Without you, I’m like a null set… Empty.
I know my math. And you’ve got one significant figure!
I=f(U), I can't function without you.
If four plus four equals eight, then me plus you equals fate.
Baby, you’re like a student and I am like a math book, you solve all my problems.
My love for you is like an exponential curve. It’s unbounded.
Your body has the nicest arc length I have ever seen.
My love for you is like dividing by zero… It can’t be defined!
I can figure out the square root of any number in less than 10 seconds. What? You don’t believe me? Well, then, let’s try it with your phone number.
I sure hope you know set theory, ’cause I wanna intersect and union with you.
You're embarrassed by my dense pickup lines? OK, I won't continuum. I'll be more discrete.
Hi, I hear you’re good at algebra… Will you replace my X without asking Y?
Girl, we must be a bipartite graph, because I just thought of an efficient algorithm for finding an optimal matching for the two of us.
Date me and all of your problems will be polygone.
Hey girl… Can I call-cu-later?
Are you a 45-degree angle, because you’re perfect.
Are you the square root of -100? Because you’re a solid 10 but too good to be real!
My feelings for you have grown exponentially.
Are you good at math? Can you help me solve for x? X = your number.
I was supposed to solve for X. I am so glad that I found U instead.
I’m more interested in you than the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
Are you p>0.5, because I’d never reject you.