Patients Jokes

A Less-Than-Perfect Plan A doctor at an insane asylum decided to take his patients to a baseball game. For weeks in advance, he coached his patients to respond to his commands. When the day of the game arrived, everything went quite well. As the national anthem started, the doctor yelled, "Up Nuts", and the patients complied by standing up. After the anthem, he yelled, "Down Nuts", and they all sat back down in their seats. After a home run was hit, the doctor yelled, "Cheer Nuts" They all broke out into applause and cheered. When the umpire made a particularly bad call against the star of the home team, the Doctor yelled, "Booooo Nuts" and they all started booing and cat calling. Comfortable with their response, the doctor decided to go get a beer and a hot dog, leaving his assistant in charge. When he returned, there was a riot in progress. Finding his missing assistant, the doctor asked: "What in the world happened?" The assistant replied: "Well everything was going just fine until this guy walked by and yelled, "PEANUTS!"
My doctor told me that his job is easy because he can heal all of his patients with trigonometry.
He has a sinecure.
The Surgeon Lecturer One day when I was a junior medical student, a very important Boston surgeon visited the school and delivered a great treatise on a large number of patients who had undergone successful operations for vascular reconstruction. At the end of the lecture, a young student at the back of the room timidly asked, "Do you have any control subjects?" The surgeon drew himself up to his full height, slammed the desk with his fist, and said, "Do you mean did I NOT operate on half the patients?!" The hall grew very quiet then. The voice at the back of the room hesitantly replied, "Yes, that's what I had in mind." Then the surgeon's fist really came crashing down as he thundered, "Of course not!! That would have doomed half of them to their death!!" God it was quiet then.... And one could scarcely hear the small voice ask: "Which half?"
What did the Medieval Gynecologist say to his patients?
At your cervix, m'lady
The Mental Patient's Answer A man starts his new job as the administrator of an insane asylum. While he is given his orientation, he was asked if he had any questions. “Yes, how do we know if a patient is ready to leave the asylum?” He asks. “Well,” the director says. “We just ask them a simple question and based on their response determine if they need to stay longer.” The director then calls up three patients for a demonstration. He asks the first one, “What is 6 times 6?” The patient is shaking and nervously says “1000?” The director shakes his head “no, give this one six more months,” He then turns to the next patient. This one jumps up and down and screams “February!” “Oh god no!” Says the director. “Another year for this one!” Finally, he turns to the third patient who looks at him calmly and says, “Well, the answer is obviously 36.” “Yes!” Exclaims the director. “How did you know that?!” “Easy, I just divided 1000 by February.”
Nurse: You can come by at 6 today. Very little patients today.

Man: What happened to the normal sized patients?
Q: When does a doctor get mad?
A: When he runs out of patients!
What does a flower therapist ask her patients?
Are you feeling bouquet?
How do you cheer up the patients at the vegetable hospital?
Bring a sick beet.
Why are flamingos such good patients?
They’re used to wading.
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