Joint Jokes

Where do skeletons go hang out at night?
Anywhere, as long as it's a hip joint.
I had to work with two different hospitals for my Knee Surgery...
It was a joint venture.
I booked an appointment at the orthopedist for my whole family.
We got joint problems.
I wrote down a list of everyone I hate on a piece of paper and my roommate use it to roll his joint....
He's now high on the list of people I never want to see again.
Why did the fold get arrested?
Because it was caught rolling a joint.
What's a slut like you doing in a classy joint like this?
What did the maggot say to another?
What's a nice maggot like you doing in a joint like this?
The Stoner and the Genie A stoner is walking along the beach when he stumbles upon an old, dusty lamp. Curiosity gets the best of him, so he picks it up, gives it a rub, and—poof—a genie appears. "Mortal, you have summoned me, and you may have three wishes." the genie says, eyeing him seriously. "What is your first wish?" The stoner, already in a mellow mood, grins. "Alright, for my first wish, let's smoke a joint together." The genie, though a bit surprised, shrugs. With a snap of his fingers, a joint appears, and they light up, passing it back and forth in silence, enjoying the ocean breeze. After a few minutes, the genie says, "What's your second wish?" The stoner, eyes half-closed, nods and says, "For my second wish, let’s smoke another one." The genie obliges, conjuring up another joint, and they repeat the process, sinking deeper into relaxation. Once that joint’s burned down, the genie clears his throat, "So, what's your third wish?" The stoner thinks for a second, a slow smile spreading across his face. "Okay, for my third wish... let’s smoke one more." The genie raises an eyebrow but obliges him. So they spark up one last joint, and after they finish, the genie disappears into the lamp. A minute later, he pops out with chicken nuggets in his hand and asks: "So, what's your fourth wish?"
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