
Learn How to Treat These 10 Common Pregnancy Side Effects

From the outside looking in, pregnancy seems like a magical and special time for the woman, but when you actually become pregnant yourself, you’ll suddenly realize that people forgot to mention the pains and problems you’ll experience: back pain, edema, and even hemorrhoids are some of the symptoms, that may affect men and women at any age and in every situation, but during pregnancy they bother us even more. In order to cope with any of these unpleasant phenomena, we’ve prepared the following article for you to be able to go through this period with less pain and physical problems.

Pregnant woman

1. Heartburn

Heartburn is a phenomenon caused by excess acidity in the stomach, and it certainly creates an unpleasant sensation. Heartburn usually occurs after eating fatty foods or drinking coffee and is expressed in a feeling of acid rising up the throat, and not only pregnant women suffer from it. Often people who don’t suffer from heartburn generally will experience it during pregnancy, because of the growing uterus that creates pressure on the digestive system. To avoid heartburn as much as possible, keep a diet that includes less fatty foods. You can click here to read more about heartburn and how to treat it.

2. Lower back pain

As a result of a growing belly, during the later stages of pregnancy pressure is created on the lower back. The results of this pressure are pain and sore muscles experienced by about two-thirds of pregnant women. To prevent the condition and treat the problem, take up some lower back stretches and exercises- such as those in this article.

Pregnant woman

3. Fatigue

Beyond the lack of sleep, fatigue can be caused by other reasons you actually have control over. For example, in many cases, pregnancy causes iron deficiency, which can be prevented by taking a mild iron supplement. Fatigue may also be a sign of water shortage in the body. In pregnancy, the body needs more water, therefore, there is a greater chance that the cause of fatigue is dehydration. In addition to taking iron and drinking enough water, try to eat foods that will keep you energized.

4. Forgetfulness and confusion

Many women claim to experience general memory problems and confusion during pregnancy; they might forget why they went into the store, where they put their wallet and even their phone number. While most of them deal with these situations with humor, this doesn’t mean that they must be accepted as an integral part of the pregnancy experience. A few things you can do to help you better remember things are: keep a notebook on you, give things a “home” that way you always know where to find them, and set alarms and notifications!

Pregnant woman

5. Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a common problem in pregnant women due to the great pressure exerted on the pelvic area and the hormonal changes that their bodies undergo. In order to prevent hemorrhoids, constipation and similar digestive difficulties refer to the explanation below, as well as strengthening the pelvic floor muscles by doing Kegels and improving blood flow.

6. Stuffy nose

A stuffy nose is usually caused by a cold, but sometimes it can be one of the side effects of pregnancy, usually from the second month. The reason for a stuffy nose is the hormonal changes the body undergoes, such as an increase in the level of estrogen. The situation can be improved with surprising ease with the two tips you’ll find in this video, which can also be used to treat a stuffy nose caused by a cold or allergies.

Pregnant woman

7. Leg cramps

Muscle cramps are usually a result of too much exertion, while during pregnancy it is caused by the heavy load being carried by your legs throughout the day. In order to prevent this phenomenon, one should try not to stand for a long time and exert less effort throughout the day. If you are still experiencing muscle cramps, you can find some benefit in the next article, which lists other ways you can prevent them.


8. Insomnia

Insomnia can occur, among other reasons, because of worries, excitement or physical problems related to sleep. During pregnancy, many physical and emotional changes occur, so it isn’t surprising that 8 out of 10 women experience insomnia and similar problems during pregnancy. Maybe it's a bit comforting to know you're not the only one, but it's not so nice to roll over in bed and know that tomorrow you have to start the day tired. You can click here to learn some tips to help you fall asleep the next time you can’t, and of course help yourself get as much sleep as possible before baby comes.

Pregnant woman

9. Constipation and bloating in the abdomen

One of the reasons for constipation during pregnancy is an increase in the level of the hormone progesterone, which relaxes many muscles throughout the body among them are those in the digestive system, meaning that food passes through the intestines more slowly. As a result of the hormone, there may also be a feeling of abdominal bloating and gas. 

10. Swelling of the legs

Edema causes the legs to swell and fill with fluid in a way that looks a bit odd. It appears many times in adults and can indicate a variety of health problems, but in the last trimester of pregnancy, edema in the legs is a normal and common phenomenon due to the burden of weight on the legs. It is best to treat the problem by massaging your legs and laying down with them raised. You can also try these 6 natural remedies for relieving swelling.  

In conclusion, the pregnancy period is not simple, but now that you read the article you have the tools to deal with any symptoms you may experience, and enjoy the exciting wait for your baby. Congratulations!

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