Removed Jokes

What did the student say when the witch doctor removed his curse?
I always wanted to keep my wisdom teeth but I just went to the dentist and it looks like they're gonna have to be removed...
To be honest this is pretty de-molar-izing.
My father was born as a conjoined twin, but the doctors managed to separate them at birth.
So I have an uncle, once removed.
“Diet day #1: All the unhealthy food has been removed from the house. It was delicious.”
― Unknown
Why did the skeleton go to the hospital?
To have his ghoul bladder removed.
I like to reminisce about the surgeon who removed my spine.
Really takes me back.
There was a young lady named Rose,
Who had a large wart on her nose.
When she had it removed,
Her appearance improved,
But her glasses slipped down to her toes.
She followed her nose,
One day, I suppose,
And no one knows which way she went.
I've removed all the black keys from my piano
Hopefully I'll C Major improvement!
My dad was born as a conjoined twin, but the doctors managed to separate them at birth.
I have an uncle, once removed.
“I have removed all the bad food from my house, it was delicious.”