Wow you’re the most beautiful girl I Eva seen
Wow Adrian, is that a typo in your name? Because I swear you’re A-Dream.
I’d be Carol-ying if I said you weren’t absolutely stunning.
Hey, how’ve you Ben?
Hey Bella, looking for a fella?
Oh Miles, you make me Smiles.
Dominic Pick-Up Lines
Wow, you drive me Davi
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Eva who?
Eva been asked out via knock knock joke before…?
Oof – is the Erin here really fresh or is that just you?
I think you’re pretty Stella-r
Wow, seeing you today Ezra-lly a treat!
Charlotte, would you char-let me rock your world?
Wow, you’re gorgeous. I’m definitely in Awe-stin of you.
Forget a trophy wife…. I’m looking for a Sophie wife
Hey Adam… it’s Adam shame I don’t have your number yet
Wow, we really matched? I guess we’re simply Seb-posed to be
So, are you the kinda guy to Lu-kiss and tell?
Hey how’s it going? Ben jammin’ much today?
You should give me your number..who knows, I Michael you later…
Wow, you’re such a catch. I could never let you Chlo-e.
I’m concerned you just might be my poison, Ivy
I was thinking whether I should write you or not.. but honestly, there isn’t Hannah-other better choice than to
You’re photos are so great, would it be weird if I made you my screen Xavier?
Oh wow sorry – I just got l’Austin your eyes.
What’s your go to order at a bar? Mine is A Big Ale
You are so cute, you’ve Lily got me hooked
Robviously, I couldn’t help but ask you out
I’d be Ju-lyin’ if I said you weren’t super cute
Wanna go out this weekend? Maybe go on a quick John-t around town?
Do you have any plans tonight? If not do you mind If I Jona you than?
I know your name is Savan-nah, but if I asked you out to drinks, could that be a Savan-yeah?
Looks like I Andrew the winning card today
Wow call me Eve, because you just made me feel like the only girl in the world
Has anyone told you you have the best smile ever? Honestly, its Nat-a-lie!
Just shooting my shot here, because you look so good. Hope it lands, but I guess Wesley..
Hey, not sure if I should be telling you this, but I’m a Prince and I’m currently looking for my Cinder-Bella
Well, I’m definitely Madel-interested
If I asked you out, could the answer be Ameli-yeah?
I’m feeling a little blue, do you think you could help al-Levi-ate my pain with a good date?
Listen, I’ve got a couple important questions and I really need Samanthas
Let’s get drinks this weekend. Are you Lilli-an, or Lilli-out?
What a great match!..I hope when you see my message you don’t give it Ah-big-ail no and leave me hanging
Hey Anthony, methinks Antho-Need your number
I heard there are names that can be impossible to make puns out of, say its not Zoey!
You are unbe-Leah-vably gorgeous
I can’t believe such a perfect match could Alexis-t
Are you tired? Because you’ve been Aaron-ing through my mind all day
You look pretty fun, I hope this means I’m headed into a new S-era of good luck
Swiping can be such dangerous territory, but I think I’ve a Safe Harper in this match