You’re my #1 pick.
You must be copper and terillium because you are Cu-Te
What did the fruit lover say after he met a girl?
I’ve got a date
Why should you never break up with a goalie?
Because he is a keeper!
What shape is a kiss?
There were two antennas who met on a roof and they fell in love and decided to get married. The ceremony was nothing fancy, but you could tell that they had a very strong connection.
I used to love puns about throwing things, but now I don’t.
It was just a fling.
We are mint to be.
How did the telephone propose to his girl?
Duh, ain’t it obvious? He gave her a ring!
Why shouldn't you kiss anyone on January 1st?
Because it's only the first date
What do German meat lovers breathe?
If you were a triangle, you’d be acute one.
What did one leaf say to the other leaf?
I’ve fallen for you.
You are the coffee to my espresso and I love you a latte.
I get a real kick out of you.
My son fell asleep last night with the TV clicker in his hand.
He’s really embraced remote learning.
I scored when I met you.
What do you get when you kiss a diseased bird?
Cherpies, but don't worry.
It's tweetable.
Why did Larry the lizard leave his lover longing?
he had ... a reptile dysfunction
How do flowers kiss?
With their tulips
What did the lighter color shade tell to its dark lover?
I want hue
I love you and I ain’t lion.
The cat’s out of the bag – I love you purry much.
Being in love is a lot like central heating in your home.
You turn it on just before your guests come over and pretend that your house is always like this.
Being uncomfortable with any physical contact, I decided to rent the book “How to Hug” from the library.
Turns out it was Volume 6 of an old encyclopedia.
"You bake me crazy."
While cuddling my girlfriend, I whispered "Honey, this isn't working out for me."
Then I rolled off the bed and started doing push-ups. "This is working out for me!"
You met all of my koala-fications
You make miso happy.
Do you ever wake up, kiss the person beside you and feel glad you are alive?
I just did and apparently I will not be allowed on this airline again!
One thing you never want to do is divorce a butcher.
That would be a huge missed steak.
Your love will always be up to par.
You are like my asthma.
You just take my breath away.
Which sea creature gives the best hugs?
A cuttlefish
Let’s commit the perfect crime together.
I’ll steal your heart and you can steal mine.
Are you a beaver? ‘Cause dam.
I whale-y like you.
I’ll always be running-back to you.
I always find artists romantic because when they love you, they do it with all their art.
A toast to you:
You always know how to make everything butter.
My wife and were on the sofa and I lean in for a cuddle.
She says: "careful I'm holding a tea!"
And I say: "and I'm holding you, so I guess we're both holding letters of the alphabet"
"Yoda one for me."
Its ok to kiss a nun....
But don't get into the habit.
What is it called when two spies hug?
A bond-ing moment.
There might be other fish in the sea, but you’re my sole mate
From one vegan to another – I think you’re fern-tastic, and I’ll never leaf you baby.
We make a great pear
Whenever two vegetarians fall in love, you know that’s going to be a great pear. Now lettuce celebrate, because we all love vegetables.
What do you call a person who illegally delivers hugs from country to country?
An international snuggler
How do you kiss someone at the end of the world?
On the apoca-lips.