Dracula Jokes

I started a job making plastic Dracula figurines but thereโ€™s only two of us in the production line.
I have to make every second Count.
What type of dog does Dracula have?
A bloodhound.
Which position does the son of Dracula play on the baseball team?
Bat boy.
What did they call Dracula after his team won the big game?
The Champire.
What did Dracula say when he saw a giraffe for the first time?
Iโ€™d like to get to gnaw you.
Are monsters good at math?
Not unless you Count Dracula.
Did you know vampires arenโ€™t real?
Unless you Count Dracula.
What dog does Dracula own?
A blood-hound.
What does Dracula call Thanksgiving? Fangs-giving.
What kind of ice cream does Dracula eat?
Dracula decided it was time to give his son "the talk"

Dracula: "You see, when two monsters love each other very much, they-"

Son: "They do the mash."

Dracula: *nodding* "They do the monster mash."
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