
9 Yin Yoga Poses for Better Joint Health

There isn’t a person who hasn’t heard of yoga, and even if you've never tried it, you're probably already aware that it's a type of physical-spiritual exercise that helps maintain health, while also being an enjoyable practice that can be adopted as part of a lifestyle. The truth is that you don't have to be a spiritual person to enjoy and benefit from yoga, especially when it comes to Yin Yoga—a technique in which the asanas (poses) are held for longer periods of time. Yin Yoga helps strengthen the flexibility and strength of the joints and connective tissues and improves blood circulation throughout the body. So if you suffer from pain and movement difficulties, it can definitely help you.
It can also reduce your stress and anxiety levels, as proven in a study conducted in Sweden and the UK, which found that this effect lasts up to 5 weeks after practicing Yin Yoga. Here we’ve gathered for you 9 recommended exercises, from which you can choose 5-6 and perform them in under an hour, one after the other as part of your yoga routine. To make your choice easier, we've also included an explanation of who each exercise is recommended for.

1. Recommended pose for beginners: Butterfly

If this is your first time trying yoga, it’s recommended to start with this pose, which stretches the thighs and eases back pain.
Recommended Yin Yoga exercises: Butterfly Pose

How to perform the Butterfly Pose:

  • Start by sitting.
  • Bend your knees and let them fall to the sides, with the soles of your feet touching in front of you.
  • Bend your upper body forward and relax your neck, shoulders, and spine.
  • Hold your feet with your hands.
  • Stay in this pose for 3-5 minutes.
Tip: Place rolled towels under your knees and/or a cushion under your chest for extra support, if needed.

2. Recommended pose for anxiety: Ankle to Knee

This pose also stretches the thighs and eases the lower back, but it is more advanced than the previous one and has the added benefit of reducing anxiety.
Recommended Yin Yoga exercises: Ankle to Knee Pose

How to perform the Ankle to Knee Pose:

  • Sit with crossed legs, with only one foot resting on the opposite knee, and the other foot under the knee of the first leg.
  • Create a square-like shape with your legs, so that the thighs and shins are parallel to the edges of the yoga mat.
  • Bend forward slightly—there’s no need to go all the way down.
  • Support your body by bringing your hands forward and placing your fingertips on the floor.
  • Stay like this for 3-5 minutes.
Tip: You can place a cushion between your chest and legs for extra support. Additionally, if you suffer from sciatica or lower back pain, it’s recommended to sit on a cushion to elevate the hips.

3. Recommended pose for sleep: Legs Up the Wall

This pose helps return blood flow to the upper body after a long day of standing on your feet or sitting at a desk.
Recommended Yin Yoga exercises: Legs Up the Wall Pose

How to perform the Legs Up the Wall Pose:

  • Lie on your back near a wall.
  • Bring your hips toward the wall so that they touch it.
  • Gently rest your legs against the wall and place your arms by your sides.
  • Stay in this pose for 3-5 minutes.
Tip: Place a cushion under your head and upper back to make the pose more comfortable.

4. Recommended pose for improving blood circulation: Banana

This pose is as simple as can be, where you mimic the shape of a banana with your body, stretching the sides and thus improving blood circulation throughout the body.
Recommended Yin Yoga exercises: Banana Pose

How to perform the Banana Pose:

  • Lie on your back with your arms overhead.
  • While keeping your belly facing upward, slide your heels and arms to one side of your body, creating a banana-like shape.
  • Stay like this for 3-5 minutes, then perform the exercise on the other side.
Tip: Give yourself a minute or two to rest before starting the other side, by lying on your back with your body straight. Additionally, you can place cushions beside your legs and arms to help maintain the pose without being tempted to straighten your body.

5. Recommended pose for the hips: Dragon

If your hips and thighs feel stiff and in need of a stretch, this pose will help you, and it’s especially recommended for those who suffer from sciatica.
Recommended Yin Yoga exercises: Dragon Pose

How to perform the Dragon Pose:

  • Start in table position, standing on your arms, knees, and feet. Your arms are straight under your shoulders and your knees are directly under your hips.
  • Bring one of your legs between your hands, so that the knee is bent at a 90-degree angle and the foot is flat on the floor.
  • Lower the other knee toward the floor—you can also let it touch the ground.
  • Stay in this position for 3-5 minutes, release, and then perform the exercise with the other leg.
Tip: Place a blanket or towel under the knee that’s on the floor to make it more comfortable.

6. Recommended pose for the abdominal muscles: Swan

This pose will stretch the thigh muscles but primarily the abdominal muscles, helping you strengthen and tone them.
Recommended Yin Yoga exercises: Swan Pose

How to perform the Swan Pose:

  • Start in table position, standing on your arms, knees, and feet. Your arms are straight under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips.
  • Bring one leg forward, placing the foot in front of the thigh of the other leg and lowering the knee to the side, so that the shin and thigh rest on the floor.
  • Lower the back leg to the floor by sliding the knee backward, with the foot pointing upward.
  • Keep your arms straight and press your hands against the floor.
  • Make sure your weight is evenly distributed across your body.
  • Stay like this for 3-5 minutes, release, and repeat with the other leg.
Tip: Place a blanket or towel under the back thigh to help you maintain balance or if you can’t get the back leg all the way to the floor.

7. Recommended pose for the shoulders: Puppy

Work at a desk all day? The Puppy Pose can greatly help stretch your shoulders. It will also stretch your chest and stimulate blood circulation throughout the body.
Recommended Yin Yoga exercises: Puppy Pose

How to perform the Puppy Pose:

  • Start in table position, standing on your arms, knees, and feet. Your arms are straight under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips.
  • Lower your chest to the floor while extending your arms forward.
  • Press your palms against the floor, making sure your elbows and forearms do not touch it.
  • Bring your shoulder blades together.
  • Lift your hips upward.
  • Stay in this pose for 3-5 minutes, then slowly lift your chest and bring your arms back under your shoulders.
Tip: You can rest your forehead on the floor during this exercise and place a towel under your knees for added comfort. If you want a stronger stretch, try extending your chin as far forward as possible.

8. Recommended pose for the back: Wide Child’s Pose

This is a fairly basic yoga pose that stretches the back in general and the spine in particular, and can reduce or even eliminate back pain.
Recommended Yin Yoga exercises: Wide Child's Pose

How to perform the Wide Child's Pose:

  • Start in table position, standing on your arms, knees, and feet. Your arms are straight under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips.
  • Lower your hips and sit back on your heels, spreading your knees as far apart as possible.
  • Bend your chest forward over your thighs and rest your forehead on the floor.
  • You can extend your arms forward or leave them by your sides facing backward.
  • Stay in this pose for 3-5 minutes.
Tip: You can place a rolled towel or cushion between your chest and thighs to make it easier on yourself.

9. Recommended pose for the heart: Supported Fish

This pose stretches the chest, shoulders, and abdominal muscles, stimulates the heart, and can even reduce worries and negative thoughts.
Recommended Yin Yoga exercises: Supported Fish Pose

How to perform the Supported Fish Pose:

  • Lie on the floor with a cushion under your shoulders and head.
  • Relax your hips and straighten your legs. Alternatively, you can bring the soles of your feet together while letting your knees fall to the sides.
  • Place your hands by your sides and relax them, palms facing upward.
  • Stay in this pose for 3-5 minutes.
Tip: Start with the flattest cushions possible, and after performing this pose several times, you can increase the height of the head and shoulders with more cushions or a thicker one. If you feel the stretch is too intense, you can also place cushions under your arms.
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