
The Health Benefits of Anise Seeds

Arak, Ouzo, Raki – these are 3 alcoholic beverages very common in our region, and some are willing to swear that drinking them is a recipe for a long life. Maybe it's just a belief, but on the other hand, there may be something to it, as the common denominator between the three is their basis in the anise plant, known by many for its amazing health benefits over many years. To help you get to know anise, its function, and its benefits, we present a brief explanation on how to consume it, as well as a list of the 10 standout advantages of this special plant.

Anise Flowers

How to Consume Anise 

Anise consumption for health purposes is not done by drinking alcoholic beverages containing it, but rather by using anise oil or extract, products sold in various health stores.  Alternatively, just take one tea spoon of anise seeds and put them in a cup of boiling water. Mix them well and let it rest for 15 minutes before drinking it as a tea. 

10 Health Benefits of Anise

1. Natural Pain Reliever for Severe Pain

Anise oil is rich in health-promoting properties and compounds that benefit our body, improving blood circulation and aiding in detoxification. Because of all these, anise oil can function as a natural and powerful pain reliever for severe pains, particularly those caused by conditions and joint inflammations like gout and rheumatism. Additionally, the antispasmodic properties of anise oil can also help in relieving muscle pain.

2. Helps Treat Sleep Disorders

When sipped after a hearty dinner or right before bed, tea enhanced with anise extract is a valuable solution for treating various sleep disorders. As anise has a calming effect that helps the body's nerves to relax quickly, consuming it in the evening will allow you to drift into sleep more easily. Note that when making anise tea, care should be taken not to boil the water excessively, as the anise extract tends to evaporate quickly, which may reduce its effectiveness. If you’re sensitive to the bitter taste of anise extract, you can add honey to the mixture during or after cooling.

Sleeping Woman

3. Helps Calm Body and Mind During Times of Stress and Outbursts of Anger

As mentioned, anise possesses properties that calm the body’s nerves, making it a natural remedy for dealing with stress and calming outbursts and fits of hysteria and anger that can happen to anyone. Consuming the seeds or extract of the plant has proven very effective in reducing stress and anger, hyperactive reactions, as well as spasms and seizures caused by them. This is because anise regulates blood circulation, stabilizes breathing, and helps calm various body systems. However, it's advisable to consult a medical expert before using the plant for these purposes.

4. Fights Bacteria and Fungi that Attack Our Body

Several studies have found that anise extract is very effective in preventing the development of various types of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. For example, Taiwanese researchers found that with just 4 antibacterial anise components, it’s possible to combat and treat more than 70 types of bacteria resistant to standard medications. The dramatic increase in the number of harmful bacterial types is considered a major challenge for the medical world, but anise might very well become one of the most effective tools in this battle in the future. In another study conducted in South Korea, researchers showed that anise oil and extract have strong antifungal abilities, particularly against the dangerous candida fungus.


5. Positive Effect on Skin Freshness and Hair Growth

Ethanol is one of the main components of anise, and the plant’s distinctive fragrance is derived from this substance. One of the benefits ethanol provides anise is the ability to positively impact skin health, keeping it smooth and shiny. Anise oil mixed with shea butter or any other health oil can work wonders on your skin, healing it quickly from conditions such as acne, blackheads, and more. Additionally, anise has been found to promote hair growth, repair damaged hair, and heal it. A deep massage of anise oil on the scalp helps stimulate new hair growth and quickly eliminates dandruff and even lice.

6. Contributes to Heart Health and Prevents Blood Clots

Anise oil has been proven to be important and effective in maintaining normal blood pressure levels and aiding heart health, as it reduces various bodily stresses and helps the heart function more efficiently. As anise detoxifies the body, it also enables proper blood flow, stimulates cardiac activity, and contributes to the proper functioning of this vital organ. In a study conducted in 2007 it was found that ethanol, a prominent and central component in anise, is particularly effective in preventing the development of life-threatening blood clots along the body’s arteries.

Two Hands Framing a Heart Shape

7. Improves Digestion

In ancient East Asian medicine, originating from China, as well as in the medicine of Native Americans, anise was used for years both as a mouth freshener and as an effective remedy for various digestive issues. These peoples identified many years ago the effective properties of anise in this area, allowing it and its derivatives to serve as a natural and useful treatment for people suffering from slow digestion, gas, abdominal cramps, constipation, diarrhea, and other bowel diseases. To use it most effectively for this purpose, add a few drops of anise oil into a glass of water and drink from the mixture after each large meal you eat.

8. Regulates Menstrual Cycle and Helps Milk Production

Anise has a positive effect on the production of the female hormone estrogen, making it especially beneficial for women’s health and the regularity of various processes, such as the menstrual cycle and milk production. In cases of delayed menstruation due to physical or mental reasons, it is recommended to drink anise tea, which can indeed regulate menstrual processes in the body and alleviate cramps and pain. Anise also contains substances that enhance the body’s milk production ability, making it recommended for moderate consumption for breastfeeding mothers.

Girl Lying in Fetal Position

9. Promotes Oral Health

One of the interesting benefits of anise seeds is that they help maintain the health of the oral cavity and gums. The antibacterial and antimicrobial properties of anise make it an especially effective mouth freshener and one of the ideal ingredients for various oral hygiene products, hence why anise is used in mouthwash products in different cultures. Additionally, using anise helps eliminate bad breath, as well as reduce various swellings in the mouth area.

10. Contains Essential Antioxidants

Antioxidants are substances found naturally in plants that protect body cells from damage due to exposure to environmental toxins and free radicals that accelerate aging processes and the development of life-threatening diseases. In a study published in 2007, scientists found that due to its antioxidant properties, anise reduced or completely prevented the formation of cancerous cells after exposure to a carcinogen. The scientists concluded that anise possesses properties that may greatly assist in the field of cancer treatment.

Image sources: JanineA1online2020

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