Model Jokes

A friend got to the final of the local model railway competition. He lost on points.
A friend got to the final of the local model railway competition. He lost on points.
How many museum curators does it take to change a light bulb?
6. 1 changes it and the other 5 preserve, display, and celebrate the old model.
Apart from being a running gear model, what do you do for a living?
Who did the horse ask to be his second wife?
A manewer model.
Are you a model?
I went into my art lesson covered in yeast and flour...
My teacher said, I'm the perfect roll model.
Why did the model bring her lipstick and eye shadow to school?
Because she had a make-up exam!
Are you a Victoria's Secret model? Because heaven's missing an Angel.
An extremely slim model, Miss Slater,
Was attacked by a croc and it ate 'er.
Said her trainer, Tough deal,
What a horrible meal,
We should throw it some greens and potater.
It peels nice to be voted in as the most appeeling model in the contest.
What was the first car Henry Fordasaurus invented? A Model T-Rex.
I knew a guy in jail who would never knife a man in the back or when he was down
He was the very model of shivalry.