What do get if you cross a duck and Santa? A Christmas Quacker.
“Remember not to leave a fire burning in your fireplace this Christmas Eve, or else you might wake up to a Crisp Kringle.”
I’ll be there in a pinch.
“Christmas has me feeling extra Santa-mental.”
“Did you know that the Christmas tree trend started because people thought it would spruce things up a
This Valentine's day, I decided to pay extra and buy flowers that look after themselves.
They are Self Raising.
Are you a keyboard? Because you are just my type.
“Remember: don’t eat the yellow snow.”
Your sweater must be made out of wife material.
What kind of dance do single people do on Valentine's Day?
The Independance!
Today I be-leaf in leprechauns
"Happy Easter to all my peeps."
I'm the life of the paddy.
Getting lucked up on St. Patrick’s Day.
What do you call a kid who doesn't believe in Santa? A rebel without a Claus.
There’s so mushroom in my heart for you.
The best years of my life were spent in the arms of another man’s wife
Happy Mother’s Day!
How rude-olf of you.
"No eggs-cuses."
Is this a science class? Because we have great chemistry.
I aorta tell you how much I love you.
Son: does Easter Bunny set out 12 eggs in the field to search for?
Dad: no he dozen’t.
What do you call it when leprechauns get together after being apart?
A wee-union!
Snow thank you.
You’re my pot of gold.
It’s snow joke.
Beer-lieve it or not!
Happy Valentine's day.
Such a Lovely day.
Distill my beating heart.
"Eggs love you."
Irish puns are the most O'ffensive.
"I would hop to the end of the world for you."
If it ain’t brogue, don’t fix it.
Wear green, or leaf.
What do you call a kid who doesn’t believe in Santa?
A rebel without a Claus!
We are looking pitcher-perfect.
Believe in your elf.
Sips getting real.
You’re as sweet as Pi.
Easter and April Fools fall on the same day this year...
You could say it only happens once in a blue moon.
They told me I was too old to hunt for Easter eggs, but the jokes on them!
I prefer mine poached.
I’m elf-taught.
Happy St. Cat-rick’s day!
You’re sleigh-in’ it.
Snow on and snow forth.
You must be a geologist because you rock my world.
He’s an elf-made man.
"That's all, yolks."
You can donate blood to me anytime since you’re just my type.
Why did the Easter Bunny have to leave school?
He was eggspelled.