
Discovery of New Blood Group Can Save Thousands of Lives

For decades, a medical mystery surrounding a rare blood antigen stumped researchers and left them without answers. Now, after 50 years of persistence and cutting-edge technology, scientists have cracked the code with the identification of a new blood group system, named MAL. This discovery not only offers insight into the elusive AnWj antigen but also opens doors for better care and treatment for individuals with rare blood types.

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The breakthrough was published in Blood, a peer-reviewed medical journal from the American Society of Hematology, and it marks a monumental achievement in the field of hematology.

How Was the New Blood Group Discovered?

blood group

The mystery first surfaced in 1972 when doctors encountered an unusual blood sample from a pregnant woman. Unlike all known blood types, her sample lacked a surface molecule, or antigen, that had been observed in everyone else. For five decades, this anomaly puzzled medical professionals and researchers alike. However, in collaboration with the University of Bristol, a research team from the UK’s NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) has finally solved the puzzle.

The researchers identified the previously mysterious AnWj antigen as part of the newly discovered MAL blood group system, making it the 47th known blood group system. The findings represent a major leap forward in understanding blood types and their variations.

Louise Tilley, a Senior Research Scientist at NHSBT, expressed her excitement over this achievement: "This represents a huge achievement and the culmination of a long team effort. We can now offer better care for rare, but important, patients."

Tilley worked on this project for nearly two decades, and she noted that the discovery would improve the identification and treatment of patients with rare blood types.

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How the AnWj Antigen Led to the MAL Blood Group

The AnWj antigen, first identified in 1972, baffled researchers for years. More than 99.9% of the population is AnWj-positive, meaning their blood carries this antigen. However, those who are AnWj-negative face serious risks if they receive AnWj-positive blood in transfusions.

Illnesses like cancer or specific blood disorders often cause the loss of this antigen. Still, the researchers discovered that a small percentage of people genetically lack the AnWj antigen altogether. This finding sparked further investigation, leading the team to unravel the genetic basis of the AnWj-negative condition.

Nicole Thornton, Head of the IBGRL Red Cell Reference at NHSBT, explained: “Resolving the genetic basis for AnWj has been one of our most challenging projects.” She added that proving a gene encodes a blood group antigen is a complex process, but the team’s dedication led to an important breakthrough.

They found that the AnWj antigen is carried on the Mal protein. Individuals with the AnWj antigen express the Mal protein on their red blood cells, while those with a genetic deletion of the MAL gene do not, making them AnWj-negative.

The Discovery Process

The research team employed cutting-edge technology, including whole exome sequencing, to unlock the secrets of the AnWj antigen. Whole exome sequencing involves analyzing the parts of the genome that code for proteins. In this case, the technology revealed that homozygous deletions in the MAL gene cause the rare AnWj-negative condition.

Additionally, the research confirmed that the Mal protein plays a key role in maintaining cell membrane stability and facilitating cell transport. Interestingly, AnWj antigens do not appear in newborns but develop soon after birth.

What This Discovery Means for Patients and Medical Care


The discovery of the MAL blood group system not only solves a decades-long mystery but also has important implications for patient care. With this new knowledge, researchers can now develop genotyping tests to detect AnWj-negative individuals. These tests will be crucial in preventing life-threatening transfusion reactions for those lacking the AnWj antigen.

Now, genotyping tests can be designed to identify genetically AnWj-negative patients and donors, said Nicole Thornton. She added that these tests could be incorporated into existing genotyping platforms, which would be a major advancement for medical care.

Approximately 400 patients worldwide each year rely on precise blood matching to ensure their survival. With the discovery of the MAL blood group system, patients with rare blood types will now have access to safer and more effective transfusions. Rare blood types like AnWj-negative, which were once difficult to detect, can now be identified through advanced genetic testing.

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A Milestone for Medical Research

blood test

The discovery of the MAL blood group represents an important advance in medical research, with the potential to save thousands of lives around the globe. For Louise Tilley, who worked tirelessly on this project for almost 20 years, it is a career-defining accomplishment. 

Besides enhancing our understanding of blood types, this discovery also has the potential to save lives at the global level. The ability to genotype for the AnWj antigen will transform how rare blood types are treated, allowing doctors to provide life-saving transfusions without the risk of severe reactions.

With advancements in genotyping and the identification of rare blood groups, the future of medical care looks brighter than ever. Scientists and medical professionals can now confidently treat patients with rare blood types, offering them a higher chance of survival and a better quality of life.

In the years to come, this groundbreaking discovery can pave the way for further innovations in blood transfusions and ensure that even the rarest blood types receive the care and attention they deserve.

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