1. Love is a natural pain reliever
A warm embrace feels good and comforting. Yet, studies have shown that oxytocin (a chemical in the brain which creates a feeling of calm and closeness) released during a 10 to 20 second hug can fight pain, especially headaches.
There are instances where all it takes is looking at a photograph of your loved one. Doing so increases your endurance threshold and reduces pain (up to 40% in moderate cases, and 15% in severe). Our brain associates the image of our partner to a pleasant distraction, making any kind of pain more bearable, thus acting as an analgesic.
Scientists have also discovered, and proven, that sexual stimulation, especially orgasms, also do a great job at blocking pain. It is especially effective for chronic back pain, arthritis symptoms, and cramps.
2. Love takes care of your heart
Expressions of love also have the ability to cut your heart rate in half. It is most effective in stressful situations, reducing the risk of heart conditions in the long run. Aside from releasing oxytocin, love has also been shown to diminish stress, lower blood pressure and reduce regular and social anxiety, as well as boost self-esteem and help avoid and fight depression.
3. Love helps your body fight illness
From holding hands to sexual activity, love related gestures increase the production of endorphins which in turn, enhances our immune system. Similarly, people with physical conditions who feel loved have a much better response to treatment and feel more motivated to fight illness.
4. Love treats insomnia
The love hormones oxytocin and endorphins, inhibit the release of cortisol, a hormone responsible for stress, which in turn, naturally promotes better rest. Sexual intercourse has also been the most effective treatment for a good night's sleep.
5. Love diminishes addiction probability and reduces withdrawal symptoms
Drugs like opiates, cocaine as well as nicotine and alcohol are so addictive because they affect the dopamine levels in our bodies. The hormone, dopamine, is responsible for a sudden rush of pleasure and euphoric effects. Infatuation works in the same way.
But aside from releasing dopamine, it also enhances the release of testosterone and oxytocin, which makes up the best combination for avoiding and fighting addiction. Therefore, being in love has the ability to fill your life with all the pleasure and ecstasy you need. But at the same time, when fighting an addiction, feeling loved literally helps you cope with the withdrawal symptoms and reduces your cravings.
6. Love promotes longevity
According to surveys, people in meaningful relationships, particularly those in a marriage, feel healthier and benefit from a sound lifestyle (including food choices, regular meals, better rest and less stress). Being romantically involved with someone also makes people address physical conditions faster, proving that people in love and in a committed relationship tend to live longer.
7. Love is therapy
People resort to therapy for many reasons. More often than not, it's because they want to be listened to and understood. Yet, no matter how many specialists you go to, the person most able and available to offer you an efficient ear to listen to is the partner you cherish. Your partner's support and affection are both mentally and physiologically the main medicine you need to deal with in relation to your phobias, depression, social anxieties and your physical condition.