Looks like I Andrew the winning card today
I think you and I could make a perfect Caleb-oration
I’d love to spend some time Matthew
Looks like I’ve Joshu-won the best match of the day
I’m looking for my soulmate. Do you think you could Aiden my search?
Wow, I was just wishing for a soulmate Anna minute later, we matched. What are the chances?
Hey, you can r’Eli on me to be a fun date
Hey Anthony, methinks Antho-Need your number
I know you don’t Naomi, but I hope you will soon
Looks like we’re Taylor made for each other
I was trying to come up with a witty pun but my brain was like Han,nah
Hey Erin, ever heard that sharin’ is carin’? Care to share a meal together sometime?
Looks like I’ve finally found my one and Zoe
Wanted to use a cheesy pickup line but toBrianna-st with you, I think puns are sort of ovedone
I think you’re pretty Stella-r
Should we go out on Friday? Isla pick you up at 7.
Hey how’s it going? Ben jammin’ much today?
I was hoping you’d text first, but clearly Abby-t you to it
Oh Miles, you make me Smiles.
I can’t believe such a perfect match could Alexis-t
I wasn’t sure if I should make the first move… but I was raised to never Jack down from an opportunity
Hello, allow me to hi-Jack this conversation
I’ve always loved the name Alexandra. Should I call you Alexandra, Alex, Lexie, or mine?
Wanna meet up tonight? I hope you Leonard-on’t say no
I’d be Ju-lyin’ if I said you weren’t super cute
Wow, your name makes sense because you’re truly Audrey-m come true
I couldn’t help but approach, you’ve been on my mind Twenty four Evan
I’d be Ryan if I said you weren’t cute
Listen, I’ve got a couple important questions and I really need Samanthas
Hey, I think I could rock your world if you Dave me a chance…
Has anyone told you you have the best smile ever? Honestly, its Nat-a-lie!
You’re photos are so great, would it be weird if I made you my screen Xavier?
Just shooting my shot here, because you look so good. Hope it lands, but I guess Wesley..
Hey is your name Cameron? Cuz I’d love a Camera-n to capture that gorgeous face of yours.
Is your name pronounced Ee-an, or Eye-an? I hope it’s the latter cuz I’ve got my Ian you
Hey Audrey, Audreyly like to take you out
Forget a trophy wife…. I’m looking for a Sophie wife
I was trying to think of a good pun for your name, but I can’t think of Jack
Hey there, will you Vio-let me take you out sometime this weekend?
Girl, you’re truly one in Amelia
Hey, mind if I take you out to dinner sometime? I don’t wanna go Nico-less
Well… I gotta de-Clara, I think I’ve just fallen in love.
Ruby, or not Ruby…that may be one question, but mine is actually will you go out with me?
Well, I have to say I am William-pressed with you
You’re all I’m Luca-ing for and more
Was scared to approach you honestly, but I decided to take a Nata-leap of faith.