Adult Jokes

The Art of Lying Telling a Lie is a sin for a child, fault for an adult, an art for a lover, a profession for a lawyer, a requirement for a politician, a management tool for a boss, an accomplishment for a bachelor, an excuse for a subordinate, BUT A matter of survival for a Married Spouse!
“You spend 90 percent of your adult life hoping for a long rest and the last 10 percent trying to convince the Lord that you’re actually not that tired.” – Robert Brault
My dad didn’t love me as a child, but I don’t really blame him.
I wasn’t born until he was an adult.
Just found out they make adult race car beds so I bought one.
That way I can be fast asleep.
When a young adult goes to take a leak, does that mean they're a peenager?
It wasn't til I studied Spanish as an adult that learned Spain discovered Canada.
As our teacher explained it, the first maps said "Acá, nada."
Let’s kick off shall we? I just hope that my unicorn puns won’t be too corny for you.
If an adult is called a unicorn, are its young one’s called puny-corns?
“Who knew that the hardest part of being an adult is figuring out what to cook for dinner every single night for the rest of your life.”
― Unknown
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