Happy Valentine's day.
Such a Lovely day.
I love you meow and forever.
You're the ruler of my heart.
For Valentines Day, I decided to get my wife some beads for an abacus.
It’s the little things that count.
We have a great connection since you’re wifi-material.
Are you an alien? Because I believe you’ve abducted my heart.
You're acute Valentine.
I fence-y you.
You have a pizza my heart.
I think I found my perfect match
I think you’re dandelion.
Yoda one for me!
When I tell you how much I love you, I'm not overreacting.
You must be a geologist because you rock my world.
Are you a keyboard? Because you are just my type.
Thank you for making our relationship sweet rather than a rocky road.
I dig you a hole lot.
You’re a cutie 3.14159265359
I’m not lion when I say you’re my mane.
You don’t need to pay rent to live inside my heart.
Your name must be Autumn because I am falling for you.
What did the mountain say to the hill on Valentine's day?
You make my heart gush, I lava you.
I got a valentine from a pickle today...
It meant a great dill to me.
This may be corny, but you are a-maize-ing.
Not to brag, but I already have a date for Valentines Day.
February 14th.
Was a bit lonely by myself at home last night on Valentine's Day so I decided to make my own bread.
I was feeling quite kneady
Our love started with a Hershey’s Kiss.
Every piece of you is sweet.
I sulfur when you argon.
Your shirt must be made out of husband material.
I am fawn’d of you my deer.
We make a great pear
Are you a needle? Because you are sew special to me.
I love you dairy much.
Are you a thief? Because you stole my heart.
You must be a bowling ball since you’re right up my alley.
You’re the queen of my heart.
I wood never leaf you.
My wife says she wants to order a glass of wine during our Valentine’s Day dinner.
She says she loves being carded.
You’re as sweet as Pi.
I aorta tell you how much I love you.
Happy Valentine's Day!
I hope your day starts off with a bang!
If you were words on a page, you'd be what they call the FINE print!
I ordered the wrong kind of flowers online for Valentines Day.
Oops e-daisies.
Don’t go bacon my heart.
My love for you is like no otter.
I am cocoa-nuts about you.
I whale always love you.
I won’t let you slip through my Butter Fingers.
No-bunny is as hare-larious as you.