Fun Jokes

Where do squirrels go for fun?
The acorn-ival.
โ€œWaking your kids up for school the first day after a break is almost as much fun as birthing them was.โ€ - Jenny McCarthy
โ€œMisers are no fun to live with, but they make great ancestors.โ€ โ€”Tom Snyder
โ€œMy job is fun! I should change this line once in a while. My brain has started to realize that I am lying to it every morning."
~ Anonymous
โ€œI work for myself, which is fun. Except when I call in sick, I know Iโ€™m lying. โ€“ Rita Rudner
โ€œA baseball game is twice as much fun if youโ€™re seeing it on the companyโ€™s time.โ€ โ€” William C. Feather
If life is like a box of chocolates,
is it rude to ask for candy?
Can you really say with certainty
that you even understand me?

When life hands you lemons
I think you'd better run.
Cause life can throw a curve ball
and hit you just for fun.

I can do without the chocolates
You can keep your lemons too.
Life is what you make of it
not what it makes of you.

(Sarina McConnell)
She had so many chances
Yet she kept muffin it up
Butter intentions were good
Just not much coffee in her cup

Couldnโ€™t make a good decision
Too much waffling back and forth
Always peppered with doubt
Should she head south, no maybe north

Still, she was fun at a party
I would say, hummus a tune
Sheโ€™d say, Icing because Iโ€™m happy
As the words began to croon

Maybe thatโ€™s whatโ€™s most important
Omelet let her off the hook
So sheโ€™s always in a pickle
Doesnโ€™t do things by the book

Once again, Iโ€™m gonna help her
Since she is such a good egg
I said, girl, youโ€™d go much farther
If you werenโ€™t such a nut Meg

(Mike Gentile)
Bagels and baguettes
Bap or fried bake,
The fruits of the flour
are easy to make

Chollah, chapatti,
Cinnamon bun.
These global delights,
make eating such fun.

Filled with Caribbean sweet meat
like Guava jam,
Scottish smoked salmon;
Or Danish roast ham.

Add a fresh fruit salad,
Some sparkling wine,
A candle, red roses and
youโ€™re ready to dine.

(Joanna Davis)
You're like fireworks: smokin' hot, fun, and radiant.
"A three year old child is a being who gets almost as much fun out of a fifty-six dollar set of swings as it does out of finding a small green worm." โ€“ Bill Vaughan
Fairies just wand to have fun.
โ€œWhen youโ€™re in jail, a good friend will be trying to bail you out. A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying, โ€˜D***, that was fun.'โ€
โ€” Groucho Marx
A Senior Customer A prostitute standing outside a motel in a small town saw a 70+ year old man walking past. She hasn't had a customer for a while so she whistles at him and says, "Hey, would you like to have some fun time with me?" The old man said, "But I won't be able to..." "C'mon man.... give it a try... " She says. Old man says okay. They go in. The moment they get to the bed, the old timer becomes a machine and makes passionate love to her an hour straight. When he's done, the prostitute catches her breath. Exhausted and tired she says, "But you said you won't be able to...." " you." completed the old man.
Why is Frankenstein such good fun?
Because he soon has you in stitches.
โ€œIf dogs could talk, it would take a lot of fun out of owning one.โ€ โ€”Andrew A. Rooney
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