
Forget Apples! It's an Egg a Day That Keeps the Doc Away!

According to new research, it could actually be an egg a day that keeps the doctor away. A team of researchers from the UK and China, led by Professor Liming Li and Dr. Canqing Yu from the School of Public Health, Peking University Health Science Center, wanted to observe whether there was a link between eating eggs and developing cardiovascular disease.
Eggs Decrease Cardiovascular Disease

They used data from an ongoing study, which included more than half a million adults (aged 30-79) from 10 different locations in China. Around 416,000 participants who were free of prior health issues such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes were chosen. They were asked how often they eat eggs, then the researchers caught up with them 8.9 years later. Around 13% of the participants said that they have eggs every day, while 9% said that they never or rarely consumed eggs.

Once followed up, 83,977 had cardiovascular disease, 9,985 of whom had died, and there were 5,103 major coronary events such as stroke or heart attacks. The results showed that those who ate eggs daily had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

Just one egg per day was linked with a 26% lower risk of hemorrhagic stroke, a 28% lower risk of dying from a hemorrhagic stroke, and an 18% lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease. There was also a 12% reduced risk of ischemic heart disease for those who ate five eggs a week. 

Eggs Decrease Cardiovascular Disease

Eggs have a complicated relationship with the media. They’re a major source of dietary cholesterol, meaning they are often assumed to be bad for us. However, more recent research has found that they actually help raise your good cholesterol, which is an important component of all our cells and actually helps eliminate other harmful types of cholesterol from your bloodstream.

Eggs are full of proteins, vitamins, and bioactive components, such as phospholipids, which are found in all cell membranes. Furthermore, one egg contains 35% of your daily choline, which is a very important nutrient for cognitive function, and might even protect against Alzheimer’s disease.


Source: sciencealert
Images: depositphotos

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