Baking Jokes

What do vampires use when baking cakes?
Baking on Easter Sunday
Crust is risen! Hallelujah!
What ingredient is essential when baking a Star Wars cake?
Bicarbonate of Yoda
What did the lemon juice say to the baking soda?
Ya basic!
What do you get when you put Cola in an oven?
Baking soda.
When the little boy was baking a cake why did it run away? Because it said crack 2 eggs then beat it!
How can you tell that a blondes been baking chocolate chip cookies? Theres M&M shells all over the floor.
When the little boy was baking a cake why did it run away? Because it said crack 2 eggs then beat it!
Why is cherry pie so legendary? Because it is history in the baking.
Why did the cherry blossom tree seem scared when it was trying to make a cherry pie? Because it was baking like a leaf.
I heard there are some fires near Greece
We’re gonna need a lot of baking soda.
Baking and Fire Safety can go hand-in-hand.
Stop, drop and roll
I bought this strange novelty baking pan shaped like Camelot.
I think I'll break it in by making a castlerole.