An anti-cellulite massage is always a good thing to know how to perform, and this is because it can keep your body looking as good as can be. Here’s how to perform a simply 30-minute anti-cellulite massage to remain cellulite free and have a fit body:
What you’ll need
• A brush with natural bristles
• A body scrub with big granules
• Body oil
• A silicone cup
This massage should not leave you with any bruises to speak of. Areas such as the back of your knees and inner surface of your thigh should be avoided to avert injury.
First Variant
1. Starting from your feet and working upward, apply the body scrub to your dry skin.
4. Repeat the second step after massaging with the cup.
This exercise should be repeated three times per week, with 10 minutes spent on each area of the leg.
Second Variant – “Express Massage”
1. Massage your skin with a dry brush before taking a shower. The motion you use should be quite intense. Make sure you brush your skin in a clockwise motion, starting from your feet upward.