Communicate Jokes

How do turtles communicate with each other?
With shell phones.
How do you communicate with the spirit of a Viking warrior?
With a Nor-Ouija board.
How does a pirate communicate? With his aye phone.
How do knights communicate?
They use chain mail.
Why did the scientist use a drink container to communicate with dolphins?
Because a bottle knows dolphin.
How do you communicate with a fish? Drop it a line!
How do spiders communicate? Through the World Wide Web.
How do you communicate with a fish? Drop him a line!
What is the best way to communicate with a fish?
Drop it a line!
Turtles communicate with each other through shell phones.
How do turtles communicate with each other?
With shell phones.
My friend Jack claims that he can communicate with vegetables.
Jack and the beans talk.
What did one ant say to the other ant? Nothing, ants communicate by pheromones, not speech.
In ancient Egypt, how did insects communicate?
Pharaoh moans
How do you communicate with a fish?
Drop him a line.