Sipping a glass of pickle juice will balance your stomach's pH levels, leading to a reduction of the effects of indigestion and heartburn. Some people claim that it is so effective that they stopped using antacids altogether!
2. It Can Cure an Upset Stomach
You can make an upset stomach a lot better by using the neutralizing power of pickle juice. It also works very well for morning sickness and stomach bugs too!
Scientists have proved that pickle juice is able to stop muscle cramps since they contain plenty of cramp-fighting chemicals, such as calcium chloride, magnesium, potassium, and sodium.
4. It Relieves Sunburn
If you've spent way too much time in direct sunlight, then blotting your burnt skin with some pickle juice. The vinegar it contains will reduce the chances of blisters forming while easing any pain.
A few swigs of pickle juice should be enough to ward off any cravings and cramps that are a part of PMS. You should start drinking pickle on the days leading up to and the first day of your cycle.
6. It Contains Powerful Antioxidants
Pickle juice is packed with potent antioxidants, such as vitamin C and vitamin E, which protect your body from free radicals while strengthening your immune system.
Since pickle juice contains both vinegar and salt, it is a highly effective remedy for a sore throat. You can either gargle with it or swallow it all.
8. It Aids Weight Loss
Pickle juice is low in calories and is also a metabolism-booster, which makes it the perfect drink for anyone who wants to lose a bit of weight.
If you want to scrub some char off your copper cookware, then simply reach for the pickle juice. You can use it to help with scrubbing or to soak the bottom of pans in.
10. It Kills Weeds
If you really must get rid of your pickle juice, then at least pour it over any weeds you have in your yard that you want to get rid of. The salt and vinegar that pickle juice contains are what make it so effective.