘No-Shampoo’ Route
Many people are convinced these days that shampoos are harmful to our hair and we are better off without them. Is it really the case?
Think Twice Before Going the ‘No-Shampoo’ Route
Heart Conditions
Cardiovascular Disease - 7 Lesser Known Facts to Consider
Heart disease is more common than you think. Knowing these important facts will make you understand it better, and it may even help you prevent it.
Cardiovascular Disease - 7 Lesser Known Facts to Consider
Ear, Nose and Throat
Water Trapped In Your Ears? 8 Easy Ways to Clear Your Ears
Having water trapped in your ears isn’t just extremely annoying, but it’s also quite risky. Learn to get rid of the water stuck in your ears promptly and effectively.
Water Trapped In Your Ears? 8 Easy Ways to Clear Your Ears
What To Eat and Drink When You Are Dehydrated
Drinking water is not the only way to replenish your body when you’re dehydrated. Here are 10 other helpful options.
What To Eat and Drink When You Are Dehydrated
Brain Aneurysm
WARNING: How to Spot a Brain Aneurysm
90% of American's aren't sure what a brain aneurysm is, yet this is a very common affliction. So here's what you need to know and how to spot it coming.
WARNING: How to Spot a Brain Aneurysm
Mental Health
Emotional Dysregulation - Signs, Causes and Treatment
Emotional dysregulation involves not just having intense emotions but also responding to those emotions in harmful unproductive ways. Learn all about it here.
Emotional Dysregulation - Signs, Causes and Treatment
Sleep Problems
Snoring at Night? 6 Things That Could Be Causing the Issue
Snoring is more than a minor annoyance. Here, we list 6 possible causes of snoring and ways to address them.
Snoring at Night? 6 Things That Could Be Causing the Issue
The MOST Common Types of Arthritis and How They Differ
Did you know that there are at least 50 different types of arthritis? These are the 8 most common types.
The MOST Common Types of Arthritis and How They Differ
This Is the Most Powerful Natural Antibiotic Known to Man
Turmeric golden honey is quite simply the strongest antibiotic known to man. Here's the recipe for this most potent of Mother Nature's medicines.
This Is the Most Powerful Natural Antibiotic Known to Man
Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes - What Are the Stages & Symptoms?
Both type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes exhibit specific patterns that are important for patients and caretakers to recognize.
Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes - What Are the Stages & Symptoms?
General Health
10 Things You Should Always Have in Your Medicine Cabinet
Here are 10 medical supplies doctors recommend keeping at home.
10 Things You Should Always Have in Your Medicine Cabinet
6 Easy Exercises That'll Do Wonders For Your Posture
As the years go by, our bodies undergo many changes, one of which is the formation of a hunchback. These exercises will help you to improve your hunchback!
6 Easy Exercises That'll Do Wonders For Your Posture
Mouth & Teeth
This is What Bad Breath May Say About Your Health
Bad breath doesn’t necessary mean poor hygiene, but it could be the symptom of an untreated disease. Find out more here!
This is What Bad Breath May Say About Your Health
Endocrine Health
Is Your Thyroid Working Properly? 11 Things to Check
Suffer from any of these 11 conditions? You may have hyperthyroid or a hypothyroid condition.
Is Your Thyroid Working Properly? 11 Things to Check
General Health
Drinking Too Much Water is Worse Than Drinking Too Little
It’s always important to remember not to get dehydrated, but you need to know that there is such a thing as overhydration, and it can be very dangerous too.
Drinking Too Much Water is Worse Than Drinking Too Little
Weight Loss
The BEST Vegetables to Eat For Weight Loss and Why
Here’s a list of the 9 best vegetables to eat for sustainable and realistic weight loss.
The BEST Vegetables to Eat For Weight Loss and Why
Black Cumin Oil - 5 Remarkable Health Benefits and Uses
This guide explores 5 proven health benefits of black seed oil and explains how to use it at home.
Black Cumin Oil - 5 Remarkable Health Benefits and Uses
Pain Management
What is Fibromyalgia? Could it be Causing You Pain?
This guide will tell you all that you need to know about fibromyalgia.
What is Fibromyalgia? Could it be Causing You Pain?
Mental Health
Can You Benefit From Halotherapy? Find Out Here
Learn about Halotherapy and what it can do for respiratory issues and some skin conditions.
Can You Benefit From Halotherapy? Find Out Here
8 Seated Exercises For Improved Balance and Joint Mobility
These seated exercises are perfect for strengthening core muscles and improving mobility in the joints for those who have difficulty standing up for a long time.
8 Seated Exercises For Improved Balance and Joint Mobility
Stomach & Digestion
The Reasons Why You Have a Stomachache After You Eat
Are you experiencing pain after a meal? In this guide, we outline the most common causes of pain after eating - called postprandial pain.
The Reasons Why You Have a Stomachache After You Eat
I Never Heard of Black Garlic - Now I Can't Do Without It
Black garlic is made by a lengthy and complicated process, but the result is a garlic that tastes great and is even better for your health.
I Never Heard of Black Garlic - Now I Can't Do Without It
Fat Burning Exercises
Make Your Arms Flab-Free with These 6 Simple Exercises...
Get the lean upper arms you've always wanted, with these 6 super simple toning exercises.
Make Your Arms Flab-Free with These 6 Simple Exercises...
I'm Going to Print this List and Hang it On My Fridge!
Enjoy this complete chart of various foods and their health benefits. This is one list worth printing and hanging, to remind you of the advantages of eating the right foods and what they will do for your health!
I'm Going to Print this List and Hang it On My Fridge!
These Remedies Will Relieve Tension in Your Upper Back
The upper back is a a minefield for knots, stress and tension. But these techniques can help dissipate the tension, helping you feel calm and more relaxed.
These Remedies Will Relieve Tension in Your Upper Back
15 Rejuvenating and Impressive Health Benefits of Broccoli
There's a very, very good reason our mothers made us eat broccoli, even more than they probably ever knew themselves, it's 'super' healthy - and I wanted to share with you some interesting Broccoli facts:
15 Rejuvenating and Impressive Health Benefits of Broccoli
Stomach & Digestion
Do You Suffer From Stomach Pain? Here's What it May Mean
Do you know what the underlying cause of your stomach issues are?
Do You Suffer From Stomach Pain? Here's What it May Mean
7 Exercises to Strengthen Your Ankles
A few minutes of these 7 exercises each day can help keep any ankle discomfort and sprains at bay.
7 Exercises to Strengthen Your Ankles
Reap 10 Vital Health Benefits by Adding Cumin to Your Diet
These Health Benefits of Cumin will introduce you to plenty of good reasons and to add a dash of cumin to your regular cooking plan, and give you some ideas about how you can do so!
Reap 10 Vital Health Benefits by Adding Cumin to Your Diet
Mouth & Teeth
12 Natural Ways To Get Rid of Toothaches
These natural remedies will allow you to treat that nagging toothache at home. There's also a very good chance that you have most of the items on the list inside your fridge or kitchen cabinet drawers.
12 Natural Ways To Get Rid of Toothaches
General Health
8 Reasons You Should Always Hug Your Loved Ones
Hugging is one of the greatest boosts you can give to yourself and your loved ones, both emotionally and health wise. Here are 8 reasons why.
8 Reasons You Should Always Hug Your Loved Ones
General Health
Interact with this excellent exercise guide that shows you which workouts are suitable for each part of your body. Take a look.
General Health
Add Apple Cider Vinegar to a Bath and Reap These Benefits
While there are many reasons to include apple cider vinegar into your daily routine, here are six beneficial reasons to add it to your bath.
Add Apple Cider Vinegar to a Bath and Reap These Benefits
General Health
Here's How You Can Beat the Winter Blues!
Even the most optimistic of us can be left feeling down and depressed in the cold and dark winter months. Thankfully, there are ways to combat the winter blues!
Here's How You Can Beat the Winter Blues!
Pain Management
Suffering from a Migraine? Here are 6 All-Natural Remedies
Headaches strike the best of us, but we don't always have or even want to take a pill. Luckily nature has her own remedies, 6 of which we present here.
Suffering from a Migraine? Here are 6 All-Natural Remedies
Weight Loss
Saxenda: This New Drug Could Help You Lose Weight
Saxenda is a new drug that has been approved by the FDA as a means of chronic weight management.
Saxenda: This New Drug Could Help You Lose Weight
Heart Conditions
Everything You Need to Know About High Blood Pressure
Hypertension, or high blood pressure may seem confusing at first but is a condition that can be easily managed. Read about some treatments and lifestyle tips.
Everything You Need to Know About High Blood Pressure
The Orient Has Many Anti-Aging Secrets, Find What They Are
15 skin-saving secrets from Asia you're going to be glad you found out!
The Orient Has Many Anti-Aging Secrets, Find What They Are
General Health
Don't Ignore These 8 Warning Signs of a Blood Clot
Learn what the 8 biggest symptoms of a blood clot are, and why it's important not to ignore them.
Don't Ignore These 8 Warning Signs of a Blood Clot
General Health
Not Just a Pretty Flower, Roses Have a Wealth of Benefits
There's more to roses than we thought. Here are 10 incredible benefit of this fantastic essential oil.
Not Just a Pretty Flower, Roses Have a Wealth of Benefits
This Handy Guide Helped Me Fix All of My Foot Problems
By the time we reach 50, professionals say that many of us have walked approximately 75,000 miles. Here's how to take care of your well-used feet after 50.
This Handy Guide Helped Me Fix All of My Foot Problems
Lungs & Breathing
If You Have These Symptoms, You Could Have Lung Problems!
If your lungs don't work properly your whole body will be affected. Here are 8 sings that your lungs could be in trouble.
If You Have These Symptoms, You Could Have Lung Problems!
First Aid & Injuries
When an Emergency Strikes, Here's What You DON'T DO!
When an emergency strikes, how well do you handle the situation? These life hacks are all you need to know.
When an Emergency Strikes, Here's What You DON'T DO!
General Health
If You Have Restless Leg Syndrome, Try These 8 Remedies
Restless leg can be extremely annoying, but thankfully there are some home remedies that can be used to treat it. Here are 8 of them.
If You Have Restless Leg Syndrome, Try These 8 Remedies
Cut Out These Habits to Decrease Your Dementia Risk!
Scientists have identified habits that can be changed or modified to reduce the risk of cognitive decline or dementia. Here are nine of them.
Cut Out These Habits to Decrease Your Dementia Risk!
Autoimmune Diseases
12 Ways You Can Decrease Allergy Triggers At Home
Indoor air pollution is often ten times worse than outdoor air pollution. Here's what you can do to decrease allergy triggers in your home.
12 Ways You Can Decrease Allergy Triggers At Home
General Health
These 8 Everyday Habits Might be Making You Sick!
Many of our daily habits could be sabotaging our longevity. Here are eight of them!
These 8 Everyday Habits Might be Making You Sick!
This Vaccine Could Help Us Win the War Against Cancer!
This new vaccine could help us win the battle against cancer! Find out more here!
This Vaccine Could Help Us Win the War Against Cancer!
Endocrine Health
WARNING! Eating Out May Be More Dangerous Than You Think
New scientific research seems to suggest that people who eat out a lot could have very high levels of harmful phthalates in their bodies. Learn more here...
WARNING! Eating Out May Be More Dangerous Than You Think
General Health
9 Recent Health Warnings You Should Know About!
You should definitely know these health warning signs, because doing so could actually save your life. Enjoy this interactive collection today.
9 Recent Health Warnings You Should Know About!
Top 10 Causes of Cartilage Damage and How to Prevent It!
In this article, Chris Centeno M.D. explains the top ten major causes of cartilage loss and what we can do to help prevent it.
Top 10 Causes of Cartilage Damage and How to Prevent It!
New Study: This Is the Enzyme that Can Prolong Life
A new, groundbreaking study has found the enzyme that can slow the aging process and prevent cancer - these are its conclusions ...
New Study: This Is the Enzyme that Can Prolong Life
Immune Health
With These 10 Rules, Doctors and Nurses Get Sick Less!
Sometimes our doctors seem to be immune to all disease, but the truth is, they've adopted simple habits that keep them healthy. Here are 10 of them ...
With These 10 Rules, Doctors and Nurses Get Sick Less!
Heart Conditions
Eight Signs That Your Heart isn't Working Properly!
They are a number signs that warn us about heart trouble that we should all be more aware of. Here are 8 of them.
Eight Signs That Your Heart isn't Working Properly!
These 6 Tips Will Teach You How to Better Consume Protein
We all know that proteins are important building blocks of the body. Learn how to provide your body with the optimum amount of protein with these 6 tips.
These 6 Tips Will Teach You How to Better Consume Protein
Female Health
Learn How to Treat These 10 Common Pregnancy Side Effects
Pregnancy and its many symptoms can make us feel like we've lost control of our bodies, these tips can help you gain that control back.
Learn How to Treat These 10 Common Pregnancy Side Effects
Warning! E-Cigarettes Might Be Harming Your Blood Vessels!
A recent study has shown that certain flavorings present in some e-cigarettes could be harmful to your health. Learn more here.
Warning! E-Cigarettes Might Be Harming Your Blood Vessels!
11 Foods That Will Work Wonders For Your Digestion
Here are 11 foods you should include to your diet that are good for your gut.
11 Foods That Will Work Wonders For Your Digestion
This Anti-Aging Workout Will Make You Look & Feel Young
Science has discovered that a relaxing practice like tai chi will not only improve your balance and flexibility, it will keep you looking young as well.
This Anti-Aging Workout Will Make You Look & Feel Young
General Health
These 12 Symptoms May Mean You Have An Iron Deficiency
Iron deficiency is an extremely common problem that affects the body's ability to transport oxygen and provide us with vital energy. But what are the symptoms?
These 12 Symptoms May Mean You Have An Iron Deficiency
These 7 Superfoods Are My Go-To Herbs to Fight Disease
On the days that I feel tired and run down, or whenever I feel as though I am about to get a cold, or indigestion, these 7 plants never let me down.
These 7 Superfoods Are My Go-To Herbs to Fight Disease
Pain Management
4 Stretches to Alleviate Common Aches & Pains from Walking
Here are four simple, pain-free stretches suitable for those of us who love a pleasant stroll.
4 Stretches to Alleviate Common Aches & Pains from Walking
Brain Disorders
The Brain-Diminishing Habits We All Have and How to Stop Them
Every day we do things can cause long term brain damage. Find out 8 simple habits you can change to prevent harm.
The Brain-Diminishing Habits We All Have and How to Stop Them
You’ll Go Nuts Knowing the Health Benefits of Hazelnuts
Did you know that hazelnuts are great for your health? Find out why you should be having these nutritious nuts daily.
You’ll Go Nuts Knowing the Health Benefits of Hazelnuts
General Health
Non-Routine Medical Tests
Here are 8 non-routine tests that really have the potential to save your life, and some of them even need to be taken as early as 30.
Non-Routine Medical Tests
Breast Cancer
Dangerous Breast Cancer Myths We All Keep Believing
In this article, we clear 10 of the most widespread misunderstandings about this dangerous disease.
Dangerous Breast Cancer Myths We All Keep Believing
Immune Health
Do Essential Oils Benefit the Immune System?
There’s a lot of buzz about using essential oils to enhance immune health lately. Is it true?
Do Essential Oils Benefit the Immune System?
Bacteria & Viruses
Sepsis: All About it and Its Symptoms
It is very important to recognize sepsis as quickly as possible, but how do you do this? Here are the 5 common symptoms of sepsis:
Sepsis: All About it and Its Symptoms
How to Make Quinoa Milk and Why It's Good For You
Quinoa has many health benefits that contribute to the body, and besides cooking it, you can now learn how to turn it into a special, low-calorie, milk.
How to Make Quinoa Milk and Why It's Good For You
Bacteria & Viruses
All About Sepsis: What is it and What are its Symptoms?
It is very important to recognize sepsis as quickly as possible, but how do you do this? Here are the 5 common symptoms of sepsis:
All About Sepsis: What is it and What are its Symptoms?
Try These Poses to Ease Your Back Ache When Sleeping...
Anyone who suffers from back pain knows how difficult sleep can become, but with these 4 poses, you'll be well on your way to a deep good night's sleep.
Try These Poses to Ease Your Back Ache When Sleeping...
Kidney & Bladder Health
Is Brown Urine a Cause For Concern? Yes, Sometimes
Having dark-colored or brown urine is not uncommon. Read on to learn more about the causes of brown urine.
Is Brown Urine a Cause For Concern? Yes, Sometimes
Heart Conditions
Taking a Daily Bath Can Benefit Your Cardiovascular Health
Did you know that taking daily hot baths can strengthen your heart and cardiovascular health? Learn more about this surprising connection here
Taking a Daily Bath Can Benefit Your Cardiovascular Health
General Health
How to Keep Your Fingernails Germ Free
The importance of washing hands has been thoroughly discussed, but what about keeping the nail area clean? Here are a few important pointers.
How to Keep Your Fingernails Germ Free
Bacteria & Viruses
History's Deadliest Epidemics That Shook The World
As the novel coronavirus threat looms large over the world, here is a look at some of the worst epidemics from history.
History's Deadliest Epidemics That Shook The World
Kidney & Bladder Health
How to Reduce Kidney Related Symptoms Quickly and Easily
There are several ways to ease kidney related pain through applying pressure on certain points in the body. This list contains 8 such anatomical points of pressure.
How to Reduce Kidney Related Symptoms Quickly and Easily
This Nutrient Is Vital For Sharp Vision and Healthy Joints
Learning just how much this mineral does for your physical and mental health will convince you to eat more of it!
This Nutrient Is Vital For Sharp Vision and Healthy Joints
Parkinson's Disease
Natural Compound in Essential Oils May Benefit Parkinson’s
A plant-based compound called farnesol is capable of preventing the brain cells affected by Parkinson’s disease from dying off.
Natural Compound in Essential Oils May Benefit Parkinson’s
Liver Conditions
This Sign On Your Face May Indicate Liver Disease
A seemingly benign skin mark called a spider angioma can be indicative of liver disease and other chronic health conditions.
This Sign On Your Face May Indicate Liver Disease
Brain Disorders
Scientists Have Found a Cure for "Aged" Brain Diseases
A study discovered a new group of compounds capable of treating Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.
Scientists Have Found a Cure for "Aged" Brain Diseases
These Healthy Habits Are Not So Beneficial For Diabetes
These supposedly healthy lifestyle habits are not suitable for diabetes management and may actually be quite harmful!
These Healthy Habits Are Not So Beneficial For Diabetes
This Energizing Drink Has Potent Anti-Inflammatory Effects
Find out why you should start adding turmeric to your morning cup of coffee, too.
This Energizing Drink Has Potent Anti-Inflammatory Effects
Alzheimer's Disease
New Medicine Offers Fresh Hope for Alzheimer's Patients
This experimental new drug can slow down cognitive decline in Alzheimer's patients.
New Medicine Offers Fresh Hope for Alzheimer's Patients
Sleep Problems
How to Get Better Sleep With a Stuffy Nose
If you want to sleep better at night, even though you have a stuffy nose, these tips and tricks will help you find relief and feel more rested.
How to Get Better Sleep With a Stuffy Nose
Pain Management
Pain Between Your Shoulder Blades? This May Be the Reason
What are the most common causes for pain between your shoulder blades, and when to see a doctor? Find out in this article
Pain Between Your Shoulder Blades? This May Be the Reason
Lungs & Breathing
How Many Plants Do You Need to Clean Indoor Air? None.
Indoor plants are a great addition to any home, but it appears that we shouldn’t trust our beautiful plants to clean the air in our homes, here's why.
How Many Plants Do You Need to Clean Indoor Air? None.
Bacteria & Viruses
Israel’s Vaccination Program Shows Promising Results
According to a new study, Covid-19 cases fell sharply among those who were vaccinated in Israel. Do these results harold the beginning of the end of the pandemic?
Israel’s Vaccination Program Shows Promising Results
Pain Management
4 Simple Hand Exercises to Alleviate Arthritis Pain
If you’re looking for instant arthritis relief, exercises are probably the best option. They help reduce stiffness, relieve pain & strengthen your hands over time.
4 Simple Hand Exercises to Alleviate Arthritis Pain
Bacteria & Viruses
Cloth Masks Aren’t Everlasting: Learn When to Replace Them
Knowing when to replace a cloth mask is essential, as an old face mask can be less effective. These 5 signs tell you it's time to replace a cloth face mask.
Cloth Masks Aren’t Everlasting: Learn When to Replace Them
Eye Health
Ease Eye Strain & Fatigue in 2 Minutes With This Exercise
I think we could all benefit from a bit of exercise and relaxation in the eye area, and this technique is guaranteed to reduce eye strain in just 2 minutes!
Ease Eye Strain & Fatigue in 2 Minutes With This Exercise
Weight Loss Diets
A Quick Guide to Drinks You Can Enjoy Freely While Fasting
Fasting is a great way to lose weight and get healthy. Just make sure you stick to drinking plenty of fluids, like these...
A Quick Guide to Drinks You Can Enjoy Freely While Fasting
Doctor’s Recommendation: What To Eat When You’re Sick?
The foods & drinks you choose to consume can make a difference in how long it takes for you to recover from a cold. Here is what doctors say on the topic.
Doctor’s Recommendation: What To Eat When You’re Sick?
General Health
5 Reasons Why Showering at Night is Better for Your Health
Do you avoid taking a shower at night? Perhaps you shouldn't. Read this article to find out why.
5 Reasons Why Showering at Night is Better for Your Health
How to Ease Back Pain According to a Famous Surgeon
This easy and effective set of exercises is proven to ease and prevent back pain!
How to Ease Back Pain According to a Famous Surgeon
Stomach & Digestion
Are You Drinking Too Much COFFEE? Here’s How You Can Tell
How do you know that you’ve had too much caffeine? It will be useful to look out for the 7 symptoms we list below.
Are You Drinking Too Much COFFEE? Here’s How You Can Tell
Study: More Cups of Coffee May Slow Spread of Colon Cancer
New research has shown that colon cancer patients who drank more coffee had better outcomes. Find out more.
Study: More Cups of Coffee May Slow Spread of Colon Cancer
Fat Burning Exercises
Home Fitness: 12 Excellent Fat Burning Cardio Exercises
This cardio workout plan consists of 12 simple exercises anyone can do without any equipment!
Home Fitness: 12 Excellent Fat Burning Cardio Exercises
Colon Cancer
7 Early Warning Signs of Colon Cancer to Be Mindful Of
Take a look at the signs and symptoms of colon cancer you shouldn’t ignore.
7 Early Warning Signs of Colon Cancer to Be Mindful Of
Stomach & Digestion
Warning! CDC Links Salmonella Outbreak to Supply of Onions
The CDC has warned the public about avoiding onions and onion products following a voluntary recall by some brands due to a salmonella outbreak
Warning! CDC Links Salmonella Outbreak to Supply of Onions
Bacteria & Viruses
11 Common Herbs Known For Their ANTIVIRAL Activity
These 11 common herbs have stood both the test of time and scientific scrutiny, and are widely known for their antiviral activity.
11 Common Herbs Known For Their ANTIVIRAL Activity
Mouth & Teeth
Maintain Healthy Teeth and a Fresh Breath With These FOODS
The foods and drinks listed in this article will help prevent cavities and tooth decay, so make sure to include plenty of those in your daily diet
Maintain Healthy Teeth and a Fresh Breath With These FOODS
Sleep Problems
Trouble Falling Asleep? Try White Noise
If you're sensitive to sound or live on a busy street, white noise may be the ideal aid to get better sleep.
Trouble Falling Asleep? Try White Noise
Here’s Why You Must Try Mindful Walking Regularly
Here, we look at the helpful but little-heard practice of mindful walking and why it is beneficial to us in the current situation.
Here’s Why You Must Try Mindful Walking Regularly
Bacteria & Viruses
Are You Washing Your Hands Correctly?
Proper hand-washing can help protect you from infectious diseases, be it salmonella, the flu, or other dangerous viruses. Here's how to do it
Are You Washing Your Hands Correctly?
Female Health
Is Drinking Milk Dangerous For Women?
Recent research suggests that including milk in one's diet daily may actually dramatically increase women's risk of breast cancer...
Is Drinking Milk Dangerous For Women?
Sleep Problems
Having Trouble Sleeping? This Might Be The Reason Why
Scientists stress on the connection between stress and sleeplessness. Learn more about this link and ways to combat stress-related insomnia
Having Trouble Sleeping? This Might Be The Reason Why
Sleep Problems
Waking Up With a Dry Mouth? 8 Causes and Home Treatments
In this article, we focus on the symptoms, causes, and home treatments of dry mouth to help you understand and get rid of the condition
Waking Up With a Dry Mouth? 8 Causes and Home Treatments
General Health
15 Questions to Ask a Doctor to Keep Your Health in Check
To help you always keep your health in check, we compiled a list of 15 important questions to ask your physician on your next health checkup
15 Questions to Ask a Doctor to Keep Your Health in Check
Brain Disorders
Patients With Half a Brain Removed Carry On a Normal Life
The human brain is so incredible, it's even capable to function when half of it is completely removed, in some cases! But how?
Patients With Half a Brain Removed Carry On a Normal Life
Pain Management
Tutorials: How to Wrap an Elastic Bandage On Any Body Part
Injuries or inflammation in the joints require proper bandaging techniques. These 8 video tutorials will explain how to do just that.
Tutorials: How to Wrap an Elastic Bandage On Any Body Part
Weight Loss
Hit a Weight Loss Plateau? Here’s What You’re Doing Wrong
Why is it so hard to lose weight past a certain point? Several factors may be contributing to your weight loss plateau.
Hit a Weight Loss Plateau? Here’s What You’re Doing Wrong
90% of the Population are Deficient in This Nutrient
90% of Americans are deficient in choline, but is this nutrient important to begin with? Find out in this article
90% of the Population are Deficient in This Nutrient
Hair Loss
9 Habits that Cause HAIR LOSS. Are You Guilty of These?
Your everyday haircare and styling routine can really affect your hair health and encourage hair loss, know what to avoid.
9 Habits that Cause HAIR LOSS. Are You Guilty of These?
General Health
Poisonous Things Commonly Found at Homes
Go over this list and make sure you're doing your best to keep the air in your home clean.
Poisonous Things Commonly Found at Homes
7 Serious Causes Of Tingling Sensations In the Back
A persistent or sudden tingling sensation in the back may be a sign of serious underlying conditions and nerve damage.
7 Serious Causes Of Tingling Sensations In the Back
Unsafe ‘Forever Chemical’ Found In Food and Drinking Water
Dubbed ‘forever chemicals’, PFAS are known for their adverse health effects. Recently, they were found in grocery stores in the U.S.
Unsafe ‘Forever Chemical’ Found In Food and Drinking Water
Lower Back Spasm Exercises
Lower back spasms can be painful, but also possible to relieve with exercises and stretches.
Lower Back Spasm Exercises
What Are the Healthiest Types of Bread Available In Store?
Not all bread varieties are created equal: with some practice, you will be able to find the best bread for your taste and nutritional needs.
What Are the Healthiest Types of Bread Available In Store?
8 Deceitful Methods Companies Use To Hide Sugar In Foods
Food manufacturers found all kinds of ways to market foods packed full of sugar as healthy foods, everyone must know how they do it
8 Deceitful Methods Companies Use To Hide Sugar In Foods
Kidney & Bladder Health
Is Urinating At Night a Symptom Of Something More Serious?
The majority who take a nighttime detour to the bathroom have nothing to worry about, but frequent nighttime urination is a red flag
Is Urinating At Night a Symptom Of Something More Serious?
General Health
8 Biology Factoids You Were Taught that Are Totally False
A list of some of the most widely-held beliefs about the body that are actually wrong
8 Biology Factoids You Were Taught that Are Totally False
Stomach & Digestion
Can Your Sleeping Position Affect Your Digestion?
We spend 1/3 of our lifetime asleep, but few people know how to sleep correctly. Here are the health benefits of certain sleep positions...
Can Your Sleeping Position Affect Your Digestion?
Heart Conditions
Lower Blood Pressure in 10 MINUTES by Doing These Things
These simple and yet very effective exercises are guaranteed to help you normalize your blood pressure in no time.
Lower Blood Pressure in 10 MINUTES by Doing These Things
Mouth & Teeth
This Guide Will Show You How to Heal Cavities
This guide will take you through seven ideal ways to care for your teeth.
This Guide Will Show You How to Heal Cavities
General Health
These Handy At-home Tests Ensure You Prevent Disease Early
These medical tests are so easy they can be conducted in the comfort of your own home.
These Handy At-home Tests Ensure You Prevent Disease Early
Ear, Nose and Throat
Can Air-Conditioners Be the Culprit Behind a Clogged Nose?
Doctors believe that one of the culprits behind clogged-up sinuses, sinus pressure and the complementary headaches might be something in our home...
Can Air-Conditioners Be the Culprit Behind a Clogged Nose?
Bacteria & Viruses
The Norovirus Is Spreading! Here's How to Protect Yourself
The norovirus is spreading! Here's how to identify the causes and how to protect yourself against it.
The Norovirus Is Spreading! Here's How to Protect Yourself
Stomach & Digestion
4 Surprising Ways Your Gut is Affecting You
Your intestines do so much more than simply digest the food you eat, and some of the ways your gut influences you are truly surprising.
4 Surprising Ways Your Gut is Affecting You
Stomach & Digestion
Learn About Your Gut’s Effect on Your Mind
Your brain and gut share a unique relationship. Learn all about it here.
Learn About Your Gut’s Effect on Your Mind
Got a Lump on Your Neck or Behind the Ears? See This
If you have a lump on your neck or behind your ear, here is why you want to check it out and what it could mean.
Got a Lump on Your Neck or Behind the Ears? See This
Mental Health
Determine If You're a Type D Personality With This Guide
The D in Type D personality stands for "distress", which refers to the heightened level of the emotion that Type D people tend to feel. Find out more here.
Determine If You're a Type D Personality With This Guide
Sleep Problems
Could a Bad Night’s Sleep Cause You to Fall More?
Have you ever found it difficult to keep your balance after a poor night’s sleep? New research could explain why...
Could a Bad Night’s Sleep Cause You to Fall More?
Ear, Nose and Throat
Learn How to Tell If You Have a Sinus Infection
An infected sinus can be very frustrating thing, which is why we've gathered a list of five of the most common symptoms of sinus infection.
Learn How to Tell If You Have a Sinus Infection
Skin Conditions
Learn How to Diagnose and Treat a Skin Bump
If you've got a lump on your skin, here's what you can do about it.
Learn How to Diagnose and Treat a Skin Bump
Parkinson's Disease
New Study: This Surgery Will Lower Risk of Parkinson's
Could your appendix be associated with Parkinson's?
New Study: This Surgery Will Lower Risk of Parkinson's
What You need to Eat to Get Your Daily Dose of Vitamins
Discover the types of vitamins you need and what amount of vitamins different products contain. Also discover how much you need to eat to get the daily amount of each vegetable.
What You need to Eat to Get Your Daily Dose of Vitamins
Weight Loss Diets
It’s Time to Shatter These 11 Food Myths Once and For All
Before you rush to make dietary changes based on "facts" about foods and healthy nutrition, you should read this article...
It’s Time to Shatter These 11 Food Myths Once and For All
Knowing the Signs of a Brain Tumor Can Save Your Life...
Learn what the most common symptoms of a brain tumor are, so that it can be picked up and treated before it's too late.
Knowing the Signs of a Brain Tumor Can Save Your Life...
9 Exercises to Strengthen Hands
If, after a stroke or injury, you're left with a weak hand that is difficult to move, these 9 occupational therapy exercises will help you regain control...
9 Exercises to Strengthen Hands
Skin Conditions
Warning: Two Skin Infections You MUST Look Out For
Is it more than just a rash? Two instances your rash can be more serious than it appears.
Warning: Two Skin Infections You MUST Look Out For
Autoimmune Diseases
Nano-Sponges: New Hope for Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients
To date, rheumatoid arthritis has been treated with medication, surgery or physiotherapy, but there appears to be a new solution in the form of "nanosponges" ...
Nano-Sponges: New Hope for Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients
Exposed! The Shocking Amount of Sugar in Your Kids' Food
Many popular children's foods are packed full of astronomical amounts of sugar! Here you'll find a list of the worst offenders...
Exposed! The Shocking Amount of Sugar in Your Kids' Food
General Health
These Tips Will Make Flying a Way Better Experience
If you find that long flights take quite a toll on your body, then make sure to check out these top tips!
These Tips Will Make Flying a Way Better Experience
Stomach & Digestion
Feel Bloated? Try the Following 6 Simple Stretches...
A feeling of bloating can be very stressful and ruin our mood, but with just 15 minutes of stretching, you can get ride of it completely.
Feel Bloated? Try the Following 6 Simple Stretches...
Immune Health
Who Knew Brazil Nuts Were So Incredibly Good For You?
Brazil nuts have a whole host of health benefits to offer you. Learn all about them here.
Who Knew Brazil Nuts Were So Incredibly Good For You?
Here Are 9 Easy Tips That'll Help You Improve Your Memory!
You cannot control all the factors that contribute to memory loss, but there are ways to improve your memory. Take a look.
Here Are 9 Easy Tips That'll Help You Improve Your Memory!
Female Health
It's Time to Debunk Some Pervasive Myths About Conception
There are numerous myths surrounding conception, so if you're looking to get pregnant, then this article is most certainly for you.
It's Time to Debunk Some Pervasive Myths About Conception
Female Health
Ignoring These Ovarian Cancer Myths Could Save Your Life!
Common wisdom can be dangerous if it’s wrong and leads you to ignore symptoms. Here are 9 ovarian cancer myths that you really need to ignore.
Ignoring These Ovarian Cancer Myths Could Save Your Life!
Mental Health
How Spending Some Time Alone is Good For Your Health
Many people are scared of spending time alone, but research actually shows that it is really good for your health. Here's why...
How Spending Some Time Alone is Good For Your Health
Sleep Problems
Here's Why You Should Throw Out Your Old Mattress!
Many of us don't change our mattress unless it's obviously broken. However, an old mattress can wreak havoc on your health. Here's how!
Here's Why You Should Throw Out Your Old Mattress!
Endocrine Health
Is Your Thyroid Working Properly? Checklist These 11 Signs
Suffer from any of these 11 conditions? You may have hyperthyroid or a hypothyroid condition.
Is Your Thyroid Working Properly? Checklist These 11 Signs
Study Shows Intimacy with a Partner Makes You Look Young
We all look for ways to reduce the signs of aging, but may intercourse be a solution? Read this and find out!
Study Shows Intimacy with a Partner Makes You Look Young
Eye Health
Do Your Eyes Often Twitch? Here's Why & How to Stop It
If you keep experiencing eyelid twitching, and want to know how to make it stop, then read this guide and find out!
Do Your Eyes Often Twitch? Here's Why & How to Stop It
Need a Quick Boost of Energy? Drink Some Sugar Water!
In this article, we reveal the surprising effects that sugar water has on our bodies and its benefits. Take a look for yourself!
Need a Quick Boost of Energy? Drink Some Sugar Water!
Here's How You Can Keep Your Mind Sharp At Any Age!
Everyone has a tendency to be a little forgetful. Here are 7 exercises that will help keep your mind sharp at any age.
Here's How You Can Keep Your Mind Sharp At Any Age!
Alzheimer's Disease
The Herpes Virus Might be a Cause of Alzheimer's!
A study has reignited a controversial theory about what causes Alzheimer's by studying the brains of people from three different brain banks. Learn more here.
The Herpes Virus Might be a Cause of Alzheimer's!
Female Health
Here Are 7 Causes of Hot Flashes That Aren't Menopause!
When we think of hot flashes, we often think of older women who are going through their menopause. However, here are 7 other things that cause hot flashes.
Here Are 7 Causes of Hot Flashes That Aren't Menopause!
Weight Loss Diets
Looking to Lose Weight? Add These Carbs to Your Diet!
A no-carb diet brings quick results, but we can’t really lose weight properly without eating carbohydrates. Here are some carbs that will help you lose weight.
Looking to Lose Weight? Add These Carbs to Your Diet!
Fat Burning Exercises
These Medications Should Never Be Mixed with Exercise!
When it comes to mixing exercise with medication, the latter can sometimes affect the former. Here are four medications that don't go well with exercise.
These Medications Should Never Be Mixed with Exercise!
Stomach & Digestion
6 Common Symptoms That Are Indicative of Food Poisoning!
An estimated 48 million people contract food poisoning every year. Here you’ll learn the 6 most common food poisoning symptoms that everyone should know.
6 Common Symptoms That Are Indicative of Food Poisoning!
Lungs & Breathing
3 Breathing Exercises That’ll Help Rid You of Hot Flashes
Menopausal hot flashes are common among many women, but these three simple breathing exercises can make life easier for those who do.
3 Breathing Exercises That’ll Help Rid You of Hot Flashes
Never Buy These Foods From the Supermarket!
Foods that everyone thinks are fine to consume can actually be really bad for our bodies. Here are 8 such foods.
Never Buy These Foods From the Supermarket!
Immune Health
Healthier Than You Thought - 9 Health Benefits of Eggplant
For many years Eggplant was believed to have no health benefits. However, it was recently discovered that this was only due to the way we cook it!
Healthier Than You Thought - 9 Health Benefits of Eggplant
Kidney & Bladder Health
Going to the Bathroom Too Much? Let Us Offer a Solution
Are you in and out of the bathroom? if so, you may be suffering from a medical problem called Incomplete Bladder Emptying. Learn more here.
Going to the Bathroom Too Much? Let Us Offer a Solution
The Secrets of Indian Cuisine: How to Stay Healthy.
In India, they’ve long understood what the healthiest foods are for prevents dangerous diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, learn about them yourself now!
The Secrets of Indian Cuisine: How to Stay Healthy.
Weight Loss Diets
Curb A Salt Craving With One of These 12 Healthy Snacks!
High levels of sodium in the blood can cause many health problems, try reducing your intake with the following snacks.
Curb A Salt Craving With One of These 12 Healthy Snacks!
Stomach & Digestion
If You Take Too Many Antacids, Here's What Could Happen!
Do you regularly take antacids? If so, you might want to take a look at these 7 possible side effects!
If You Take Too Many Antacids, Here's What Could Happen!
General Health
How to Avoid Becoming a Victim of Prescription Errors
It has been estimated that around 22,000 people could be dying in England each year as a result of drug prescription errors. Find out more here!
How to Avoid Becoming a Victim of Prescription Errors
Mental Health
Your Diet Can Play a Major Role in Treating Depression
There is no specific diet for treating depression, but what you consume can play a role when it comes to managing the symptoms.
Your Diet Can Play a Major Role in Treating Depression
Weight Loss Diets
The Dash Diet is Perfect for Healthy Weight Loss!
The DASH diet has been on the list of the world’s best diets for a number of years. Find out more here!
The Dash Diet is Perfect for Healthy Weight Loss!
The Best Way to Cook Fish and Maintain Its Healthiness
There are a number of common ways to make tasty fish, but which ones help maintain their nutritional value? This article lists the five common methods of cooking fish, and their effect on this beloved and healthy food.
The Best Way to Cook Fish and Maintain Its Healthiness
8 Reasons Why You Need to Consume More Horseradish!
Horseradish is not only a delicious plant that complements many foods, but it is also extremely good for you. Here are 8 benefits:
8 Reasons Why You Need to Consume More Horseradish!
Immune Health
Drink Your Way to Better Immunity with These 5 Teas
Boost your immunity and reap other health benefits when drinking these teas.
Drink Your Way to Better Immunity with These 5 Teas
Female Health
Women Have Better Memory Than Men, Says New Study.
It's now official - women have better memories than men. In a recent study, women aged 45-55 years performed better in memory tests...
Women Have Better Memory Than Men, Says New Study.
Ear, Nose and Throat
If You're Sick, Avoid These Foods At All Costs!
We all know about the foods that help to make a cold or flu better, but what about those foods that could make a cold or flu worse?
If You're Sick, Avoid These Foods At All Costs!
General Health
Keep Skipping Showers? Here's What Will Happen to You!
What to know what happens to your body when you repeatedly skip showers? Read this article and find out.
Keep Skipping Showers? Here's What Will Happen to You!
Pain Management
Have Leg Pain While Walking? These May Be the Reasons...
Walking provides a great way to lose weight with minimal effort, but sometimes it can hurt your body - Her's how to recognize and treat this pain.
Have Leg Pain While Walking? These May Be the Reasons...
Bacteria & Viruses
Never Order Lemon Water at Restaurants! This is Why!
After reading this article you might think twice about drinking lemon water at a restaurant ever again.
Never Order Lemon Water at Restaurants! This is Why!
Bacteria & Viruses
Keep Germs At Bay with This Homemade Hand Sanitizer!
In order to keep your hands clean when you're out and about, why not make yourself this handy hand sanitizer?
Keep Germs At Bay with This Homemade Hand Sanitizer!
I Never Knew That Walnuts Were So Incredibly Good For Me!
Walnuts are far better for you than most people think! Here are 8 of the most powerful health benefits.
I Never Knew That Walnuts Were So Incredibly Good For Me!
Since Drinking This Lemonade My Mood Has Improved
The phrase "When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade" has never been more relevant with this simple natural recipe to help you overcome depression.
Since Drinking This Lemonade My Mood Has Improved
Get a Dog Now - It Might Actually Improve Your Longevity!
It has long been known that dog ownership can help with loneliness and boost social interaction, but a correlation now been found with good heart health...
Get a Dog Now - It Might Actually Improve Your Longevity!
These Easy Face Exercises Will Lift Your Face Naturally
You don't need surgery for a youthful looking facelift, as the following exercises will prove.
These Easy Face Exercises Will Lift Your Face Naturally
These Sugar Substitutes That Are Harmful To Your Health!
We all want to avoid the harmful effects of sugar on our health, but in many cases, the effects of substitutes may be worse..
These Sugar Substitutes That Are Harmful To Your Health!
Vegetables Come in Many Colors - But Which are Healthiest?
What's healthier, red or yellow peppers? Purple or yellow onions? White or purple garlic? Find the answers in this enlightening article....
Vegetables Come in Many Colors - But Which are Healthiest?
Warning! These Baby Foods Tested Positive for Toxins!
The following baby foods, plus many more, have tested positive for dangerous substances. Find out more here.
Warning! These Baby Foods Tested Positive for Toxins!
These Breakthrough Cancer Treatments Could Save Thousands
Discovering safe and effective cancer treatments is not that easy, but in the last month, we’ve made two major breakthroughs.
These Breakthrough Cancer Treatments Could Save Thousands
General Health
Wow! Who Knew Evening Primrose Oil Was So Healthy?
Evening Primrose Oil has become a standard herbal recommendation for maintaining youth, as well as preventing disease. Here are 8 health benefits of this oil.
Wow! Who Knew Evening Primrose Oil Was So Healthy?
Weight Loss
9 Tips to Help You Burn Calories With a Smile on Your Face
Seeing as willpower is generally considered to be a finite source of motivation, here are 9 simple tips that'll help you stay healthy day after day.
9 Tips to Help You Burn Calories With a Smile on Your Face
Pain Management
Put an End to Stomach Pain with These Useful Tips
Chronic, ongoing stomach distress can deeply affect one's quality of life. Here's what to do:
Put an End to Stomach Pain with These Useful Tips
Turmeric Ginger Tea Is Incredibly Powerful - Learn More
Turmeric ginger tea has some of the most powerful medicinal effects of any know combination of ingredients. Learn all you need to know about it right here.
Turmeric Ginger Tea Is Incredibly Powerful - Learn More
Bacteria & Viruses
Warning! A Whole Course of Antibiotics Could be Dangerous!
Medical experts want patients to stop completing antibiotic courses as they feel it's contributing to the superbug endemic. Find our more here.
Warning! A Whole Course of Antibiotics Could be Dangerous!
Immune Health
Your Immune System Will Thank You If You Eat These Foods!
It's important that we look after our immune system, and we can achieve this by eating the right foods. Here are 6 foods that'll boost you immune system.
Your Immune System Will Thank You If You Eat These Foods!
Mouth & Teeth
Is Vitamin D Better for Teeth Than Brushing and Flossing?
Keep your teeth healthy and strong with more than just brushing and flossing. Once you start getting your daily dose of vitamin D, you'll never stop smiling!
Is Vitamin D Better for Teeth Than Brushing and Flossing?
Dawn of a New Era: First Gene Medicine Approved by FDA!
Genetic engineering of cells to fight disease sounds like science fiction, but thanks to a new treatment, it has arrived in the medical world. Find out more.
Dawn of a New Era: First Gene Medicine Approved by FDA!
Pain Management
These Easy Chair Moves Will Combat Back Pain in No Time
Suffer from back pain? Here are 4 moves you can try to soothe it.
These Easy Chair Moves Will Combat Back Pain in No Time
General Health
8 Secret Herbs the Native Americans Used to Cure
Discover the plants the Native Americans used for curing just about any ailment.
8 Secret Herbs the Native Americans Used to Cure
Stomach & Digestion
Keep Your Uric Acid Levels Under Control with These 8 Tips
Having too much uric acid in your blood can lead to a whole range of uncomfortable symptoms. Here are 8 natural remedies to help decrease uric acid levels.
Keep Your Uric Acid Levels Under Control with These 8 Tips
Learn to Identify and Treat a Herniated Disc!
Explore the various causes, symptoms and treatments for herniated discs. Make sure you take control of this condition before it becomes serious.
Learn to Identify and Treat a Herniated Disc!
Ear, Nose and Throat
How to Rid Yourself of a Sore Throat in 2 Minutes Flat!
This technique to get rid of a sore throat works wonders - it will also save you the expense of going to see the doctor and pills.
How to Rid Yourself of a Sore Throat in 2 Minutes Flat!
Can Changing Your Diet Reduce Your Risk of Migraines?
If you suffer from migraines can changing your diet reduce the likelihood of you getting them?
Can Changing Your Diet Reduce Your Risk of Migraines?
Lungs & Breathing
Suffer from Wheezing? Manage it with These 12 Remedies
Wheezing can be serious.Treat it with these natural remedies.
Suffer from Wheezing? Manage it with These 12 Remedies
Skin & Hair
Use Coconut Oil to Remove Stretch Marks and Get Results!
Did you know that you could use coconut oil to remove stretch marks? Check out this guide.
Use Coconut Oil to Remove Stretch Marks and Get Results!
General Health
Maslow's Pyramid: A Way of Looking for What We All Need
Abraham Maslow theorized that all human behavior was performed in order to satisfy needs, from basic to more complex. Learn about his theory here.
Maslow's Pyramid: A Way of Looking for What We All Need
Implement These Dietary Changes and Feel Better Today
These dietary changes are really easy to make, and you'll be feeling like a brand new you in no time at all. Find out more about these 12 simple changes.
Implement These Dietary Changes and Feel Better Today
General Health
8 Reasons Why Drinking Ice Water Is Unhealthy
Ice water is very refreshing, especially during the summer. However, drinking ice cold water really isn't as healthy as you might think...
8 Reasons Why Drinking Ice Water Is Unhealthy
All You Need to Know About Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is on the increase, but many of us don't know much about it. This article helps to abate that.
All You Need to Know About Type 2 Diabetes
Feel Healthier By Sipping on Ginger Tea Regularly
This video will take you through 7 great things ginger does for our body and how to make it.
Feel Healthier By Sipping on Ginger Tea Regularly
General Health
Just One Hour of Running Could Add 7 Hours to Your Life
Want to live a long life? According to a new study, runners tend to live about three years longer. Discover more.
Just One Hour of Running Could Add 7 Hours to Your Life
Weight Loss
WARNING: Scary Side Effects of Common Weight Loss Drugs
There are a number of weight-loss drugs available on the market. However, they can have serious side effects. Here, we take a look at them!
WARNING: Scary Side Effects of Common Weight Loss Drugs
Swollen Feet and Legs May Indicate a Serious Problem
Discover all you need to know about swollen legs and feet, including what natural remedies can be used to treat the issue.
Swollen Feet and Legs May Indicate a Serious Problem
General Health
Study: Drinking Wine Engages Your Brain More Than Math
Dr. Gordon Shepherd, who has spent years studying how the brain, reveals that drinking wine engages more of this organ than any "other human behavior".
Study: Drinking Wine Engages Your Brain More Than Math
Heart Conditions
Keep Your Arteries Clean by Eating These Foods Every Day
Cardiovascular diseases are on the increase. However, eating these foods can go a long way to ensuring that you do not fall prey to such diseases.
Keep Your Arteries Clean by Eating These Foods Every Day
Eye Health
8 Eye Health Symptoms that Should Be Taken Seriously
Be on the look out for these 8 vital signs.
8 Eye Health Symptoms that Should Be Taken Seriously
Immune Health
10 Simple Ways That You Can Boost Your Immune System
By following these 10 simple habits you will be able to significantly boost your immune system.
10 Simple Ways That You Can Boost Your Immune System
General Health
Here Are 8 Life Changes That Can Do Your Health Wonders
We all have bad habits, but we also have good habits too. Here are 8 things you should never stop doing. Your health may depend on them!
Here Are 8 Life Changes That Can Do Your Health Wonders
Brain Disorders
Warning! These Are the Early Signs of Parkinson's Disease
Memorize these symptoms of Parkinson's because this disease is best caught early.
Warning! These Are the Early Signs of Parkinson's Disease
General Health
10 Natural Detoxifying Tips That'll Make You Feel Fresh
Nowadays food is packed with so many chemicals that it's a good idea to detoxify your body once in a while. Here are 10 natural and easy ways to do so.
10 Natural Detoxifying Tips That'll Make You Feel Fresh
Muscles & Bones
10 Mighty Tips to Ensure Your Bones Stay in Top Condition
A loss in bone mineral density, known as osteopenia, can lead to osteoporosis. Therefore, it's important to understand how to prevent it. Here are 10 ways.
10 Mighty Tips to Ensure Your Bones Stay in Top Condition
Ear, Nose and Throat
7 Highly Effective Solutions for Laryngitis
If you are suffering from laryngitis here are 7 highly effective solutions to ease your pain.
7 Highly Effective Solutions for Laryngitis
Bacteria & Viruses
What Your Phlegm is Telling You About Your Health
The color of your phlegm can tell you a lot about your underlying health. Find out what different colored phlegm might be indicating about yours.
What Your Phlegm is Telling You About Your Health
General Health
Warning! The Dangers of Drinking Carbonated Soft Drinks!
A study has discovered some shocking facts about soft drinks.
Warning! The Dangers of Drinking Carbonated Soft Drinks!
General Health
5 Surprising Signs That Show You Need to Cut Back on Salt
High blood pressure is not the only sign which shows that you need to cut back on salt.
5 Surprising Signs That Show You Need to Cut Back on Salt
These 13 Home Remedies Are Effective Against Arthritis
These 13 natural home remedies can help prevent and fight against arthritis. Everyone should know about them!
These 13 Home Remedies Are Effective Against Arthritis
Mental Health
Suffer From Anxiety? Use This Technique to Calm Down
Anxiety can be experienced in many different situation. One technique that can help fight anxiety is known as "Alternate Nostril Breathing".
Suffer From Anxiety? Use This Technique to Calm Down
These Foods Can Help Fight the Effects of Arthritis
Include these 12 foods in your diet to reduce the effects of arthritis - they have been shown to fight inflammation, strengthen bones and boost the immune system.
These Foods Can Help Fight the Effects of Arthritis
These Foods Help to Cleanse Arteries For Optimum Health
Our arteries are highly important as they are responsible for the transmission of blood around our bodies. These 18 foods will ensure your artery health.
These Foods Help to Cleanse Arteries For Optimum Health
Watch: Are You Aware of the Myths Surrounding Diabetes?
Are you aware of the misleading myths surrounding diabetes? Here are 7 facts to bear in mind.
Watch: Are You Aware of the Myths Surrounding Diabetes?
Eye Health
Keep Your Eyes In the Best Condition With These Exercises
Due to the simple fact of how much we use our eyes throughout the day, they get tired, but these 7 simple exercises will help to keep them in tip-top shape.
Keep Your Eyes In the Best Condition With These Exercises
Overcome Ailments With These 6 Hand Exercises
If you suffer from one of these ailments, try using these hand gestures...
Overcome Ailments With These 6 Hand Exercises
I Used These 6 Natural Ways to Cure My Swollen Limbs
Swollen limbs are painful and hard to deal with. But here are 6 natural methods that can both assuage and fight swellings in your feet, ankles or legs.
I Used These 6 Natural Ways to Cure My Swollen Limbs
11 Ways to Use Honey and Cinnamon as a Natural Medicine
Honey and cinnamon are two wonderful ingredients that can be used for many health benefits.
11 Ways to Use Honey and Cinnamon as a Natural Medicine
Fight Inflammation & Cancer with This Yummy Tomato Soup
This delicious turmeric, tomato and black pepper soup packs a tremendous punch to your taste buds, but also to cancer and inflammation. Here's the recipe.
Fight Inflammation & Cancer with This Yummy Tomato Soup
General Health
10 Great Reasons To Use An Essential Oil Diffuser At Home!
Essential oil diffusers don't only make your home smell great, they can also have a calming, soothing effect on your mood. Here are 10 reasons to use them.
10 Great Reasons To Use An Essential Oil Diffuser At Home!
Splitting Headache? Eat Any of These 9 Foods
Forget reaching for the medicine cabinet if you have a headache - try consuming any of the 9 foods and you'll be well on your way to feeling better.
Splitting Headache? Eat Any of These 9 Foods
Pain Management
Make the Pain Go Away With These 19 Food Types
There's more medicine in your kitchen than you ever imagined. In fact, these 19 different types of foods and drinks will remedy almost any type of pain.
Make the Pain Go Away With These 19 Food Types
Sleep Problems
Use This Acupressure Technique For A Better Night's Sleep
Learn to apply pressure to your San Yin Jiao points, which can help to ease quite a number of different ailments.
Use This Acupressure Technique For A Better Night's Sleep
Mental Health
I Never Knew Hugs Could Be So Good For A Person's Health!
Hugs are great for a whole myriad of health reasons, some of which include lowering blood pressure and reducing stress and anxiety. Here are 10 reasons to hug.
I Never Knew Hugs Could Be So Good For A Person's Health!
These Poses Will Boost Your Spinal Strength & Flexibility
Correct the curvature of your spine by building strength and enhancing your flexibility with these yoga poses.
These Poses Will Boost Your Spinal Strength & Flexibility
These 6 Yoga Poses Will Straighten Your Osteoporosis
Whether you have osteoporosis or simply want to protect your health, these 6 yoga poses could be absolutely vital. It's time to try yoga!
These 6 Yoga Poses Will Straighten Your Osteoporosis
General Health
You'll Live Much Healthier When Following These 21 Tips
If you change 21 of these daily habits, you'll already be living much healthier. Imagine what you could do if you supplemented them with exercise.
You'll Live Much Healthier When Following These 21 Tips
Weight Loss
15 Ways You Can Walk 10,000 Daily Steps...Without Training
Walking 5 miles a day is easier than you think. Simply adopt these 15 daily habits and you'll reach that goal without breaking a sweat!
15 Ways You Can Walk 10,000 Daily Steps...Without Training
9 Warning Signs of Cancer We All Need to Know
A lot of the time, cancer is discovered when it's too late. Be sure to read this post to learn about different cancers and their tell-tale symptoms.
9 Warning Signs of Cancer We All Need to Know
19 Natural Remedies to Significantly Lighten Age Spots
Removing age spots is far from impossible - in fact there are a number of ways to go about it. Here are 19 home remedies to significantly lighten age spots.
19 Natural Remedies to Significantly Lighten Age Spots
General Health
15 Natural Remedies Used by Countries Around the World
Many of the natural items or methods on this list are highly popular in certain countries. Here are 15 natural remedies from around the world.
15 Natural Remedies Used by Countries Around the World
Lung Cancer
The 10 Most Common Warning Signs of Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is one of the most dangerous types of cancer there is, so catching it early is very important!
The 10 Most Common Warning Signs of Lung Cancer
General Health
1 Minute Clinic: Healthy Habits That Take Under 60 Seconds
These healthy habits all take less than a minute to perform, yet have significant benefits for your well being.
1 Minute Clinic: Healthy Habits That Take Under 60 Seconds
Skin & Hair
Make Cracked Heels a Thing of the Past With These Remedies
These 14 excellent home remedies will ensure that your feet are back in tip-top shape in no time at all.
Make Cracked Heels a Thing of the Past With These Remedies
Sleep Problems
This is How You Cure Insomnia Once and For All
Insomnia is a common, devastating problem that can cost us our energy, our good mood, our ability to function and ultimately our health. Read our guide for solving one's insomnia.
This is How You Cure Insomnia Once and For All
We Should Definitely Drink More Tea Than Coffee...
Drinking tea every day is a MUCH better habit than drinking coffee, and you can achieve the same results!
We Should Definitely Drink More Tea Than Coffee...
Here are 13 Fab Fruit & Veg Facts That Will Shock You!
We know fruits and vegetables are good for us, but do you know why, and which are best?
Here are 13 Fab Fruit & Veg Facts That Will Shock You!
HOW MUCH Exercise Do I Need to Burn Off These Foods?
Before you go for that takeaway, you should see how much exercise you will need to do to burn off those calories. This chart will show you.
HOW MUCH Exercise Do I Need to Burn Off These Foods?
Ear, Nose and Throat
The Most Important Symptoms and Remedies for Glaucoma
A guide to Identifying and treating glaucoma naturally.
The Most Important Symptoms and Remedies for Glaucoma
Pain Management
3 Different Kinds of Postural Bias and How To Remedy Them
Back pain can cause us to have flexion, extension or non-weight-bearing bias in our backs. This guide will help you remedy any bias you have and ease pain.
3 Different Kinds of Postural Bias and How To Remedy Them
General Health
A Few Health Tips to Hang On Your Fridge!
A compilation of excellent health tips for many purposes.
A Few Health Tips to Hang On Your Fridge!
Acai Berries Pack a Potent Nutritional Punch...
These little South American berries may be small, but they certainly pack a nutritional punch! Find out about the amazing health benefits eating acai berries.
Acai Berries Pack a Potent Nutritional Punch...
General Health
This Week in Health Tips!
You can never be too healthy and these infographics point out just how easy it can be to make your life better and healthier.
This Week in Health Tips!
10 Best Healthy Foods to Stock Your Kitchen With This Fall
This fall, make the most out of the fruits and vegetables in season. Read up on our list of 10 healthiest fall foods, together with some ideas on how to cook them.
10 Best Healthy Foods to Stock Your Kitchen With This Fall
11 Natural Foods that Make Us Look Younger
Make these foods part of your diet and you will get to know a more energetic and smoother you!
11 Natural Foods that Make Us Look Younger
10 Incredible Health Benefits of Peaches!
Peaches are nature's chosen healthy snacks, thanks in part to the many health benefits they contain. You'll definitely want to include them in your diet plan after reading this article.
10 Incredible Health Benefits of Peaches!
9 Great Meal Ideas Recommended by Health Experts
You don’t have to struggle to think up healthy meals anymore. Discover the shortcuts to making nutritious meals in mere minutes with the help of experts' tips.
9 Great Meal Ideas Recommended by Health Experts
Everything You Wanted to Know About Healthy Tropical Fruits
Learn about eight easy-to-come-by tropical fruit that are both delicious and oh-so-healthy for you!
Everything You Wanted to Know About Healthy Tropical Fruits
Mouth & Teeth
No More Hiccups: The Best Natural Remedies for Hiccups
We all know how frustrating hiccups can be, these home remedies have easy-to-get-to ingredients that you can reach for when hiccuping.
No More Hiccups: The Best Natural Remedies for Hiccups
General Health
A Few Tips For Better Health...
Stay healthy with some great daily tips for nutrition and home remedies.
A Few Tips For Better Health...
A Comprehensive Guide to the Glycemic Index (GI)
What is the Glycemic Index, and why is it so important to know about it?
A Comprehensive Guide to the Glycemic Index (GI)
Mental Health
Did You Know That You Can Change a Bad Mood Really Easily?
None of us enjoy being in a bad mood, but there are certain simple things you can do to change it instantly. Here are 12 ways to turn a bad mood around.
Did You Know That You Can Change a Bad Mood Really Easily?
Shocking! I Had No Idea You Could Get Cancer From These...
Follow this guide to identify and rid yourself of potential carcinogens that could be lurking in your home.
Shocking! I Had No Idea You Could Get Cancer From These...
General Health
What Causes Headaches? Here Are 8 Unusual Causes
Here are 8 unusual reasons that may be causing your headache.
What Causes Headaches? Here Are 8 Unusual Causes
Men's Health
Viagra May Hold the Key to Preventing Colorectal Cancer...
A new study shows that Viagra may be able to help prevent the onset of colorectal cancer. Find out all about it here.
Viagra May Hold the Key to Preventing Colorectal Cancer...
Ear, Nose and Throat
10 Tell-Tale Signs That You Might Have Hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism is a condition that tends to remain unknown, because its symptoms are often related to other things. Here are 10 signs of hypothyroidism.
10 Tell-Tale Signs That You Might Have Hypothyroidism
Warm Water Has Many Health Benefits! Here Are 10 of Them!
A lot of people start off the day with a glass of cold water, but it's better to have a glass of warm water. Here are 10 benefits to drinking warm water.
Warm Water Has Many Health Benefits! Here Are 10 of Them!
Brain Disorders
5 Early Signs That You Might Develop Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis is a debilitating disease, but you can spot it early if you know how to. Learn 5 tell-tale signs of the onset of Multiple Sclerosis.
5 Early Signs That You Might Develop Multiple Sclerosis
General Health
10 Facts Doctors Don’t Always Tell You About Blood Tests
Doctors don't always tell you everything about your blood test results. Learn what questions to ask for the next time you get a set of blood tests.
10 Facts Doctors Don’t Always Tell You About Blood Tests
Mental Health
Feeling Stressed? These Hidden Triggers Could Explain Why
Here are seven hidden stress figures that you should be aware of and try your best to avoid.
Feeling Stressed? These Hidden Triggers Could Explain Why
Sleep Problems
What Causes Sleep Paralysis? Find Out Here!
Of all the weird sensations that we can experience, there’s nothing stranger than not being able to move. Here's what you need to know about sleep paralysis.
What Causes Sleep Paralysis? Find Out Here!
Mental Health
Dark Chocolate and Depression, Are They Related? How?
Chocolate, the guilty pleasure we all, big or small, indulge in. But is chocolate really that bad for us, or can it help our health, too?
Dark Chocolate and Depression, Are They Related? How?
Lungs & Breathing
Nine Tips to Help You Quit Nicotine and Reverse Its Damage
A comprehensive guide on quitting nicotine and rehabilitating the body
Nine Tips to Help You Quit Nicotine and Reverse Its Damage
Female Health
Every Woman Must Know How To Do These Pelvic Exercises
A weak pelvic floor is a very common condition among women, here are 5 exercises that will help treat this condition.
Every Woman Must Know How To Do These Pelvic Exercises
Brain Disorders
This New Drug Could Go a Long Way to Curing Huntington's!
The first human trial of an experimental drug that was designed to fight Huntington's has delivered success beyond what researchers had realistically hoped for.
This New Drug Could Go a Long Way to Curing Huntington's!
General Health
Knitting Isn't Just Beautiful, It's Actually HEALTHY...
Knitting is a tried and tested way to boost your health, it will also make you very happy and confident.
Knitting Isn't Just Beautiful, It's Actually HEALTHY...
15 Items We Highly Recommend You Add to Your Groceries
The next time you go to the supermarket, keep your eyes open for these simple and foods you can use for easy and healthy home cooking.
15 Items We Highly Recommend You Add to Your Groceries
General Health
Stock Up on House Plants and Gain Many Health Benefits
House plants offer a wealth of heath benefits that will make you want to add some green to your home!
Stock Up on House Plants and Gain Many Health Benefits
General Health
Fascinating: Should We Bring Back People From the Dead?
A new and very radical procedure involves replacing all the patient's blood with a cold salt water mixture can bring people back hours after they have died...
Fascinating: Should We Bring Back People From the Dead?
These Ten Foods Can Help Boost Your Immune System
The immune system is an incredible mechanism that works around the clock to protect us from harmful bacteria. These ten foods can give it a helping hand.
These Ten Foods Can Help Boost Your Immune System
Muscles & Bones
Bone Spurs: What You Need to Know...
Take care of your bones and joints by being aware of this bone condition, especially if you already suffer from bone problems.
Bone Spurs: What You Need to Know...
Pain Management
Could These Secret Reasons Be Causing Your Back Pain?
There could be a number of reasons behind your chronic back pain, some of which may surprise you. Let's take a look at what could potentially be to blame for your achy back.
Could These Secret Reasons Be Causing Your Back Pain?
Heart Conditions
This Surprising Symptom May Indicate a Heart Attack in Women
Find out how heart attacks in men and women differ.
This Surprising Symptom May Indicate a Heart Attack in Women
Sleep Problems
What You Eat Before Bed Has Great Importance...
There's nothing wrong with eating something before going to bed, but it pays to know which foods will help you sleep and which you should avoid at all costs.
What You Eat Before Bed Has Great Importance...
Pain Management
Health Guide: How to Treat Neck Pain At Home
Getting rid of that pain in the neck by yourself
Health Guide: How to Treat Neck Pain At Home
Eye Health
Health Guide: How to Preserve the Health of Your Eyes
A guide to understanding common eye problems people experience as they age and tips on how to protect your eyes.
Health Guide: How to Preserve the Health of Your Eyes
Mouth & Teeth
6 Natural Remedies to Stave Off Gum Disease
Gum disease is quite frightening, so it's vital to have the latest information on how to fight it naturally. Here are 6 great preventative remedies.
6 Natural Remedies to Stave Off Gum Disease
General Health
INCREDIBLE: UK Researchers May Be Close to Beating HIV
HIV is a debilitating disease that affects 37 million people around the globe. The great news is that a cure may be just around the corner.
INCREDIBLE: UK Researchers May Be Close to Beating HIV
General Health
Did You Know These Health Facts Are Actually Myths?
Not all the health facts you read about are true. Here are 12 of the biggest whopping lies I've ever seen.
Did You Know These Health Facts Are Actually Myths?
General Health
Is This the Secret of the Healthiest Village in the World?
Acciaroli in Italy has so many centenarians that researches decided to find out what their longevity secret is. This is what they found.
Is This the Secret of the Healthiest Village in the World?
Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally With These Foods
If you suffer from high blood pressure these 20 foods could help alleviate the symptoms.
Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally With These Foods
Stomach & Digestion
3 Sure-Fire Ways Of Ensuring the Best Gallbladder Health
The gallbladder is a highly important organ, and therefore you should do what you can to ensure its (and your) good health. Read this guide to learn more.
3 Sure-Fire Ways Of Ensuring the Best Gallbladder Health
Alzheimer's Disease
Did You Know? There Are Many Ways to Prevent Alzheimer's
Alzheimer's Disease is debilitating and affects many of us in old age. Luckily, there is a whole range of ways you can prevent it from happening.
Did You Know? There Are Many Ways to Prevent Alzheimer's
9 Seeds That Will Make a Real Difference to Your Diet
We all know we have to eat our fruit and veg, but what about seeds? Here are 9 seeds you don't want your body's healthy to miss out on.
9 Seeds That Will Make a Real Difference to Your Diet
Forget Olive Oil, it's the Leaves Where the Power Lies
Olives and olive oil are on everyone's shopping lists. But what about olive leaves? Here we list 10 health benefits to be had from olive leaf extract.
Forget Olive Oil, it's the Leaves Where the Power Lies
Autoimmune Diseases
You Need No Longer Suffer from Autoimmune Diseases
Autoimmune diseases are the most common ailments in the world. Conventional medicine suppresses these with strong drugs, but functional medicine cures them!
You Need No Longer Suffer from Autoimmune Diseases
Cleanse Your System Naturally with These 5 Fruit Drinks
These easy to make fruit water drinks are not just tasty treats to be savored and shared, they're also wonderful for cleansing and detoxifying your health.
Cleanse Your System Naturally with These 5 Fruit Drinks
General Health
It's Not Just Stress a Masseuse Notices in Your Body
The hour we spend on the massage table may shed more light about our health than we think.
It's Not Just Stress a Masseuse Notices in Your Body
General Health
Forget Lifestyle Gurus and Books - Check Out 7 Life Tips!
There's a whole range of lifestyle books, and arguably even more so-called lifestyle gurus, but these 7 longevity tips backed up by science are all you need.
Forget Lifestyle Gurus and Books - Check Out 7 Life Tips!
Oregano Is a Wonderful Herb! It Offers So Many Benefits
How many of these incredible benefits for oregano do you know about?
Oregano Is a Wonderful Herb! It Offers So Many Benefits
Mental Health
Feeling Down? Here's What You Should and Shouldn't Eat
Sometimes, when we feel down, we turn to food for a pick-me-up, but it's important to know what you should and shouldn't eat.
Feeling Down? Here's What You Should and Shouldn't Eat
Mouth & Teeth
6 Natural Teeth-Whitening Methods You Should Know About
These 6 natural remedies will leave your teeth whiter than ever before. Now you'll have no reason to hide your smile!
6 Natural Teeth-Whitening Methods You Should Know About
A Comprehensive Guide to Treating Shoulder Pain at Home
Learn to identify, treat, and prevent the seven most common shoulder injuries.
A Comprehensive Guide to Treating Shoulder Pain at Home
Skin & Hair
What Do Your Nails Say About Your Health? Find Out!
Your fingernails and toenails are an effective warning system for our health. This is what you need to know.
What Do Your Nails Say About Your Health? Find Out!
General Health
12 Muscle Workouts to Keep Your Upper Body Mobile & Lithe
Keep your upper body trim with these 12 reliable muscle workouts.
12 Muscle Workouts to Keep Your Upper Body Mobile & Lithe
Heart Conditions
These Symptoms May Indicate You Have Low Blood Pressure
Low blood pressure can be just as dangerous as high blood pressure. Here are the key symptoms of low blood pressure.
These Symptoms May Indicate You Have Low Blood Pressure
Eye Health
Say Goodbye to Puffy Eyes with These 6 Great Remedies
Soothe your puffy eyes and dark circles with these 6 great home remedies.
Say Goodbye to Puffy Eyes with These 6 Great Remedies
Taking Antibiotics? This Is What You Should Be Eating
These few key tips will change your diet and lifestyle, keeping you healthy over the course of your antibiotic treatment.
Taking Antibiotics? This Is What You Should Be Eating
Sleep Problems
Having Trouble Sleeping? Then You'd Better See This...
There's nothing more frustrating than not managing to get a good night's sleep, so here are ten tips that'll help improve the quality of your sleep.
Having Trouble Sleeping? Then You'd Better See This...
Mental Health
Adopt These Daily Habits to Make Your Life Less Stressful
Here are 5 things that you should do every day in order to keep your life as free from stress as possible.
Adopt These Daily Habits to Make Your Life Less Stressful
Heart Conditions
These Countries Have Low Heart Disease Risks! Here's Why!
When it comes down to heart disease, the French, Japanese, and Koreans have the lowest rates in the world. Here's why!
These Countries Have Low Heart Disease Risks! Here's Why!
General Health
Here Are Some Medical Advances That We Can Expect in 2018!
Things move fast in the medicine world, but if predictions about what to expert in this coming year prove to be true, things might move a lot faster than usual!
Here Are Some Medical Advances That We Can Expect in 2018!
Fat Burning Exercises
The Easy Way to Tone Your Arms and Stomach
If you don't have the time or energy to invest in a full workout, this body toning 5-minute workout is just for you!
The Easy Way to Tone Your Arms and Stomach
Lungs & Breathing
Don't Ignore These Crucial Signs of Respiratory Disease
Here are 7 of the most common symptoms that can hint at an underlying respiratory or lung disorder.
Don't Ignore These Crucial Signs of Respiratory Disease
Liver Conditions
8 Signs That Your Body Might Be Intolerant to Alcohol!
In this article you’ll find the common signs of alcohol intolerance, which can easily be confused with the symptoms of other diseases.
8 Signs That Your Body Might Be Intolerant to Alcohol!
Never Order These Types of Fish From Any Restaurant...
To ensure that you're not making unhealthy choices when eating out, we'd recommend avoiding these types of fish when at a restaurant.
Never Order These Types of Fish From Any Restaurant...
Immune Health
Pine Nuts, Seriously?!? I Do Declare!
Nuts have become popular with many people because of their health benefits, but few people know about the many benefits of pine nuts....
Pine Nuts, Seriously?!? I Do Declare!
Mouth & Teeth
9 Dental Hygiene Myths We All Need to Stop Believing!
It's disconcerting to see just how many myths there about proper oral hygiene floating around on the internet. Here are 9 of the most common.
9 Dental Hygiene Myths We All Need to Stop Believing!
Learn How to Deal With the Most Common Upper Back Problem
Dowager’s hump is the most common type of kyphosis and exists in both adults and young adults, and fortunately, there is a way to treat it!
Learn How to Deal With the Most Common Upper Back Problem
Mouth & Teeth
Look Out For These Signs That You're Grinding Your Teeth
Do you grind your teeth at night? Here's how you can find out.
Look Out For These Signs That You're Grinding Your Teeth
Scalp Issues
Scalp Acne is a Real Thing. Here's How to Banish It!
Acne is less commonly found on the scalp than on other areas of the body, however, it can be just as much of a nightmare. Here's how to prevent & treat it.
Scalp Acne is a Real Thing. Here's How to Banish It!
Mental Health
Who Can Benefit from Having an Emotional Support Dog?
Have an animal companion around could be a great way of managing your mental health. What does it entail?
Who Can Benefit from Having an Emotional Support Dog?
These 10 Vegetables Become Even Healthier When COOKED
The amount of nutrients peaks when you cook certain vegetables right. All 10 of the veggies on this list will only benefit from a little heat
These 10 Vegetables Become Even Healthier When COOKED
Pain Management
What is Bee Sting Therapy And Why You Should Be Wary Of It
Bee sting therpay has been gaining a lot of popularity lately, but there are a few very important health risks to the alternative treatment
What is Bee Sting Therapy And Why You Should Be Wary Of It
Ear, Nose and Throat
New Study Finds Honey to Be Better For Colds than Drugs
A new study has claimed that honey may be better at treating coughs and colds than over-the-counter medicines. Find out what it's about.
New Study Finds Honey to Be Better For Colds than Drugs
Seniors Today Are Younger Than All Previous Generations
Recent research finally brings us some great news this year - seniors seem to be getting younger and younger with every generation... Read on to learn more
Seniors Today Are Younger Than All Previous Generations
Sleep Problems
This Is the Most Simple and Natural Way To Ease Insomnia
Weighted blankets are knwon for their soothing effects, and a new study confirms they may even be the tool to cure insomnia
This Is the Most Simple and Natural Way To Ease Insomnia
Heart Conditions
Thinking of Taking a Long Nap? It Might Not Be a Good Idea
A new study claims that taking long naps may be harmful for our health. Find out more.
Thinking of Taking a Long Nap? It Might Not Be a Good Idea
Weight Loss
There Are Two Types of Excess Fat & They’re VERY Different
Our body is capable of storing fat in two different ways - as visceral and subcutaneous fat - and the two couldn't be more different...
There Are Two Types of Excess Fat & They’re VERY Different
Heart Conditions
Hypertension News - What Science Discovered in 2020
In this article, we’ve condensed 7 key medical discoveries investigating hypertension made in 2020
Hypertension News - What Science Discovered in 2020
Heart Conditions
Not Just Cardio: 6 Activities That Boost Heart Health
Can't manage to squeeze in a cardio class every week? Here are a few ways to sneak in cardio in everyday life and maintain heart health.
Not Just Cardio: 6 Activities That Boost Heart Health
7 Exercises That Are Effective for Controlling Diabetes
Fighting diabetes? Here are some useful workouts that will be quite effective in controlling it.
7 Exercises That Are Effective for Controlling Diabetes
I Never Knew Cabbage Prevented So Many Illnesses!
Cabbage is one of the healthiest things you can eat, and is perfect for preventing and curing a whole range of conditions.
I Never Knew Cabbage Prevented So Many Illnesses!
13 Home Remedies That Are Effective Against Arthritis
These 13 natural home remedies can help prevent and fight against arthritis. Everyone should know about them!
13 Home Remedies That Are Effective Against Arthritis
Autoimmune Diseases
5 Signs You Might Be Developing Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis is a debilitating disease, but you can spot it early if you know how to. Learn 5 tell-tale signs of the onset of Multiple Sclerosis.
5 Signs You Might Be Developing Multiple Sclerosis
Mouth & Teeth
This is What Bad Breath Says About Your Health...
Bad breath doesn’t necessary mean poor hygiene, but it could be the symptom of an untreated disease. Find out more here!
This is What Bad Breath Says About Your Health...
This is Why You Should Add Cranberries to Your Diet!
20 reasons you too should start adding these healthy, delicious packets of health to your diet.
This is Why You Should Add Cranberries to Your Diet!
Skin Conditions
Here's How to Naturally Rejuvenate Your Dry, Chapped Lips
Lips can get chapped any time of the year (not only winter), but there are many ways you can guard against it and heal them. Here are 10 natural remedies!
Here's How to Naturally Rejuvenate Your Dry, Chapped Lips
General Health
Read Our FULL GUIDE to Cream of Tartar!
Cream of tartar is an ingredient we never pay much attention to, but it actually has a ton of great uses. Learn about cream of tartar uses and benefits here.
Read Our FULL GUIDE to Cream of Tartar!
12 Healthy Foods You Can Eat At Night Guilt-Free
12 healthy foods can be eaten guilt-free at night!
12 Healthy Foods You Can Eat At Night Guilt-Free
Are You Part of the 75% Who Eats Too Much Sugar?
Are you part of the 75% that eats too much sugar? here are five myths and facts about quitting sugar you must know. Enjoy.
Are You Part of the 75% Who Eats Too Much Sugar?
Endocrine Health
Low on Estrogen? Add These 8 Foods to Your Diet!
If you have been told that you need to boost your estrogen levels, here are 8 foods that you should consider adding to your diet.
Low on Estrogen? Add These 8 Foods to Your Diet!
11 Healthy Foods that’ll Bring down Your Chances of Stroke
Thanks to the following 11 foods, you can reduce your risk of stroke by more than 30%. Add them to your diet to enjoy a long and healthy life!
11 Healthy Foods that’ll Bring down Your Chances of Stroke
Kidney & Bladder Health
Here's Why You Should Never Hold in Your Pee
Have you ever wondered whether you're doing your body any damage when you put off going to the toilet? If so, you need to read this!
Here's Why You Should Never Hold in Your Pee
General Health
This Spicy Fruit Is The Healthiest Nature Has To Offer!
Much has been written about the healing power of Cayenne pepper and its ability to help us against a variety of diseases and problems, learn about its benefits here!
This Spicy Fruit Is The Healthiest Nature Has To Offer!
Immune Health
Discover 8 Remarkable Health Benefits of Seaweed
Packed with plenty of health and weight-loss benefits, seaweed is increasing in popularity in kitchens around the world, and here's why...
Discover 8 Remarkable Health Benefits of Seaweed
Ear, Nose and Throat
Clear Blocked Ears Easily with This Guide
Plugged, blocked or clogged ears can be both irritating to debilitating. Clear it up yourself with these natural remedies .
Clear Blocked Ears Easily with This Guide
Eye Health
These Tips Will Keep Your Eyes Strong & Healthy
If you want to keep your eyesight as strong as possible, then follow these tips.
These Tips Will Keep Your Eyes Strong & Healthy
General Health
14 of the World’s Most Unusual Addictions
People get addicted to the strangest things. From bee stings, to bleach baths, and eating dirt, here are the world's most bizarre addictions
14 of the World’s Most Unusual Addictions
Don't Eat Meat? Try These Plant-Based Proteins Instead
Getting enough protein and essential minerals and vitamins can be harder for those who don’t eat meat or animal products. Here are 8 great plant-based proteins.
Don't Eat Meat? Try These Plant-Based Proteins Instead
General Health
When It Comes to Health Benefits, Celery is Right up There
Celery is a crunchy vegetable that is most often looked at as diet food. However, it's so much more than that. Here are 10 health benefits of celery.
When It Comes to Health Benefits, Celery is Right up There
Autoimmune Diseases
Is There a Link Between Egg Allergy and the Flu Shot?
Though an allergic reaction to the flu shot is very rare, those allergic to eggs may be at a higher risk of developing it.
Is There a Link Between Egg Allergy and the Flu Shot?
Improve Balance & Avert Falls in 5 Minutes With These Tips
These 5 easy exercises strengthen the lower body and improve your mobility and balance. Best of all, this exercise routine only takes 5-7 minutes!
Improve Balance & Avert Falls in 5 Minutes With These Tips
Throw Your Breadbox Out: 10 Reasons to Quit Bread for Good
Explanation of the harms of regularly eating white bread
Throw Your Breadbox Out: 10 Reasons to Quit Bread for Good
General Health
How Healthy Are You? The Statistics You Must Know
Determine your overall health and well being with the click of a calculator.
How Healthy Are You? The Statistics You Must Know
General Health
You Should Avoid Diet Soda If You Can. Here's Why
Drinking diet soda is actually worse for your health than drinking a fully-sugared soda. There is medical evidence to back this up. Read on for more.
You Should Avoid Diet Soda If You Can. Here's Why
Is Shrimp Healthy? Here's What You Should Know
Shrimp often gets a bad reputation for being high in cholesterol. Despite that, it does have many nutritional benefits.
Is Shrimp Healthy? Here's What You Should Know
Keep Your Eyes Young With These 5 Important Nutrients
Having the right diet can go a long way to helping your eyes cope with age-related deterioration. Here are 5 vital vitamins you need, and where to find them.
Keep Your Eyes Young With These 5 Important Nutrients
General Health
If You Notice These Body Signs, Be Sure to Get them Checked
Here are 10 body signals that you should pay closer attention to.
If You Notice These Body Signs, Be Sure to Get them Checked
15 Inspiring Reasons to Feel Happier & Healthier with Age
Here are 15 reasons that will remind us how we can feel all of these in our 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond.
15 Inspiring Reasons to Feel Happier & Healthier with Age
General Health
The Benefits of Qigong Will Balance Your Body & Mind
Discover the benefits that qigong can bring to the body and the mind.
The Benefits of Qigong Will Balance Your Body & Mind
Female Health
This Natural Ingredient Stops Hot Flashes, But is it Safe?
Licorice could be the secret to easing menopausal discomfort.
This Natural Ingredient Stops Hot Flashes, But is it Safe?
Heart Conditions
Could You Have Survived a Heart Attack and Not Realized?
Can you have a heart attack and not even realize? This article explains all!
Could You Have Survived a Heart Attack and Not Realized?
Pancreatic Cancer
This App Can Detect Pancreatic Cancer from Just a Photo!
By the time pancreatic cancer symptoms arise it's usually too late to cure it. However, this app may just change that!
This App Can Detect Pancreatic Cancer from Just a Photo!
First Aid & Injuries
Warning! These Symptoms Could be a Sign of Imminent Danger
If you find yourself experiencing these 8 symptoms, don't ignore them, head to the emergency room straight away.
Warning! These Symptoms Could be a Sign of Imminent Danger
For Effective, Natural Medicine Opt for These Foods
Instead of taking pills for every little thing that ails you, try some natural substitutes that will reduce your dependence on chemicals
For Effective, Natural Medicine Opt for These Foods
This is Why You Should Add Raw Honey to Your Diet
There are numerous health benefits of adding raw honey to your diet. Here are a selection of them.
This is Why You Should Add Raw Honey to Your Diet
Ear, Nose and Throat
Got the Flu? Apply Pressure to These 8 Points
Acupressure points are a great alternative treatment for various ailments and symptoms, with cold and flu symptoms being no exception. These 8 pressure points are known for their effectiveness in treating various flu and cold symptoms.
Got the Flu? Apply Pressure to These 8 Points
Mouth & Teeth
5 Important Reasons to Keep Brushing Your Tongue
Did you know that 700 different bacteria species live in the mouth? Here are some possible conditions you may encounter:
5 Important Reasons to Keep Brushing Your Tongue
General Health
Everything You Need to Know About Bad Blood Circulation!
These symptoms could indicate that you have a circulation problem. Learn about them and then learn how you can remedy them.
Everything You Need to Know About Bad Blood Circulation!
First Aid & Injuries
How to Make a Very Useful All-Natural First-Aid Kit
Natural remedies work just as well on common ailments as chemically based medicines do. Therefore, you should have a natural first-aid kit handy.
How to Make a Very Useful All-Natural First-Aid Kit
General Health
Say Goodbye to Cigarettes with These 10 Great Tips!
Quitting smoking is difficult, but not impossible. These great 10 tips will hopefully help you kick this unhealthy habit.
Say Goodbye to Cigarettes with These 10 Great Tips!
General Health
6 Shocking Reasons Why Spring Cleaning Might Be Unhealthy
These common cleaning products could actually have a negative effect on our health...
6 Shocking Reasons Why Spring Cleaning Might Be Unhealthy
Hair Conditions
Warning: These 4 Numbers Can Detect an Unhealthy Heart!
Four vital numbers you need to know and what they mean.
Warning: These 4 Numbers Can Detect an Unhealthy Heart!
General Health
I Never Knew That Cassia Cinnamon Is Poisonous!
Not all cinnamon is good for you. Shockingly, most of the cheap cinnamon, cassia, can cause liver damage. Here's how to avoid it.
I Never Knew That Cassia Cinnamon Is Poisonous!
Do These 5 Yoga Exercises On Your Bed To Soothe Yourself
Adopting a restorative evening routine to get a good night's sleep is a great idea. Here are 5 different yoga poses to encourage relaxation for you to try.
Do These 5 Yoga Exercises On Your Bed To Soothe Yourself
General Health
WARNING: Avoid Ginger If You Have These Health Problems
Ginger is wonderful, but for some people it is just too potent. Find out if it's safe for you to enjoy this root's undoubted benefits.
WARNING: Avoid Ginger If You Have These Health Problems
Brain Disorders
WATCH: This Is Why You Should NEVER Order Steaks Well-Done
Recent studies suggest that you should think twice before opting for well-done steak. It could be doing your health considerable damage.
WATCH: This Is Why You Should NEVER Order Steaks Well-Done
I Had No Idea Honey Water was THIS Important for Me...
Did you know honey water was a great wonder drink for you?
I Had No Idea Honey Water was THIS Important for Me...
Sweet vs Regular Potato: Is One Healthier Than the Other?
It’s common to believe sweet potatoes are much healthier than regular white ones, but is it really true?
Sweet vs Regular Potato: Is One Healthier Than the Other?
Quinoa May Be Even Healthier Than You Thought
To better understand why it’s a super-food, we have compiled a list containing the health benefits of quinoa you should know about.
Quinoa May Be Even Healthier Than You Thought
Animal Assisted Therapy Can Treat Anxiety and Dementia
Pet Therapy and Animal Assisted Therapy have been proved by numerous studies to be extremely beneficial to the health of elderly people
Animal Assisted Therapy Can Treat Anxiety and Dementia
Why Do Elephants Rarely Get Cancer & What It Means For Us?
Elephants are those rare beings on Earth that rarely get affected by cancer. Here we understand why is that and how it can help humans.
Why Do Elephants Rarely Get Cancer & What It Means For Us?
Immune Health
Warning! Get Your Flu Shot Now Before It's Too Late...
Learn why you should get your flu shot while it's still pretty hot outside.
Warning! Get Your Flu Shot Now Before It's Too Late...
If You're Over 50, You Should Have This New Vaccine!
This new vaccine, known as Shingrix, is highly effective against shingles. Find out more here.
If You're Over 50, You Should Have This New Vaccine!
Put an End to Osteoarthritis Pain with this Exercise Guide
A gentle yoga practice is advised for OA patients. Try these yoga poses to help reduce pain associated with Osteoarthritis.
Put an End to Osteoarthritis Pain with this Exercise Guide
Heart Conditions
Improve Your Blood Flow By Using these 6 Pressure Points
If you know that you have a specific heart or blood flow problem, you should try to massage the following 6 points after consulting your doctor ...
Improve Your Blood Flow By Using these 6 Pressure Points
Ear, Nose and Throat
Read This and You'll Never Throw Away Pickle Juice Again!
Pickle juice can actually be very beneficial for your health, home, and even your garden. Learn more here.
Read This and You'll Never Throw Away Pickle Juice Again!
Pain Management
Your Upper Back Pain May Be More Serious Than You Think!
Is your upper back troubling you? Here's what you can do about it.
Your Upper Back Pain May Be More Serious Than You Think!
Inner Organs
Learn How to Naturally Treat Toxin Accumulation in the Gut
The accumulation of toxins on the intestinal walls can lead to many problems. The following tips will help you prevent and deal with the problem.
Learn How to Naturally Treat Toxin Accumulation in the Gut
Remove and Prevent Plaque Naturally with 8 Easy Tips!
Poor oral hygiene cause plaque to accumulate on your teeth, and with these simple, natural tips you can get rid of it easily and enjoy a bright white smile.
Remove and Prevent Plaque Naturally with 8 Easy Tips!
Stomach & Digestion
What You Should & Shouldn't Eat on an Empty Stomach
There are certain foods that are, or for that matter, are not, to be eaten in the morning. Read this guide to know more.
What You Should & Shouldn't Eat on an Empty Stomach
General Health
All Americans Need to Read This Important Financial Advice
If Medicaid costs are burning through your savings, then you need to read this!
All Americans Need to Read This Important Financial Advice
General Health
Here Are Some Sure-fire Signs That You Need a New Doctor
There are tell-tale signs that you should be aware of when visiting your doctor, because they will indicate that it's time to move on to another. Take a look.
Here Are Some Sure-fire Signs That You Need a New Doctor
Mental Health
Can This Brazilian Tea Cure Anxiety? Time to Find Out!
Mulungu, scientifically known as erythrina mulungu, is a natural extract from the mulungu tree. Learn more here.
Can This Brazilian Tea Cure Anxiety? Time to Find Out!
Mental Health
Are You Oversensitive? Find Out Here
Here are the most common signs of being way too sensitive.
Are You Oversensitive? Find Out Here
Kidney & Bladder Health
10 Warning Signs of Bladder Cancer to Watch Out For
In order to detect bladder cancer before it is too late, watch out for these signs.
10 Warning Signs of Bladder Cancer to Watch Out For
Low-Protein, High-Carb Diet Is the Key to a Healthy Life
Could a low-protein, high-carb diet be the secret to mental health?
Low-Protein, High-Carb Diet Is the Key to a Healthy Life
Mental Health
This Is What It's Like to Have Seasonal Affective Disorder
If you find that when temperatures start dropping, your mood does too, then you may be suffering from SAD. Learn all about it here.
This Is What It's Like to Have Seasonal Affective Disorder
Pancreatic Cancer
13-Year-Old Invents Safer Way to Treat Pancreatic Cancer
Survival rates for pancreatic cancer are extremely low. One boy discovers a new and more efficient way to treat it.
13-Year-Old Invents Safer Way to Treat Pancreatic Cancer
General Health
The Body Is Incredible! Here's What Happens When It's Cold
What happens to your body when temperatures drop to freezing?
The Body Is Incredible! Here's What Happens When It's Cold
Foods That Speed Up Aging And Their Healthy Replacements
It’s not a myth that some foods can make your skin look older. Continue reading for a list of 11 foods you should limit to look younger
Foods That Speed Up Aging And Their Healthy Replacements
People Overlook Hand Numbness, But It’s a Serious Symptom
Hand numbness is not an innocent symptom, and many dangerous conditions can cause it.
People Overlook Hand Numbness, But It’s a Serious Symptom
Liver Conditions
Keep Your Liver In Top Shape With These 7 Simple Exercises
These exercises will boost the healthy functioning of your liver and help maintain it in an excellent state for years and years.
Keep Your Liver In Top Shape With These 7 Simple Exercises
Stomach & Digestion
You Will Never Suffer From Bloating Again With These Herbs
These herbal teas are all excellent home remedies that will help you deal with bloating and gas.
You Will Never Suffer From Bloating Again With These Herbs
Weight Loss
Can Love Make Us Slimmer? Weight Loss Benefits Of Oxytocin
Can the so-called hormone be the key to understanding and curing obesity? Find out in this article.
Can Love Make Us Slimmer? Weight Loss Benefits Of Oxytocin
Mental Health
Meet This 71-Year-Old Woman Who Feels No Pain Or Anxiety
While news explode with stories on the opioid epidemic, there are unique individuals like Jo Cameron, completely resistant to pain & anxiety
Meet This 71-Year-Old Woman Who Feels No Pain Or Anxiety
Skin & Hair
8 Persistent Skincare Myths That Can Ruin Your Skin
This article is about harmful skincare myths that are way more common than they should be and how to replace them with a healthy skin habit
8 Persistent Skincare Myths That Can Ruin Your Skin
Weight Loss
Boost Your Metabolism By Simply Eating One Of These Foods
Promoting a good metabolism is one of the best things you can do for your health and well-being, and these 7 simple foods do just that.
Boost Your Metabolism By Simply Eating One Of These Foods
General Health
These 3 Creepy Animals Can Save Human Lives
Wasps, spiders and cockroaches may be creepy, but all 3 may soon be able to revolutionize medical research.
These 3 Creepy Animals Can Save Human Lives
General Health
Can You Believe Only 2 People on Earth Have This Disease
Here are a few diseases with some extraordinary symptoms that have only affected a handful of people over the last few decades.
Can You Believe Only 2 People on Earth Have This Disease
Men's Health
Man Flu: Do Men Have a Weaker Immune System than Women?
Are men overreacting or being whiny when they catch a cold or get a flu, or are they simply sicker than women with the same illness?
Man Flu: Do Men Have a Weaker Immune System than Women?
Brain Disorders
Take Frequent Daytime Naps? Then You Need to Know This
Neuroscientists elaborate on the link between sleep problems and Alzheimer's disease, suggesting excessive napping may be an early sign
Take Frequent Daytime Naps? Then You Need to Know This
Pain Management
WARNING: Deadly Painkiller Well on the Way to the Market
Amid the worst opioid crisis in American history, the FDA approves a painkiller 1000 times more potent than morphine.
WARNING: Deadly Painkiller Well on the Way to the Market
Alzheimer's Disease
Clinical Trial May Be a New Hope For Alzheimer’s Patients
At the Alzheimer's Conference in 2018, the results of a study on a new drug, NA-831 were revealed to be beneficial to Alzheimer's Patients
Clinical Trial May Be a New Hope For Alzheimer’s Patients
Weight Loss Diets
A Cooking Oil that Could Help You LOSE Weight? It’s True
What is MCT oil, and how can it benefit weight loss and brain function?
A Cooking Oil that Could Help You LOSE Weight? It’s True
General Health
This Fruit is 22 Times Higher in Vitamin C Than Lemons
Did you know that rose hips can benefit your body in numerous ways, such as anti-aging, weight loss and chronic disease prevention?
This Fruit is 22 Times Higher in Vitamin C Than Lemons
Alternate Day Fasting May be the Best Routine For Health
A new study published shows that Alternate Day Fasting may be an excellent alternative to mainstream dieting to maintain health.
Alternate Day Fasting May be the Best Routine For Health
General Health
The Habit of Nail Biting Could Have Many More Consequences
Nail-biting is more than just a gross habit, it can also be extremely bad for your mental and physical health in a number of ways.
The Habit of Nail Biting Could Have Many More Consequences
Weight Loss
Exercising Before Food May Help Control Blood Sugar Levels
A new study conducted by two universities in the UK have found that exercising before eating is healthier for obese and overweight men
Exercising Before Food May Help Control Blood Sugar Levels
Heart Conditions
Can an Eye Exam Predict Future Cardiovascular Problems?
Your eyes may be the windows to your heart, literally. By simply looking at your eyes, it's possible to predict future cardiovascular problems
Can an Eye Exam Predict Future Cardiovascular Problems?
Ear, Nose and Throat
Stop Believing Flu Myths, They Do More Harm Than Good
In this article, we dispel 12 common and often harmful myths about the common cold and the flu.
Stop Believing Flu Myths, They Do More Harm Than Good
When You Stop Drinking For a Month, This is What Happens
A list of 6 health benefits of cutting alcohol for 30 days
When You Stop Drinking For a Month, This is What Happens
This is Why You Should Include Buckwheat in Your Diet
Buckwheat can be processed into groats or flour which makes it extremely versatile, and it is one of the healthiest foods out there!
This is Why You Should Include Buckwheat in Your Diet
Kidney & Bladder Health
14 Seemingly Healthy Foods That Can Harm the Kidneys
Diet is one of the key ways you can keep kidneys healthy, even after they sustained some damage. Avoid these foods for long-term kidney health.
14 Seemingly Healthy Foods That Can Harm the Kidneys
Mouth & Teeth
5 Tips to Keep Your Toothbrush Truly Clean
Incorrect or inconsistent care of your toothbrush may expose you to germs and bacteria. Following these tips will help you avoid it.
5 Tips to Keep Your Toothbrush Truly Clean
9 Harmful Takeout Foods to ALWAYS Stay Away From
In this article, we’ve collected 9 seemingly healthy takeout dishes and the reasons why they’re not so nutritious, after all....
9 Harmful Takeout Foods to ALWAYS Stay Away From
Why You Must Eat Berries and Apples to Prevent Dementia
A type of antioxidant present in berries, tea, and apples may be not simply beneficial but necessary to prevent dementia and Alzheimer's
Why You Must Eat Berries and Apples to Prevent Dementia
New Study Reveals: Cinnamon Lowers Blood Sugar!
New study confirms that cinnamon can blance blood sugar levels, which could lead to a transformation in deabetes treatment.
New Study Reveals: Cinnamon Lowers Blood Sugar!
Weight Loss Diets
10 Most Common Low-Carb Diet Mistakes You Must Avoid
Take note of these common mistakes you might be making while following a low-carb diet.
10 Most Common Low-Carb Diet Mistakes You Must Avoid
Skincare Tips for Oily Skin & Ways to Eradicate Skin Shine
Get a deeper understanding and learn to deal with oily skin and excess shine with this informative guide
Skincare Tips for Oily Skin & Ways to Eradicate Skin Shine
Weight Loss Diets
Eat Your Dinner Early and Get Rid of Fat, Says Science
A new and detailed study has shown that eating a late dinner is associated with weight gain and high blood sugar levels.
Eat Your Dinner Early and Get Rid of Fat, Says Science
Bacteria & Viruses
Oxford Vaccine Shows Positive Response Among Old and Young
In a positive news, it has been revealed that the Oxford vaccine produces an immune response in older adults as well as the young.
Oxford Vaccine Shows Positive Response Among Old and Young
Heart Conditions
9 Misleading Myths About High Blood Pressure
In this article, we dispel 9 misleading hypertension myths, so that we’re able to understand it more and take better care of ourselves and our loved ones.
9 Misleading Myths About High Blood Pressure
These Supposedly Healthy Foods Have a Misleading Halo
Not all the popular "healthy" foods actually have such great benefits. Find out why.
These Supposedly Healthy Foods Have a Misleading Halo
Eye Health
Why Contact-Lenses and Water Should NEVER Mix
Eye-health experts stress that showering with your contact lenses still on could lead to irreversible damage!
Why Contact-Lenses and Water Should NEVER Mix
Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally by Eating Watermelon
Watermelon is not only refreshing and delicious on a warm day - it has also been linked to lowering blood pressure levels.
Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally by Eating Watermelon
General Health
8 Surprisingly Wonderful Benefits of Cycling for Seniors
Cycling has numerious wonderful health benefits for older adults, including slowing the aging process. Let's find out more.
8 Surprisingly Wonderful Benefits of Cycling for Seniors
Nutritionists Approve of These 10 Healthy Processed Foods
Not all processed foods are unhealthy. Here are 10 healthy ones you can and should add to your diet!
Nutritionists Approve of These 10 Healthy Processed Foods
Mental Health
Achieve Total Relaxation With Autogenic Training
Autogenic training is a wonderful relaxation technique that helps you beat stress and anxiety.
Achieve Total Relaxation With Autogenic Training
8 Tell-Tale Signs That You're Drinking Too Much Water...
Drinking too much water is just as bad as drinking too little. Here are 8 signs you're drinking too much water.
8 Tell-Tale Signs That You're Drinking Too Much Water...
General Health
5 Useful Tips For Exercising in the Summer Heat
It doesn’t matter if you’re a runner, yogi, or someone who enjoys a long walk, be careful when you exercise in the heat. Here are 5 important things to consider.
5 Useful Tips For Exercising in the Summer Heat
Study Finds a Painless Way to Monitor Blood Sugar Levels
A new study found that continuous glucose monitors improve blood sugar control and quality of life in diabetes patients - pain-free.
Study Finds a Painless Way to Monitor Blood Sugar Levels
Adjust Your Car Seat to YOUR Own Body
Learn how to customize and adjust your car seat for your own body and which exercises you can do inside your car to alleviate pain.
Adjust Your Car Seat to YOUR Own Body
Heart Conditions
9 Simple Lifestyle Tweaks That Prevent Blood Clots
Preventing blood clots is beneficial and advised for all of us - and here are 9 simple lifestyle changes that will help you achieve that goal.
9 Simple Lifestyle Tweaks That Prevent Blood Clots
Knowing These Stomach Cancer Tips Could Save Your Life!
This article will give you all the information you need to know about stomach cancer.
Knowing These Stomach Cancer Tips Could Save Your Life!
5 Great Exercises You Can Do Even With Knee Pain...
Is your knee pain stopping you from exercising? If so, then you need to learn these 5 exercises that won't strain your knees!
5 Great Exercises You Can Do Even With Knee Pain...
Stomach & Digestion
Make Sure You Avoid Eating These on an Empty Stomach...
Find out which foods are safe to eat on an empty stomach and which ones should be avoided entirely...
Make Sure You Avoid Eating These on an Empty Stomach...
Brain Disorders
Here's How You Can Keep Your Mind Sharp At Any Age...
Everyone has a tendency to be a little forgetful. Here are 7 exercises that will help keep your mind sharp at any age.
Here's How You Can Keep Your Mind Sharp At Any Age...
General Health
Ever Considered Using Honey in These 9 Incredible Ways?
There's more to honey than its sweet taste. Here are 9 ways you can use honey to better your health.
Ever Considered Using Honey in These 9 Incredible Ways?
THIS is Why Fruit is Good For You
This great cheat-sheet of fruit power should be on every refrigerator door.
THIS is Why Fruit is Good For You
Pain Management
These Sleep Positions Help Reduce Neck, Back & Hip Pain
Clinicians and researchers believe that certain sleep positions may play a preventive and therapeutic role in chronic pain.
These Sleep Positions Help Reduce Neck, Back & Hip Pain
You'll Be A-Maized by Corn's Super Health Benefits
Corn is my favorite cereal, its just so versatile and tasty. Did you know it is also packed with many great health benefits too? Here are the very best!
You'll Be A-Maized by Corn's Super Health Benefits
General Health
I've Always Believed These Facts to Be True...
How many of the following human body myths have you come to believe? You may be surprised to discover their actual truth value.
I've Always Believed These Facts to Be True...
9 Surprising Ways Mint Can Benefit Your Health & Hygiene
There's more to the benefits of mint than fresh breath and clean teeth. Here are 9 ways you can boost your health with mint, when you are feeling ill .
9 Surprising Ways Mint Can Benefit Your Health & Hygiene
General Health
Listening to Classical Music Will Boost Your Health
Studies show that classical music is good for our health. Here are 5 health benefits you can gain from listening to classical music.
Listening to Classical Music Will Boost Your Health
Banish Lethargy with These 10 Fatigue Fighting Super Foods
You need never be drowsy and fatigued again with these 10 everyday energy infusing foods.
Banish Lethargy with These 10 Fatigue Fighting Super Foods
General Health
Are You Anemic? Here's What You Need to Know
This guide will give you a complete picture of what anemia is, how to determine if you have it, and how you can improve your diet to prevent it.
Are You Anemic? Here's What You Need to Know
Slow Metabolism? 10 Ways to Make it Hurry Up
If everything you're doing to lose weight doesn't seem to make a difference, you may have a slow metabolism. Here are 10 remedies to get over your problem.
Slow Metabolism? 10 Ways to Make it Hurry Up
Mental Health
Depressed? This Turmeric Lemonade Will Help Beat the Blues
It's not all about Prozac when it comes to treating depression. You can make your own remedies without the nasty side effects, thanks to wondrous turmeric.
Depressed? This Turmeric Lemonade Will Help Beat the Blues
Pain Management
Ease Chronic Pain with These Simple Exercises
If you suffer from chronic pain and often feel discomfort in your body, these exercises will help alleviate your pain.
Ease Chronic Pain with These Simple Exercises
If Your Joints Ache, These 6 Shocking Reasons May be Why
In these rare instances, your joint pain might be a signal that something pretty serious is going on. Take a look.
If Your Joints Ache, These 6 Shocking Reasons May be Why
Mental Health
Feeling Depressed? It Might Be Down to Brain Inflammation
It has been revealed that brain inflammation might be an underlying cause of depression.
Feeling Depressed? It Might Be Down to Brain Inflammation
Pain Management
These Handy Charts Will Help Stop a Migraine in Its Tracks
If you, or someone you know, suffers from migraines and headaches, check out these warning signs, tips and remedies to help stop a migraine in its tracks.
These Handy Charts Will Help Stop a Migraine in Its Tracks
Hummus Is Both Healthy & Delicious. Take a Closer Look...
Hummus originated in Greece and the near Middle East, and has spread around the world. In addition to being delicious, it's incredibly healthy. Take a look.
Hummus Is Both Healthy & Delicious. Take a Closer Look...
Eye Health
Scientists Found a Way to Reverse Age-Related Blindness!
Scientists may have found a new cure for age-related blindness.
Scientists Found a Way to Reverse Age-Related Blindness!
Sleep Problems
Stop Mouth Breathing in Your Sleep With a Detailed Guide
Mouth breathers are afflicted by a problem that can afflict their ability to sleep, facial development and many other things. Here's a guide to mouth breathing.
Stop Mouth Breathing in Your Sleep With a Detailed Guide
7 Fantastic Ways Onions Can Help Improve Your Health
Not only are onions tasty, but they are also extremely good for your overall well-being. Check 7 of them out here!
7 Fantastic Ways Onions Can Help Improve Your Health
General Health
Lyme Disease: Symptoms, Treatments, and Prevention!
Lyme disease is spread by ticks. This is everything you need to know about this unpleasant disease.
Lyme Disease: Symptoms, Treatments, and Prevention!
Sleep Problems
Don't Be Shy About Sleeping Naked, It's Really Healthy!
Many people are ashamed or embarrassed to sleep in the nude, and end up missing out on the many health benefits it can offer. Don't make the same mistake!
Don't Be Shy About Sleeping Naked, It's Really Healthy!
Pancreatic Cancer
8 Signs of Pancreatic Cancer You Should Be Aware of!
Pancreatic cancer is the 4th deadliest cancer in the world. Here are 8 common symptoms of this deadly disease.
8 Signs of Pancreatic Cancer You Should Be Aware of!
Bacteria & Viruses
Warning! Here's Why Measles Can End Up Being Fatal
Is it worth getting vaccinated against measles? Watch this animated video and find out!
Warning! Here's Why Measles Can End Up Being Fatal
General Health
Have you heard of St. John's Wort? Discover Its Benefits Here
St. John's Wort is a wonderful plant that has been used medically for thousands of years, find out how it can help you....
Have you heard of St. John's Wort? Discover Its Benefits Here
Heart Conditions
Are You at Risk of a Dangerous, or Deadly, Blood Clot?
There are some people who are especially vulnerable to blood clots, particularly those who fall into one or more of these categories.
Are You at Risk of a Dangerous, or Deadly, Blood Clot?
Stomach & Digestion
10 Great Home Remedies to Get Rid of a Sour Stomach
If you regularly suffer from a sour stomach, here are 10 remedies you can try. These remedies provide quick relief from the queasiness, discomfort, bloating and pain that a sour stomach causes.
10 Great Home Remedies to Get Rid of a Sour Stomach
7 Edible Mushrooms with Amazing Health Benefits
Mushrooms are a food that is packed with all the good nature can offer us. Discover the unique health benefits of the most common and tastiest edible mushrooms.
7 Edible Mushrooms with Amazing Health Benefits
Avoid Making These Common Mistakes When Working Out...
Avoid making these mistakes when working out, as they could end up leaving you seriously injured!
Avoid Making These Common Mistakes When Working Out...
Fat Burning Exercises
This Simple Exercise Will Get You Off the Couch in No Time
Most workouts require several sets to achieve desired results, but the Burpee will work out your entire body and takes only 10 minutes!
This Simple Exercise Will Get You Off the Couch in No Time
General Health
Direct Primary Care Practices May Revolutionize Healthcare
Direct primary care does away with the necessity for having an exorbitantly expensive health insurance policy. Get the low-down on this new healthcare method.
Direct Primary Care Practices May Revolutionize Healthcare
Skin Conditions
What is the Right Skin Care for YOUR Skin Type?
Before choosing your skincare regimen and products it is important to be aware of your skin type! Using products that aren’t correct for it will only do more harm than good. Find out which skin type you have and how to treat it!
What is the Right Skin Care for YOUR Skin Type?
10 Homemade Face Masks For All Skin Types and Problems
No matter what kind of skin you have; dry, oily, lifeless or burned, read this article and you'll learn how to make simple masks to nourish it!
10 Homemade Face Masks For All Skin Types and Problems
Pain Management
Try These Poses to Ease Your Back Ache When Sleeping
Anyone who suffers from back pain knows how difficult sleep can become, but with these 4 poses, you'll be well on your way to a deep good night's sleep.
Try These Poses to Ease Your Back Ache When Sleeping
Pain Management
Got Aches & Pains? Try This 5-Minute Foam Roller Workout
Ease aches and pains with this easy and quick foam roller workout.
Got Aches & Pains? Try This 5-Minute Foam Roller Workout
General Health
9 Things Pharmacists Want You to Know But Never Tell You!
The queue at the pharmacy may be long but that's because the pharmacist has lots to sort out. Here are 9 things all pharmacists want you to know.
9 Things Pharmacists Want You to Know But Never Tell You!
Mental Health
How to Overcome 8 Common Lovemaking Obstacles
Here are eight things to watch out for when you're next getting it on with the person you love.
How to Overcome 8 Common Lovemaking Obstacles
Stomach & Digestion
Learn About the Disease That Affects 50% of People!
Ignoring Helicobacter pylori can lead to a worsening of the condition and even the development of ulcers and stomach cancer, avoid all this by reading this article!
Learn About the Disease That Affects 50% of People!
Inner Organs
Breaking News: A New Human Organ Has Been Discovered!
Have you ever heard of the interstitium? This is newest organ in the human body. Find out more here!
Breaking News: A New Human Organ Has Been Discovered!
Immune Health
8 Possible Explanations for Feeling Too Cold
Feeling cold? These 8 medical reasons may explain why.
8 Possible Explanations for Feeling Too Cold
General Health
Is It OK to Use Expired Medicine? Find Out Here...
Certain kinds of medication are fine to take even 40 years after their expiration date. Find out which ones they are here...
Is It OK to Use Expired Medicine? Find Out Here...
Immune Health
Which Is Better? A Hot or a Cold Shower? Find Out!
What are the benefits of having a hot or a cold shower? Discover the benefits here.
Which Is Better? A Hot or a Cold Shower? Find Out!
This Antioxidant Makes Old Blood Vessels Young Again
This novel antioxidant that targets mitochondria has the ability reverse the aging of blood vessels. Found out more here!
This Antioxidant Makes Old Blood Vessels Young Again
Pain Management
Revolutionary Migraine Drug Given Seal of Approval!
The FDA have just approved a migraine treatment that’s the first of a new class of medication. Find out more here!
Revolutionary Migraine Drug Given Seal of Approval!
General Health
These Facts About Blood Types Will Really Open Your Eyes
Your blood type has a bearing on a greater number of things than you ever imagined. Learn 20 amazing blood type facts you never knew.
These Facts About Blood Types Will Really Open Your Eyes
Skin Conditions
Learn All You Need to Know About Absorbing Solar Vitamin D
We all know sun exposure is the best way to absorb vitamin D, but we also know sun exposure is dangerous. So how can we go about doing this safely? Learn here.
Learn All You Need to Know About Absorbing Solar Vitamin D
General Health
8 Supplements and Vitamins to Help You Relieve Fatigue
Discover the 8 food supplements and vitamins that will help you improve and maintain your body's energy level making you feel much less tired and irritable.
8 Supplements and Vitamins to Help You Relieve Fatigue
9 Warning Signs You're Developing a Blood Clot
What are the warning signs of a blood clot? Give this article a good read and find out all about them.
9 Warning Signs You're Developing a Blood Clot
Lungs & Breathing
The Following 10 Foods Will Help You Detox From Nicotine
Want to clear your body of nicotine? Don't know how to deal with withdrawal symptoms? The following 10 foods are just the solution.
The Following 10 Foods Will Help You Detox From Nicotine
9 Legumes that’ll Help You Prepare Deliciously Healthy Food
legumes are so nutritious yet so ignored, learn why you should be incorporating them into your meals and how to do just that!
9 Legumes that’ll Help You Prepare Deliciously Healthy Food
Beat Heel Pain Once and For All With These Methods...
Heel pain can be a nuisance to deal with in our daily lives. If you suffer from this kind of pain, you should definitely read this helpful guide for heel pain.
Beat Heel Pain Once and For All With These Methods...
Muscles & Bones
Follow These Tips for Healthy, Strong Bones!
Keep your bones strong and healthy with these 10 tips.
Follow These Tips for Healthy, Strong Bones!
Weight Loss
These Hormones Have a Huge Impact on Your Weight & Health!
While there are over 50 hormones in the human body, we are going to take a look at six most important ones that are crucial for good health.
These Hormones Have a Huge Impact on Your Weight & Health!
9 Vegetables That Are Healthier Cooked
Learn about the 9 vegetables you should prefer cooked rather than raw, and why.
9 Vegetables That Are Healthier Cooked
Sleep Problems
7 Dangerous Ways Insomnia Ruins Your Health
Feeling tired, groggy, or having a throbbing head after a sleepless night is certainly unpleasant. But is it dangerous?
7 Dangerous Ways Insomnia Ruins Your Health
Did You Know These Amazing Benefits Of Eating Cashews?
Cashews are low in sugar and rich in many nutrients. Learn about the many health benefits of these tasty nuts.
Did You Know These Amazing Benefits Of Eating Cashews?
6 Easy Exercises That'll Really Help Your Posture
As the years go by, our bodies undergo many changes, one of which is the formation of a hunchback. These exercises will help you to improve your hunchback!
6 Easy Exercises That'll Really Help Your Posture
General Health
Take a Daily Nap and Reap These Healthy Benefits...
Had a rough night? Here are 16 reasons to take a nap.
Take a Daily Nap and Reap These Healthy Benefits...
The Early Signs of Arthritis
There are some lesser-known early signs that indicate the onset of arthritis. Would you know what to look for?
The Early Signs of Arthritis
Pain Management
Banish Vertigo From Your Life with This Simple Exercise...
Do you suffer from vertigo? If so, this easy exercise can help you banish it for good!
Banish Vertigo From Your Life with This Simple Exercise...
Salt Substitutes - Are They Beneficial or Harmful?
Before you decide to switch to a salt substitute, read this article.
Salt Substitutes - Are They Beneficial or Harmful?
What Should You Eat For Breakfast?
The foods that we eat on an empty stomach can have a positive or negative impact on our digestive system. Find out which foods are good and which aren't here!
What Should You Eat For Breakfast?
If Your Knee Bothers You, Do This
Banish knee pain today with these 6 exercises.
If Your Knee Bothers You, Do This
This Video Shows Why You Shouldn't Sit Cross-Legged...
Sitting cross-legged is considered polite pretty much the world over, but did you know that it can be bad for your health? Watch this video to find out more.
This Video Shows Why You Shouldn't Sit Cross-Legged...
General Health
Read These Guidelines if You Wear Disposable Gloves
Disposable gloves can protect us, but only when handled correctly. These are the instructions you should be aware of.
Read These Guidelines if You Wear Disposable Gloves
Men's Health
Coronavirus: Why Are Men More Than Twice As Likely to Die?
Researchers noted significant sex differences among COVID-19 patients, with males being more than twice as likely to die of COVID-19 than women
Coronavirus: Why Are Men More Than Twice As Likely to Die?
General Health
The Death Toll History of the World's Pandemics
The history of pandemics and the lives they took in two simple images.
The Death Toll History of the World's Pandemics
Skin & Hair
Remove Skin Tags with This Wonderful Natural Remedy...
Skin tags are benign, but they are still very annoying. Luckily there's one solution to your affliction, probably sitting in one of your kitchen cupboards...
Remove Skin Tags with This Wonderful Natural Remedy...
Endocrine Health
Balance Your Hormones Naturally With These 10 Useful Tips!
A hormonal imbalance can wreak havoc on your health. Here are 10 natural ways to heal your hormones.
Balance Your Hormones Naturally With These 10 Useful Tips!
Kidney & Bladder Health
WARNING! These Bathroom Habits Can Lead to Urinary Issues
Both of these common bathroom habits are harmful to your bladder.
WARNING! These Bathroom Habits Can Lead to Urinary Issues
General Health
Balance Your Body's pH Level with These Great Tips
If your body is too acidic, it can increase your chances of contracting a dangerous disease. Here are some tips on how to balance your body's pH levels.
Balance Your Body's pH Level with These Great Tips
Pain Management
8 Migraine Signs That Can Appear Days Before an Attack
The first symptoms of an approaching migraine can appear days before an attack. Learn to recognize them and prevent a migraine episode in its tracks.
8 Migraine Signs That Can Appear Days Before an Attack
Endocrine Health
9 Natural and Proven Ways to Boost Testosterone Levels
Learn about the natural ways to boost testosterone levels in this informative guide.
9 Natural and Proven Ways to Boost Testosterone Levels
Pain Management
Pain in the Knee? Exercise Your IT Bands to Banish the Pain
If you suffer from pain in your hips or your knees it could be stemming from your IT band.
Pain in the Knee? Exercise Your IT Bands to Banish the Pain
Mental Health
The Many Great Mental Health Benefits of Nature Therapy
Ecotherapy, also known as nature therapy, is a wonderful practice that helps promote mental healing. Let’s learn more about it.
The Many Great Mental Health Benefits of Nature Therapy
4 Reasons You Are Not Hungry In the Morning
Just because breakfast is encouraged, it doesn't mean everyone is hungry in the morning. Here are 4 possible reasons you may wake up without an appetite.
4 Reasons You Are Not Hungry In the Morning
Weight Loss Diets
The Dash Diet is Perfect for Healthy Weight Loss!
The DASH diet has been on the list of the world’s best diets for a number of years. Find out more here!
The Dash Diet is Perfect for Healthy Weight Loss!
These Food Cravings Could Indicate Health Problems
Studies show that certain food cravings and eating habits could be your body's way of telling you that there is a problem.
These Food Cravings Could Indicate Health Problems
Stomach & Digestion
These Tips for Relieving Flatulence Are Quite Helpful
Suffering from flatulence? Here are a few simple but effective ways to help you control it.
These Tips for Relieving Flatulence Are Quite Helpful
Stomach & Digestion
Cleanse Your Intestines Using 4 Ingredients...
Using 5 simple ingredients everyone has in their home, you can make a special and powerful cleansing juice that will remove all your intestinal toxins!
Cleanse Your Intestines Using 4 Ingredients...
How to Reverse Aging by Three Years in Just Eight Weeks!
Wouldn't it be great if we could de-age naturally? Science says it's possible with this trick...
How to Reverse Aging by Three Years in Just Eight Weeks!
Avocado Oil - Noteworthy Health Benefits & How to Make It
People claim that avocado oil is comparable to olive oil in terms of its health benefits. Learn why it's so healthy and how to make it at home.
Avocado Oil - Noteworthy Health Benefits & How to Make It
What is Chlorophyll? All You Need to Know
Chlorophyll is the pigment that makes plants green but it has a few other properties too. Here is how you could benefit form chlorophyll.
What is Chlorophyll? All You Need to Know
7 Foods That Relieve Constipation the Natural Way
Constipation is one of the most common digestive issues. Alleviate this uncomfortable symptom with the natural remedies and useful tips we list here.
7 Foods That Relieve Constipation the Natural Way
Skin & Hair
What Spider Bites Look Like and How to Treat Them At Home
Learn to distinguish dangerous spider bites from non-dangerous ones and how to treat a spider bite at home.
What Spider Bites Look Like and How to Treat Them At Home
Endocrine Health
8 Natural Ways to Increase Your Oxytocin Levels
Learn more about the importance of oxytocin to our wellbeing and social life, and 7 natural ways to increase your oxytocin levels.
8 Natural Ways to Increase Your Oxytocin Levels
6 Teas That Can Be Harmful If You Drink TOO Much
Several teas we list here are not suitable for regular use, so be mindful of what you drink and how much.
6 Teas That Can Be Harmful If You Drink TOO Much
This Vitamin Is Essential For Good Memory and Eyesight!
Here we explain how vitamin B6 benefits your health, who’s at risk of developing a deficiency, and how to make sure that you’re getting enough pyridoxine.
This Vitamin Is Essential For Good Memory and Eyesight!
8 Little-Known but Amazing Health Benefits of Cloves
Did you know that cloves can help relieve a bad toothache? Find out the many wonderful benefits of having cloves everyday.
8 Little-Known but Amazing Health Benefits of Cloves
Potassium Deficiency Is On the Rise - What You Should Know
Learn why potassium is so important for our bodies, how to detect a potassium deficiency, its causes, and symptoms in this guide.
Potassium Deficiency Is On the Rise - What You Should Know
10 Common Walking Mistakes You MUST Avoid
Walking mistakes are more common than we realize. Here is a look at a few common ones you must avoid.
10 Common Walking Mistakes You MUST Avoid
Skin & Hair
Why Fragrance in Shampoo Can Harm Your Health
If you see this potentially harmful ingredient on the label of your shampoo, it may be time to switch it for the sake of your health.
Why Fragrance in Shampoo Can Harm Your Health
Sleep Problems
4 Proven Benefits of Sleeping with a Pillow Between Legs
Did you know that placing a pillow between your legs can help you sleep better and benefit your overall health? Find out more in this article.
4 Proven Benefits of Sleeping with a Pillow Between Legs
Skin & Hair
These Drinks Are Just What Your Skin Needs to Look Younger
The trick to healthy skin has been right under your noses. From coffee to cucumber water, these beverages keep skin glowing and strong.
These Drinks Are Just What Your Skin Needs to Look Younger
General Health
All the Reasons You Must Try Strawberry Leaves
The fruit itself is not the only way to enjoy strawberries. The leaves, too, have health benefits and can be consumed through tea, smoothies and salads!
All the Reasons You Must Try Strawberry Leaves
Lungs & Breathing
Life After the Pandemic: Surprising Experts’ Predictions
It's becoming clear that a vaccine will not eradicate Covid-19 like a magic wand. So what will happen when the pandemic ends? Experts weight in.
Life After the Pandemic: Surprising Experts’ Predictions
Heart Conditions
Butter vs. Margarine: Which Is Healthier?
Should you butter your bread with butter? Or should you favor margarine instead? This is a surprisingly difficult subject, here's what you need to know
Butter vs. Margarine: Which Is Healthier?
Here’s What You Can Do to Reduce Your Risk of Cancer
Take note of some important suggestions that will help you in reducing the risk of cancer dramatically
Here’s What You Can Do to Reduce Your Risk of Cancer
Bacteria & Viruses
The MOST Dangerous and Deadly Viruses Known to Man
Viruses have caused some of the most dangerous outbreaks in human history. Learn about the 12 deadliest viruses and their history in this article
The MOST Dangerous and Deadly Viruses Known to Man
General Health
These 15 Powerful Plant Medicines Are Science Approved
The 15 medicinal plants listed in this article all have a whole host of science-backed health benefits.
These 15 Powerful Plant Medicines Are Science Approved
Scientists Find Having a Happy Partner Can Deter Dementia
Does your partner look at the world through rose-tinted glasses? If so, scientists found another reason to thank your cheerful significant other
Scientists Find Having a Happy Partner Can Deter Dementia
Weight Loss
6 Ways to Feel Better After Overeating
Eating too much will cause temporary uncomfortable symptoms. Here are 6 measures you can take to ease your discomfort after a big meal.
6 Ways to Feel Better After Overeating
General Health
Who Knew This Common Herb Could Be SO Healthy?
Even the most common and trivial herbs, such as rosemary, have a number of wonderful benefits for your health, well-being, and appearance
Who Knew This Common Herb Could Be SO Healthy?
These Health Mistakes Are Especially Dangerous to Seniors
Past the age of 40, we ought to avoid even those health mistakes we could previously get away with. Here 16 of the most common and dangerous ones
These Health Mistakes Are Especially Dangerous to Seniors
Pain Management
Easy Chair Stretches That Target PAIN Throughout the Body
These beginner-friendly stretches can be done in a chair and are equally simple and effective at relieving pain in different parts of the body
Easy Chair Stretches That Target PAIN Throughout the Body
The Super-Nut That Helps Slow Down Cognitive Decline
Here we explain the science behind walnut consumption and help you understand whether you should count on walnuts improving your brain health
The Super-Nut That Helps Slow Down Cognitive Decline
Parkinson's Disease
Scientists Discover New Signs of Early Onset Parkinson's
Doctors at two esteemed institutes have worked together to discover early signs of Parkinson's for identification and drug testing
Scientists Discover New Signs of Early Onset Parkinson's
Alzheimer's Disease
Gum Disease Bacteria Suggested To CAUSE Alzheimer’s
Can a seemingly harmless gum infection cause Alzheimer's disease? As unbelievable as it may sound, those are the findings or a recent study
Gum Disease Bacteria Suggested To CAUSE Alzheimer’s
Collagen Can Do a Lot MORE Than Just Slow Down Skin Aging
Collagen is a poorly understood ingredient, the true health benefits of which are more than skin deep. These are 5 proven benefits of collagen...
Collagen Can Do a Lot MORE Than Just Slow Down Skin Aging
Mouth & Teeth
Why You DON'T Need to Spend Money on Mouthwash
Mouthwash has quickly become a staple product in many households, a bottle might even be sitting in your bathroom cabinet next to the toothpaste right now. But mouthwash may not be as effective as you think. Even worse - some ingredients in it may be
Why You DON'T Need to Spend Money on Mouthwash
Mental Health
Study Shows Dancing May Improve Quality of Life of Seniors
A recent study, conducted by experts from different fields have noted that dancing can significantly improve the health of seniors.
Study Shows Dancing May Improve Quality of Life of Seniors
Warning! Some Turmeric Manufacturers Add Lead to the Spice
Stanford researchers found high levels of lead in turmeric powder. Several manufacturers have been using lead-based dyes to tint the spice
Warning! Some Turmeric Manufacturers Add Lead to the Spice
Is It Safe to Eat Reheated Rice?
Rice is one of those foods you should be careful with, as it can cause food poisoning if cooked, stored, or reheated the wrong way...
Is It Safe to Eat Reheated Rice?
Mouth & Teeth
Does Poor Oral Health Affect Our Brains?
Recent research suggests that poor oral health may be linked with cognitive decline in seniors.
Does Poor Oral Health Affect Our Brains?
The Ultimate Yoga Collection: Find Your Perfect Exercise
In this treasure chest of ancient wisdom you'll find a multitude of yoga exercises catered towards all ages and activity levels
The Ultimate Yoga Collection: Find Your Perfect Exercise
Autoimmune Diseases
This Unique Summer Allergy is Suffered by 20% of People
Polymorphous light eruption, also known as sun allergy is a skin condition that afflicts 1 in 5 people.
This Unique Summer Allergy is Suffered by 20% of People
If You’re Lactose Intolerant, Avoid These 15 Foods
For any one attempting to maintain a dairy-free diet, or suffering from lactose intolerance, here are some unexpected foods containing dairy
If You’re Lactose Intolerant, Avoid These 15 Foods
Fat Burning Exercises
Is Walking Actually Better For Your Health Than Running?
If you're trying to figure out the right exercise for you, it could be walking, running or jogging, depending on what your fitness goals are
Is Walking Actually Better For Your Health Than Running?
Aching Joints or Bones? 7 Herbs That Will Make Them Strong
7 herbs and supplements everyone needs in order to keep their bones and joints strong later in life.
Aching Joints or Bones? 7 Herbs That Will Make Them Strong
Ear, Nose and Throat
This Condition Causes Both Sinusitis and Sleeplessness
A deviated septum is a common condition that can be very bothersome, as it's capable of causing anything from chronic sinusitis to sleeplessness
This Condition Causes Both Sinusitis and Sleeplessness
Pain Management
Every Working Professional Must Do These Short Exercises
Do you spend a lot of time in a chair or at a desk? These quick exercises will help you stay limber and healthy with little effort!
Every Working Professional Must Do These Short Exercises
Pain Management
Free Your Neck With This Daily Easy Exercises
These great exercises are just what you need to get rid of that pesky neck stiffness and pain you've been suffering.
Free Your Neck With This Daily Easy Exercises
How Many Cups of Coffee Do You Drink, and Is It Too Much?
How much caffeine can cause adverse effects on your health?
How Many Cups of Coffee Do You Drink, and Is It Too Much?
General Health
How To Prevent and Manage Getting Sick While Traveling
Everything you need to know to manage and prevent getting sick when traveling.
How To Prevent and Manage Getting Sick While Traveling
This Is One Of the Most Controversial Foods On the Market
Soy has a bad reputation, but is it really as harmful and disruptive to our health as we think it is?
This Is One Of the Most Controversial Foods On the Market
Which Rice Variety Is the Most Beneficial For YOUR Health?
Rice is a kitchen staple in many homes around the world, but not all rice varieties are made equal.
Which Rice Variety Is the Most Beneficial For YOUR Health?
Skin & Hair
9 Easy-to-Miss Skin Symptoms Of Serious Underlying Issues
These 9 seemingly-minor skin conditions are all symptoms of a variety of diseases ranging from hormone imbalances to diabetes and cancer.
9 Easy-to-Miss Skin Symptoms Of Serious Underlying Issues
Skin & Hair
The Truth Behind 8 Misleading Skincare Marketing Claims
Reading to find out the truth behind skincare packaging claims, and what you should be actually looking for on the packaging of cosmetics.
The Truth Behind 8 Misleading Skincare Marketing Claims
Doctor's Advice: The Truth About Calcium Supplements
Discover the truth about calcium supplements and if they are safe to use.
Doctor's Advice: The Truth About Calcium Supplements
9 Most Common Kinds of Water & What They Do For Your Body
Water is life, and it matters what kind of water you drink. Do you know these 9 types of water and what they can do for your health?
9 Most Common Kinds of Water & What They Do For Your Body
Ear, Nose and Throat
Recurrent Sinusitis Is Too Common. This Might Be the Cause
10-30% of people worldwide suffer from sinus infections each year, but what are the causes of sinus infections?
Recurrent Sinusitis Is Too Common. This Might Be the Cause
General Health
10 Conditions You Think You Have, But You Likely Don't
10 conditions you think you have, but most likely, you don't.
10 Conditions You Think You Have, But You Likely Don't
Pain Management
6 Essential Tips That'll Beat Back Pain
Suffer from back pain? Prevention is better than a cure, here are 6 things you should do.
6 Essential Tips That'll Beat Back Pain
General Health
Are Your Guilty of Doing Any of These 12 Harmful Habits?
These seemingly harmless habits can pose a serious risk to your health and wellbeing. To see our list of harmful everyday habits, continue reading.
Are Your Guilty of Doing Any of These 12 Harmful Habits?
Brain Disorders
New Study Reveals Link Between Volunteering and Brain Health
Many truly believe that volunteering is a one-way street, but new research has found a link between volunteering and brain health ...
New Study Reveals Link Between Volunteering and Brain Health
Bacteria & Viruses
This Is How Grandma Used to Fight Off a Cough and Cold
This cough syrup is what grandma used to prepare back in the day. Take a look.
This Is How Grandma Used to Fight Off a Cough and Cold
Bacteria & Viruses
How to Avoid Passing On Infections in Hospitals
How to avoid passing on or getting an infection at a hospital.
How to Avoid Passing On Infections in Hospitals
Eye Health
Could Wearing a Tie Make You Ill? Scientists Say Yes!
Is wearing a tie bad for your health? Scientists say it may be the case...
Could Wearing a Tie Make You Ill? Scientists Say Yes!
Female Health
Suffer From Hot Flashes? Menopause May Not be the Reason
Suffer from hot flashes? Menopause may not be the reason why.
Suffer From Hot Flashes? Menopause May Not be the Reason
10-Minute Test Can Detect Cancer Anywhere in Your Body
With this new technology - you can detect cancer in the body in just 10 minutes!
10-Minute Test Can Detect Cancer Anywhere in Your Body
General Health
Why Your Body is the Next Target for Plastic Pollution
Can plastic household items and food packaging affect your health? For more information, read this article.
Why Your Body is the Next Target for Plastic Pollution
Pain Management
These Simple Stretches Will Help You Reduce Neck Pain
If you regularly experience neck pain, then you need to try performing these stretches regularly.
These Simple Stretches Will Help You Reduce Neck Pain
General Health
The Skullcap Plant: A Guide to Health Benefits
The skullcap plant comes in American and Chinese varieties, and has various medicinal properties. This is a detailed guide to Chinese and American skullcap.
The Skullcap Plant: A Guide to Health Benefits
Mouth & Teeth
This Stuff Hiding in Your Toothpaste Is Dangerous!
If you suffer from intestinal infections, your toothpaste may be the cause!
This Stuff Hiding in Your Toothpaste Is Dangerous!
10 Surprising Foods that Are Pretty High in Sugar
If you're trying to cut back on sugar, here are 10 foods that you should avoid.
10 Surprising Foods that Are Pretty High in Sugar
Bacteria & Viruses
Crucial Factors You Need to Know About Getting the Flu Shot
Flu season is around the corner, and according to the Centers for Disease Control, the best way to ward off the virus is to get the flu shot. The information below will guide you through factors about the flu shot you may not know.
Crucial Factors You Need to Know About Getting the Flu Shot
Female Health
Vital Warning Signs Your Body Needs More Calcium
Do you consume enough calcium? These signs indicate that you don't.
Vital Warning Signs Your Body Needs More Calcium
General Health
If You Suffer from Migraines Stay Clear of These 16 Foods!
While there's no known treatment for migraines as of today, there are a few dietary changes you can make to prevent their onset...
If You Suffer from Migraines Stay Clear of These 16 Foods!
What are the Five Deadliest Cancers? Taking a Closer Look.
Here is a breakdown of 5 of the deadliest types of cancer that are still prevalent in the world today.
What are the Five Deadliest Cancers? Taking a Closer Look.
Bacteria & Viruses
Exposed! The Hotel Industry's Dirtiest Secrets...
If you've recently thinking about splurging on a luxury 5 star hotel getaway, you may change your mind after reading this post!
Exposed! The Hotel Industry's Dirtiest Secrets...
Lungs & Breathing
Learn How a Cough Can Harm You & What You Can Do About It
Learn all about the dangers of a chronic cough and what you can do to heal yourself at home.
Learn How a Cough Can Harm You & What You Can Do About It
Fat Burning Exercises
What Happens in Your Body When You Do a Bit of Running...
Running is one of the best forms of exercise you can do. Learn all about its health benefits with this superb infographic.
What Happens in Your Body When You Do a Bit of Running...
Weight Loss Diets
These 4 Fad Diets Aren't Actually Fads At All...
Fad diets seem to come and go all the time, but there are some that are definitely here to stay. Here are 4 "fad" diets that are far more than just fads.
These 4 Fad Diets Aren't Actually Fads At All...
Your Body Needs More Folic Acid If You Have These Signs
Are your levels of folic acid low? Find out by reading through the symptoms here.
Your Body Needs More Folic Acid If You Have These Signs
This Two-Minute Exercise Will Extend Your Life
All it takes is this two-minute trick 15 times a day to live a longer life.
This Two-Minute Exercise Will Extend Your Life
Pain Management
Make Sure You Know These Things Before Taking Pain Meds
Prescription pain meds are no laughing matter, and that's why it's crucial for you to know this information before taking them. Learn about them in this guide.
Make Sure You Know These Things Before Taking Pain Meds
Pain Management
These Tips Will Help You Cure Your Pinched Nerve
A pinched nerve can not only be a highly annoying problem, but it can be extremely painful too. Here's how you can treat it.
These Tips Will Help You Cure Your Pinched Nerve
Immune Health
5 Clear Signs That Something is Wrong with Your Health
Your body can “speak” to you to let you know that something is wrong. Here's how!
5 Clear Signs That Something is Wrong with Your Health
General Health
These Bodily Functions Are Beyond Our Power
Do you know why we experience these bodily functions? Find out here!
These Bodily Functions Are Beyond Our Power
General Health
Amazing! Who Knew Raisins Were This Good For You?
Raisins have been revered as a healthy snack for centuries. Here are 10 amazing health benefits of raisins.
Amazing! Who Knew Raisins Were This Good For You?
Mental Health
Research Shows That Common Medication Can Cause Depression
37.2% of American adults may have been unknowingly using common medications that can cause depression. Find out more here!
Research Shows That Common Medication Can Cause Depression
Skin Cancer
9 Common Misconceptions About Moles and Melanoma!
There are many false facts regarding suntan and melanoma that people believe. These mole myths should have been debunked years ago.
9 Common Misconceptions About Moles and Melanoma!
Learn How to Prevent the 5 Different Types of Dementia!
Did you know there were 5 different types of dementia? If you didn't, come learn more about the different types and find out how to prevent them!
Learn How to Prevent the 5 Different Types of Dementia!
First Aid & Injuries
These 6 Tick-Borne Diseases Are on the Rise! Look Out!
Ticks carry a lot of diseases that can cause a range of unpleasant symptoms. Here are 6 of the top tick-borne disease that you should know about.
These 6 Tick-Borne Diseases Are on the Rise! Look Out!
Inner Organs
Keep Your Pancreas Healthy With These 10 Tasty Foods
Although the pancreas is a relatively small organ, its function in the body is important & essential to maintain its health, we recommend eating these 10 foods.
Keep Your Pancreas Healthy With These 10 Tasty Foods
Stomach & Digestion
Lactose Intolerant? Don’t Give Up These 6 Dairy Products
People who are sensitive to lactose often refrain from consuming dairy products, but the following 6 can be eaten without worry!
Lactose Intolerant? Don’t Give Up These 6 Dairy Products
10 Bodily Itches That You REALLY Shouldn't Scratch!
There are certain itches that you don't want to itch, and the 10 you're about to read about are no exception. Here are 10 itches you really shouldn't scratch.
10 Bodily Itches That You REALLY Shouldn't Scratch!
Liver Conditions
Concerned About Liver Cirrhosis? You Need to Read This
One major complication that can occur in the liver is cirrhosis, and this comprehensive guide will show you exactly how to deal with it.
Concerned About Liver Cirrhosis? You Need to Read This
Is There a Healthier Herb Than Ginseng? We Don't Think So!
Of all the medicinal herbs known to man, ginseng is probably the most legendary of all – and for good reason: its health benefits are simply extraordinary.
Is There a Healthier Herb Than Ginseng? We Don't Think So!
Feeling Drained? Your Body May Be Loaded with Toxins
Feeling drained? You may have too many toxins in your body. Here's what you need to know.
Feeling Drained? Your Body May Be Loaded with Toxins
Weight Loss
10 Things That Happen When We Gain 10 Pounds
Here are 10 bizarre things that could happen if you gain 10 pounds.
10 Things That Happen When We Gain 10 Pounds
Stomach & Digestion
This Grain Is the Best and Healthiest Wheat Alternative
You may have already encountered spelt in your bakery or on store shelves, however, you may not be sure how to use it. This article will teach you just that!
This Grain Is the Best and Healthiest Wheat Alternative
Did This Woman Augment Her Memory Using Surgery?
A new study has opened the door to the possibility of creating memory-enhancing prostheses and implants following successful clinical trials. Read on for more.
Did This Woman Augment Her Memory Using Surgery?
Walking Is One of the Best Things You Can Do! Here's Why!
Can walking help you lose weight? Find out in this guide.
Walking Is One of the Best Things You Can Do! Here's Why!
Lungs & Breathing
The Ingredients You Don't Want In Your Cleaning Materials!
We know cleaning products are made from harmful chemicals and a new study has revealed the harmful effects of inhaling them after 20 years of regular use.
The Ingredients You Don't Want In Your Cleaning Materials!
12 Small Diet Changes that’ll Give Your Health a Makeover!
Many find it difficult to make major diet changes but with these 12 simple tricks, you won't feel that you're sacrificing the taste of your favorite foods.
12 Small Diet Changes that’ll Give Your Health a Makeover!
Mental Health
Here's Why You Should Hold Your Partner's Hands More Often
A recent study has revealed that holding hands with a loved one could help ease pain. Find out more here!
Here's Why You Should Hold Your Partner's Hands More Often
Discover the 7 Benefits of Fermented Foods and 2 Recipes!
Love pickles? Now you have all the more reason to eat them. Here are the 7 Health benefits of fermented foods?
Discover the 7 Benefits of Fermented Foods and 2 Recipes!
I Never Knew That These Convenience Foods Are So Unhealthy
Convenience food have made everything quicker, but some of them are super-unhealthy. Here are 15 convenience foods your really should avoid.
I Never Knew That These Convenience Foods Are So Unhealthy
General Health
8 Life-Threatening Illnesses That May Look Like Mild Ones...
There are many Illnesses that we are well aware of, but many times their symptoms are common to much more serious diseases that are important to know and test.
8 Life-Threatening Illnesses That May Look Like Mild Ones...
Heart Conditions
What Really Causes an Enlarged Heart? Find Out Here!
What causes an enlarged heart? In this article, a doctor reveals all!
What Really Causes an Enlarged Heart? Find Out Here!
Wow! The Healthiest Part Of The Avocado Is Deep Inside It
Are you used to slicing an avocado in half and throwing out the out? After reading this article, we're sure you'll stop doing that!
Wow! The Healthiest Part Of The Avocado Is Deep Inside It
Kidney & Bladder Health
6 Signs that You May Be Suffering From Kidney Stones
How to tell if you have kidney stones.
6 Signs that You May Be Suffering From Kidney Stones
A Virus to Treat Cancer? An Amazing Advancement.
A study which attempted to show that viruses could be delivered to brain tumors has delivered that and more. Find out more here.
A Virus to Treat Cancer? An Amazing Advancement.
An End to Leukemia? A Lifesaving Revolutionary Treatment
Leukemia attacks many young people around the world each year, but fortunately, a new revolutionary and effective treatment has now been approved.
An End to Leukemia? A Lifesaving Revolutionary Treatment
This is What You Should Eat According to Your Blood Type!
Is there a diet that suits us according to our blood type? Read on to find out!
This is What You Should Eat According to Your Blood Type!
Lungs & Breathing
You Don’t Need a Pharmacy: Natural Home-Made Cough Drops
When suffering from a sore throat the first thing we do is head straight to the pharmacy for cough drops. But why buy them when you can make them at home?
You Don’t Need a Pharmacy: Natural Home-Made Cough Drops
Amazing! This Extreme Diet Reversed Type 2 Diabetes!
Many people believe that type 2 diabetes is for life, but a new clinical trial has provided some clear evidence that the condition can be reversed...
Amazing! This Extreme Diet Reversed Type 2 Diabetes!
Lungs & Breathing
Make Your Own Homemade Cough Syrup!
In the winter, we all seem to have to cope at one point or another with flu symptoms. Here are five homemade syrups that can soothe a sore throat.
Make Your Own Homemade Cough Syrup!
This Ingredient Can Curb Your Sugar and Salt Cravings
If you're someone who often has sugar and salt cravings it might be time to get some hot peppers out of the fridge.....
This Ingredient Can Curb Your Sugar and Salt Cravings
6 Signs of a Zinc Deficiency and How to Balance it Out
Zinc deficiency can cause a number of problems in the body. Find out if you're deficient and what foods can help balance it out.
6 Signs of a Zinc Deficiency and How to Balance it Out
General Health
9 Embarrassing Details You Should Never Hide from Your Doctor
There are times When doctors ask us personal questions that we may not want to answer, but these are 9 details that you have to tell!
9 Embarrassing Details You Should Never Hide from Your Doctor
Weight Loss
10 "Lazy" Ways to Lose Those Extra Pounds
Don't have the time, money, or motivation to hit the gym or prepare a home-cooked meal? Here are some low-effort strategies for getting rid of unwanted pounds.
10 "Lazy" Ways to Lose Those Extra Pounds
Endocrine Health
11 Natural Ways to Increase Mood-Boosting Serotonin
The neurotransmitter serotonin has a huge impact on our mood, and you can maintain its normal level in a variety of ways. Here's 9 of them:
11 Natural Ways to Increase Mood-Boosting Serotonin
10 Foods That Interfere With Your Body's Metabolism
The metabolic rate in our body is in charge of many processes in the body, and these 10 foods can damage it.
10 Foods That Interfere With Your Body's Metabolism
Hair Conditions
This Is Why It's a Bad Idea to Go to Bed With Wet Hair
Hair is at its most fragile when it's wet, not to mention that it can give rise to dandruff and bacterial growth. Here's why you should dry it after washing.
This Is Why It's a Bad Idea to Go to Bed With Wet Hair
Brain Disorders
Brain Train! 9 Exercises to Improve the Mind
Doing these exercises regularly will cause neurons to undergo processes that will improve brain function and sharpen your thinking.
Brain Train! 9 Exercises to Improve the Mind
General Health
How One Protein Can do Wonders for Your Body...
Collagen is one of the most important proteins in the body that does many things besides just smoothing out wrinkles. Read on to know more.
How One Protein Can do Wonders for Your Body...
Skin Cancer
If This Little Mark Appears On Your Nail - Get Tested!
Your nails can reveal a great deal about your health situation. Here's why you should never ignore a black line on your nail.
If This Little Mark Appears On Your Nail - Get Tested!
This 74-Year-Old Yoga Teacher Will Inspire You All!
It's really impossible not to feel inspired by this 74-year-old yoga teacher.
This 74-Year-Old Yoga Teacher Will Inspire You All!
10 Great Reasons Why You Should Eat More Radishes
Radishes are often overlooked, but they shouldn't be as they have many health benefits. Here are 10 of them.
10 Great Reasons Why You Should Eat More Radishes
Heart Conditions
This Advice Could Cut Your Risk of Heart Disease by 60%
Did you know that it's possible to decrease your risk of heart disease in just 24 days? This article shows you how.
This Advice Could Cut Your Risk of Heart Disease by 60%
Heart Conditions
Are You Putting Your Heart at Risk with these Daily Habits?
While a healthy heart is something we all want, cardiovascular disease affects more than 1 in 3 adults in America. Here are 8 habits that are bad for you.
Are You Putting Your Heart at Risk with these Daily Habits?
General Health
Fascinating! Who Knew Listening to Music was Good For You?
If you haven't got a relaxation playlist, here's a great reason to make one: music can help you fight stress, manage pain, and find comfort.
Fascinating! Who Knew Listening to Music was Good For You?
Wow! I Never Knew Parsnips Have so Many Health Benefits!
Not only are parsnips tasty, but they're extremely good for you as well. Here are 6 health benefits of the humble parsnip.
Wow! I Never Knew Parsnips Have so Many Health Benefits!
8 Reasons to Add the Humble Date to Your Diet
Dates are not only delicious, but they're extremely healthy as well. Here are 8 amazing health benefits of dates.
8 Reasons to Add the Humble Date to Your Diet
This May Make You Think Twice About Having a BBQ
We all know grilled food isn't healthy, but it's more dangerous than you probably thought.
This May Make You Think Twice About Having a BBQ
Pain Management
Suffer From Shoulder Pain? Learn to Determine the Cause
Here are some simple hands-on tests that can determine why your shoulders are in pain.
Suffer From Shoulder Pain? Learn to Determine the Cause
8 Great Reasons You Should Drink Cabbage Juice
Cabbage juice is full of nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants. Here are 8 amazing health benefits of this drink.
8 Great Reasons You Should Drink Cabbage Juice
Eye Health
This New Treatment Looks Set to End Annoying Eye Floaters
Eye floaters aren't a problem for some people, but for others, they can get pretty annoying. Read on to find out about a new treatment to get rid of them.
This New Treatment Looks Set to End Annoying Eye Floaters
4 Best Healthy Cooking Sprays Without Nasty Additives
With the help of cooking sprays, food doesn't stick, nor does it become overly greasy or soggy. But what's the issue with these cooking sprays? What cooking sprays are safe to use? See here
4 Best Healthy Cooking Sprays Without Nasty Additives
Bacteria & Viruses
9 Interesting Facts Everyone Should Know About HPV
Over 20 million Americans are infected with HPV. Here are 9 facts we should all know about this potentially dangerous virus.
9 Interesting Facts Everyone Should Know About HPV
Heart Conditions
Make Your Recovery from a Heart Attack Easier with This Guide
Here are seven things experts say you can do to make recovery easier and defend yourself from future incidents.
Make Your Recovery from a Heart Attack Easier with This Guide
Pain May Be Due to Inflexibility! Try These Stretches
Very often, the root cause of everyday aches is a simple case of inflexibility. Here are 4 stretches you could try.
Pain May Be Due to Inflexibility! Try These Stretches
Inner Organs
Warning! These 5 Habits Are Seriously Damaging Your Liver
The liver is one of the most important organs in the human body, so its imperative that we do our best to keep it healthy. These bad habits will damage it!
Warning! These 5 Habits Are Seriously Damaging Your Liver
Stomach & Digestion
Prevent & Get Rid of a Bloated Belly Without Ab Exercises
These simple methods will help to prevent or get rid of a bloated belly. Keep reading to find out how to prevent and naturally cure stomach bloating.
Prevent & Get Rid of a Bloated Belly Without Ab Exercises
Inner Organs
You Only Need 2 Simple Ingredients to Cleanse Your Liver
Your liver is an essential organ that carries out many functions, helping you to sustain a healthy body. So give your liver the boost it needs with these two simple ingredients.
You Only Need 2 Simple Ingredients to Cleanse Your Liver
Ear, Nose and Throat
Reduce the Clogging of Sinuses by Pressing These Points
These are the 6 pressure points in your face that will help you clear your sinuses. Learn how to massage yourself back to health.
Reduce the Clogging of Sinuses by Pressing These Points
20 Great Reasons to Add Cranberries to Your Diet
Cranberries can be found growing on evergreen dwarf shrubs along tropical rainforest areas in Northern America. Cranberries are nature's gift to our bodies. Here are 20 great uses for them!
20 Great Reasons to Add Cranberries to Your Diet
Heart Conditions
Can This Therapy Be a Natural Solution for Heart Disease?
This natural therapy may protect against heart disease and other major health problems.
Can This Therapy Be a Natural Solution for Heart Disease?
Skin Conditions
Kiss Corns and Calluses Goodbye with This Great Guide
Corns and calluses can be both painful and unsightly, and that's why we've devised this guide for you to learn about diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
Kiss Corns and Calluses Goodbye with This Great Guide
Mental Health
This Video Will Give You 10 Great Reasons to Smile
Smiling actually makes us feel better, even if it's not entirely genuine. Here are 10 fascinating facts about smiling.
This Video Will Give You 10 Great Reasons to Smile
Alleviate Your Sciatica Symptoms With 6 Simple Exercises
Sciatica can be horrendously painful, but there are numerous exercises you can do in order to alleviate your symptoms. Try the 6 I'm about to show you.
Alleviate Your Sciatica Symptoms With 6 Simple Exercises
Pain Management
Apply Pressure to These Foot Points for Headache Relief
No matter how bad the headache that you're suffering from is, reflexology provides a natural solution to provide you with instant relief. Watch for more.
Apply Pressure to These Foot Points for Headache Relief
Lungs & Breathing
If You Find Yourself Choking, Here's What You Should Do!
If you're choking and there's no one else around to help you, this video might just save your life.
If You Find Yourself Choking, Here's What You Should Do!
Heart Conditions
Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Linked with Cardiac Arrest - Study
It has long been thought that common nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can contributed to cardiac arrest, but now that link has been put beyond doubt.
Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Linked with Cardiac Arrest - Study
Weight Loss
Here's How to Control These 9 Weight Gaining Hormones
If you're having problems losing weight, it could be due to hormone imbalances. Here are 9 proven ways of keeping control of your hormones and your weight.
Here's How to Control These 9 Weight Gaining Hormones
General Health
See a Doctor Immediately if You Experience these 6 Signs
If you experience any one of these symptoms, be sure to book that appointment:
See a Doctor Immediately if You Experience these 6 Signs
General Health
This Video Shows Why You Shouldn't Sit Cross-Legged
Sitting cross-legged is considered polite pretty much the world over, but did you know that it can be bad for your health? Watch this video to find out more.
This Video Shows Why You Shouldn't Sit Cross-Legged
This Fruit May Be the Healthiest Little Berry in Creation
Açaí berries are probably the healthiest packed berries ever to be picked. Here are 11 health facts to convince you.
This Fruit May Be the Healthiest Little Berry in Creation
Skin Conditions
Your Skin Can Tell You an Awful Lot About Your Health
This article will talk about the 10 warning signs your skin is showing you.
Your Skin Can Tell You an Awful Lot About Your Health
General Health
12 Ways Lavender Essential Oil Can Improve Your Health
12 fantastic alternative health uses of lavender essential oil.
12 Ways Lavender Essential Oil Can Improve Your Health
This Recent Technique Could Put an End to Knee Pain
This method will heal knees using a special gel.
This Recent Technique Could Put an End to Knee Pain
Stomach & Digestion
These 14 Foods Can Help Can Help Kill Intestinal Parasites
There are millions of people around the world who are infected with parasites. Here are 14 foods that are very effective at dealing with them!
These 14 Foods Can Help Can Help Kill Intestinal Parasites
These 10 Potassium-Rich Foods Should Be Added to Your Diet
Potassium is crucial to life and a lack of it can have serious negative effects on the body. Here are 10 foods that will ensure you get your recommended amount.
These 10 Potassium-Rich Foods Should Be Added to Your Diet
Pain Management
Do You Suffer From Heel Pain? This Doctor Has the Best Tips
Heel pain can be excruciating, but this doctor's guide helps subside the pain caused by plantar fasciitis.
Do You Suffer From Heel Pain? This Doctor Has the Best Tips
Mouth & Teeth
Cure Your Toothache at Home, Easily, Cheaply & Naturally
Toothache is one of the worst pains you can experience. So, while waiting for the dentist, you need some natural pain killer. Dr. Axe has just the thing!
Cure Your Toothache at Home, Easily, Cheaply & Naturally
Alzheimer's Disease
10 Superfoods That'll Decrease Your Risk of Alzheimer's
Alzheimer's is one of the most common brain diseases. There are many foods that can significantly reduce your risk of developing it. Here are 10 of them.
10 Superfoods That'll Decrease Your Risk of Alzheimer's
7 Reasons Why You Should Be Eating Amaranth
Amaranth is a superfood that you should include in your diet. Don't believe us? The following 7 health benefits will soon change your mind!
7 Reasons Why You Should Be Eating Amaranth
General Health
This 7-Day Training Plan Is the Best Way to Start the Year
This workout will give you something different to do each day, and you'll be amazed how it improves not just your body, but your mind too.
This 7-Day Training Plan Is the Best Way to Start the Year
Skin Conditions
Remove Skin Tags with This Wonderful Natural Remedy
Skin tags are benign, but they are still very annoying. Luckily there's one solution to your affliction, probably sitting in one of your kitchen cupboards...
Remove Skin Tags with This Wonderful Natural Remedy
DOCTOR'S ORDERS: The Tests You Should Take After 50
Now you've made it to 'middle age', you'll want to make sure you sustain your good health for as long as possible. Ask your doctor about these medical tests.
DOCTOR'S ORDERS: The Tests You Should Take After 50
General Health
We Have a Cure! Ebola Vaccine Shows Promising Results
This new vaccine, according to research offers 100% protection against Ebola. Read more here.
We Have a Cure! Ebola Vaccine Shows Promising Results
WATCH: 10 Food and Drink Types to Elevate Your Mood
Did you know that you can actually change your mood depending on what you eat or drink? Watch this video to learn about 10 foods and drinks that boost your mood
WATCH: 10 Food and Drink Types to Elevate Your Mood
Stomach & Digestion
7 Symptoms That Can Indicate You Have An Unhealthy Gut
A healthy gut is a vital for overall good health, and that's why we should be aware of the key symptoms that can indicate that something is wrong.
7 Symptoms That Can Indicate You Have An Unhealthy Gut
Onions Really Are a Superfood! Here's 8 Reasons Why
The humble onion is found in nearly every kitchen, but it has medicinal uses you don't know about
Onions Really Are a Superfood! Here's 8 Reasons Why
Cumin Has Unbelievable Weight Reducing Qualities
A daily teaspoon of cumin can help you lose x 3 more body fat. Learn how this miraculous spice can help significantly boost weight loss.
Cumin Has Unbelievable Weight Reducing Qualities
Heart Conditions
If You Have Questions On Heart Disease, Answer Them Here
There are various types of a cardiovascular disease that afflict people. If you have any concern about it, this guide will answer all your questions.
If You Have Questions On Heart Disease, Answer Them Here
4 Reasons Why You Should Eat More Apples
It is said that an apple a day will keep the doctor away. Let's take a look at the reasons why.
4 Reasons Why You Should Eat More Apples
Sleep Problems
Remedy Your Insomnia with This Simple Breathing Technique
Nothing ruins your morning more than a rough night's sleep. Luckily there's a terrific breathing technique that can put you to sleep in a minute. Here it is.
Remedy Your Insomnia with This Simple Breathing Technique
General Health
Suffer From Dizziness? These Home Remedies Will Help
We all experience dizziness from time to time. These home remedies will help alleviate the symptoms.
Suffer From Dizziness? These Home Remedies Will Help
Are Greasy, Fatty Foods Good for Your Health After All?
The days when doctors told us to avoid bacon, butter and full-cream milk are long gone. Not only that, but fatty food may actually be good for your health!
Are Greasy, Fatty Foods Good for Your Health After All?
General Health
Can Your Blood-Type Determine Which Tea Is Best for You?
A new diet shows that your blood type can determine which tea is best for your health. So which blood type is yours?
Can Your Blood-Type Determine Which Tea Is Best for You?
General Health
6 Natural Ways to Prevent Excessive Water Retention
Edema or excessive water retention is caused by many things. Here we tackle 6 common causes, and explain how to fight back.
6 Natural Ways to Prevent Excessive Water Retention
Guide: Do You Have Foot Pain? Here's How You Can Treat It
Do you ever get foot pain? This guide will tell you all you need to know about plantar fasciitis.
Guide: Do You Have Foot Pain? Here's How You Can Treat It
10 Reasons You Should Eat Eggs Daily!
Besides being an incredibly versatile ingredient that can be used in most dishes, eggs are exceptionally nutritious. Check out these 10 reasons why you ought to eat eggs every day.
10 Reasons You Should Eat Eggs Daily!
Skin & Hair
32 Everyday Mistakes You Make That Ruin Your Skin
Our Skin is so important to our health, yet most of us are harming it every day without knowing. But you can avoid 32 of these errors by following this guide
32 Everyday Mistakes You Make That Ruin Your Skin
General Health
Got Sore Feet? These 6 Exercises Are What You Need
Whether you've got sore feet or you want to prevent foot pain, these 6 exercises are all you need to do the job.
Got Sore Feet? These 6 Exercises Are What You Need
Eye Health
10 Healthy Foods To Ensure You Keep Your 20/20 Vision
Our eyesight is one of our most important senses. There are also foods that can actually help to ensure we maintain excellent eyesight. Here they are.
10 Healthy Foods To Ensure You Keep Your 20/20 Vision
Skin & Hair
This Soothing Eczema Cream Is Homemade, Natural & Amazing!
This natural herb infused home made skin cream will remedy your eczema better than anything you can buy from the store.
This Soothing Eczema Cream Is Homemade, Natural & Amazing!
General Health
These 9 Common Medicines Affect Men & Women Differently
Did you know that there's a significant difference in how certain types of medicines affect men vs. women? In this article, we discuss the development of gender-based medicine, which works to provide appropriate medication for each gender.
These 9 Common Medicines Affect Men & Women Differently
Brain Disorders
Amazing: Researchers Make Massive Alzheimer's Breakthrough
A cure for Alzheimer's could be discovered soon. Researchers now have the ability to identify the disease some 15 years before symptoms begin to exhibit.
Amazing: Researchers Make Massive Alzheimer's Breakthrough
Weight Loss
Considering Weight Loss Surgery? Here's the Ultimate Guide
Are you considering having weight loss surgery? Here's an in-depth guide to the very serious procedure, allowing you to weigh up the pros and cons carefully.
Considering Weight Loss Surgery? Here's the Ultimate Guide
Stomach & Digestion
What is Crohn's Disease, and How Can it be Stopped?
Crohn's disease afflicts millions of people all over the world, but very little is known about it. Read on to learn about it, and see how you can stop it.
What is Crohn's Disease, and How Can it be Stopped?
What Causes That Worrying Tingling in Your Hands and Feet?
I was a bit worried when I started experiencing tingling in my extremities, especially when I saw the amount of possible causes! This guide breaks it all down.
What Causes That Worrying Tingling in Your Hands and Feet?
Take Care of Your Hips By Following These Simple Tips!
Our hips are placed under a lot of stress, which is why they can become stiff and weak as we get older. These simple stretches could help keep yours supple.
Take Care of Your Hips By Following These Simple Tips!
Health Lesson: What Happens When You Quit Caffeine?
Have you ever given much thought to quitting coffee but have always found it difficult to do so? These 10 tips will convince you to banish coffee for good.
Health Lesson: What Happens When You Quit Caffeine?
15 Health Benefits of Tangerines You Weren't Familiar With
We bet you had no clue this tiny fruit was beneficial to your body in so many ways!
15 Health Benefits of Tangerines You Weren't Familiar With
An Incredible Breakthrough In Cancer Treatment!
A groundbreaking study claims that a new treatment can destroy cancer cells in patients with certain types of blood cancer.
An Incredible Breakthrough In Cancer Treatment!
Mental Health
21 Simple Things You Can Do to Maintain a Healthy Soul
Being in good health doesn't only depend on eating healthy food. It also means caring for your body on a spiritual level by doing these simple things.
21 Simple Things You Can Do to Maintain a Healthy Soul
Heart Conditions
Heart Attack Signs You Definitely Should Pay Attention To!
Read these signs and symptoms of a heart attack, so should the eventuality ever arise, you're prepared.
Heart Attack Signs You Definitely Should Pay Attention To!
Pain Management
Joint Pain: Why It Happens and How to Fight it!
The biggest problem many of us face is joint pain. It is common and debilitating. Here are some tips for treating joint pain.
Joint Pain: Why It Happens and How to Fight it!
8 Reasons Why You Should NOT Be Skipping Breakfast!
"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" - you've heard it before, but reading the following informative benefits, you won't want to miss another breakfast again.
8 Reasons Why You Should NOT Be Skipping Breakfast!
General Health
22 Ingredients You Have that Make Great Remedies
Try these natural home remedies to help those aches and pains without any side effects.
22 Ingredients You Have that Make Great Remedies
General Health
Knitting Can Benefit Your Health In Some Surprising Ways
Knitting is an enjoyable hobby with an end product, but did you know it can also benefit your health in various ways?
Knitting Can Benefit Your Health In Some Surprising Ways
General Health
This Week in Health Tips!
Your weekly dose of helpful tips that'll keep you healthy and happy for a long time.
This Week in Health Tips!
Cervical Cancer
The 10 Warning Signs of Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer is deadly and unfortunately rather asymptomatic to start with. Learn the 10 warning signs of the disease, how to prevent it and about the risk factors.
The 10 Warning Signs of Cervical Cancer
Skin & Hair
WARNING: How to Identify a Heatstroke Before it Gets Worse!
Along with all the joys of summer, there are some serious heat-related illnesses that everyone should know how to recognize, avoid, and treat.
WARNING: How to Identify a Heatstroke Before it Gets Worse!
General Health
This Week in Health Tips!
Sometimes taking care of your health comes down to small everyday decisions. Discover some tricks to making your life healthier in this week’s health tips.
This Week in Health Tips!
Weight Loss
Over 40? This Is Your Perfect Metabolism-Boosting Workout
The 5 best exercises for people over the age of 40 who want to boost their metabolic rate, feel better and stay healthy.
Over 40? This Is Your Perfect Metabolism-Boosting Workout
This Guide Will Help You Detect Diabetes Before it Happens
Know the early signs of diabetes in time with this helpful guide. Avoid one of the biggest epidemics of our generation because early detection is key if you want to stay ahead of it.
This Guide Will Help You Detect Diabetes Before it Happens
How To Work Out Whether You've Got a Food Intolerance
Do you think you might be suffering from a food intolerance? This informative video will help you find out.
How To Work Out Whether You've Got a Food Intolerance
Why Is Constantly Sitting Bad For You? Watch This
Statistics show that we spend more time sitting than we do sleeping, and it's starting to take a toll on our bodies... This video explains exactly how.
Why Is Constantly Sitting Bad For You? Watch This
Pain Management
Have You Heard of Silent Migraines Before? Learn More Here
Silent migraines are an affliction that usually presents itself in migraine sufferers, but that isn't always the case. Here's all you need to know about them.
Have You Heard of Silent Migraines Before? Learn More Here
Master Guide to Antioxidants - Health Benefits and Sources
The role of antioxidants in nutrition is one of the most confusing health topics. Learn everything about them - from health benefits to dietary sources.
Master Guide to Antioxidants - Health Benefits and Sources
Pickle Juice Is Incredibly Useful! Learn All About It Here...
Pickle juice can actually be very beneficial for your health, home, and even your garden. Learn more here.
Pickle Juice Is Incredibly Useful! Learn All About It Here...
Bacteria & Viruses
Warning! New Tick-Borne Illness Spreads Across the US
Joining the known army of dangerous tick-borne illnesses is a relatively new and poorly understood Heartland virus that's spreading across the US.
Warning! New Tick-Borne Illness Spreads Across the US
12 Natural Foods That Are Full of Healthy Omega-3
If you think you can only get Omega-3 from a pill, we advise you to think again!
12 Natural Foods That Are Full of Healthy Omega-3
Age Is a Significant Factor in These 13 Common Conditions
It's a fact of life that aging increases the risk factor for certain diseases. Here we walk you through the 13 most common diseases suffered in old age.
Age Is a Significant Factor in These 13 Common Conditions
Science Has Shown How Amazing Pomegranates Really Are
It's long been suspected that pomegranates are a superfood, and it has now been confirmed by a recent scientific study. Read on to find out more..
Science Has Shown How Amazing Pomegranates Really Are
Sleep Problems
If You Struggle to Sleep, Ask Yourself These 9 Questions!
If you're having trouble getting to sleep each night, you should ask yourself these 9 important questions.
If You Struggle to Sleep, Ask Yourself These 9 Questions!
10 Foods You Should Not Consume at Breakfast Time
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but as it's important to know what to eat, it's also important to know what not to eat. Learn more here!
10 Foods You Should Not Consume at Breakfast Time
General Health
Add Amla to Your Diet for These Fantastic Health Benefits
Amla fruit, also known as the Indian gooseberry, is a powerhouse of health benefits! Here are ten of its amazing health benefits.
Add Amla to Your Diet for These Fantastic Health Benefits
General Health
'Why Am I so Tired?' Here's What to Look out For
Excess exhaustion could be the sign of a more serious medical condition. Be aware of these signs.
'Why Am I so Tired?' Here's What to Look out For
General Health
Incredible! This Is What Love Does to Your Body
Science has discovered what the effects of love does to your body.
Incredible! This Is What Love Does to Your Body
10 Things You Need To Know If You Have a Thyroid Problem
There are many preventative treatments for common thyroid issues, but apart from medication, it is important to know how and what to eat!
10 Things You Need To Know If You Have a Thyroid Problem
General Health
11 Simple Health Hacks to Change Your Life for the Better
To get healthy quick, all we need to do is follow these instant health upgrades. Take a look!
11 Simple Health Hacks to Change Your Life for the Better
Sleep Problems
Study Finds Nicotine and Alcohol, Not Coffee, Harm Sleep
New study finds that alcohol and nicotine have a detrimental effect on sleep quality compared with caffeine.
Study Finds Nicotine and Alcohol, Not Coffee, Harm Sleep
What Are the Health Benefits of Celery Juice?
How healthy is celery juice for you? Find out here!
What Are the Health Benefits of Celery Juice?
Pain Management
How to Get Rid Of Headaches Naturally Fast and For All
11 natural and scientifically-proven ways you can manage an already existing headache, and learn to find what may trigger your headaches.
How to Get Rid Of Headaches Naturally Fast and For All
General Health
Why You’re Absolutely Right to Be Afraid of Surgeries
Stories of surgeries gone wrong
Why You’re Absolutely Right to Be Afraid of Surgeries
8 Bad Eating Habits that Increase Your Cholesterol!
In this article, you will find 7 reasons why your cholesterol might be too high!
8 Bad Eating Habits that Increase Your Cholesterol!
Stomach & Digestion
This Is All You'll Ever Need to Know About Ringworm
If you think you or someone you know might have ringworm, this comprehensive guide is worth reading!
This Is All You'll Ever Need to Know About Ringworm
Pain Management
When is Back Pain Telling You Something is Wrong?
Know when to worry about back pain with this guide.
When is Back Pain Telling You Something is Wrong?
General Health
How Many of These 6 Mistakes Do You Make While Showering?
Which of these 'mistakes' are you guilty of making?
How Many of These 6 Mistakes Do You Make While Showering?
Heart Conditions
Heartburn & Indigestion Meds Shown To Increase Stroke Risk
An observational study concluded that very common over-the-counter heartburn and indigestion medications could increase people's susceptibility to strokes.
Heartburn & Indigestion Meds Shown To Increase Stroke Risk
Ear, Nose and Throat
Massage These 4 Pressure Points to Clear Your Blocked Nose
Instead of taking expensive, chemical-laden, and possibly addictive medicines for a blocked nose, you should try these 4 acupressure points instead.
Massage These 4 Pressure Points to Clear Your Blocked Nose
Having a Tequila Shot Has Some Surprising Health Benefits
You'd never imagine that tequila could have health benefits, but it actually does when enjoyed in moderation. Here are the health benefits of drinking tequila.
Having a Tequila Shot Has Some Surprising Health Benefits
10 Superfoods You Must Eat This Winter!
Keeping yourself strong and healthy during the winter can be challenging. However, it is possible to combat the effects of winter by eating the right foods.
10 Superfoods You Must Eat This Winter!
The Juicy, Red Tomato Is a Nutritional Powerhouse
Tomatoes aren't just delicious and extremely versatile in the kitchen - they also offer many health benefits and can even fight cancer. Here are 10 of them.
The Juicy, Red Tomato Is a Nutritional Powerhouse
Over 40? These Are the The Most Important Nutrients You Need
Once we reach the age of 40, our diet needs an update.
Over 40? These Are the The Most Important Nutrients You Need
General Health
Can Your Blood Type Affect Your Health?
Depending on your blood type (A,B, AB or O), you may be more or less likely to suffer from issues related to the heart, cancer and several other ailments.
Can Your Blood Type Affect Your Health?
Pair These Super Foods For Huge Health Benefits
Pairing certain foods together can hugely increase the health benefits they provide for you!
Pair These Super Foods For Huge Health Benefits
Mouth & Teeth
Prevent Chapped Lips With these 10 Home Remedies
With a windy fall and the winter around the corner, now's the time we need to protect our lips the most.
Prevent Chapped Lips With these 10 Home Remedies
Skin & Hair
15 Fingernail Signs You Have Health Issues
The state of your fingernails can reveal a lot about your health. These 15 changes in your nails' appearance can help you understand your body better.
15 Fingernail Signs You Have Health Issues
The Surprising Medical Benefits of Garlic
The amazing powers of nature's natural cure to a variety of diseases and conditions - garlic!
The Surprising Medical Benefits of Garlic
10 Foods That Add Some Much Needed Vitamin C to Your Diet
We often hear about vitamin C, but did you know just how important it is for your body? Here are 10 vitamin C rich foods you should add to your regular diet.
10 Foods That Add Some Much Needed Vitamin C to Your Diet
What Vitamins Do We Need On a Daily Basis?
A healthy diet requires a minimum daily intake of certain vitamins and minerals. This is your list of basic vitamin and mineral needs for a healthy diet.
What Vitamins Do We Need On a Daily Basis?
Sleep Problems
End Your Insomnia Naturally with this Helpful Herbal Guide
These natural remedies will enable you to fall asleep more easily, and hence, wake up feeling well-rested.
End Your Insomnia Naturally with this Helpful Herbal Guide
The Sweet Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes don't just taste great in any meal, they are also one of nature's gifts to our health.
The Sweet Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes
Skin Conditions
How to Naturally Clear Milia (Milk Spots) From Your Face
The following 11 tried and tested natural remedies will help clear your skin and eliminate milk spots.
How to Naturally Clear Milia (Milk Spots) From Your Face
General Health
10 Warning Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency You Should Beware
This essential vitamin is important for our overall wellbeing. Are you deficient in vitamin C? Here are the symptoms you should look out for.
10 Warning Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency You Should Beware
8 Foods Type 2 Diabetics Should Add to Their Diet!
If you have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes or you are at risk of developing it, here are 8 foods you can eat to naturally improve your blood sugar levels:
8 Foods Type 2 Diabetics Should Add to Their Diet!
Who Knew Black Pepper had So Many Different Uses?
Black pepper is one of the handiest ingredients you have in your kitchen, did you know all it can do?
Who Knew Black Pepper had So Many Different Uses?
General Health
As Winter Approaches, Prepare Your Own Cold Medicine
Winter is coming, and this is exactly the time to start preparations before everyone suddenly gets sick with the cold or the flu. Follow these incredibly easy instructions to learn how to make your own home cold remedies!
As Winter Approaches, Prepare Your Own Cold Medicine
Muscles & Bones
Try These 10 Bone-Strengthening Tips to Avoid Osteoporosis
Aging is unavoidable, but there is much we can do to strengthen our selves, and our bones for a very long time. Here are 10 osteoporosis avoiding tips.
Try These 10 Bone-Strengthening Tips to Avoid Osteoporosis
General Health
WARNING: Drinking From a Plastic Bottle Can Be Dangerous!
Although it may be quick and easy to just drink straight out of a bottle, there are actually various reasons why you shouldn't do so. Read on.
WARNING: Drinking From a Plastic Bottle Can Be Dangerous!
Hair Conditions
Everything You Need to Know About Alopecia Areata
Millions of people suffer from alopecia areata worldwide. However, many of us know nothing about it. This informative article hopes to make more people aware of it.
Everything You Need to Know About Alopecia Areata
General Health
This Is What Happens to Your Body After You Drink Coffee
If you are in two minds about drinking that next cup of coffee, this email will help you understand what a single cup does to your body throughout the day.
This Is What Happens to Your Body After You Drink Coffee
Immune Health
This Parasite Knows How to Control Our Immune System...
More than half the population is affected by the body-controlling parasite, Toxoplasma. Scientists have worked out just how it manages to control our bodies.
This Parasite Knows How to Control Our Immune System...
The Surprising Health Benefits of a Glass of Beer
Did you know that drinking beer could actually be good for you? Now you have a legitimate excuse to go to the bar! Here are 10 Health Benefits of Beer.
The Surprising Health Benefits of a Glass of Beer
General Health
Fight off Seasonal Flu with These 30 Natural Herbs
Why waste money on risky cold medicines, when we have so many herbs that can cure it naturally? Here are 30 of the most effective herbs for treating the flu.
Fight off Seasonal Flu with These 30 Natural Herbs
General Health
Avoid Ginger If You Have One of These Conditions
As healthy as ginger may be, here are 4 situations when it should be avoided.
Avoid Ginger If You Have One of These Conditions
Kick out Knee Pain with These All-Natural Home Remedies
Knee pain is just about the most vexing thing that can happen to your legs as you age. To keep the pain at bay, here are some wonderful home remedies.
Kick out Knee Pain with These All-Natural Home Remedies
Remove Tension in Your Neck with These 5 Simple Exercises
Release the tension in your neck with these simple exercises that target both neck and shoulder muscles.
Remove Tension in Your Neck with These 5 Simple Exercises
Pain Management
7 Signs Your Headache Could Be Very Serious
Headaches are normally nothing to worry about, but there are 7 warning signs that you should not ignore. Here are 7 of them.
7 Signs Your Headache Could Be Very Serious
The 5 Healthiest Wheat-Free Flour Alternatives Available
Ordinary flour isn't as healthy as your stomach would like it to be, so what can you do? Start by trying these 5 healthy flours.
The 5 Healthiest Wheat-Free Flour Alternatives Available
Skin Conditions
Eradicate Skin Damage Naturally with These 6 Foods
Why fork out for fancy creams when you could just as easily keep your skin young and fresh with the following 6 foods?
Eradicate Skin Damage Naturally with These 6 Foods
Follow Our Video Guide to Healthy Restaurant Dining!
Do you eat healthy when you eat out? Most of us really don't. But there are ways to both enjoy the food and keep healthy. Here's how.
Follow Our Video Guide to Healthy Restaurant Dining!
Weight Loss
These 7 Types of Hunger Can Cause You to Gain Weight
When a craving hits, determine where the source of your hunger is coming from with the help of this guide.
These 7 Types of Hunger Can Cause You to Gain Weight
12 Surprising Health Benefits of Butter
Most people try to stay away from eating butter as they believe it's no good for the waistline. However, when eaten in moderation, it has many health benefits.
12 Surprising Health Benefits of Butter
Eye Health
Strong Eyes: How to Get More Vitamin A In Your System
Vitamin A is highly important for human health, but do you know where to get it, and how much of it to get? Find out in this highly-informative guide.
Strong Eyes: How to Get More Vitamin A In Your System
Immune Health
Could Your Fall & Winter Allergies Be Something Serious?
Sometimes what may seem as a sign of an allergy, could turn out to be a sign of a medical condition. Here are five signs to watch out for:
Could Your Fall & Winter Allergies Be Something Serious?
First Aid & Injuries
If You Experience These Symptoms, Head to the ER at Once
If you ever experience any of these health symptoms... don't wait it out, head to the ER!
If You Experience These Symptoms, Head to the ER at Once
Mental Health
Find Out Which 10 Surprising Foods Reduce Anxiety!
Anxiety is a common thing that any of us may experience, but by adding these 10 foods to the menu you can make a difference and prevent it!
Find Out Which 10 Surprising Foods Reduce Anxiety!
Stomach & Digestion
Make Sure You Avoid Eating These on an Empty Stomach!
Find out which foods are safe to eat on an empty stomach and which ones should be avoided entirely...
Make Sure You Avoid Eating These on an Empty Stomach!
Skin Conditions
18 Smart Ways of Getting Rid of Warts
Warts are a nuisance no one wants to deal with, they can even become cancerous! Find out 18 ways to get rid of them naturally by reading this article!
18 Smart Ways of Getting Rid of Warts
Mental Health
How to Identify if a Loved One Has an Opiate Addiction
Millions of people around the world are addicted to opiates. Here's how you can tell if a loved one is!
How to Identify if a Loved One Has an Opiate Addiction
General Health
WARNING: Avoid These 15 Supplement Ingredients At All Costs
Just because nutritional supplements don't need a prescription, doesn't mean they are safe! The following 15 supplement ingredients do more harm than good!
WARNING: Avoid These 15 Supplement Ingredients At All Costs
These 15 Things Have All Strongly Been Linked to Cancer
When it comes to deaths in the US, cancer is second only to heart disease. Here are 15 known and suspected carcinogens.
These 15 Things Have All Strongly Been Linked to Cancer
Mental Health
Expert-Backed Ways to Improve Your Mental Health Every Day
If you or anyone you know suffers from mental health issues, be sure to read through these essential tips.
Expert-Backed Ways to Improve Your Mental Health Every Day
Mental Health
7 Methods to Turn Anxiety Into Helpful Energy
Feeling anxious? Turn your anxiety into excitement with these top tips.
7 Methods to Turn Anxiety Into Helpful Energy
Mental Health
No Matter Your Age, You Can Live Life to its Fullest
Looking to have a more meaningful life after the age of 50? Give these 10 tips a go.
No Matter Your Age, You Can Live Life to its Fullest
Weight Loss Diets
With These Changes You Can Reduce Your Calories Quickly
While a meal may appear to be harmless, it may have be full of hidden calories. Learn more here...
With These Changes You Can Reduce Your Calories Quickly
9 Foods That Contain a Large Amount of Sodium
Are you worried about you and your family's health? These are 9 foods to watch out for and avoid as they contain high amounts of hidden sodium!
9 Foods That Contain a Large Amount of Sodium
Pain Management
Tuina Massage Can Be Used To Treat Many Health Conditions
Tuina Massage is an Ancient Chinese medicinal technique that can be used to successfully treat a variety of health conditions....
Tuina Massage Can Be Used To Treat Many Health Conditions
General Health
Vitamin D Deficiencies Are NOT Caused By Sunblock
If you're not sure whether sun exposure is dangerous to your health and how often you should wear sunscreen, here is what you need to know.
Vitamin D Deficiencies Are NOT Caused By Sunblock
Pain Management
How to Treat Your Sprained Ankle Naturally and At Home
How to treat your sprained ankle at home and get it to heal faster with natural ingredients only.
How to Treat Your Sprained Ankle Naturally and At Home
General Health
5 Ways You Can Help Your Spouse When They’re Ill
5 ways you can help your spouse through a health challenge.
5 Ways You Can Help Your Spouse When They’re Ill
Female Health
Hot Flashes in Women Are More Serious Than You Might Think
Frequent hot flashes in women around their menopause may be a symptom of underlying health issues, such as heart attack and stroke
Hot Flashes in Women Are More Serious Than You Might Think
Immune Health
Soothe and Warm Your Body and Soul With These Yummy Drinks
With the cold months upon us, we wanted to help you with an enormous collection of soothing, healing and simply delicious hot beverages
Soothe and Warm Your Body and Soul With These Yummy Drinks
General Health
The Most Promising Medical Innovations of 2019
This year has been a great year for medical innovation, and these 10 fascinating medical breakthroughs make it evident. Enjoy!
The Most Promising Medical Innovations of 2019
Busted: the Reality of 5 Popular Health Supplements
Not all the famous health supplements these days are genuine. Know more about the reality of some popular weight loss supplements here.
Busted: the Reality of 5 Popular Health Supplements
Heart Conditions
The 9 Most Intriguing Hypertension Studies of 2019
Hypertension is a global health threat, but medical research is making great progress in learning to prevent and treat the condition.
The 9 Most Intriguing Hypertension Studies of 2019
Tea vs. Coffee: Which One’s Better For YOU?
Many people demonize coffee. At the same time, tea is considered a "superfood" by most people. But is this comparison accurate? Let's find out!
Tea vs. Coffee: Which One’s Better For YOU?
8 Foods That Promote Healthy Aging Everyone Must Know
With age, our dietary needs change, but few people know what these changes are. Here are 8 foods you should consider eating more of if you're over 50
8 Foods That Promote Healthy Aging Everyone Must Know
General Health
Drinking TOO Much Lemon Water Can Be Bad For Your Health
Like it is with anything in life, you can have too much of a good thing. Drinking too much lemon water, too, can be harmful and cause the following side effects...
Drinking TOO Much Lemon Water Can Be Bad For Your Health
Immune Health
Eye-opening Infographic Reveals What Extends Our Lifespan
This infogprhic sheds light on what truly increases our lifespan and what does the exact opposite
Eye-opening Infographic Reveals What Extends Our Lifespan
Tryptophan in Turkey - Does It Really Make You Tired?
We're here to tell you that tryptophan does NOT make your tired after a large meal, but this nutrient has several even more interesting properties!
Tryptophan in Turkey - Does It Really Make You Tired?
10 Misconceptions About Aging You Need to Stop Believing
There is a great number of malicious myths about aging floating around. These can be quite harmful and imposes some unnecessary limitations on seniors.
10 Misconceptions About Aging You Need to Stop Believing
This Underrated Food Is Much Healthier Than You Think!
The truth is that much of the stigma surrounding this food comes from its unfamiliarity. In reality, it is much healthier than other sources of protein.
This Underrated Food Is Much Healthier Than You Think!
General Health
Check Your Health in 1 Minute with This Easy Tip!
Whether you fear going to the doctor, or fear you have a serious health issue, this easy, little trick will help you notice if you have a serious health issue.
Check Your Health in 1 Minute with This Easy Tip!
Skin & Hair
6 Natural Psoriasis Treatments to Relieve Redness and Itch
This article focuses on tips and natural treatments effective at alleviating symptoms of psoriatic skin lesions.
6 Natural Psoriasis Treatments to Relieve Redness and Itch
10 Things Your Feet Can Tell You About Your Health
Your feet can tell you a lot more about your health than you ever imagined. Here are 10 signs your feet can give you about your health.
10 Things Your Feet Can Tell You About Your Health
The BEST Walking Routine For Seniors
For seniors, walking is one of the best exercises. Learn why and how you can start enjoying the many benefits of walking today.
The BEST Walking Routine For Seniors
Immune Health
Want a Strong Immune System? Eat These
On the days that I feel tired and run down, or whenever I feel as though I am about to get a cold, or indigestion, these 7 plants never let me down.
Want a Strong Immune System? Eat These
Why You Should Include Oaknuts in Your Diet
Acorns aren’t known for their nutritional value, but these wild nuts are rich in nutrients.
Why You Should Include Oaknuts in Your Diet
Learn to Make Delicious, Low-Calorie Sandwiches
Are you looking for new ways to spice up that dry sandwich of yours? Give these 11 delicious and healthy suggestions a try.
Learn to Make Delicious, Low-Calorie Sandwiches
Weight Loss
The Easiest Way to Walk Off Those Unwanted Pounds
Forget running, weight lifting, odd diets, or any other "miracle" way to lose weight - all you need to do is walk...
The Easiest Way to Walk Off Those Unwanted Pounds
General Health
Owning a Cat Can Do Wonders For Your Health!
Pet ownership, especially cat ownership, can improve the quality of a person's life. Here are 10 health benefits of owning a cat.
Owning a Cat Can Do Wonders For Your Health!
Gout Is Surprisingly Common: Here's How to Prevent It
Gout is a surprisingly common arthritic condition of the joints. This is our guide to preventing gout the best way possible - naturally!
Gout Is Surprisingly Common: Here's How to Prevent It
Skin Conditions
Treat Cellulitis Naturally with These Simple Home Remedies
Suffer from cellulitis? These natural home remedies will help soothe your symptoms, and may even provide a complete cure. Give them a try today!
Treat Cellulitis Naturally with These Simple Home Remedies
These 7 Reflexology Points Will Make You Feel Great Again!
Detoxify you entire body with these brilliant acupressure points. Try it today and see how well it can work for you!
These 7 Reflexology Points Will Make You Feel Great Again!
Fat Burning Exercises
6 Exercises for Burning Off Those Love Handles!
Are you tired of not being able to button your jeans with out your waist spilling out? well now you can say goodbye to those love handles with these exercises!
6 Exercises for Burning Off Those Love Handles!
Research Proven: This Plant Fights Cancer and Diabetes!
The field of medical research has returned to its "roots" in looking for natural remedies, such as Bitter Melon, which inhibits cancer and fights diabetes.
Research Proven: This Plant Fights Cancer and Diabetes!
Sesame Seeds: The Tiny Food Packed With Health Benefits!
Nature has given us many foods that can help us solve a wide range of medical problems, and the wonderful sesame proves this in light of all its wonderful benefits.
Sesame Seeds: The Tiny Food Packed With Health Benefits!
Sleep Problems
Do You Wake at Night? This Guide May Explain Why...
Wake up regularly at night? This may surprise you ... These are the things your body is trying to tell you according to Chinese medicine.
Do You Wake at Night? This Guide May Explain Why...
Stomach & Digestion
These Foods Can Alleviate the Symptoms of Crohn's Disease
If you, or somebody you know, suffers from Crohn's disease, these foods can help!
These Foods Can Alleviate the Symptoms of Crohn's Disease
10 of Grandma’s Remedies for Mature and Loose Skin
Although most of us experience changes in our skin's appearance, some of them can be prevented and improved with The following 10 grandma's remedies!
10 of Grandma’s Remedies for Mature and Loose Skin
Don't Let These Everyday Habits Destroy Your Spine
Suffer from backache? These could be the reasons why.
Don't Let These Everyday Habits Destroy Your Spine
How to Identify and Deal with Combination Skin
Some suffer from simultaneous dry and oily facial skin called "combination skin", and now you can know whether you too have it and how to deal with it ...
How to Identify and Deal with Combination Skin
10 Examples of How Nutritionists Eat
We often look to nutritionists when we want to lose weight, but what foods do they eat when they encounter pain or illness? Here are 10 tips you'll want to adopt.
10 Examples of How Nutritionists Eat
General Health
8 Vital Tips To Keep In Mind While Reading Food Labels
Understanding food labels can be tricky, but is very important. Here are some handy tips that will help you read food labels better.
8 Vital Tips To Keep In Mind While Reading Food Labels
Stomach & Digestion
Foods and Drinks You Should AVOID to Prevent Constipation
Here we will look at 12 foods and drinks that can cause constipation - one of the most common digestive issues out there.
Foods and Drinks You Should AVOID to Prevent Constipation
First Aid & Injuries
A Fever Can Be a Symptom of These 8 Conditions
Fever could be a sign of more than just the flu. 8 conditions associated with fever worth knowing of.
A Fever Can Be a Symptom of These 8 Conditions
General Health
How to Clean Your Phone Correctly to Prevent Disease
Our mobile devices are an often overlooked source of infection, and they should be cleaned thoroughly and regularly, here's how...
How to Clean Your Phone Correctly to Prevent Disease
Lungs & Breathing
Is it Corona or is it the Flu? How to Tell the Difference
Covid-19 shares many symptoms with the flu and the common cold, which can be confusing, but there are still some differences you should know
Is it Corona or is it the Flu? How to Tell the Difference
Regular Exercise Boosts My Odds Of Remaining Cancer-Free...
Being diagnosed with cancer is never a pleasant thing - for anyone. However, for these 7 cancer types, the risk can be reduced simply by exercising.
Regular Exercise Boosts My Odds Of Remaining Cancer-Free...
General Health
Loosen Tight Shoulders With This 4-Minute Stretch Routine
In just 4-minutes, these simple stretches will loosen up any tightness in your shoulders.
Loosen Tight Shoulders With This 4-Minute Stretch Routine
Crack Open the Bubbly: The Health Benefits of Champagne
Studies have shown that sparkling wine and Champagne can actually offer you great health benefits when enjoyed in moderation. Read on to find out more.
Crack Open the Bubbly: The Health Benefits of Champagne
15 Health Reasons to Put Turmeric on Your Shopping List
Why is turmeric so wonderful? Because it contains the healthy active ingredient, curcumin. Read on to learn more.
15 Health Reasons to Put Turmeric on Your Shopping List
General Health
The Most Bizarre Medical Cases of 2020
From a near-lethal allergy to the cold, to green urine, these are certainly the most bizarre medical cases that happened this year.
The Most Bizarre Medical Cases of 2020
Almond Flour vs. Wheat Flour: Which is Better?
You might have heard of the numerous health benefits of almond flour, but is it really always preferable to wheat flour? Find out here
Almond Flour vs. Wheat Flour: Which is Better?
Heart Conditions
7 Symptoms That May Indicate Blocked Arteries
Recognize the 7 dangerous signs that indicate blocked arteries, which are often ignored...
7 Symptoms That May Indicate Blocked Arteries
General Health
What Do Brittle Nails Say About Your Health? Find Out!
What do your nails reveal about your health? Find out here!
What Do Brittle Nails Say About Your Health? Find Out!
Pain Management
This Is How You Can Say Goodbye to Lower Back Pain!
If you have back pain, the following information is like a gift from God. This is how you can relieve back pain effectively.
This Is How You Can Say Goodbye to Lower Back Pain!
General Health
Do You Have a Magnesium Deficiency? Here's How to Know
Did you know that, even though you might be unaware of it, you may be suffering from a magnesium deficiency. Read on to find out if you are.
Do You Have a Magnesium Deficiency? Here's How to Know
Coffee Doesn't Just Kick-Start Your Day - It's Healthy Too
Although we're seemingly told multiple times a day to reduce our caffeine intake, there are actually numerous health benefits to be gained from drinking coffee.
Coffee Doesn't Just Kick-Start Your Day - It's Healthy Too
Popeye Was Right! Spinach Is an Amazingly Healthy Food
Spinach is so rich in vital nutrients, vitamins and minerals that there are multiple health benefits to be gained from eating it. Here are 10 of the best.
Popeye Was Right! Spinach Is an Amazingly Healthy Food
9 Reasons You Should Start Eating More Beans
Many people avoid eating beans regularly because they give them gas, but they're extremely healthy. Here are 9 benefits of the humble bean.
9 Reasons You Should Start Eating More Beans
Female Health
Do Women React To Stress Differently Than Men?
Could women possibly react to stress differently than men? In this article, we will focus on the symptoms of stress in women, and how to treat it without going to therapy or taking antidepressants.
Do Women React To Stress Differently Than Men?
Breast Cancer
Have New Studies Found a Link Between Eggs & Breast Cancer?
Have studies discovered a link between eating eggs and breast cancer?
Have New Studies Found a Link Between Eggs & Breast Cancer?
Skin & Hair
Learn How to Get Dull Skin Glowing Again with These 8 Tips
If you're tired of seeing dull, almost gray, skin when you look in the mirror, you should follow these 8 tips...
Learn How to Get Dull Skin Glowing Again with These 8 Tips
Whoa! This Magic Bean Has a Whole Host of Health Benefits
Mucuna is frequently used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat Parkinson’s disease and other ailments. Learn all about it here.
Whoa! This Magic Bean Has a Whole Host of Health Benefits
Immune Health
Discover the 9 Health Benefits of Dragon Fruit...
Learn more about the legendary Dragon Fruit and its wonderful health benefits!
Discover the 9 Health Benefits of Dragon Fruit...
Mental Health
Science Shows That Touching is Vital For Your Well-Being
Touching is vital for human development in children, and it's also vital for the strength of familial and romantic relationships. Learn more here.
Science Shows That Touching is Vital For Your Well-Being
General Health
Feeling Low on Energy? These 10 Tips Will Give You a Boost
Feeling low on energy? Take a look at 10 of the best tips to boost your physical and mental energy levels throughout the day.
Feeling Low on Energy? These 10 Tips Will Give You a Boost
Men's Health
Something Missing in the Bedroom? Read This Guide!
It's a known fact that many men reach orgasm in two minutes or under, whereas women need much longer. Here's how to last longer during intercourse.
Something Missing in the Bedroom? Read This Guide!
General Health
Are Your Risking Your Health by Using a Dishwasher?
Your dishwasher might get those plates spotless, but it’s probably also teeming with bacteria and fungus, a new study has revealed. Here's how to clean it.
Are Your Risking Your Health by Using a Dishwasher?
Ear, Nose and Throat
Say Goodbye to a Sore Throat Thanks to These Gargles
Got a sore throat? If so, why don't you try one of these natural gargles?
Say Goodbye to a Sore Throat Thanks to These Gargles
Weight Loss Diets
Using These Strategies to Lose Weight Is Dangerous!
In this article you’ll find seven dangerous strategies that you should avoid at all costs when trying to lose weight.
Using These Strategies to Lose Weight Is Dangerous!
Ear, Nose and Throat
Do You Have a Bad Cough? Here's What Might be Causing it!
By paying attention to your cough, you can often identify the cause. Here are seven common reasons for a cough and what you can do about them.
Do You Have a Bad Cough? Here's What Might be Causing it!
Mouth & Teeth
8 Common Foods That Can Severely Harm Your Teeth
Foods that seem safe to eat often turn out to be very damaging to your teeth. Here are 8 such foods to avoid and keep your teeth white and healthy.
8 Common Foods That Can Severely Harm Your Teeth
Wonderful! Who Knew These Pesky Seeds Were So Healthy?
Most people find watermelon seeds to be really annoying, but they're actually extremely good for you. Here are 8 health benefits of watermelon seeds.
Wonderful! Who Knew These Pesky Seeds Were So Healthy?
Lungs & Breathing
This Guide Helped Me to Improve the Air I Breathe at Home
Take a look at these 8 easy ways to improve the air quality in your home. Your lungs will thank you later.
This Guide Helped Me to Improve the Air I Breathe at Home
Here Are 6 Reasons Why You Should Eat More Tangerines
Tangerines are tasty fruits that are bursting with nutrients. Here are 6 health benefits of the humble tangerine.
Here Are 6 Reasons Why You Should Eat More Tangerines
Ear, Nose and Throat
If You Can Hear These Frequencies, Your Ears Are Fine
How good is your hearing? Take this interactive test to find out!
If You Can Hear These Frequencies, Your Ears Are Fine
Have You Heard of This Alga Superfood Before?
Chlorella is a Far Eastern, single-cell alga that is nothing short of a superfood. Here are 9 amazing health benefits you can reap thanks to chlorella.
Have You Heard of This Alga Superfood Before?
9 Proven Remedies that Work When You Suffer From Arthritis
To minimize the impact and help you recover from an arthritis flare as quickly as possible, follow this advice:
9 Proven Remedies that Work When You Suffer From Arthritis
General Health
These 20 Tips Will Help to Safely Fight Your Fever
20 fantastic natural ways to lower your fever without taking a risk.
These 20 Tips Will Help to Safely Fight Your Fever
Bacteria & Viruses
7 Signs a Cold is Actually Something More Serious
While it may be tempting to assume that a cold is nothing serious, there are instances when the common cold warrants a visit to a doctor.
7 Signs a Cold is Actually Something More Serious
9 "Health" Foods That Are Actually Unhealthy
There are foods out there that are said to be healthy, but they're actually not. Here are 9 examples!
9 "Health" Foods That Are Actually Unhealthy
Pain Management
Got Severe Stomach Pain? Here's What You Should Do!
Do you have a severe stomach ache, but don't know whether you should go to the ER, consult your doctor, or do nothing? This article reveals all!
Got Severe Stomach Pain? Here's What You Should Do!
General Health
10 of the Most Common Misdiagnoses Made by Doctors
In the US, 1 out of every 20 adults are misdiagnosed. Here are 10 conditions that are commonly missed or mistaken for something else!
10 of the Most Common Misdiagnoses Made by Doctors
Mental Health
8 Pressure Points That Can Banish Your Stress
Keep your stress levels down in the simplest and most efficient of ways. Pressure points are areas in the body that can trigger various physical and mental effects when pressure is applied to them.
8 Pressure Points That Can Banish Your Stress
Mental Health
14 Great Ways That You Can Manage Stress and Anxiety
Don’t let anxiety and stress get the best of you. Here are some tips that'll show you how to cope with stress and anxiety successfully.
14 Great Ways That You Can Manage Stress and Anxiety
General Health
5 Essential Oils That Are Highly Beneficial to Your Brain
Essential oils are extremely beneficial for brain health. Here are the best essential oils for improved brain health and how you can use them.
5 Essential Oils That Are Highly Beneficial to Your Brain
This Incredibly Nutritious Drink Is Made With Just 3 Foods
Did you know that you can create a super-drink using just three common foods? Learn more about this amazing drink and make it yourself today.
This Incredibly Nutritious Drink Is Made With Just 3 Foods
These 8 Reasons Show Why Coconut Water Is So Popular
Coconut water is becoming increasingly revered around the world for the fantastic health benefits it can offer. Here are just 8 of them.
These 8 Reasons Show Why Coconut Water Is So Popular
Pain Management
Use This Method to Make Your Pains Disappear
If you suffer from aches and pains, use reflexology and acupressure to help alleviate the pain.
Use This Method to Make Your Pains Disappear
A Few Things You Need to Know About Bowel Cancer
Bowel cancer and associated cancers can be quite hard to spot, because symptoms aren't immediately obvious. This guide will tell you what you need to know.
A Few Things You Need to Know About Bowel Cancer
Got Knee Problems? 8 Do's and Don'ts to Keep in Mind
Your knees take a pounding every day. So what can you do to care for them? Here are 8 do's and don'ts to maintain healthy knees.
Got Knee Problems? 8 Do's and Don'ts to Keep in Mind
General Health
These 6 Popular Condiments Are Awful for Your Health
These much loved condiments need to be stopped, because they are dangerously sugary and pose great risks to your health. Read on to learn more.
These 6 Popular Condiments Are Awful for Your Health
Medical Breakthrough: Can This Green Herb Prevent Cancer?
Moringa is getting scientists very excited, thanks to discoveries about the potential cancer-killing properties it possesses. Read on for this good news.
Medical Breakthrough: Can This Green Herb Prevent Cancer?
Ear, Nose and Throat
Our Guide to Proper Eye Care and Avoiding Cataracts!
Read these tips to prevent a cataract ever forming on your lens!
Our Guide to Proper Eye Care and Avoiding Cataracts!
Suffer From Constipation? Consider Chicory Root
Learn about the nutritional value and digestive benefits of chicory, including recipes for meals and a drink!
Suffer From Constipation? Consider Chicory Root
These World Cuisines Are As Healthy As They Are Delicious
Japanese, Greek, Indian, or Mexican – which is the world’s healthiest cuisine?
These World Cuisines Are As Healthy As They Are Delicious
Just a Handful of These Seeds Can Really Help Your Health!
It’s peak pumpkin season & we’d like to remind you of one part of pumpkins that's super healthy, sticks around all year but often goes unnoticed - pumpkin seeds.
Just a Handful of These Seeds Can Really Help Your Health!
Stomach & Digestion
Are Probiotics Really Helpful For Most Digestive Diseases?
Here is a look at why it wouldn't be wise to depend on probiotics for treating all our digestive conditions.
Are Probiotics Really Helpful For Most Digestive Diseases?
Immune Health
How to Tell If Your Immune System Is Out of Whack
In this article, we’ll provide 8 signs of a weakened immunity and explain the different factors that can suppress one’s immune system.
How to Tell If Your Immune System Is Out of Whack
Endocrine Health
Reset Your Hormones with This Guide and Banish Fat!
Your hormones could be effecting your weight. This is how to reset your hormones.
Reset Your Hormones with This Guide and Banish Fat!
These 20 Foods Will Make You Look 20 Years Younger!
There are plenty of products that help your skin, hair, nails and teeth look better, but you can get a healthier body just by making a few changes to your diet.
These 20 Foods Will Make You Look 20 Years Younger!
A Fantastic Guide for Making Healthy and Delicious Juices
What are the tastiest and healthiest fruit combinations for drinking? This guide reveals all!
A Fantastic Guide for Making Healthy and Delicious Juices
General Health
Find Out Where the Healthiest People on Earth Live
There are some countries that are simply healthier than others. Let's take a closer look at the factors that contribute to this, and where these places are.
Find Out Where the Healthiest People on Earth Live
Lungs & Breathing
Coughing Can Cause Harm to Your Body in These 7 Ways
Don't let a cough go unnoticed. This is how it can harm your body.
Coughing Can Cause Harm to Your Body in These 7 Ways
Weight Loss Diets
These Are The 10 Mistakes Keeping You From Diet Success
If you are embarking on a post-holiday diet, you should know the 10 common mistakes people make while dieting...
These Are The 10 Mistakes Keeping You From Diet Success
Study Shows By Lifting Dumbbells You Can Live Longer
Research shows that lifting dumbbells can help you live longer. Find out how.
Study Shows By Lifting Dumbbells You Can Live Longer
Immune Health
These Vaccinations Are Essential Over 50, Do You Have Them?
While as children you may have received the vaccinations you need, have you continued to do so after 50?
These Vaccinations Are Essential Over 50, Do You Have Them?
Mouth & Teeth
Discover Why There's a Metallic Taste in Your Mouth
If your mouth constantly tastes like old pennies, you're not alone. There are several different conditions that may cause this to arise, such as these eight...
Discover Why There's a Metallic Taste in Your Mouth
Mental Health
9 Great Books that Deal With Anxiety and Depression
Depression can be debilitating to the point where it begins to interfere with your life, as can anxiety. Here are 9 great books to learn how to deal with them.
9 Great Books that Deal With Anxiety and Depression
This Plant Can Help You Fight Diabetes and Atherosclerosis
Diabetes and atherosclerosis are two of the most common and severe diseases, but it turns out that they have a natural, and scientifically-proven treatment.
This Plant Can Help You Fight Diabetes and Atherosclerosis
Stomach & Digestion
Suffer From Digestive Issues? Try Natural Colon Cleansing
Check out our comprehensive guide to natural colon cleansing. Your insides will thank you for it!
Suffer From Digestive Issues? Try Natural Colon Cleansing
Pain Management
5 Back Stretches That Will Help You Prevent Back Pain
All you'll need for these 5 stretches is a chair with a backrest, and if you do them every day, they'll help you get rid of your back pain once and for all!
5 Back Stretches That Will Help You Prevent Back Pain
Maca Root: Why Are More and More People Taking It?
Learn more about the maca root which is said to improve sexual desire and memory, and contains a host of essential substances for the body...
Maca Root: Why Are More and More People Taking It?
Skin & Hair
Remove Age Spots Easily with Two Simple Ingredients
Got age spots? Here's how to remove them easily.
Remove Age Spots Easily with Two Simple Ingredients
Skin & Hair
Study: Can Exercising Your Face Make the Wrinkles Go Away?
Study reveals facial exercise helps remove bags under eyes
Study: Can Exercising Your Face Make the Wrinkles Go Away?
Pain Management
7 Effective Exercises to Help Reduce Chronic Pain
20% of the population in the world suffer from chronic pain, but few know that pain can be managed effectively by exercise. Here is a guide...
7 Effective Exercises to Help Reduce Chronic Pain
Is Your Back Constantly Hurting? This Might Be the Reason
A list of possible causes for chronic back pain and how to treat them
Is Your Back Constantly Hurting? This Might Be the Reason
Heart Conditions
Study: A Week on Ibuprofen Doubles Your Heart Attack Risk
NSAIDs cause a dramatic increased risk of heart attack
Study: A Week on Ibuprofen Doubles Your Heart Attack Risk
New Study Suggests an Easy Method To Get a Better Memory
Scientists may have discovered a new way of training and improving our memory and it's nothing like you might expect.
New Study Suggests an Easy Method To Get a Better Memory
Skin Conditions
Vitiligo: How and Why the King of Pop Became White
What is the skin condition known as vitiligo? Is it treatable? Who has it?
Vitiligo: How and Why the King of Pop Became White
General Health
14 Cool and Astonishing X-Ray Images Explained
If you think the human body is fascinating, but also very weird, wait until you see these 14 X-Rays
14 Cool and Astonishing X-Ray Images Explained
Colon Cancer
Eating Yogurt Could Protect You from This Deadly Disease
Yogurt has dramatic effects in reducing polyp growth in men's colons
Eating Yogurt Could Protect You from This Deadly Disease
Should GMOs Be Labeled? Are They Safe? Let’s Take a Look
Looking at the GMO debate and the cases for and against genetically modified food.
Should GMOs Be Labeled? Are They Safe? Let’s Take a Look
Do You Know What Minerals are in Most Fruits and Veggies?
It's time to discover the answer to what the minerals and nutrients present in fruits and vegetables are that make them so good for us?
Do You Know What Minerals are in Most Fruits and Veggies?
Banish All Signs of Aging from Your Skin Using These Oils
Using one of a few of these 6 facial oils will help aging skins retain and recover from such common concerns, as age spots and wrinkles
Banish All Signs of Aging from Your Skin Using These Oils
Mental Health
The Many Mental Health Benefits of Rocking a Song
What happens in the brain when we sing, and how singing together builds friendship
The Many Mental Health Benefits of Rocking a Song
Sleep Problems
What Is Deep Sleep and How Much of It Do You Need?
Deep sleep is one of the most important stages of sleep and it can really affect one's health and energy, find out how in this article.
What Is Deep Sleep and How Much of It Do You Need?
Bacteria & Viruses
How to Be Prepared For The Deadly Disease, Triple E
2019 has seen a rise in the spread of the fatal illness Triple E, spread by mosquitoes. Here's how you can protect yourself.
How to Be Prepared For The Deadly Disease, Triple E
General Health
6 Extremely Poisonous Plants People Confuse for Food
These plants are incredibly common and have a sweet scent or fruit, but they're incredibly poisonous. Take a look at these 6 plants people confuse for food.
6 Extremely Poisonous Plants People Confuse for Food
Eye Health
Fun Facts and Information About Eyes and Vision
In this collection, you have the opportunity to learn all about eyes and vision. It's a fascinating read, as well as some insightful videos.
Fun Facts and Information About Eyes and Vision
These Berries Are Hiding a Multitude of Health Benefits
Sea buckthorn is an often overlooked fruit, which is a real shame, as these little orange berries have so many incredible health benefits
These Berries Are Hiding a Multitude of Health Benefits
Keep Your Brain Healthy With These Essential Guides
There are so many ways you can boost your brain's health! This collection of articles will tell you all about this topic, and more!
Keep Your Brain Healthy With These Essential Guides
Pain Management
Put a Stop to Joint Pain With a New Natural Remedy
There is a new way to fight joint pain, and it doesn't involve risky medications, only natural ingredients - Curcumin Gold.
Put a Stop to Joint Pain With a New Natural Remedy
15 Common ‘Healthy’ Foods That Can Be TOXIC to Humans
These 15 foods may be healthy, but if you eat too much or don't prep them correctly, they can be toxic and sometimes even life threatening
15 Common ‘Healthy’ Foods That Can Be TOXIC to Humans
6 Theories That Prove a Link Between Sugar & Depression
Eating a lot of sugar can have implications on your mood. Here is a look at some possible connections between sugar and depression.
6 Theories That Prove a Link Between Sugar & Depression
Pain Management
This Natural Oil Can Relieve Pain, Boost Immunity and More
This natural oil can relieve your perception of pain, boost your immune system and address several other concerns. Read more about it here
This Natural Oil Can Relieve Pain, Boost Immunity and More
Sleep Problems
Night Sweat: When is There a Reason for Concern?
Waking up sweaty could be due to hormonal changes or medication, but there are a few other causes you better be aware of.
Night Sweat: When is There a Reason for Concern?
Stomach & Digestion
5 Warning Signs of Your Metabolism Slowing Down
Here is a look at some vital signs that will tell you if your metabolism is slowing down.
5 Warning Signs of Your Metabolism Slowing Down
Stomach & Digestion
Why You May Be Feeling Bloated and What To Do About It
While feeling bloated is uncomfortable, the causes of it are usually relatively harmless and simple to treat. Here is how you may find relief.
Why You May Be Feeling Bloated and What To Do About It
How To Take Control Of Your Wellbeing Through Breathing
Breathing seems obvious to most of us, but there is an art to it. Becoming conscious of your breathing could greatly benefit your mental and physical health.
How To Take Control Of Your Wellbeing Through Breathing
Heart Conditions
How Passive Stretching Helps Prevent Cardiovascular Issues
This new study from University of Milan has unearthed the use of passive stretching as a method to improve vascular system function
How Passive Stretching Helps Prevent Cardiovascular Issues
Mental Health
How to Help Someone Having a PANIC Attack
If you’re not sure how you should react or help a person having a panic attack, read on.
How to Help Someone Having a PANIC Attack
Eat These Foods to Lower Inflammation in the Body
In this article, we discuss the foods that can reduce inflammation and soothe joint pain.
Eat These Foods to Lower Inflammation in the Body
Sleep Problems
Warning! Scientists Find Insomnia Raises Diabetes Risks
Recent research found that insomnia and other seemingly-unrelated habits can raise one's risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Warning! Scientists Find Insomnia Raises Diabetes Risks
Warning! Read About These Mistakes Before Taking Vitamins
Are you using vitamins are supplements correctly, or are you just wasting your money? Find out by learning about the 8 most common myths on dietary supplements.
Warning! Read About These Mistakes Before Taking Vitamins
General Health
4 Signs That Let You Detect a Fever Without a Thermometer
While using a thermometer is the most definitive way to tell if you have a fever, it’s by far not the only way to know whether or not you're running a fever
4 Signs That Let You Detect a Fever Without a Thermometer
6 Remarkable Health Benefits of Dandelion Tea
Dandelions are good for more than just blowing off their seeds to make a wish come true... As a matter of fact, tea made of dandelions is extremely healthy!
6 Remarkable Health Benefits of Dandelion Tea
Bacteria & Viruses
It’s Essential that We Debunk These Antibiotic Myths!
To get the most out antibiotic treatment safely and correctly, we must debunk these common myths and misconception around antiobiotics.
It’s Essential that We Debunk These Antibiotic Myths!
8 Things We All Get Wrong About Arthritis and Joint Pain
Unfortunately, there’s a lot of misinformation around joint pain and arthritis. These myths are extremely harmful to those who suffer from the condition.
8 Things We All Get Wrong About Arthritis and Joint Pain
Bacteria & Viruses
Air Hand Dryers - Is It EVER a Good Idea to Use Them?
Is it ever a good idea to use air hand dryers in a public restroom, especially considering the threat of the coronavirus pandemic?
Air Hand Dryers - Is It EVER a Good Idea to Use Them?
Stomach & Digestion
Let’s Discuss Bathroom Habits and What They Mean
Don't be embarrassed to ask questions about bathroom habits. Let's discuss some of them in a little more detail...
Let’s Discuss Bathroom Habits and What They Mean
Eye Health
The Pandemic Made These 5 Eye Problems More Common
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected our eye health in many surprising ways...
The Pandemic Made These 5 Eye Problems More Common
Brain Disorders
What Is Brain Fog and How To Treat It Effectively
If you find it difficult to concentrate and experience mental fatigue, you could be dealing with brain fog. What causes this condition, and how can you treat it?
What Is Brain Fog and How To Treat It Effectively
Skin Conditions
9 Common Summer Skin and Hair Problems Solved
Don’t let bothersome summer skin and hair issues ruin your summertime fun, and learn to prevent and treat them right here, right now.
9 Common Summer Skin and Hair Problems Solved
General Health
Is Grunting While We Move a Cause For Concern?
Contrary to popular belief, grunting while sitting, standing or bending over isn't just a result of aging. Learn the reasons for this common phenomenon here.
Is Grunting While We Move a Cause For Concern?
Immune Health
Struggling With Nasal Allergies? Try These Natural Cures
Hay fever season is upon us. To cope with the condition this year, we have some wonderful natural treatments that will help.
Struggling With Nasal Allergies? Try These Natural Cures
General Health
Suffer From Dizziness? These Home Remedies Can Help
We all experience dizziness from time to time. These home remedies will help alleviate the symptoms.
Suffer From Dizziness? These Home Remedies Can Help
General Health
7 Common Items Contaminated by Toxic Forever Chemicals
Despite their toxic impact on human health, toxic "forever chemicals" can still be found in many common household items.
7 Common Items Contaminated by Toxic Forever Chemicals
Maintain Your Body Easily With These 5 Simple Exercises
Do these 10-minute exercises each day to strengthen and stretch all the main muscles in your body and to help you maintain your balance.
Maintain Your Body Easily With These 5 Simple Exercises
Liver Conditions
Warning: These 5 Habits Are Seriously Damaging Your Liver
The liver is one of the most important organs in the human body, so its imperative that we do our best to keep it healthy. These bad habits will damage it!
Warning: These 5 Habits Are Seriously Damaging Your Liver
These Easy Chair Moves Will Combat Back Pain in No Time
Suffer from back pain? Here are 4 moves you can try to soothe it.
These Easy Chair Moves Will Combat Back Pain in No Time
Pain Management
Get Rid of Nerve Pain Thanks to These Handy Tips...
A pinched nerve can not only be a highly annoying problem, but it can be extremely painful too. Here's how you can treat it.
Get Rid of Nerve Pain Thanks to These Handy Tips...
Feeling Drained? Your Body May Be Loaded with Toxins...
Feeling drained? You may have too many toxins in your body. Here's what you need to know.
Feeling Drained? Your Body May Be Loaded with Toxins...
General Health
6 Signs of Fiber Deficiency You Should Be Aware Of
What happens to your body when it doesn’t get enough fiber?
6 Signs of Fiber Deficiency You Should Be Aware Of
Hair Conditions
5 Things That Turn Your Hair Gray Prematurely
Did you know that gray hair isn’t actually gray or white? What causes gray hair? Learn the answers to these fascinating questions below.
5 Things That Turn Your Hair Gray Prematurely
12 Common Foods and Their Amazing Health Benefits
Certain common foods have the most wondrous health benefits, but that doesn't mean we know about them. Take a look at this interactive chart.
12 Common Foods and Their Amazing Health Benefits
General Health
15 Tips that’ll Turn Your Home into a Pharmacy
15 bits of medicine you can make at home.
15 Tips that’ll Turn Your Home into a Pharmacy
Sleep Problems
WATCH: How to Solve Age-Related Sleep Problems!
As our bodies change we age, so do our sleeping patterns. These helpful tips will help you overcome any age-related sleep problem and get a good night's rest.
WATCH: How to Solve Age-Related Sleep Problems!
General Health
WARNING: The Health Dangers of Eating Raw Flour & Dough
Flour is the staple that we can't live without, but most of us do not know that if we eat it raw, we are at risk of falling ill. Read on to find out why.
WARNING: The Health Dangers of Eating Raw Flour & Dough
General Health
9 Natural Antibiotics That Grandma Used To Swear By
Grandma seemed to have remedies for everything, and they were all natural. Here are 9 natural antibiotic foods that she used to swear by.
9 Natural Antibiotics That Grandma Used To Swear By
7 Health Benefits of a Reflexology Foot Massage
Reflexology has been practiced for millennia, and was revered by ancient cultures for its healing abilities. Here are 7 health benefits of a foot massage.
7 Health Benefits of a Reflexology Foot Massage
General Health
8 Myths About Alcohol and The Truth Hidden Behind Them...
There are a number of myths about alcohol that we have researched and decided to debunk for you in one helpful post!
8 Myths About Alcohol and The Truth Hidden Behind Them...
Pain Management
8 Best Painkilling Remedies Offered to Us By Nature
Have an earache, stomachache, muscle pain, headache or backache? Here's the right natural ingredient to take in each case!
8 Best Painkilling Remedies Offered to Us By Nature
14 Advantages You Have at Life After 50!
I never knew that aging was so good for my health - until I read these startling 14 reasons how.
14 Advantages You Have at Life After 50!
General Health
WARNING: These 4 Signs Indicate a Heat Stroke
Heat stroke is a life-threatening issue. Be aware of the symptoms and avoid putting yourself at risk.
WARNING: These 4 Signs Indicate a Heat Stroke
5 Awesome Reasons To Start Eating Oatmeal Every Day
We all know that oatmeal is healthy, but this post discusses the top benefits of regular consumption of the grain. Find out what they are here.
5 Awesome Reasons To Start Eating Oatmeal Every Day
General Health
WARNING: 8 Chemicals That Lower Our Libido
Men's testosterone levels have been on the decline since 1992. Here are 8 chemicals found in food, water and every day items to stay away from.
WARNING: 8 Chemicals That Lower Our Libido
Bacteria & Viruses
This All-Natural Nasal Decongestant Is Super Easy to Make
Getting rid of a blocked nose is easy as 1,2,3 and you'll see why when you click on this post. What's more is that this decongestant is all-natural.
This All-Natural Nasal Decongestant Is Super Easy to Make
General Health
Do You Have a Hormone Imbalance? Look for These Signs...
The hormones in our blood help control how our body functions, yet sometimes they can go a little haywire. Here are 11 signs to look out for hormone imbalance.
Do You Have a Hormone Imbalance? Look for These Signs...
The Secret is Out! These Tips Can Help You Achieve Old Age
We all want as many healthy years a possible, but the secret to long life isn't a simple one. However, here are some tips that could help prolong your life.
The Secret is Out! These Tips Can Help You Achieve Old Age
Bacteria & Viruses
WATCH: When the Flu Bites, This Honey Mixture Is Perfect
For when colds bite, nature has provided us with some wonderful natural remedies. Like this curative honey drink.
WATCH: When the Flu Bites, This Honey Mixture Is Perfect
Pain Management
Manage Your Muscular Pain Better with These Useful Tips
Discover the best way to manage fibromyalgia with this helpful guide.
Manage Your Muscular Pain Better with These Useful Tips
Sleep Problems
Sleeping with Socks on Can Do Wonders for Your Health
Wearing socks at night in bed is a very good idea. What's more, you can even add natural remedies to your socks to boost your health.
Sleeping with Socks on Can Do Wonders for Your Health
Stomach & Digestion
CELIAC DISEASE: A Step-by-Step Guide to Dealing with It
Celiac disease is becoming more and more common. If you suffer from it, here are 10 great tips to help you cope.
CELIAC DISEASE: A Step-by-Step Guide to Dealing with It
Eye Health
Do You Suffer from Bloodshot Eyes? This Could Be Why.
Red eyes could be a result of many things. Here are 10 possible culprits.
Do You Suffer from Bloodshot Eyes? This Could Be Why.
Pain Management
Put an End to Aches & Pains with These 6 Unusual Remedies
Here are 6 alternative remedies I have tried whenever I've felt the onset of a sore throat, had a stuffy nose, felt incredibly nervous and more.
Put an End to Aches & Pains with These 6 Unusual Remedies
General Health
Is it Celiac or is it Gluten Sensitivity? Find Out Here
In this article we take a look at the subtle differences that exist between celiac disease and gluten sensitivity.
Is it Celiac or is it Gluten Sensitivity? Find Out Here
General Health
Rub These 3 Ingredients onto Your Feet for Great Results
Essential oils have been found to be incredibly beneficial to the body. Rub these 3 ingredients to your feet each night before bed and witness astounding results.
Rub These 3 Ingredients onto Your Feet for Great Results
Pain Management
Listen to Your Body and Stop Ignoring Morning Headaches!
Do you suffer from frequent morning headaches? Find out what your body is trying to tell you here.
Listen to Your Body and Stop Ignoring Morning Headaches!
Ever Wondered What Collagen is? Well Wonder No More!
If you have ever wondered what collagen is and what it's responsible for, then you have come to the right place.
Ever Wondered What Collagen is? Well Wonder No More!
You Won't Get the Vitamin D You Need If You Suffer From...
Do you form part of these groups of people who are deficient in vitamin D? Find out here.
You Won't Get the Vitamin D You Need If You Suffer From...
General Health
Need a Hospital? Make Sure You Go to the Very Best!
Here are the top three US hospitals for every medical sector imaginable, including geriatrics, ophthalmology, and cardiology.
Need a Hospital? Make Sure You Go to the Very Best!
Stomach & Digestion
Burping Too Much? These 4 Reasons Could Be the Cause
Do you burp frequently? Find out the potential cause in this guide.
Burping Too Much? These 4 Reasons Could Be the Cause
Skin & Hair
Have Weak Hair and Fragile Nails? These Foods can Help
Many people suffer from thin and weak fingernails and hair, but by adding biotin-rich foods to your diet you can remedy that.
Have Weak Hair and Fragile Nails? These Foods can Help
These 8 Infusions Are Natural Medicines For Many Problems
If you want to start the morning in a tasty and healthy way, try these wonderful tea infusions that treat many common health problems.
These 8 Infusions Are Natural Medicines For Many Problems
Mallow: A Wonder-Plant with Amazing Health Benefits
Health benefits and easy recipes for the mallow plant which is now in full bloom and can cure infections, stings, cough, constipation and prevent cancer.
Mallow: A Wonder-Plant with Amazing Health Benefits
Kidney & Bladder Health
These 10 Symptoms Are Indicative of Kidney Failure!
Here you'll find a list of signs which indicate that your kidneys are not working properly. Has your body been sending you any of these signals?
These 10 Symptoms Are Indicative of Kidney Failure!
Sleep Problems
This Is How to Make Getting Up in the Morning Easier
Some of us struggle with getting out of bed in the morning, but there are certain methods you can employ to make it easier. Watch this informative video.
This Is How to Make Getting Up in the Morning Easier
Fake or Real Honey? How to Tell the Difference
Everyone knows that honey is healthier than any sweetener, but is the honey we buy at the grocery store the good stuff?
Fake or Real Honey? How to Tell the Difference
The Early Signs of Arthritis That Are Often Ignored!
There are some lesser-known early signs that indicate the onset of arthritis. Would you know what to look for?
The Early Signs of Arthritis That Are Often Ignored!
Mental Health
These Misconceptions About Stress Need to Be Cleared Up...
Stress is a term that's bandied about far too lackadaisically so it's time that some common misconceptions about it are cleared up. Read on for more.
These Misconceptions About Stress Need to Be Cleared Up...
10 Health Reasons Why You Should Eat More Limes
Limes can do much more for our skin and overall health than just adding a refreshing zest to a drink, cleansing our body and boosting our immunity.
10 Health Reasons Why You Should Eat More Limes
Bacteria & Viruses
Antibiotic Resistance - What's Being Done to Fight It?
In this article, we shall take a more in-depth look at antibiotic resistance and what scientists are doing in order to solve this deadly problem.
Antibiotic Resistance - What's Being Done to Fight It?
General Health
Salt: Harmful or Healthy? New Research Reveals the Answer
Food without salt is food without taste, but is it as harmful as we once thought? Read about surprising new research that says otherwise!
Salt: Harmful or Healthy? New Research Reveals the Answer
Every Parent Should Know These 8 Common Autism Signs
There are a number of signs that indicate that a person might be on the autism spectrum. Here are 8 of them!
Every Parent Should Know These 8 Common Autism Signs
Liver Conditions
Want a Healthy Liver? Eat Like You Mean it!
The liver is one of the most important organs in the body, yet it is at risk of accumulating toxins. Cleanse your liver with these 15 foods.
Want a Healthy Liver? Eat Like You Mean it!
Mental Health
What's Triggering Your Anxiety? 8 Surprising Causes
8 possible medical conditions that may be causing you to feel anxious.
What's Triggering Your Anxiety? 8 Surprising Causes
Mental Health
Avoid These Ingredients If You Love Your Mental Health...
Here are some of the worst kinds of food that you can eat if you care about your cognitive health.
Avoid These Ingredients If You Love Your Mental Health...
The Healthiest Way to Eat Dessert According to Science...
According to scientists, there's actually a 'healthier' way to eat sugary food. Read all about it here...
The Healthiest Way to Eat Dessert According to Science...
The Techniques Doctors Use to Keep Themselves Youthful
Have you ever wondered what doctors use on themselves to keep themselves young? Here are 10 anti-aging treatments that doctors actually use.
The Techniques Doctors Use to Keep Themselves Youthful
Pain Management
Neurologist Explains: All You Need to Know About Migraines
Do you suffer from migraines? find out what causes migraines, how they are diagnosed, and how to treat them with this complete guide!
Neurologist Explains: All You Need to Know About Migraines
These Wonderful Foods Can Help to Improve Blood Flow
Proper blood circulation is very important, and to improve it and enjoy great health, you should eat these 12 wonderful foods.
These Wonderful Foods Can Help to Improve Blood Flow
Weight Loss
This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Lose Weight
Even if you just lose 5% of your body fat, the benefits of losing weight are incredible. Find out more about what happens to your body when you lose weight.
This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Lose Weight
Weight Loss
After Reading This, You'll Start Drinking Oolong Tea!
Oolong tea, like all other teas, has a number of health benefits. If you haven’t tried it before, you’ll make sure you do after you have read this post!
After Reading This, You'll Start Drinking Oolong Tea!
Kidney & Bladder Health
10 Natural Remedies to Rid Yourself of Gallstones
If you are looking to get rid of gallstones naturally, then here are ten home remedies you can try out for yourself.
10 Natural Remedies to Rid Yourself of Gallstones
Pain Management
8 Pressure Points for Treating Skin Problems
Whether you have eczema, psoriasis, acne, shingles, fungus or seborrheic dermatitis, these pressure points may help you get rid of them.
8 Pressure Points for Treating Skin Problems
Feeling Down? These 10 Foods Can Help Improve Your Mood!
The food that we eat can help increase our moods and get rid of depression. Find out more here!
Feeling Down? These 10 Foods Can Help Improve Your Mood!
Researchers Have Managed to Actually Reverse Dementia...
Dementia doesn't yet have a cure, but the world is a step closer to having one after researchers managed to reverse the illness in mice. Read on to learn more.
Researchers Have Managed to Actually Reverse Dementia...
Pain Management
DON'T Take Ibuprofen If You Have These Medical Issues...
Ibuprofen is often taken as pain medication, but there are certain instances where it can be detrimental to health, or even deadly. Find out about them here.
DON'T Take Ibuprofen If You Have These Medical Issues...
Bacteria & Viruses
Can You Really Get Food Poisoning From a Humble Tea Towel?
If you've seen some alarmist reporting regarding tea towels and food poisoning recently, there's no need to worry. Here's more information on the study.
Can You Really Get Food Poisoning From a Humble Tea Towel?
Heart Conditions
Red Meat Allergens Can Increase Heart Disease Risk
Red meat has long been linked to heart disease, but a new study marks the first time that the allergens it contains can increase the risk of contracting it.
Red Meat Allergens Can Increase Heart Disease Risk
First Aid & Injuries
8 Fantastic Home Remedies to Treat Any Burn!
If your burn you skin, these home remedies will work absolute wonders. Try them out!
8 Fantastic Home Remedies to Treat Any Burn!
First Aid & Injuries
Feeling Dizzy? Here Are 9 Common Causes!
Dizziness affects both adults and children, but the reasons for it could be something minor or serious. Here are 9 reasons you might be feeling dizzy!
Feeling Dizzy? Here Are 9 Common Causes!
These 12 Nutrition Tips Will Give You a Health Makeover!
Many of us find it difficult to make major changes to our diets, but these 12 simple tricks won't make you feel like your sacrificing taste for health!
These 12 Nutrition Tips Will Give You a Health Makeover!
General Health
12 Natural Remedies to Prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis
Deep Vein Thrombosis is a very common ailment that some 600,000 Americans are diagnosed with every year. Prevent it by including these foods in your diet.
12 Natural Remedies to Prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis
Female Health
Lose Weight after Menopause with these 10 Fool-Proof Habits
If you are guilty of one of the following, start correcting your eating habits today.
Lose Weight after Menopause with these 10 Fool-Proof Habits
Mouth & Teeth
Sore Throat? Here Are 10 Ways to Make a Home Remedy!
10 ways to make your own effective throat medicine right at home.
Sore Throat? Here Are 10 Ways to Make a Home Remedy!
Skin & Hair
Psoriasis: A Complete Guide to Understanding the Skin Disease
Learn all about this autoimmune disease that affects skin with red blotches. Understand the different types, treatments and discover home remedies.
Psoriasis: A Complete Guide to Understanding the Skin Disease
Black Salt Offers Some Remarkable Health Benefits
Black salt is a really healthy type of salt that is hardly ever used. Here are some black salt uses and benefits that you deserve to know about.
Black Salt Offers Some Remarkable Health Benefits
Pumpkins Are Much Healthier Than You Ever Imagined...
There's a whole myriad of ways that pumpkins can improve your health. Here are 11 reasons why you should include pumpkin in your diet right now.
Pumpkins Are Much Healthier Than You Ever Imagined...
Alzheimer's Disease
Two Personality Traits Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease
A large study published recently in the journal Biological Psychiatry found an unexpected correlation between symptoms of Alzheimer’s and two personality traits.
Two Personality Traits Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease
Heart Conditions
Heart Palpitations - 8 Potent Home Remedies
Learn about the causes of heart palpitations and how you can reduce them in minutes here.
Heart Palpitations - 8 Potent Home Remedies
Stomach & Digestion
What Is Your Stool Telling You? Find Out Now
Have you ever taken the time to analyse your stool? Its color and shape can reveal an awful lot about your health.
What Is Your Stool Telling You? Find Out Now
Suffer From Muscle Spasms? Try These Natural Remedies
If you suffer from muscle spasms, give these remedies a try.
Suffer From Muscle Spasms? Try These Natural Remedies
6 Things We All Get Wrong About CHOLESTEROL
Pay attention to these 6 misconceptions about high cholesterol. Don’t let them mislead you and ruin your health.
6 Things We All Get Wrong About CHOLESTEROL
General Health
5 Benefits of Botox You Never Knew About
Here are 5 alternative uses to botox that are not wrinkle prevention
5 Benefits of Botox You Never Knew About
Skin & Hair
5 Health Reasons You Should Be Sleeping on Your Back
Can sleeping on your back affect your skin? Dermatologists believe this position can help keep you younger.
5 Health Reasons You Should Be Sleeping on Your Back
Peanut Butter vs Almond Butter - Which Is Healthier?
Let’s compare the nutritional value of peanut and almond butter and try to determine which of these two nut butters has greater health benefits.
Peanut Butter vs Almond Butter - Which Is Healthier?
General Health
Musty House Air? Try These 10 Oxygen Releasing Plants!
Having plants in the house is of course a great idea. But which ones should you choose? Here are 10 of the very best freshness inspiring potted plants.
Musty House Air? Try These 10 Oxygen Releasing Plants!
Lungs & Breathing
These Signs Indicate It's Time to Replace Your Face Mask
Learn about the proper usage of face masks during the coronavirus pandemic and when to replace one.
These Signs Indicate It's Time to Replace Your Face Mask
Mental Health
The 5 Foods That Ward Off Depression
We know diet has a direct link on mental health, so which foods are most likely to boost mental health and actually reduce depression?
The 5 Foods That Ward Off Depression
How Much Sugar is OK and What Can We Replace it With?
This infographic has a lot of information about sugar, the amounts of it allowed, what we can exchange them with and how bad it is for us.
How Much Sugar is OK and What Can We Replace it With?
Bacteria & Viruses
10 Hoax Cures of the Coronavirus You Must Ignore
Here, we have listed some of the most recent hoax cures of the novel coronavirus that should be completely avoided.
10 Hoax Cures of the Coronavirus You Must Ignore
Immune Health
Having These 10 Habits Will Really Improve Your Immunity
By following these 10 simple habits you will be able to significantly boost your immune system.
Having These 10 Habits Will Really Improve Your Immunity
Mental Health
5 of the MOST Underdiagnosed Mental Health Conditions
People suffer from these medical health conditions for years before being properly diagnosed.
5 of the MOST Underdiagnosed Mental Health Conditions
Weight Loss Diets
Trying to Lose Weight This Summer? These Foods Will Help
These are the best summer foods to eat right now if you’re trying to lose weight.
Trying to Lose Weight This Summer? These Foods Will Help
General Health
7 Surprising Signs of Dehydration Everyone Should Know
Unfortunately, knowing when you're in early stages of dehydration can be tricky. Here are 7 surprising signs that you need to start drinking more water, ASAP.
7 Surprising Signs of Dehydration Everyone Should Know
Eye Health
A Single Eye Injection Treats Genetic Blindness
This novel genetic treatment is capable of reversing blindness caused by a genetic eye condition with a single eye injection.
A Single Eye Injection Treats Genetic Blindness
Brain Disorders
The Link Between Excessive TV Watching & Cognitive Decline
Three recent studies find that the more TV you watch in your 40s to 60s, the greater your risk of brain health issues later in life. What can you do about it?
The Link Between Excessive TV Watching & Cognitive Decline
How to Support a Healthy Range of Motion: 3 Easy Exercises
Is sitting down and reaching up getting harder? Your range of motion may be declining. Here is how you can improve it and why doing so is essential.
How to Support a Healthy Range of Motion: 3 Easy Exercises
What Are Antinutrients
Have you heard of antinutrients? Yes, they exist. But they aren't as ominous as they sound. Let's find out more...
What Are Antinutrients
General Health
The Various Effects Crying Has On Our Mind and Body
The study of crying reveals a few interesting effects it has on our body and mind. Here are 7 ways in which crying benefits us.
The Various Effects Crying Has On Our Mind and Body
Skin & Hair
The Do’s and Don’ts of Healing a Sunburn
Aftersun care mistakes can make the itching, redness, and peeling of sunburn worse & prolong your recovery. These tips will help you treat a sunburn correctly.
The Do’s and Don’ts of Healing a Sunburn
Sleep Problems
7 Science-Backed Tips to Get You Back to Sleep at Night
What should you do when you wake up in the middle of the night? Don’t panic and follow these simple science-backed tips that will lull you back to sleep.
7 Science-Backed Tips to Get You Back to Sleep at Night
Bacteria & Viruses
How To Tell If a Mattress Contains Toxic Chemicals
Warning: toxic chemicals may lurking where you least want them - your bed! Find out how to tell whether a mattress contains toxic chemicals in this article.
How To Tell If a Mattress Contains Toxic Chemicals
Pain Management
Woke Up With a Stiff Neck? How to Treat and Prevent It
In this article, we explain how you can reduce your chances of getting a stiff neck and how to reduce the symptoms when it does occur.
Woke Up With a Stiff Neck? How to Treat and Prevent It
Weight Loss
10 Small Lifestyle Tweaks That Will Help You Lose Weight
Successful & lasting weight loss goes hand in hand with adopting realistic changes in your life. Here are 10 such little changes that will help you lose weight
10 Small Lifestyle Tweaks That Will Help You Lose Weight
Relieve Skin Itching & Dryness With These Eczema Remedies
In this article, we suggest several practical tips that help alleviate eczema symptoms, including a few useful home remedies you can try.
Relieve Skin Itching & Dryness With These Eczema Remedies
General Health
4 Simple Exercises to Reduce Vertigo and Dizziness
If you are suffering from vertigo or unexplained dizziness, try these simple exercises to relieve the annoying and unbearable spinning sensation.
4 Simple Exercises to Reduce Vertigo and Dizziness
Pain Management
A Guide to Headaches That Won't Give You One...
This detailed infographic visually teaches you about headaches.
A Guide to Headaches That Won't Give You One...
Bacteria & Viruses
Bills & Coins Can Be Germ-Ridden - Here’s How to Stay Safe
One of the dirtiest items is one that we all handle all the time - bills and coins. Does physical currency really harbor germs and how can you protect yourself?
Bills & Coins Can Be Germ-Ridden - Here’s How to Stay Safe
Have These Drinks Regularly to Ensure You Live a Long Life
These super nutritious juices and beverages can work in numerous ways to ensure that you extend your years and live a longer life
Have These Drinks Regularly to Ensure You Live a Long Life
General Health
Suffer From Stubborn Cold Feet? This Might Be Why
Learn about the causes of cold feet, as well as several useful tips that can help warm up your feet in this useful guide.
Suffer From Stubborn Cold Feet? This Might Be Why
Mouth & Teeth
Floss Picks vs Usual Floss: Which One Do Dentists Suggest?
People hate flossing. Hence, anything that could urge you to floss daily, like floss pick, is a heaven-sent opportunity. But are floss picks as good as regular floss?
Floss Picks vs Usual Floss: Which One Do Dentists Suggest?
Hearing Loss Comes With Added Risks of Dementia & Diabetes
Although we often think of hearing loss as a minor annoyance, it turns out that it can lead to several serious complications...
Hearing Loss Comes With Added Risks of Dementia & Diabetes
General Health
5 Medical Advances That May Alter the Future of Healthcare
This article takes a look at some of the most important recent scientific breakthroughs in the field of medicine and health.
5 Medical Advances That May Alter the Future of Healthcare
Bacteria & Viruses
This Is Why So Many Hand Sanitizers Are Now Being Recalled
Recent findings from the FDA have unearthed toxic and harmful effects of specific brands of hand sanitizer that are now being recalled
This Is Why So Many Hand Sanitizers Are Now Being Recalled
5 Frozen Foods You Shouldn’t Buy and 5 You Should Stock
Check out our list of the best and the worst frozen food products that you can buy.
5 Frozen Foods You Shouldn’t Buy and 5 You Should Stock
Mental Health
What is the Connection Between Dogs and a Long Life?
As if we need more proof that dogs are amazing, a new study confirms owning a dog is linked to living longer.
What is the Connection Between Dogs and a Long Life?
Eye Health
The Surprising Reasons the Color of Your Eyes Can Change
In the rare occurrence your eyes change color significantly throughout adulthood, there are several common causes that are important to be aware of.
The Surprising Reasons the Color of Your Eyes Can Change
Bacteria & Viruses
WARNING: Flushing Public Toilets Can Spread Infections
Research finds a serious pneumonia-causing bacterium can be transmitted while flushing the toilet.
WARNING: Flushing Public Toilets Can Spread Infections
Weight Loss Diets
Should You Take Apple Cider Vinegar to Lose Weight?
Taking apple cider vinegar can be beneficial to weight loss and other conditions, but you need to know how to take it safely and effectively
Should You Take Apple Cider Vinegar to Lose Weight?
Fat Burning Exercises
This ONE Change Can Significantly Reduce Your Cancer Risk
Recent research reveals that you don't have to exercise every day to reduce your cancer risk, doing just this small thing can help!
This ONE Change Can Significantly Reduce Your Cancer Risk
Weight Loss Diets
Avoid These 16 Foods and Drinks to Keep Your Belly Flat
We never suspected that these 16 super healthy food varieties could ever make your belly appear bigger, but all of them can sensitize your belly!
Avoid These 16 Foods and Drinks to Keep Your Belly Flat
Skin Conditions
Sick of Cracked Hands and Feet? Then You Need to Know This
Get 9 helpful tips that can help treat and prevent cracked skin in different areas of the body and learn about the common causes of the condition
Sick of Cracked Hands and Feet? Then You Need to Know This
Is Eating an Egg Daily Bad For Your Heart?
Eggs are quite high in cholesterol, but are they really the culprit behind cardiovascular disease they were assumed to be?
Is Eating an Egg Daily Bad For Your Heart?
Is the Kombucha Craze Justified?
What exactly is Kombucha and should you believe the hype? This list contains the true advantages and health benefits of drinking Kombucha.
Is the Kombucha Craze Justified?
8 Easy and Important Stretches for Everyday
Stretching the muscles is easy to forget but very important. This list contains 8 simple stretches to help improve stiffness and flexibility.
8 Easy and Important Stretches for Everyday
Stomach & Digestion
This Simple Breathing Exercise Can Ease Your Heartburn
A simple breathing exercise which can help ease the symptoms of acid reflux.
This Simple Breathing Exercise Can Ease Your Heartburn
General Health
7 Cold Weather Myths You Shouldn’t Blindly Trust
The winter season has long had some commonly held misconceptions. Here is a look at some some cold season myths you should steer away from.
7 Cold Weather Myths You Shouldn’t Blindly Trust
General Health
These Are Some of the MOST Bizarre Medical Cases Ever Seen
2019 was full of strange medical cases that scientists weren't even sure could exist before they encountered people suffering from these conditions
These Are Some of the MOST Bizarre Medical Cases Ever Seen
10 Foods That The World’s Longest Living People Eat
Longevity and health are two things all of us are chasing, and the people living in these areas may have the secret to both and it's food related
10 Foods That The World’s Longest Living People Eat
These Are the 10 MOST Addictive Foods
What if being 'addictive' was not just a phrase we use jokingly to describe chocolate and pizza? Could one really become addicted to food?
These Are the 10 MOST Addictive Foods
First Aid & Injuries
Fascinating Inventions: New Waterproof and Breathable Cast
This innovative cast design will make the lives of many patients much easier, as it's lightweight, breathable and waterproof!
Fascinating Inventions: New Waterproof and Breathable Cast
Eye Health
Guides: Maintain Good Eyesight and Avoid Harmful Habits
These 12 articles will teach you how to maintain good eyesight, avoid harmful habits and help different eye conditions
Guides: Maintain Good Eyesight and Avoid Harmful Habits
Mental Health
Surprising Facts About Mental Illness Everyone Should Know
Mental illness is still a taboo subject, despite affecting millions of people on Earth. Here are 12 facts about it everyone should know
Surprising Facts About Mental Illness Everyone Should Know
Skin Conditions
Ever Wondered What Those Tiny Red Bumps on Your Arm Are?
Keratosis Pilaris is an extremely common skin condition causing red bumps on the skin. These are a few treatment options to keep in mind
Ever Wondered What Those Tiny Red Bumps on Your Arm Are?
Liver Conditions
What Blood Cleansers Are and Which Ones Actually Work
Learn more about blood cleansers and ways you can support your body and help it detoxify itself with things you already have at home
What Blood Cleansers Are and Which Ones Actually Work
These 5 Nutrient Deficiencies Are Awfully Common
Nutrient deficiencies are more common than think, especially these 5 that often cause a whole myriad of uncomfortable and dangerous symptoms
These 5 Nutrient Deficiencies Are Awfully Common
Alarming! Man Hospitalized With a Bug Bite Had Leukemia
For this Ohio resident, a seemingly harmless 'bug bite' turned out to be something a lot more serious, a truly dreaded diagnosis - leukemia.
Alarming! Man Hospitalized With a Bug Bite Had Leukemia
First Aid & Injuries
The Doctors Thought She Had a Brain Tumor. They Were Wrong
Doctors first believed Rachel Palma was suffering from a cancerous brain tumor. To her relief they found something else, much stranger.
The Doctors Thought She Had a Brain Tumor. They Were Wrong
Bacteria & Viruses
New Study: Are Washing Machines Hotbeds For Bacteria?
A report on an outbreak of a pathogen in a hospital in Germany discovers that washing machines may retain certain harmful bacteria
New Study: Are Washing Machines Hotbeds For Bacteria?
No More Needles: New Diabetes Treatment in a Pill Approved
Certain patients with advanced type 2 diabetes may soon have the opportunity to abandon injections and switch to a new pill
No More Needles: New Diabetes Treatment in a Pill Approved
Tomatoes Have Anticancer Properties, BUT There’s a Catch
Iron rich foods, such as meat and legumes, can prevent you from getting the anticancer properties of tomatoes, here's how it works.
Tomatoes Have Anticancer Properties, BUT There’s a Catch
Mental Health
Do You Know the Psychology Behind Superstitious Beliefs?
Superstitions can be beneficial to you or bring you down. Either way its important to recognize the psychology behind all our superstitions
Do You Know the Psychology Behind Superstitious Beliefs?
Need a Break from Coffee? Enter 6 Energizing Replacements
6 delectable coffee alternatives that are just as invigorating as coffee, but taste different and have quite a few notable health benefits
Need a Break from Coffee? Enter 6 Energizing Replacements
Stomach & Digestion
Warning! Washing Chicken Does More Harm Than Good
Do you normally wash chicken before cooking? If so, you should probably stop, and this is why...
Warning! Washing Chicken Does More Harm Than Good
Liver Conditions
If You Had to Choose One Alcohol Type, Let It Be Red Wine
Red wine is probably the healthiest type of alcohol you could drink, and there's a brand new exciting reason to support this claim...
If You Had to Choose One Alcohol Type, Let It Be Red Wine
Weight Loss Diets
A Seven Article Guide to Losing Weight Quickly and Reliably
This article collection has all you need to know about losing weight via exercise, dieting, breathing and special techniques to help you lose weight fast.
A Seven Article Guide to Losing Weight Quickly and Reliably
Lungs & Breathing
Vaping vs Smoking: Replacing One Bad Habit For Another?
With vaping becoming such a popular alternative to smoking, there are a few risks and concerns to keep in mind when taking up this habit.
Vaping vs Smoking: Replacing One Bad Habit For Another?
These Exercises Straighten the Spine and Improve Scoliosis
These 5 exercises specifically recommended for scoliosis can help improve your posture and strengthen your back muscles
These Exercises Straighten the Spine and Improve Scoliosis
5 Benefits of Swedish Massage and 6 Ways to Do It Yourself!
Learn why you should perform Swedish massage and how to do it yourself!
5 Benefits of Swedish Massage and 6 Ways to Do It Yourself!
This Disease Affects 60% Of the Population Older Than 50
Metabolic syndrome is a dangerous disease that can easily develop into heart disease or diabetes, here's what you need to know about it.
This Disease Affects 60% Of the Population Older Than 50
Home Treatments Can Help Manage Ankylosing Spondylitis
Living with ankylosing spondylitis can be tough, but doesn't have to be, and home treatments can significantly improve the quality of life.
Home Treatments Can Help Manage Ankylosing Spondylitis
Skin & Hair
Give Yourself Better Skin With the Korugi Massage
Korugi massage is a great new Japanese technique to keep your facial skin young and glowing even at later ages.
Give Yourself Better Skin With the Korugi Massage
Stomach & Digestion
This Advanced Test Offers Priceless Info about Your Health
Microbiome tests map our gut bacteria and assign the perfect individual diet
This Advanced Test Offers Priceless Info about Your Health
Can Baking Soda Help Arthritis Symptoms? Science Says Yes
Baking soda, our good friend and all-around helper has a new, scientifically-proven use: scientists believe it may treat chronic inflammation
Can Baking Soda Help Arthritis Symptoms? Science Says Yes
Just a Sprinkling of These Seeds Can Make You Healthier
Did you know that you can use the seeds of the sweet basil plant, not only the leaves? In fact, eating has several health benefits.
Just a Sprinkling of These Seeds Can Make You Healthier
General Health
You’ll Never Guess How These 10 Habits Affect Your Health
Things we do or don't do on an everyday basis can affect our health in surprising ways, here are 10 examples.
You’ll Never Guess How These 10 Habits Affect Your Health
General Health
10 Serious Diseases You Shouldn't Ignore and Their Symptoms
Be aware of the signs of these serious diseases.
10 Serious Diseases You Shouldn't Ignore and Their Symptoms
Pain Management
Are You Experiencing Pain? Get More Sleep!
Scientists prove that by getting less sleep than you need, you may become more sensitive to pain. Here is how it works...
Are You Experiencing Pain? Get More Sleep!
3 Easy Exercises to Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful and disabling condition that affects many people worldwide, learn how to prevent it with these 3 easy exercises.
3 Easy Exercises to Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Pain Management
Can Holding Your Partner's Hand Ease Pain? Studies Say Yes
According to science, holding your partner's hand eases pain.
Can Holding Your Partner's Hand Ease Pain? Studies Say Yes
Recent Studies Show Aerobics Can Help Treat Arthritis
Are you suffering from joint pain? Recent studies show Aerobics exercises can help you to treat joint problems like Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Recent Studies Show Aerobics Can Help Treat Arthritis
The Five Vaccinations You Must Get Over 65
Essential vaccines all adults over 65 should take.
The Five Vaccinations You Must Get Over 65
General Health
This Is What a Sharp, Stabbing Pain in the Chest Means
If you've ever felt a sharp, stabbing pain in the chest it could mean this...
This Is What a Sharp, Stabbing Pain in the Chest Means
Pain Management
Woke Up with Neck Pain? These 8 Tips Can Help!
Dr. Brent Wells, a chiropractor from Alaska who has helped tens of thousands of people overcome neck pain without medication, has some advice for you...
Woke Up with Neck Pain? These 8 Tips Can Help!
Sleep Problems
7 Signs of Sleep Apnea in Adults and Children
Feel tired all the time? Wake up with a headache? Have intimacy problems in the bedroom? You may be suffering from sleep apnea ...
7 Signs of Sleep Apnea in Adults and Children
A Pill May Be the Solution to Slowing the Aging process
Could we slow down the aging process by taking a pill?
A Pill May Be the Solution to Slowing the Aging process
Stomach & Digestion
This 2-Minute Massage Will Give You Better Digestion
If you suffer from bad digestion, give this 2-minute abdominal massage a go.
This 2-Minute Massage Will Give You Better Digestion
General Health
Not All Natural Remedies Are Safe... Be Aware of These!
Not all natural remedies are safe. Here's what you need to be aware of.
Not All Natural Remedies Are Safe... Be Aware of These!
New Research Gives Another Reason to Reduce Salt Intake
In a new study, a link between high salt intake, memory problems, and learning abilities was found, read on to learn more!
New Research Gives Another Reason to Reduce Salt Intake
This Is What Happens to Your Feet as You Grow Older...
Here are seven of the most common age-related foot problems that you should be aware of.
This Is What Happens to Your Feet as You Grow Older...
Should You Take Collagen Supplements For Your Skin?
If you've got saggy, wrinkly skin, here's how you can increase your collagen intake.
Should You Take Collagen Supplements For Your Skin?
Epilepsy and Seizures
Want to Improve Your Diet? Here Are 12 Easy Changes
These 12 small changes are exactly what you wanted to eat in terms of good taste, texture, and use, but they make a difference in your health!
Want to Improve Your Diet? Here Are 12 Easy Changes
Heart Conditions
1 Hour a Week: This Workout Will Keep Your Heart Healthy
An hour of anaerobic exercise a week can keep your heart healthy and prevent various heart diseases, according to a new study from the University of Iowa.
1 Hour a Week: This Workout Will Keep Your Heart Healthy
General Health
You Won't Believe How Beneficial This Easily Made Drink Is
Both milk and garlic are known as foods with many health benefits, but combining them, as recommended by traditional ayurveda, can do wonders for your body ...
You Won't Believe How Beneficial This Easily Made Drink Is
Lungs & Breathing
8 Things to Avoid While Breathing
Whether you believe it or not, there are actually right and wrong ways to breathe, and here are 8 ways you're breathing incorrectly.
8 Things to Avoid While Breathing
Stomach & Digestion
Learn More About Your Health with This Innovative GI Test!
Most people aren't aware of the complexity of a healthy digestive system, and therefore many suffer from problems most doctors can't properly diagnose...
Learn More About Your Health with This Innovative GI Test!
Eye Health
Retinal Degeneration: How to Treat It Before It's Too Late
Retinal degeneration is a common disease among the elderly that affects the retina and can lead to severe visual impairment. Learn more about it here...
Retinal Degeneration: How to Treat It Before It's Too Late
Mental Health
Don't Ignore This Subtle Sign of Depression...
Clutter and depression are more connected than most people imagine... Learn about it here.
Don't Ignore This Subtle Sign of Depression...
General Health
You'll Be Happy That You Adopted These Beauty Habits...
There are certain simple beauty habits that you can adopt, and your skin will absolutely love you for it!
You'll Be Happy That You Adopted These Beauty Habits...
Here Are 8 Reasons You Need to Start Eating More Leeks
Read this article to learn all about the healing properties of leeks.
Here Are 8 Reasons You Need to Start Eating More Leeks
Lungs & Breathing
Find Out How to Treat Wheezing At Home With These Remedies
Wheezing is never pleasant for anyone, but you can get rid of it much more easily than you think. Here are 10 remedies for wheezing that you can try at home.
Find Out How to Treat Wheezing At Home With These Remedies
Sleep Problems
Here's How Much Sleep You Need To Be Healthy
Learn how sleep affects your body and mind, thanks to this informative infographic.
Here's How Much Sleep You Need To Be Healthy
These Great Exercise Videos Were Made By Harvard!
This video collection brings the best of Harvard's video exercise program for you to benefit from.
These Great Exercise Videos Were Made By Harvard!
Learn How to Make Quinoa Milk and Why It's Good For You!
Quinoa has many health benefits that contribute to the body, and besides cooking it, you can now learn how to turn it into a special, low-calorie, milk.
Learn How to Make Quinoa Milk and Why It's Good For You!
Autoimmune Diseases
Warning! Make Sure Your Pets Aren't Making You Sick...
While animals are good for our mental health, they may be unwittingly causing us physical harm. Here's why...
Warning! Make Sure Your Pets Aren't Making You Sick...
General Health
Using These 25 Medical Terms Will Impress Your Doctor
Use these 25 medical terms to impress your doctor next time you're feeling under the weather.
Using These 25 Medical Terms Will Impress Your Doctor
Find Out What You Need to Eat to Gain Muscle Mass
If you're trying to get a little leaner and are looking for good ways to put on some muscle, then you need to eat these foods regularly.
Find Out What You Need to Eat to Gain Muscle Mass
General Health
These Non-Routine Medical Tests Could Save Your Life...
Here are 8 non-routine tests that really have the potential to save your life, and some of them even need to be taken as early as 30.
These Non-Routine Medical Tests Could Save Your Life...
General Health
What Are the Serious Side Effects of These Common Drugs?
These common drugs have some pretty serious side effects. Discover what they are...
What Are the Serious Side Effects of These Common Drugs?
Pain Management
Hot or Cold? Learn How to Treat Common Body Aches
We all know to apply heat or ice when injured, but what method is appropriate for which situation? Find out here...
Hot or Cold? Learn How to Treat Common Body Aches
Bacteria & Viruses
WARNING: A Variety of Ritz Crackers Are Being Recalled
If you love crackers, you’re going to put some of your snack plans on hold as Ritz has just announced a major recall of some of its products.
WARNING: A Variety of Ritz Crackers Are Being Recalled
Endocrine Health
10 Things You Need To Know If You Have a Thyroid Problem!
There are many preventative treatments for common thyroid issues, but apart from medication, it is important to know how and what to eat!
10 Things You Need To Know If You Have a Thyroid Problem!
Mouth & Teeth
9 Symptoms of Cavities That You Really Shouldn't Ignore!
Cavities are the second-most common health issues in the US. How can you tell if you have one? The following post reveals 8 indications that you have a cavity.
9 Symptoms of Cavities That You Really Shouldn't Ignore!
Weight Loss Diets
30 Tips for Keeping a Healthier and Tastier Diet!
Thanks to the following 30 tips, you can make healthy and even more delicious food without any added effort!
30 Tips for Keeping a Healthier and Tastier Diet!
Pain Management
Get Rid of Back Pain in 15 Minutes with 7 Simple Exercises
Back pain is a nuisance that'll only worsen if left untreated. Here are 7 simple stretching exercises that'll only take 15 minutes out of your day!
Get Rid of Back Pain in 15 Minutes with 7 Simple Exercises
Pain Management
Don't Ignore Numbness In Your Hands! Here's What It Means
Suffer from numbness in your hands? It may be carpal tunnel syndrome.
Don't Ignore Numbness In Your Hands! Here's What It Means
Female Health
8 Risk Factors That Could Signal an Early Menopause
Even if you haven’t started experiencing hot flashes yet, the following risk factors could indicate that you’re in for “the change” earlier than expected.
8 Risk Factors That Could Signal an Early Menopause
Pain Management
Suffer From Migraines? You May Suffer from These Diseases
Suffer from migraines? You could be at risk for these health issues.
Suffer From Migraines? You May Suffer from These Diseases
Immune Health
Chaga Mushrooms: The Superfood That’ll Keep You Healthy
Each year, researchers discover elements of nature that have amazing medicinal properties, such as Chaga mushrooms that can treat a variety of medical symptoms.
Chaga Mushrooms: The Superfood That’ll Keep You Healthy
Suffer From Knee Pain? Here Are 6 Moves You Can Do!
Banish knee pain today with these 6 exercises.
Suffer From Knee Pain? Here Are 6 Moves You Can Do!
Are You Overweight? This is the Right Way to Tell!
The right way to tell whether you're a healthy weight doesn't involve a scale or your BMI. Learn more here!
Are You Overweight? This is the Right Way to Tell!
Bacteria & Viruses
WARNING: Avoid Pre-Cut Melons From These Stores!
Dozens of people have been hospitalized with salmonella after contaminated pre-cut melons were distributed to stores. Find out more here!
WARNING: Avoid Pre-Cut Melons From These Stores!
General Health
Drinking Too Much Water is Worse Than Drinking Too Little
It’s always important to remember not to get dehydrated, but you need to know that there is such a thing as overhydration, and it can be very dangerous too.
Drinking Too Much Water is Worse Than Drinking Too Little
Mental Health
This Herb Has Many Health Benefits That You Can Reap
Rhodolia is an herb that grows in the mountains of Europe and Asia. It has numerous health benefits. Find out what they are right now.
This Herb Has Many Health Benefits That You Can Reap
General Health
The Color of Earwax Can Tell Us a Lot about Our Health!
Earwax has a protective function and its color can tell us a lot about our health. In this article we will explain what the different colors can indicate.
The Color of Earwax Can Tell Us a Lot about Our Health!
Heart Conditions
Look out For These 11 Symptoms of Poor Blood Circulation
If you have some of the following symptoms, it could be an indication that you have poor blood circulation.
Look out For These 11 Symptoms of Poor Blood Circulation
Live Long Like the Queen: 8 Royal Secrets of Longevity!
The Queen celebrated her 92nd birthday this year. By following her way of life, you can increase your chances of living that long.
Live Long Like the Queen: 8 Royal Secrets of Longevity!
These Common Antidepressants Could be Causing Dementia!
Medication that is commonly used to treat incontinence, depression, and gastrointestinal disorders has been linked with an increased risk of getting dementia.
These Common Antidepressants Could be Causing Dementia!
The Acne Map: Why You’re Having Breakouts In These Areas!
Acne is a problem many people have. The causes of breakouts on certain areas of the face differ from one area to another, as do the ways to prevent them.
The Acne Map: Why You’re Having Breakouts In These Areas!
Scientists Find Enzyme That Could End Aging and Cancer
Scientists have found an enzyme that they reckon could be used to slow down the aging process and eradicate cancer!
Scientists Find Enzyme That Could End Aging and Cancer
Skin Cancer
10 Common Skin Cancer Myths Everyone Needs to Know!
Here are 10 common skin cancer myths that everyone should know about.
10 Common Skin Cancer Myths Everyone Needs to Know!
These 7 Low-Calorie Healthy Foods Will Help Keep You Full!
Do you often feel hungry while dieting? Adding these next seven foods will solve that problem in a jiffy!
These 7 Low-Calorie Healthy Foods Will Help Keep You Full!
Mouth & Teeth
This is What Bad Breath Says About Your Health
Bad breath doesn’t necessary mean poor hygiene, but it could be the symptom of an untreated disease. Find out more here!
This is What Bad Breath Says About Your Health
Female Health
Do You Have Pelvic Pain? This Is What it Might Be!
For women, weird pains in the pelvic region are easily dismissed as normal women’s stuff, but when it keeps occurring, it might be time to get it checked out.
Do You Have Pelvic Pain? This Is What it Might Be!
Scientists Believe This Purple Veg Is the Answer to Cancer
Some of you may not have heard of purple potatoes, but now’s the time to get aquatinted because new research has found it to be cancer-fighting.
Scientists Believe This Purple Veg Is the Answer to Cancer
How to Get Rid of That Wax on Your Tasty Apple
Apples are coated in wax to make them last longer. This wax isn't good for you, so this is how you can get rid of it!
How to Get Rid of That Wax on Your Tasty Apple
Weight Loss Diets
Looking to Lose Weight? Here's How to Eat Fewer Carbs!
Are you looking to lose some weight? Here are ten ways that you can significantly reduce your carb intake!
Looking to Lose Weight? Here's How to Eat Fewer Carbs!
Years of Research: The Latest Verdict on GMO Corn!
A review of 6,000 studies across two decades has finally delivered its verdict on GMO corn. Watch this informative video below to find out more!
Years of Research: The Latest Verdict on GMO Corn!
Eye Health
These New Eye Drops Could Eradicate the Need for Glasses!
A team of researchers from Israel have created eye drops that could eradicate the need for eyeglasses. Find out more here!
These New Eye Drops Could Eradicate the Need for Glasses!
General Health
8 Tell-Tale Signs That You're Drinking Too Much Water
Drinking too much water is just as bad as drinking too little. Here are 8 signs you're drinking too much water.
8 Tell-Tale Signs That You're Drinking Too Much Water
Ear, Nose and Throat
There Are Many Misconceptions Surrounding Common Colds...
The common cold has many misconceptions surrounding it, so we felt that it was time to clear them up. Here are 10 things you didn't know about it.
There Are Many Misconceptions Surrounding Common Colds...
If You've Got a Diminished Libido, You Need to Read This
If you feel like your libido is diminished at the moment, don't fret - there are various things you can do to restore it. Take a look at these 9 methods.
If You've Got a Diminished Libido, You Need to Read This
Stomach & Digestion
What Is Your Stool Telling You? Find Out Here!
Have you ever taken the time to analyse your stool? Its color and shape can reveal an awful lot about your health.
What Is Your Stool Telling You? Find Out Here!
Fat Burning Exercises
What Not to Drink Before and After Some Exercise
In this article, we’ll inform you what you shouldn’t be drinking before and after a workout.
What Not to Drink Before and After Some Exercise
Immune Health
6 Juices that’ll Fight Anemia and Its Symptoms Naturally
Those who suffer from anemia know how much it affects daily life but there is a natural solution to this disease, such as these next 6 juices.
6 Juices that’ll Fight Anemia and Its Symptoms Naturally
Bacteria & Viruses
Warning! Keep Away From Romaine Lettuce At the Moment!
E.coli is back in the news at the moment, and the outbreak has unfortunately been linked to delicious romaine lettuce. Find out more here!
Warning! Keep Away From Romaine Lettuce At the Moment!
If You're Middle-Aged and Mainly Sedentary, Read This
If you lead a largely sedentary lifestyle and are middle-aged, you should know that exercise can reverse any damage to your heart. Find out more here.
If You're Middle-Aged and Mainly Sedentary, Read This
Liver Conditions
If You Have These Symptoms, Your Liver is Unhealthy!
The liver is one of the most important organs in the human body so it's important that you know when it isn't working properly. Here's what to look out for!
If You Have These Symptoms, Your Liver is Unhealthy!
Immune Health
How Free Radicals Damage Your Body & How to Stop Them...
What are free radicals, why are they harmful, and where do they come from? Read on to find out.
How Free Radicals Damage Your Body & How to Stop Them...
This Food Guide Will Help You Get the Vitamins You Need!
The following guide will help you learn about all the vitamins you need, and the foods where you can get them from.
This Food Guide Will Help You Get the Vitamins You Need!
14 Common Health Problems That Bananas Can Easily Treat
We all know that bananas are full of potassium and vitamins, but did you know that this fruit can be used to treat our most common health problems?
14 Common Health Problems That Bananas Can Easily Treat
General Health
The 9 Causes of Tingling Limbs, Diagnosis and Treatment
A tingling sensation in the hands or feet can occur after having been in an uncomfortable position, but it may indicate problems that require further treatment.
The 9 Causes of Tingling Limbs, Diagnosis and Treatment
Mental Health
Scared of Tight Spaces? Here's What You Can Do About It...
This article will help you understand what claustrophobia really is, and will show you what you can do to overcome it.
Scared of Tight Spaces? Here's What You Can Do About It...
Here's Why Wheatgrass Is the King of All Superfoods!
Here are 7 reasons why you should definitely make wheatgrass an essential part of your diet.
Here's Why Wheatgrass Is the King of All Superfoods!
8 Foods that’ll Protect Your Body Plus a Bonus Recipe!
We don’t always pay enough attention to the food we eat, these 8 foods will increase white blood cell production and make you much healthier!
8 Foods that’ll Protect Your Body Plus a Bonus Recipe!
These Brain Exercises Could Reduce Dementia Risk by 30%
Researchers say that they now have scientific evidence that brain training can help stave off dementia. Read more here!
These Brain Exercises Could Reduce Dementia Risk by 30%
Skin & Hair
These Natural Face Masks Will Give Your Skin a Spruce!
Want to pamper your face in a natural and cheap way? The 7 recipes below will help you make wonderful face masks that will make you feel young again.
These Natural Face Masks Will Give Your Skin a Spruce!
Warning! This Is Why Coats and Car Seats Don't Mix!
Fall is well and truly here, and winter is just around the corner, so let’s discuss why winter coats and car seats aren't a good combination.
Warning! This Is Why Coats and Car Seats Don't Mix!
General Health
These Insane Diseases Have Baffled Scientists for Years
Medical science has come a long way, but there are still a number of diseases that science cannot explain. Here are some of them:
These Insane Diseases Have Baffled Scientists for Years
8 Fantastic Health Reasons to Add Mangos to Your Diet
Mangos are some of the healthiest fruits on the planet. Here are 8 health benefits of this tasty fruit.
8 Fantastic Health Reasons to Add Mangos to Your Diet
Weight Loss
10 Reasons Why You're Always Hungry!
Are you always hungry? If so, here are ten things that could be causing it.
10 Reasons Why You're Always Hungry!
8 Reasons Why You Need to Eat More Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt is the healthiest yogurt available on the market. Here are 8 healthy benefits of this delicious treat.
8 Reasons Why You Need to Eat More Greek Yogurt
Eye Health
7 Pressure Points to Improve Your Vision Within Weeks
Whether you suffer from poor vision, teariness or excess eye pressure, these 7 acupressure points will improve your vision and prevent any other eye conditions from occurring.
7 Pressure Points to Improve Your Vision Within Weeks
Know the Foods We Need to Eat More of as We Age
We're used to thinking that our bodies get weaker as we age, but the main reason for this is our diet. Learn what changes you need to make to remain strong.
Know the Foods We Need to Eat More of as We Age
After Reading This, You'll Avoid the Pepper at Restaurants
We all know how dirty menus are in restaurants, but we bet you didn't know just how dirty the pepper shakers are. Read and share.
After Reading This, You'll Avoid the Pepper at Restaurants
General Health
These 10 Medical Treatments Are Often Not Needed!
Here are ten diagnostic procedures and treatments that were overused during 2016.
These 10 Medical Treatments Are Often Not Needed!
INTERACTIVE: Learn Some Important Information About Cancer
Cancer is a disease that touches all of our lives in one way or another, but it doesn't mean that we can't inform ourselves. View this interactive cancer guide.
INTERACTIVE: Learn Some Important Information About Cancer
Scalp Issues
Suffer From an Itchy Scalp? Check Out These Handy Tips
Do you itch your head often? Discover the reason why and how to get rid of it here.
Suffer From an Itchy Scalp? Check Out These Handy Tips
Wow! I Never Knew Mushrooms Were So Good For Me!
Mushrooms are not only delicious, but they also have a wide range of health benefits too. Here are 9 of health benefits of the humble, but delicious mushroom.
Wow! I Never Knew Mushrooms Were So Good For Me!
Are Probiotics Good for You? Here's What Science Says...
Probiotics can provide us with a great wealth of health benefits, but some scientists are starting to voice serious concerns about their frequent overuse.
Are Probiotics Good for You? Here's What Science Says...
General Health
5 Fantastic Health Benefits of Reading a Little Each Day
Not only is reading enjoyable, but it also has a range of health benefits. Here are five of them.
5 Fantastic Health Benefits of Reading a Little Each Day
Weight Loss
4 Internal Reasons Why You Can't Lose Weight
There are many reasons why we gain weight, but some are not often talked about. Here are four internal reasons why you might be gaining weight.
4 Internal Reasons Why You Can't Lose Weight
The 5 Most Common Reasons for Your Back Ache!
Sudden back pain can be caused by a number of things. Here are 5 things that might be to blame for your achy back.
The 5 Most Common Reasons for Your Back Ache!
Eye Health
If You Protect Your Skin But Not Your Eyes, Read This
While it may seem obvious to put on sun block, how should we care for our eyes?
If You Protect Your Skin But Not Your Eyes, Read This
Here's How You Can Improve Your Care-Giving Skills
You might think that caring for someone is easy, but in reality, your ability to care for someone can be improved with some training.
Here's How You Can Improve Your Care-Giving Skills
Is Honey the Healthiest Natural Substance in the World?
You won't believe how much good can come of honey when combined with other natural and simple ingredients.
Is Honey the Healthiest Natural Substance in the World?
Can Sleep Deprivation Lead to Dementia?
It is often assumed that as we age, we need less sleep that the young. However, this is not the case. Read on to find out more.
Can Sleep Deprivation Lead to Dementia?
Delicious and Healthy Goat's Milk Is the New Dairy King
Goat's milk is not only a tasty substitute for cow's milk, it also offers a range of health benefits that cow's milk can only dream of.
Delicious and Healthy Goat's Milk Is the New Dairy King
Skin Conditions
10 Tell-Tale Signs That You Might Have an Allergy
Here are 10 tell-tale signs that you may have an allergy and should consult a specialist for testing.
10 Tell-Tale Signs That You Might Have an Allergy
General Health
Boost Your Intelligence with These 9 IQ Enhancing Tips
IQ tests are designed to assess your mental powers, but they are not fixed. Here are 9 things you can do to improve your intelligence.
Boost Your Intelligence with These 9 IQ Enhancing Tips
Muscles & Bones
Did You Know That These Foods Can Help Heal Your Bones?
Believe it or not, but these foods can actually help speed up the mending process of broken bones.
Did You Know That These Foods Can Help Heal Your Bones?
Heart Conditions
Reduce Your Cholesterol Quickly with These 11 Tips
Diagnosed with high cholesterol? These 11 tips will help keep your cholesterol levels in check.
Reduce Your Cholesterol Quickly with These 11 Tips
General Health
TRUE SODA STORY: Meet the Man Who Drank Too Much Coke
The challenge was simple: 10 cans of coke for one month. Let's take a look at what happened.
TRUE SODA STORY: Meet the Man Who Drank Too Much Coke
Eye Health
10 Ways to Naturally Alleviate the Symptoms of Dry Eyes
Dry eyes are an irritating ailment that we have all experienced at one point or another. Luckily, there are many natural home remedies to alleviate them.
10 Ways to Naturally Alleviate the Symptoms of Dry Eyes
The Superfoods to Watch out for in 2017
The following superfood trends are going to take over in the coming year. Here's what you should keep an eye out for!
The Superfoods to Watch out for in 2017
The Incredible Things a Raw Potato Can Do for Your Body
Here are 10 health issues that can be remedied with only a raw potato.
The Incredible Things a Raw Potato Can Do for Your Body
Ear, Nose and Throat
6 Health Symptoms Your Ears Want You to Be Aware Of
Your ears can potentially provide clues about the state of your general health.
6 Health Symptoms Your Ears Want You to Be Aware Of
Beat Sciatica Pain with These 7 Simple Exercises
In this article you will find 7 different yoga poses that you can try at home to alleviate the painful symptoms of sciatica.
Beat Sciatica Pain with These 7 Simple Exercises
General Health
This Ice Cube Method Can Cleanse You, Body and Soul
It's amazing what a simple method like this can do for your body and soul. All you need is an ice-cub to make use of this ancient Chinese medical technique!
This Ice Cube Method Can Cleanse You, Body and Soul
Alzheimer's Disease
Reduce the Risk of Alzheimer’s with These Lifestyle Tips
Simple lifestyle changes can prevent the onset of Alzheimer's or dementia.
Reduce the Risk of Alzheimer’s with These Lifestyle Tips
Weight Loss
Fasting Might Limit Aging & Disease - But Is It Healthy?
Fasting is part of evolutionary pre-history, and that's why avoiding it might mean missing out on a range of health benefits.
Fasting Might Limit Aging & Disease - But Is It Healthy?
This Is Why You Shouldn't Drink Orange Juice at Breakfast
For years I was drinking orange juice for breakfast because I thought I should. I'm glad I finally know the truth. See for yourself in the article.
This Is Why You Shouldn't Drink Orange Juice at Breakfast
General Health
A Guide to Remedying Numbness In Your Feet
If you get numb and tingly feet quite often, it could be nothing at all, or it could be indicative of something more serious. Read this guide to find out more.
A Guide to Remedying Numbness In Your Feet
Alzheimer's Disease
The Vitamin Breakthrough in Fight Against Alzheimer's
Most vitamin E supplements don't actually give us the right quality of the vitamin. And we need this vitamin to help our brain function. Read on to learn more.
The Vitamin Breakthrough in Fight Against Alzheimer's
General Health
If Your Body Is Making These Sounds, There May Be an Issue
Our body makes strange noises all the time. When should you see a doctor and when ignore them? Find out in this helpful article.
If Your Body Is Making These Sounds, There May Be an Issue
Mental Health
Here's The Ultimate Relaxation Guide to Erase Your Stress
We all feel a little overwhelmed with stress or anxiety sometimes. So this relaxation guide might be just what you need.
Here's The Ultimate Relaxation Guide to Erase Your Stress
Pain Management
This Is How You Prevent Excruciating Leg Cramps
Leg cramp is one of the most painful, and widely misunderstood afflictions you can experience. Here's why it happens and what you can do to prevent it.
This Is How You Prevent Excruciating Leg Cramps
Heart Conditions
Fix Blood Pressure by Living Well: This Is Our Guide
Hypertension can be treated by living a healthy lifestyle. Here are our 9 natural home remedies that can help you.
Fix Blood Pressure by Living Well: This Is Our Guide
Kidney & Bladder Health
Could This Research Consign Kidney Stones To History?
Researchers have discovered that a compound found in fruit can be used effectively for preventing and treating kidney stones. Read on to find out more.
Could This Research Consign Kidney Stones To History?
Pain Management
Pain is More Complex Than You Know. Here Are Some Facts.
Why do you get headaches or why do some people feel less pain than others? Read through 10 interesting facts about pain here.
Pain is More Complex Than You Know. Here Are Some Facts.
10 Healthy Herbal Teas and How They Can Benefit You...
Herbal teas can do wonders for your health. In this post, we break down 10 of the healthiest types, as well as all the ways in which you can benefit.
10 Healthy Herbal Teas and How They Can Benefit You...
10 Upper Body Exercises to Keep You Supple as You Get Older
These great exercises are a breeze to do and will help tone and strengthen your upper body.
10 Upper Body Exercises to Keep You Supple as You Get Older
Craving Unhealthy Foods? You Could Be Low on Nutrients
There are many theories as to why you could be craving unhealthy food. One theory holds that it comes down to a lack of nutrients. Here's what you need to know.
Craving Unhealthy Foods? You Could Be Low on Nutrients
IMPORTANT to Know: 8 Early Signs of Ovarian Cancer
Catch ovarian cancer early by becoming aware of these 8 early warning signs. Also learn about other risk factors such as genetics.
IMPORTANT to Know: 8 Early Signs of Ovarian Cancer
Weight Loss
25 Smart Ways to Cut Down On Your Sugar Consumption
Sugar is one of the worst things you can put in your body, but it's SO hard to quit. Here are some great ways to reduce your dependence on this unhealthy material.
25 Smart Ways to Cut Down On Your Sugar Consumption
Mouth & Teeth
Make This Mouthwash to Keep Your Breath Spicy and Aromatic
Instead of just pretending to freshen your breath, you can make your own mouthwash at home using natural ingredients that will clean your mouth thoroughly.
Make This Mouthwash to Keep Your Breath Spicy and Aromatic
General Health
This 104-Year-Old Doctor Has Some Great Advice to Give!
Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara, from Japan, turned 104 recently. Here are 15 Hinohara's pieces of advice for a long and happy life.
This 104-Year-Old Doctor Has Some Great Advice to Give!
Weight Loss
These 6 Exercises Will Work Your Inner Thighs
Trim excess fat around your inner thighs with these easy exercises.
These 6 Exercises Will Work Your Inner Thighs
Stomach & Digestion
11 Signs You May Have a Food Intolerance Without Knowing
If you are suffering from any of these 11 symptoms, you might have a hidden food intolerance. Read on to find out more.
11 Signs You May Have a Food Intolerance Without Knowing
Heart Conditions
Could These Strange Signs Be Warning You of Heart Trouble?
Research has also discovered a handful of odd symptoms that might predict heart disease later in life.
Could These Strange Signs Be Warning You of Heart Trouble?
Skin & Hair
How to Cure Skin Fungus From the Comfort of Your Own Home
Learn to treat your skin fungus with natural home remedies.
How to Cure Skin Fungus From the Comfort of Your Own Home
Pain Management
Help Treat Widespread Pain, Tenderness & Muscle Discomfort
A helpful guide looking into the symptoms and alternative treatment methods for fibromyalgia.
Help Treat Widespread Pain, Tenderness & Muscle Discomfort
Skin & Hair
WARNING: 7 Important Considerations For Using Essential Oils
Essential oils are touted as being wonderful healing medicines, but these powerful substances must be used with cautions as they can do more harm than good.
WARNING: 7 Important Considerations For Using Essential Oils
8 Exercises that'll Improve Your Sitting Posture
Did you know that your sitting posture can end up causing you a lot of pain?
8 Exercises that'll Improve Your Sitting Posture
10 Beginner Yoga Poses That Help Fight Diabetes
Studies show that yoga can improve blood glucose levels. Here are 10 yoga poses you could try to help manage diabetes.
10 Beginner Yoga Poses That Help Fight Diabetes
Natural Remedies to Get Instant Relief from a Foot Cramp
Have you ever wondered what may be causing your foot cramp? The causes may surprise you. Take a look at 4 preventative measures.
Natural Remedies to Get Instant Relief from a Foot Cramp
The Health Benefits of the Japanese Matcha Green Tea
Did you know that there are more than one kind of green tea, and that Japanese Matcha is the best?
The Health Benefits of the Japanese Matcha Green Tea
Don't Throw Away Your Scraps - They Are Really Healthy!
If you are used to throwing away stems, leaves, skin and roots when you prepare fruit and veggies, it's time to think again!
Don't Throw Away Your Scraps - They Are Really Healthy!
Bacteria & Viruses
Relieve Your Cold and Flu Symptoms with these Natural Oils
If you're feeling under the weather, these natural oils will help your body heal faster.
Relieve Your Cold and Flu Symptoms with these Natural Oils
General Health
This Week in Health Tips!
A great variety of health tips to improve your overall well-being.
This Week in Health Tips!
General Health
10 Things We Commonly Do that Harm Our Brain
Your brain is the most important organ you have. Here are 10 ways to keep it from harm.
10 Things We Commonly Do that Harm Our Brain
Skin & Hair
10 Superfoods That'll Take Care of Your Prostate
If you'd like a healthy prostate, you should check out these superfoods!
10 Superfoods That'll Take Care of Your Prostate
Stomach & Digestion
The Effects of Aging on Your Digestion
5 important rules regarding how we digest as we grow older, and how to compensate for it.
The Effects of Aging on Your Digestion
General Health
This Week in Health Tips!
Learn simple ways to take care of your body and wellbeing with the latest in health tips and suggestions.
This Week in Health Tips!
Weight Loss
Increase Your Daily Metabolism With these 10 Strong Tips
A slow metabolism gives gives us low energy and extra fat, while a fast metabolism gives us both energy and a tighter body. Learn how to speed up yours.
Increase Your Daily Metabolism With these 10 Strong Tips
General Health
8 Unexpected Health Benefits of Taking a Sauna
Saunas can shower you with some serious health benefits, and this video explains exactly how.
8 Unexpected Health Benefits of Taking a Sauna
Brain Disorders
Cut Out These Bad Habits As They're Damaging Your Brain
Our brain is the most important organ in our body. With this in mind, we should cut out the bad habits that damage it. Here are 7 of them.
Cut Out These Bad Habits As They're Damaging Your Brain
If You Have These Symptoms, You Need More Vitamins!
There are loads of remedies to make up for a lack of vitamins, but people still suffer from vitamin deficiency. Here are 8 signs you needed more vitamins.
If You Have These Symptoms, You Need More Vitamins!
10 Culinary Con-Tricks You Should Know About
Food companies get away with murder some times. Here are 10 of their most blatant health lies you should know about.
10 Culinary Con-Tricks You Should Know About
Weight Loss
This Terrific Drink Will Keep You Healthy and Thin!
Learn how to make fennel seed water, a drink that will help you lose weight while making you healthier!
This Terrific Drink Will Keep You Healthy and Thin!
Stomach & Digestion
5 Things We Get Wrong About Constipation
If you suffer from occasional or chronic constipation, beware of these 5 dangerous misconceptions...
5 Things We Get Wrong About Constipation
Lungs & Breathing
Why Does Your Chest Hurt When You Breathe?
Painful breathing is an alarming symptom. What conditions does this symptom point towards?
Why Does Your Chest Hurt When You Breathe?
Endocrine Health
Why Is Iodine Added to Salt?
In some parts of the world, iodine is added to the classic old table salt. Why?
Why Is Iodine Added to Salt?
Skin & Hair
Want Healthy Glowing Skin? Start Using Turmeric Today
Turmeric has many great ingredients that can do wonders for your skin. Find out how.
Want Healthy Glowing Skin? Start Using Turmeric Today
Everything to Know About Omega Fatty Acids
What's the difference between omega 3, 6, and 9, and is it possible you don't even need a supplement for those?
Everything to Know About Omega Fatty Acids
You Should Avoid Maraschino Cherries
Maraschino cherries are the bright red ones on top of your sundae. Is there an alternative to that waxy stuff? Was that ever real cherry at all?
You Should Avoid Maraschino Cherries
US Drug Trial Eliminates Cancer in 100% of Patients
A new drug called Dostarlimab has completely cured 18 rectal cancer patients of the disease. Can it be the answer to end cancer?
US Drug Trial Eliminates Cancer in 100% of Patients
Pain Management
3 Self-Massage Techniques For Heel Pain
When done correctly, self-massage can bring relief from heel pain. Here are 3 safe techniques you can try.
3 Self-Massage Techniques For Heel Pain
Bacteria & Viruses
Monkeypox: A Guide
Scientists point out that Monkeypox is different from COVID-19 in several key ways.
Monkeypox: A Guide
Heart Conditions
The 4 Types of Heart Failure
Congestive heart failure is just one of several types of heart failure. See what the other types are and how they feel.
The 4 Types of Heart Failure
Colon Cancer
8 Ways to Reduce the Risk of Colon Cancer
These preventive measures help cut down your risk of colon cancer.
8 Ways to Reduce the Risk of Colon Cancer
Skin & Hair
Causes and Treatments of Yellow Toenails
Several reasons lead to a yellowing toenail. Let's review these causes and ways to treat them.
Causes and Treatments of Yellow Toenails
Effects of Aging on Your Ankles and Feet
Here are seven of the most common age-related foot problems that you should be aware of.
Effects of Aging on Your Ankles and Feet
7 Causes of Wrist Pain
We review several major causes of wrist pain in this informative guide.
7 Causes of Wrist Pain
Lungs & Breathing
The Many Benefits of Abdominal Breathing
Diaphragmatic breathing, also known as abdominal breathing, is a wonderful technique that can help quell anxiety.
The Many Benefits of Abdominal Breathing
Skin & Hair
Five Benefits of Carrot Oil
Learn about the many amazing benefits of carrot seed oil for the skin and hair.
Five Benefits of Carrot Oil
Why Pea Milk is the Best of Them All
We're so hooked on pea milk. It's an effortless, delicious, nutritious protein punch.
Why Pea Milk is the Best of Them All
Sleep Problems
Melatonin For Long-Term Use
Melatonin is generally harmless and acts as a good solution for short-term sleep problems, but can you use it for prolonged periods?
Melatonin For Long-Term Use
Mental Health
The Overlooked Form of OCD
Understanding ‘Purely Obsessional OCD’ (Pure OCD or Pure O), a lesser-known form of obsessive-compulsive disorder.
The Overlooked Form of OCD
Weight Loss Diets
4 Guilt-Free Snacks To Enjoy Before Bed
Learn about 4 snacks you can enjoy guilt-free when you're feeling peckish before bed.
4 Guilt-Free Snacks To Enjoy Before Bed
Men's Health
Could Paracetamol Affect Your Sperm Count?
Findings from a recent study show a link between certain chemicals, paracetamol among them, and a decline in sperm count and quality.
Could Paracetamol Affect Your Sperm Count?
Think Twice Before You Take These 10 Supplements
These 10 supplements are notoriously overused, and most people really don’t have to include them in their daily regimen.
Think Twice Before You Take These 10 Supplements
12 Unexpected Health Risks of Bad Posture
Here’s what could happen if you neglect your posture.
12 Unexpected Health Risks of Bad Posture
10 Things People Get Wrong About Stroke
Stroke is an extremely serious condition. So it may surprise you to learn that this medical emergency is surrounded by a number of reckless misconceptions.
10 Things People Get Wrong About Stroke
All the Reasons to Start Loving Sardines, of All Fish
Did you know sardines are so good for bone health that they're recommended for pregnant women?
All the Reasons to Start Loving Sardines, of All Fish
Brain Disorders
8 Everyday Behaviors That Mess With Your Memory
Chances are, tweaking a few little things here and there could really improve your memory.
8 Everyday Behaviors That Mess With Your Memory
All Seniors Should Try This Balance Test: Study
A new study has revealed that the ability to stand on one leg for 10 seconds in middle age may be a good sign for your health.
All Seniors Should Try This Balance Test: Study
New Insulin Alternative Called Mounjaro Gets FDA Approval
The FDA recently approved a medication called tirzepatide (Mounjaro) that may replace insulin for many type two diabetes patients.
New Insulin Alternative Called Mounjaro Gets FDA Approval
General Health
Don't Let These Blood Donation Myths Deter You
Don't let these blood donation misconceptions deter you from giving.
Don't Let These Blood Donation Myths Deter You
Smartphone Ergonomics and Pain Relief Guide
Learn how to identify, treat, and prevent pain from smartphone use and how to use your device ergonomically.
Smartphone Ergonomics and Pain Relief Guide
Stomach & Digestion
Lactose Intolerance Guide - Symptoms and Treatments
Learn how to reduce or even fully eliminate the symptoms of lactose intolerance here.
Lactose Intolerance Guide - Symptoms and Treatments
Sleep Problems
6 Unexpected Causes of Nightmares and How to Prevent Them
Surprised by the nightmare that woke you in the middle of the night? Here's what is causing it...
6 Unexpected Causes of Nightmares and How to Prevent Them
Micro Botox: What it is and Why We Think You'd Prefer it
Learn about micro Botox and why it may be better for you than classic Botox.
Micro Botox: What it is and Why We Think You'd Prefer it
Men's Health
11 Warning Signs of Low Testosterone
Look out for these alarming symptoms of low testosterone.
11 Warning Signs of Low Testosterone
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