Seasons Puns

These seasonal puns will blow your socks off!

Seasons Puns

Make your own decisions this summer, don’t give in to pier pressure.
What do you call a snowman party?
A snowball.
What did the snowplow guy say when his equipment broke down?
Take this job and shovel it!
How do you tell someone winter is over?
You spring it on them!
What’s the biggest danger of building a snow dog?
I snuggle to get through these winter days.
I was at an office conference this past autumn. I made a new friend and when I asked for his contact details, he said, "Here is my November!"
My Gourd, Autumn is so fall of herself!
When one tree asked another how it was doing in November, it replied, "I am pine!"
I hope you have an absolutely fin-tastic day!
As autumn came, the leaves started greeting each other by saying, "Hay there!"
Fall makes me g-leaf-full!
Don’t be hay-tin on autumn!
What did the man say after spending hours skiing?
"I'm starving, can I avalanche?"
Why are wintertime fortune tellers so reliable?
They can see what is mitten in the stars.
What do you call a dog on the beach in the summer? A hot dog!
I hate spring cleaning.
Darn things bounce all over the place.
What’s the best time of year to break out the trampoline?
What do you call ten arctic hares hopping backward through the snow?
A receding hare line.
What do you call a slow skier?
A slopepoke!
Summer's over; it's time to chill.
I like you a latte.
For his birthday, the snowman wants a cake with lots of icing on it.
My wife came home with a bunch of spring flowers and asked where I'd like her to put them.
I said, " I'll tell you where you can plant your tulips."
I feel pretty shore this is going to be the best summer yet.
The cold weather always comes towards the end of the year weather you like it or not.
I’m stuck on you like igloo.
What is a frog’s favorite drink on a hot summer day?
Winter is here, weather you like it or not.
What do you call an Eskimo cow?
An Eskimoo!
What did summer say to spring?
Help – I’m about to fall!
If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?
See snow evil, hear snow evil.
Hey summer, long time no sea!
It was mitten in the stars.
Anything is popsicle during summer!
What does a bee do when it is extremely hot?
It takes off its yellow jacket!
What is red, white, and blue over winter break?
A sad candy cane.
What is the perfect day to go to the beach?
What’s the preacher’s favorite fall song? A-maize-ing Grace.
Have you ever wondered why gulls are known as seagulls? It is because they are by the sea. Had they been by the bay, they would have been called bagels.
I stayed up all night to see where the sun went, and then it dawned on me.
What does the sun drink out of?
All you need is a little vitamin sea.
The best way to get back at someone is to push them in the snow; after all, revenge is a dish best served cold.
The baker taught his apprentice that to make a good pie one needs to bake it to pie-fection!
I beacha miss summer already!
What does Frosty the Snowman do to combat his worries about melting?
Take a chill pill!
Why is spring a great time to start a gardening business?
Because it’s the season when you can really rake in the cash.
What did the florist say when it was springtime?
Business is blooming!