Desperate Jokes

What does a man desperate to urinate do in a room full of arrogant people?
Egos everywhere.
The orange was really sad at the event because it had no peelings whatsoever for the desperate prune.
Why was the pizzeria desperate for business?
Because they kneaded the dough!
A Frog Outta Luck This is a story about a frog who had a unique and weird love in its heart - for human women. He wanted to meet the princess to make him a prince. Of course, no human girl will touch him. His frog relatives are weirded out and don't want to help him. Eventually he hears of a psychic toad that lives not far away. He makes his way to him in leaps and bounds, and finds him in a little bog. After much pleading, the toad reads his fortune. He tells him, "You are going to meet a beautiful young girl who will want to know everything about you."  The frog becomes excited, "This is great! Will I meet her at a party?"  "No," says the toad, "in her biology class."
What did the pea dad say after a tiring day at work? "I'm desperate for some peas of mind."
The Arrogant Professor An arrogant professor boards a plane and gets a seat beside an old man. Mid-flight, the professor decides to play a game with the old man and prove he’s intellectually superior, so he turns to him and says: “Hey, do you want to play a little game with me?” The old man looks at him and says: “Depends. What type of game?” The professor goes on to explain the game: “Taking turns, we’ll ask each other one question at a time. If the other knows the answer, the asker gives him one dollar, and if he doesn’t, he gives one dollar to the asker. Want to play?” The professor grins, knowing his general knowledge is vastly superior. To his dismay, the old man refuses! Determined to make him agree, the professor raises the stakes for him. “If I lose, I ‘ll give you two dollars instead of one!” “No.” “Five dollars!” “No.” “Ten dollars!” “I told you, no.” Desperate, the professor makes one final offer: “If I lose, I’ll give you a hundred dollars, and if you lose you’ll only give me one!” The professor pleads. The old man ponders this, then sighs. “Only if I get to start”, and the professor immediately agrees. “Ask away”, the professor says, confident he’ll never lose. The old man asks: “What has five heads, forty feet, and lives inside of a bucket?” The professor turns the riddle over in his head, trying to find anything that fits the description. After an hour of intense concentration, the professor gives up. Grumbling, he pulls out his wallet and gives the old man $100. He wastes no time and asks him: “So what has five heads, forty feet, and lives inside of a bucket?” The old man smiles and says: “I’ve got no idea. Here’s your dollar."
I met a chicken once; she was desperate to join a band. She even had her own drumsticks.
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