Have you seen any linking verbs around here? Because you are my complement and I want to connect.
If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put ‘U’ and ‘I’ together.
Without you, I feel like a fragment. Incomplete.
It will be a habitual action for me to offer you a simple present.
Are you a verb? Because you look a little tense, but I can put you in the mood.
You are the object of my preposition.
I wish I was a pronoun so I could be the direct object of your affection!
Baby, if you were words on a page, you’d be fine print.
Girl, you must be a possessive pronoun because I think you're mine.
With conjunctions, you and I can be together.
Baby, I'm a dependent clause, and all I need is you.
You're so amazing that I always use the partitive genitive when I talk about you.
There are approximately 1,010,300 words in the English language.
But I could never string together enough words to properly express how beautiful you are.
If you were a sentence, I'd be the punctuation mark because I'd always follow you no matter what.
I don’t know how to spell beautiful. all I know is without u, it’s impossible.
I may study semantics, but you're what gives my life meaning.
I know the difference between "less" and "fewer," but don't worry, you won't have to ask me for either of them.
I know "Good Morning" in 5 different languages
Which do you want to hear tomorrow?
There are 21 letters in the alphabet right? Oh wait, I forgot u, r, a, q, t.
I would like to end this sentence with a proposition.
Is it hot in here or did you just use 'whom' correctly?
Do you like interjections? YES? NO! GOOD!
I heard kissing is the language of love so...
Do you wanna start a conversation?
Can you do sign language?
I wish I knew how to sign because I don't think any spoken words can describe how beautiful you are.
Can I call you "whom"? Because you're the object — of my affections.
Do you wanna go to a restaurant?
You can't spell “menu” without me and u.
I’m no adjective; I would never want to modify you.
It’s a good thing I have my library card because I am totally checking you out.
You don’t look like such a proper noun to me.
Hey, so how do you spell your name?
OK, and how do you spell your number?
I would never precede you with "which," baby, because you are essential to this clause.
Girl, are you an adjective? Cause you should come first every day.